Adultery Slave to My Indian Maid by spankedboy
Rubina stood outside. Her eyes grew wide as she took in my nakedness, and gave a slow whistle as her eyes fell on my semi erect dick.

"Baba, step away from the door and let her in." Rashida called out.

"Yes, bua." I stepped back from the door as Rubina entered.

"Rubina, come here and sit with me on my bed."

Rubina walked over to the bed to join Rashida, all the time staring at me. She had a slight smile on her lips as she sat down.

"Baba, leave the door open and walk back to your position." Rashida instructed me. "This time, however, turn and face us so Rubina can see you."

"Yes, bua."

Demurely, I walked back to my position, turned to face the two ladies, and stood.

"Put your hands behind your head on the back of your neck, baba."

I did as Rashida ordered, raising my hands and placing them on the back of my neck, behind my head, in the traditional "punishment" position. I felt really embarrassed, standing like that, naked, completely exposed, in front of my maid servants.

"Why is he standing like that undressed, apa?" Rubina asked. "Are you punishing him?"

"Yes, Rubina. I have been punishing baba for a while now. He comes here every Monday and Thursday night for his punishments."

"Wow! What do you punish him for, apa?"

"For many things – you see, Rubina, I am in charge of his discipline. I set some rules for baba around the house, and if he breaks them, he is punished."

"Why, apa?"

"Tarek was growing up to be one of those young men without direction. He needed a strong woman to take him by the ear and keep him in line."

"Amazing!" Rubina whistled. "And apa, he just lets you punish him?"

"Of course!" Rashida chuckled, "Twice a week he is to report to me at night and I decide how to punish him. He is a wimpy little boy who craves to submit to a dominant woman like me."

"He seemed such a respectable young man," Rubina commented, "but I always knew baba to be a bit of sissy little boy. You are right, apa, he needs strong discipline from a strong woman. How do you punish him, apa?"

The two women were talking about me as if I wasn't even there! They were completely ignoring me, just like a slave is meant to be ignored when two mistresses are talking.

Rashida laughed. "Oh, his punishments vary! Baba is a good little bitch, and I try all sorts of punishments on him, depending on his actions."

"Oh, tell me, tell me apa! This is all so exciting."

"Well, for starters," Rashida told her, "I slap him. Have you seen his cheeks? Very slappable! Nothing tells a man his worth and place when compared to a powerful woman like a slap on his face. Today he was late in reporting to me by six minutes, so I gave him twelve slaps as a punishment. If you take a look at his cheeks, you will see they are bright red. It's not just from his humiliation and embarrassment of standing there naked in front of his female maid servants, but also from my slaps.""

"Absolutely," Rubina agreed. "And you are right, he does have a very slappable face. I would love to give him some slaps myself."

"And you will." Rashida generously informed her.

A couple of days ago, I thought miserably, I was trying to impress Rubina and flirt with her. And now, I was standing naked in front of her, while she was laughing scornfully at my predicament. By the end of the night, I was sure I would have my face slapped and my butt spanked by her as well.

"And," Rashida continued, "You can spank him too."

"Spanking?" Rubina seemed shocked. "You spank him too?"

"Of course!" Rashida snapped her fingers. "Baba, come here!"

Obediently I walked over to where Rashida was seated.

"Turn around baba, and bend over." Rashida directed.

"Yes, bua." I turned around, and bent over so that my butt was now ready for their examination.

"I just spanked him with this hairbrush," Rashida was saying, "And look at these large bright marks. His ass turns a nice crimson shade of red when spanked. That's what makes spanking baba such a pleasure."

I could feel a pair of hands caressing my butt, and going over when Rashida had spanked me. They went all over my bum, before descending and gently moving over my balls and dick.
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RE: Slave to My Indian Maid by spankedboy - by Ramesh_Rocky - 15-03-2019, 02:31 PM

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