Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest by Indiansubmale - a tribute


Prem was standing in front.

“Oh! You bastard! What are you doing here?” My disappointment was clear.

Hearing sound of closing door, I looked back. Manu had closed his bedroom door.

Seeing opportunity, Prem entered the house.  I slapped him across his face and spat. “You are a shameless silly creature Prem! Any person with minimum self-respect would have never come back? Why are you still here?”I lost my temper in my exasperation.

Prem became red faced instantaneously. He was on his knees. “Sorry to upset you. I could not recall your phone no. Otherwise I would have contacted you before coming. It appears; today is not auspicious day for occupying any house. Landlord was very kind to keep my luggage. He did not inform me in the morning. He did not allow me to enter the house when I was back after office and asked to come tomorrow morning. I did not know what to do. I will leave early morning. Just tolerate me for a night. You will not get any chance to complain in future.” He was pleading.

There was no question of relenting. I was fuming in rage. In stern voice I ordered, “First get out of my house. Go to hell or sleep on the road. I don’t bother. Just get out, you bastard!”

Prem fallen on my feet. He was pleading for forgiveness repeatedly.

I growled at him in extreme anger, “Are you going out or want me call security?”

Prem got up slowly and started retreading towards main door. He continued his begging non-stop. The moment he was out, I spat again and closed the door on his face. The damage was already done. Manu’s bedroom was locked from inside. A faint light was visible below the door. Panicked, I put my ear on the door. I could sense some movement. I was relieved.  I knocked the door once, “Manu, please open the door. He has gone. Please Manu.”

Immediately the light was gone and the movement also stopped. I waited for few minutes before knocking the door again for few times. There was no response.  I repeated my activities a few more times. No response again.   I continued knocking the door persistently. I continued calling him and seeking forgiveness without any response from inside. I retired with broken heart. He must be very disturbed not wanting to face me now. He found me falsifying. Circumstances had proved me a liar. I kneeled on the floor crestfallen sobbing silently.

Sound of my phone took my attention. I receive a call from Gowri. She was not getting transport. I informed her about Manu’s return. She was happy and informed that morning definitely she would join me.

I have to wait patiently for him opening the door. I had just lost a great chance to win him back. He did not believe Prem had left. My destiny played mayhem on my efforts to win him back. Dejected over unwanted events I returned to sofa.

My tears were flowing silently. My tears!

My memory returned to the day Manu had removed his cast. I was sleeping with Prem while Manu was waiting outside. He had stopped all communications with me since he was bullied by Prem aftermath of his removal of tattoo from my body. He suspected my hand in his torture. I could not clarify my position. He did not inform me about the date and time of his appointment. I confirmed it from hospital. He ignored my phone calls when I reached to his office to take him to hospital. I was in tears in his rejection. I was genuinely feeling remorse on his rejection. Eventually, I could locate him and taken him to hospital. That day he melted in my tears. Within very short time he had forgiven my wrongdoings. After a gap of a month since arrival of Prem, I had some good time with my husband!

It short lived. I had knowledge of the bigger storm waiting to blow us apart. The decision of my shifting to Prem was already finalised. The decision of my disrobing was hanging on Manu’s dress code. I had to disrespect the value of my tears. Back home on that day, I had to manipulate Manu in sissy dressing against his will.

Next day, my tears were back in his eyes. He was in tears discovering my fornication with Prem. He was in tears finding me shifting to Prem’s room. I was helpless to respect his tears on that day. I did not wipe off his tears. I could not. I was a coward. I was selfish for my pride & honour. I inflicted more pain to his wounded mind. What I wanted him to do that day?

I looked back to my past. How Prem was introduced in my life. A storm of few months put my life in turmoil.  Then it stopped. I could put right break in time avoiding a crushing destruction. My life progressed to job and then marriage in relatively quick progression. He was nowhere in my life, not even in my memory also. Then again he appeared. He re-appeared to test my vulnerability. I failed to reassess my weakness. Waves of jolt took my life out of gear partly due to my own apprehension. I lost control only to regain it at later stage. When I was certain, things were under my control, again it was slipping out of my hand. There was no reason for Prem to return back. But I had faulted. I was so sure of Gowri, I did not bother to check. It was my bad luck that Prem had to return at that moment, when Manu was happy at the knowledge of his vacation. He just started believing me when I lost it again! I was duped. I was defeated to my fate. My fate!

I initiated my brain storming process again. What could be the real reasons for his resignation? Definitely he had lost all hope on my return. It was evident from his decoration of the bedroom. But what was the real reason for his mental debacle? I talked about my concern with Prem two weeks back aftermath of Gowri’s departure after her second visit. I had humiliated Manu on that weekend. The worst was forcing him to serve coffee in bedroom, I with Prem and Gowri in same bed. He was forced to drink coffee standing right beside me. I did observe pain in his eyes. Still, he did not lose hope. He was hopeful on my announcement of returning by two-week time frame.

Next day Prem bullied him declaring his intentions of breeding me with his child. Gowri told me that. I did not observe any abrupt change in his behavioural pattern for next two-week period. He was normal during breakfast and dinner. Obviously, he was not speaking much unless very urgent or essentials. But again, that was routine since my shifting to Prem’s room one and half months back. Even on last Friday morning, when he called me, he was not that upset. Though I was upset on Gowri’s call, I did mention of Prem’s intended vacation on Sunday. I was so upset in the evening; I did not notice him properly. I did fail to recognize his apprehensions.

Then I made two blunders within a span of few hours. First, I made a shameful display of my belly ring pendant knowing his concerns very well. I had completely forgotten about it since Gowri’s call.  Second, I shifted my pills. I had information on his inspection of my pills on regular basis. He must have concluded of my willingness to get pregnant by Prem. Definitely, he can’t be blamed. Dr. Preethi also voiced the same. She can’t be wrong. She was a professional. Apprehensions of my pregnancy could be the trigger point. “Oh! My God!  What if I really get pregnant?”  Never in my life, had I got so much frightened for my period to report on date. I had to wait till the weekend comes.


Was it night or early dawn? I had no idea. I was drowsing sitting on sofa when a light sound of opening door waked me up. Manu was on the door. I rubbed my eyes to come out of my slumber. Manu was just out of our apartment. He was leaving.

Fanatically, I ran behind him to hold his hand, “Manu, please don’t go. Everything will be all right.”

Momentarily, he stopped to face me. Very gently, he tried to release his hands. I looked at his quivering lips. His murmur did not reach my ears. I clogged to his hands more forcibly. In teary trembling voice I made my fervent request, “Manu, please listen. Don’t go. What you are thinking are baseless. Please come back. I love you. Please don’t leave me alone.”

I had no idea when Prem reached just behind me.

Before I could persuade Manu further, Prem forced my hand to let go off Manu, his other hand clasped my mouth completely. He hissed in my ear, “Leave him Kavi.  He is a silly bitch to be treated accordingly. I assure you; he will be back in the evening to lick our shoes.”

He pulled me in and closed the main door behind.

I slapped him again and again, “You are not even minimum cultured.  You bastard, swine, get out of my house immediately or I will call security” I retorted while picking mobile.

Prem overpowered me and forced the mobile from my hand to throw towards kitchen. He slapped me repeatedly till I fell on the ground. I heard his raucous voice, “What’s the hurry Kavi. I will leave. Before that I will demonstrate you the culture of an alpha man. I will fuck you out of your brain.  You will not get any chance of raising your voice again.”

Painstakingly I lifted myself to my knees. “I beg you Prem. Leave me. Let me stop Manu. He is leaving.” I begged closing my hands.

Prem spat on me and lifted me to my feet by pulling my hairs. I begged again, “Prem please, leave me. I have to ..............” In a swift movement, he turned me around and closed my mouth with his left hand. His right hand shifted on my left breast. After mauling roughly for few seconds he shifted to the other one. I vainly attempted to release my mouth with my both hands only to increase his grip. His right hand onslaught continued alternatively. Mauling breasts could be so painful was beyond my imagination. He was the first man to cherish on them. On regular basis he appreciated their beauties for last two and half months. The same man had fondled them roughly on earlier occasions also. But it was different presently. He was molesting to crush them, pull them out. My painful screams locked in my mouth. I felt the poking of his rigid dick in my ass crack.  He was not happy with the barrier of clothes. He peeled off my sari to throw it on the floor. He was laughing in madness. In another pull my blouse was gone. His hand slid through my petticoat in between my legs to find my slit. After some quick squishing of my mound, I was turned again.  My mouth was closed by his while his right hand were busy exploring round flesh of my back and hardened pole quivering in between my legs.  Only for a minute or so..... next moment I found myself gasping on the floor. On a harsh slap on my chick, I trembled on the floor.

He dragged me pulling my hair. I was overpowered. Frightfully terrified, I clogged his hand. He pulled me to our bedroom and tossed me on the bed. Soon I was fully naked. He forcibly parted my legs. Next moment he was inside. A loud pain puffed out of mouth, “Ah! Ahaaaaaaaaaaa..... Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... .Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.”

“Sheet! You are dry!”

He pulled out. He went down and spat.

“Ah! Ahaaaaaaaaaaa.....Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... .Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.” Again he was inside.

He was ploughing mercilessly. He loosely stuffed my mouth with his palm. I continued yelping in piercing pain. The more I screamed, the more he was jubilant. I was being raaped in my house, in my bed. Predator was not unknown. I have only created him.  He was humping mercilessly mauling my breasts with other hand. I must be bleeding. I had no power of resistance. I felt very weak, I was dying. I remembered; I did not have any food since breakfast yesterday. Soon I lost consciousness.

How long the ordeal continued I did not know.

I regained my sense. Faintly I remembered, I was being sexually violated by Prem. Somebody was sprinkling cold water on my face. I sensed unbearable pain between my legs. Slowly I opened my eyes. Prem was looking at my face. Seeing me opening eyes, he laughed like hyena.

“How are you my dear bitch?” He was sarcastic and jovial.

He pinched and twisted my both nipples. I grumbled in pain, “Kill me Prem, don’t torture me.  I deserve punishment for believing you. Just kill me.”

He chuckled for some time.  In shrill voice he threatened, “Your wish will be fulfilled bitch. You will be killed. Not so easily as you think. I will kill you slowly, very slowly. I will make you beg for your death, my beautiful bitch.”

He placed himself to my right and started mauling my breast again.

He continued chuckling derisively. “I am sorry for your poor husband. I have snatched his wife to make her my personal whore. Now I will reward him with murder charges for his wife. How is the plan Kavita? Everybody has seen me moving out with luggage yesterday. By the time your dead body retrieved, I will be gone. Nobody will see me leaving. Pussy Boy seems gone mad. After murdering his wife in suspicions of adultery, PB had gone fleeing. He will be hanged or life imprisoned for murdering his wife. Next will be that bitch Gowri. What did she say? I am uncultured, brute animal. I will make her also beg for her death. She will learn how a brute animal behaves.”

I shivered at the revelation. ‘I must save myself to save my husband and Gowri. I must not die.’ I promised myself.

Prem observed my shivering. “You are shivering at this little information. I will make you knowledgeable before your death. You should know your blunders before your death, you bloody whore. First let me prepare myself for next round.”

He left the room and came back within seconds. He took two tablets and occupied the earlier position. He mauled my breasts again before forcing his fingers in my swollen pussy.

“Ah! Ahaaaaaaaaaaa  Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa    Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” I croaked in unbearable pain. Seeing me reeling under pain, his body convulsed in brutal satisfaction.

He removed the fingers and brought them near my eyes. They were red with fresh blood.

“My dear Kavi, relax. It was only finger. Wait for my dick. Do you remember how much you were ecstatic to get banged from behind? ‘Softly pleeeeease Amiiiiiirr!! Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” He pushed his finger deep inside me and mocked, “ ‘Aaaaaahhhhh!!! Aaaaaaahhh!!! Aaaaaaahhh!!! Slowly please Amir!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!! God, I love this, Aaaaahhhh!! Don't stop, Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!" and he laughed derisively.

He put his blood-soaked fingers on my lips, “These lips were ever ready to please me on my demand. You are a marvellous sucker.  I am really missing them on my dick. You will get opportunity to savour it. But, not now. You will be fucked properly. Do you know what the tablets I have just taken are? They are ‘Viagra’. I was taking one tablet every day before fucking you?  I see, you don’t know many things. I will tell you. You should know the truth before you die. I have some time to relax, before ‘Viagra’ shows its power. Your boobs are damn beautiful Kavi! Muummm....   Muummm....   ” He chewed them for sometime before starting to maul them again.

He sniggered, “You thought you are very clever? I suspected you both on Saturday morning seeing your reactions over serving coffee.  I followed you up to mall. I was about to wipe off my suspicion. You both were late to return. You returned without any shopping. I sensed danger. Sunday, I followed you both to the clinic. I sensed I had been caught. Your death order was issued on that moment.  When I found the pill strips were missing, your death order was confirmed. You have to die for my survival. You have the evidences. How do you expect me granting you freedom? You are one of my favourite bitches. I thought of granting you life time good fucking. Bad luck! You forced me in ransom. I will miss your pussy and ass ever after today! No issue. I will fuck you today till evening. “

He slapped my left cheek before hissing derisively, “How can I forget your slap? Bloody bitch!  It was right on my left cheek.  You are the only bitch who has ever dared to slap me. Slapping me! Slapping Amir Ali in public and get escaped? Impossible! I gathered your all information. I lost all hope when you located in USA. Your relocation to Bangalore opened up new opportunity. You accepted my request. You trusted the wounded tiger. I exploited on your vulnerability. You never thought about your increased sexuality. I replaced your birth control pills.” Ha .. Ha... Ha.. Ha...Prem erupted in vulgar joy.  “Slowly you changed into a horny bitch. With a little bit of fondling, you were mad for a good fuck. I delayed your fuck to ensure submission and a little bit of blackmailing. Everything got settled as planned. You started accepting my demands in trepidation on return of a good fuck. I am sorry, the dose was a bit strong, I think. I had to resort to ‘Viagra’ to satisfy you. “

He forced my hand on his dick. “Correct. Hold it properly. Ok, now shake.  Yes, Yes right.”

He resumed torturing the nipples alternatively. “What I was telling? Yes, transforming you into sex slave did not take much time. I mostly enjoyed banging you from behind. Your ass is really nice, round and soft.  Ah! What a marvellous scene! You are moaning in every thrust and PB is masturbating seeing us fucking. Poor pussy Boy!  I have made his condition such that the pathetic PB even could not even masturbate properly.” He laughed derisively in carnal pleasure.

“Oh! My dick is ready to explore your pussy. Don’t worry my dear bitch. Before you die, you will be well informed. Come to my favourite position. “He churned my swollen mound before flipping me and slapped tightly on my ass repeatedly, “Get on your knee bitch.”

Could you remember I fucked you first time here in this flat? Oh! Don’t you? I will help you. That day also I had fucked you from behind. You had sent your sissy husband out. You sent him to get non-veg for me to get fucked by Amir Ali. I disrobed you. There was nothing much to disrobe you. You were dripping to be fucked. You were begging for my dick, “Please Amir please Fuck me. Don’t tease me please. Ohhh Uhhh  Stop Amir teasing. Uhhhhhhhhhhh  Shove it in me.”

I asked, “What to shove Kavi?”

You hesitated for long. I rubbed your clit a few times. You moaned, “ Ahhhhhh!!!!!Amir!!!!Don’t tease please. Ahhhhhh!!!!!  Your dick  Amir!!!!Ahhhhhhh!!!”

I asked, “Where Kavi?”

You Ahhhhhh!!!!!  You know Amir!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhh”

No, I don’t know. Tell clearly.”

You hesitated again. I inserted two inches and pulled out.

You begged, “Ahhhhhh!!!!!  Don’t pull out please.”

Tell me first where to shove?” I rubbed your clit again.

You moaned and whispered, “ Ahhhhhh!!!!!  Amir!!!! Don’t tease please. Ahhhhhh!!!!!  Your dick  Amir!!!!  Ahhhhhhh!!! In my pussy  Ahhhhhhh!!!

"Say it louder!"

You moaned loudly, “ Ahhhhhh!!!!!  Amir!!!!. Ahhhhhh!!!!!  Your dick  Amir!!!!  Ahhhhhhh!!! In my pussy  Ahhhhhhh!!! Fuck me Amir.  Ahhhhhh!!!!!  Shove your dick in my pussy  Ahhhhhh!!!!!  

I heard sound of calling bell. I was waiting. I was waiting for the perfect time to match. My patience had given dividend.  Your wimpy husband was back. I rammed powerfully in your pussy.

You moaned loudly, "Ahhhhhhh!!!Slower, please, Amir!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!"

I wanted PB to know. I wanted him to know how to fuck a woman. I wanted him to know that I had fucked his wife earlier.

I growled, "You've missed this huh? Kavi?"

You dropped your voice, "Aaahhhhh! I've missed you Amir!"

I pulled out and rubbed your clit, "Say it louder!"

You moaned in throaty voice louder, "Aaahhhhh! Don't stop! I've missed you Amir!"

"What about me have you missed, Kavi?"

You  moaned, “Everything! Your smell! The way you touch me! Your sweat! Your dick! Your juice! Don't stop, Amir! Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!"

I continued ramming your pussy in and out.

You continued moaning.

"Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!  I love you Amir!!!!"

"Aaaaaaaaahhhh!! Amir!!!"



"Aaaaaahhhhhhh!! Amir!!!"

“Still don’t remember? No problem, I will demonstrate.”

I was pulled up by waist to be on all fours. He pulled apart my knees to adjust himself. My slit pierced by his forceful thrust.  “Uhhhhhh.... AhaaaaaUhhhhh …………“. This time he gagged my mouth with panties and pulled up my face by pulling my hair in one hand. Another hand continued mauling my breasts, while forcing his dick in and out my slit. Every thrust inside finished with a rhythmic jerk on my hair, hard squeezing of my breast and a savage grunt. My ordeal continued as I muffled in wave of screams. I had no record of time. I had to live. ‘I can’t die. I can’t die for my husband. ‘I concentrated on my mission to endure the assaults.

He finished depositing his load completely and allowed me to collapse on the bed. Lowering his body weight on my back he whispered, “I spent a lot on you, I was investing. You thought I was doing photography course? Silly girl! My business is with narcotics. Do you know, I never wanted to kill you? I was dreaming to make you one of my queens. Not permanently obviously; I dreamt of making you my concubine, a bitchy slave, a sexy slave to entertain my business partners. I thought you will get pregnant by me and PB will either commit suicide or get mad. You will be left with no options. My bad luck!  You did not get pregnant. I must appreciate PB. He could not fuck his wife but fucked my brain. “

Prem lifted himself off me and stood on the floor. He leaned forward to rub my ass. Faintly I remembered him saying, “You possess the best butt I have seen in this world. Ever since you have denied me to savour this, my passion grew. Your all holes belonged to me. I took your pussy cherry. I took your mouth cherry. Now I will take your anal cherry. Take rest for a while, bitch. You will be introduced to anal pleasure shortly.” He burst out in triumphant cruel smile.

I saw him disappearing into washroom.

Soon he was back. He pulled me out of bed.  

After releasing my mouth of panties, he wailed, “Make me ready for breaking your anal cherry, you slut.”And he slapped me tightly.

Soon I was in kneeling position on the floor sucking his dick. His facial expression clearly indicated his satisfaction; he was enjoying my lips on his dick.

“You are a very good sucker.” He complemented me forcing his dick deep in my mouth, holding my head from back.

His dick was transforming from limpness to semi-hardness. My brain was still functioning. I remembered how I was forced to give my head and swallow his load every day morning. Suddenly, the vivid description of Gowri about Prem panting covering his groin surfaced in my memory. Rachana and Vipul also flashed in my memory. Vipul was made impotent by hitting on the balls. This may be the last opportunity to end my ordeal.

“Yes, I have to do it right now.” I vowed to myself.

I started patting his scrotum slowly.

He was in pleasure, “Very eager to break anal seal, huh!  Good job slut.” He pushed his semi flaccid shaft more in my mouth.

I gathered all my energy. I took a deep breath as if breathing for the last time of my life. I took both testicles in my both hands in tight grip between my forefingers and thumbs. In a quick flash I clutched my jaws, simultaneously gripping and pulling the testicles with my all wits. There was a deafening sound of pain. I was pushed by my head. I lost grip of my jaws around his dick. I clasped his balls with more forces squeezing further. A deafening squeal filled the room loud enough to be heard outside of our apartment.  Next moment I was thrown out of the door, out of the bedroom. Perm was panting in pain on the floor holding his groin.


With the energy left with me, I could pull the bedroom door latch from outside. I crawled to main door. How I managed to cover myself with the sari, I don’t remember. All my energy drained out.  I could master enough energy to open the main door and pulled myself out of apartment.

“Save me, please save me.” Somehow, I managed to mumble before collapsing on floor.

End of Chapter 30
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest by Indiansubmale - a tribute - by manasi - 29-10-2020, 06:12 AM
33.1 - by manasi - 23-11-2020, 07:01 AM
33.2 - by manasi - 25-11-2020, 06:22 AM
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33.4 final - by manasi - 29-11-2020, 06:26 AM
after chap 33 - by manasi - 29-11-2020, 06:46 AM
RE: after chap 33 - by kamdev99008 - 29-11-2020, 10:28 AM
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34.2 - by manasi - 09-12-2020, 09:36 PM
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RE: 34.5 - by kamdev99008 - 13-12-2020, 01:42 AM
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34.9 - by manasi - 18-12-2020, 06:48 AM
35.1 - by manasi - 26-12-2020, 06:57 PM
35.2 - by manasi - 30-12-2020, 09:09 AM

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