25-10-2020, 09:27 PM
(24-10-2020, 03:56 PM)Uday Wrote: Hi
It is well written...I can sense your urgency to post an update due to the continuous delays. But the wait is worth.
Coming to "Banisha", I am too curious to know why she indulged in sex with twin brothers in the first place itself, curious to see what justifiable explanation the writer is going to give. Off course she is quite clever & cunning, always taking the upper hand and in commanding position over the twin brothers. Every time she is siting 'Arjun' as the reason...is there something behind it, but she accepted she is enjoying the sex with the twins and gave an hint of her perversion....have to wait and see where it goes.
Any way kudos bro, nice work. I think this week we may not have any update as the "pooja" is coming and there would be lot of celebrations, feast....
didn't confirm about the update![]()
wish you a very happy durga pooja, shub bijoy
(25-10-2020, 05:12 PM)worldlover Wrote: If someone asks a tiger why kills the poor deers he will probably say," Well, I have to eat bro. That is my food, so I have to kill a deer." No matter how much clear that explaination may be to you, it won't be justifiable at all from the deers point of view. He will only see the tiger as just a heartless monster.
No matter how much convincing explaination a wife gives for her adultery, will that ever be justifiable for a husband who doesn't have a single cuckold bone in his body? Well, we will see I guess.

(25-10-2020, 05:28 PM)worldlover Wrote: There is a long way to go before Binisha's reasons are explained properly. I don't want to spoil too much. But after learning her reason some readers are going to say I KNEW IT, some going to say THIS IS BULLSHIT, & some are going to say WOA...DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING.the question is not about the acceptance of the reason by the readers...only curious and eager to know what could be that one which lead to all of these
I am eagerly waiting myself to get the reactions of the readers at that time.
For the Note- Binisha and her mother in law's Reason behind this adultery came into my head first. I developed the story around that explaination. So even before posting the first update I wrote their whole explaination in my notebook.
Hope you all will also like it in due time.
More over Banisha said she is enjoying it and like to do at different places all around the house and likes when someone is watching her (Champa) and if she finds out Arjun also watched her in action is she going to get that adrenaline rush to show him more of her perversion .... unlike Raziya who wept before the submission for her family