Romance Dark Division - Dani by bdbeauty
"I locked the doors and put up the closed sign. So, what now? Do we just sit in some dead guy's bar all night and wait for Oz and Nick to report back?"

"Well, we followed the best lead and here we are with a dead bartender and nothing else. Oz and Nick are staking out the next best place, so yea, we wait." Vince was still cold to her, angry for the knowledge that had been kept from him for so long.

"I hate waiting. Lily must be so scared right now." Dani paced the room, arms crossed, hoping for a call.

"Well, maybe if I had known about her then she wouldn't be gone right now." Vince said the words and cursed himself for letting his mouth move before his brain caught up.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" Dani dropped her arms and approached him rapidly, full of venom once more.

"Nothing okay...nothing." He tried to take it back quickly.

"Do you really think that her being anywhere near someone still in Dark Division would have kept her safe? I kept her safe by giving up my whole life and becoming...this. You think I wanted that? I did what I had to do." She was in his face now and Vince could smell that familiar shampoo that she always had.

"You didn't have to keep her from me. I'm her father for god's sake Dani. I had a right to know, don't you think?"

"And what? You would have taken care of her? Left the unit so that little girl was safe? No Vince, no. You would have stayed or we both would have and she would have been hurt or taken long before now. Besides, you weren't interested in a life with just wanted to fuck me."

"What? Ok, first of all, it wasn't your decision to make alone. I deserved to at least be part of the decision if you were going to have her. Second, a life with you is all I wanted since the day we met. Sure I loved fucking you, but I loved you more. It wasn't the sex I missed when you was you. I loved you Dani and I still do."

"Vince...I...You don't understand. I couldn't handle leaving behind what had been a part of my identity for so long. You wanted me to stop being a lesbian for you. And as much as you said you loved me, well I just couldn't. After that night, I had so many nights of wanting to run back to you. I wanted to tell you I loved you and just plunge in and try to make it work...but..."

"Then why didn't you? I mean who even cares if you are a lesbian or straight or bisexual or whatever. I never cared about any of that. I loved you for who you are. So, why not come back to me?"

"Because when I finally decided to; I got sick. And then I found out I was pregnant. Suddenly, it didn't matter what I needed or wanted anymore. My life was about her and I couldn't get rid of her. I don't know why, but it was like the moment I knew I was pregnant I finally loved something unconditionally. And, if that meant giving up the chance to be with the person I was in love with, well it had to be."

"Was in love with? Does that mean you aren't anymore?" Vince was only a few inches from her face as he spoke and his heart rate was beating a million times a minute. Now he understood, really understood. Here was his beautiful Dani who gave up everything to raise his daughter, and he loved her more as she stood before him now than he ever had before. She turned suddenly and his heart sank. He guessed what her answer was about to be.

"Am in love with." She whispered the words and he thought he heard them wrong.

"What?" His voice took on a calm tone and he reached out grabbing her arm.

"I'm still in love with you Vince, even though you are a real asshole sometimes." She turned facing him and her eyes locked with his. They were those same eyes that he had searched too many times for answers to unasked questions.

His hand went to the side of her face and he let the back of his fingers stroke down her cheek. The air sucked out of the room then and it was just the two of them in some kind of perfect vacuum suddenly. He took a step forward and slid his hand to the back of her head pulling her towards him. A quick glance into her eyes and he had all the permission he needed as he leaned forward and delicately let his lips meet hers. They parted only for a second before the air ignited. Dani's own hands reached up and grabbed at Vince's face pulling him back to her and their lips met once more in a heated kiss. From there, the two became inseparable.

Soon, tongues grazed flesh and they were kissing like they had both wanted to for so long. Vince turned them and pressed Dani to the side of the nearby pool table. She moaned softly and the memories of the times they had been together so long before zoomed into his mind. He was completely caught up in her when his phone rang.

"Shit." He pulled back from her and pulled out the phone. "Hey Nick, what's up?"

"Listen, we just used the listening device and they are talking about a package being moved to a more convenient location tomorrow morning. From the sound of it, we think it might be Lily."

"Is it a package they have? I mean can you guys just go in now and break things up there?" Vince suddenly felt the urgency in knowing his daughter was being talked about like some sort of package.

"We don't know if she's inside. If we go in now they may abort and that's it. It's some kind of ritual they're talking about Vince, so she's probably still alive. It's the best lead so far, but we don't know when the move will be. Some guy just said tomorrow morning. We think we should all stay put until then so we can intercept. Are you guys okay to stay at the bar? I can come over and Dani can come here if that's easier." Clearly Nick was concerned about the fact that the two of them had ended up at the bar and might be there all night.

"No, we're fine, just stay put and so will we. It's only seven, but I don't want anyone getting suspicious. We'll be fine here. I'll tell Dani what's up." Vince looked up into a set of light eyes full of fear and dread.

"Alright, and let her know that the moment we confirm that Lily is with them, we'll move in. And, if not then we'll trail them when they leave and we'll find her."

"I'll let her know. Thanks Nick."

"No problem, hang in there man."

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RE: Dark Division - Dani by bdbeauty - by Ramesh_Rocky - 13-03-2019, 04:49 PM

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