


Chapter - 01 - The beginning- BUS

It was hard decision to take, but not too many options to decide. I had been trying for a good job all these days and when I have got this one, I am not in a position to take it. I have to be away from my family of my beloved husband and my kid, a decision that I cannot afford to take. I don't want to miss my family for money or a job at this point of time. But again, all my years of education and the effort to get a job all would in vain if I let this go in the drain. we are a not a from a very well do family nor on the other extreme. I decided to call upon our family friends and my own good friends to take a call on my new job, whether to take it or not? If I had to go for my job, then I will have to make arrangements for my husband and my kid to be taken care of.

After a week of discussions and brainstorming sessions, I decided to take my new job in Chennai. I had to travel from my native of Cochin to Chennai and with my family friends help, I managed to get a good flat in a nice locality. Though I had not visited, still everyone over there told that the it was cool place with good neighbors and a lot of 'good families' live there. So I didn't give a second thought and paid the house advance and decided to move over here with a heavy heart of having to get separated from my husband and my kid.

About us, we were married for the past 5years and my kid is now 4yrs. I am Anitha, 25 and my husband Sandeep Kumar is 30(that explains the userid, I hope). If not for my husband I would not have agreed to join the job. I didn't want to miss him in short, I was married at 20 and our life was fully romantic for the last 5years and I didn't know how I will spend my days without him at Chennai. But now the time has come for me get separated due to this job. I had this wonderful job of Assistant Manager at an Engineering Company which anyone would never give a miss and I do feel proud to have got this job without much experience. After the interview, I had completely lost hope of getting shortlisted seeing much experienced people sitting for their turn for the interview. But here it was an unexpected turning in my life, a nice job. My husband and we decided that this will be a short period of missing eachother and we will try to get back to eachother's place by transfer and both shall try. Atleast one could expect that if one's attempt fails, the other one will succeed and thus we will be united.

so it was decided that I will go for the job and my in-laws will move into my place to take care of my hus and my kid. That sounded reasonable and I didn't have to worry about my kid and ofcourse my hus. Finally the things were arranged and I was set to go. It was decided that my hus,me and kid will go together, settle me down there and they will come back picking up his parents from Trivandrum. But on the day we were to travel, my kid had a fever and the doctor advised against his travel. So I had to travel alone. My in-laws offered to travel with me, but I said no due to their old age and they will be landing themselves in trouble during return journey.I bid them them a goodbye and started off to my new journey that will take me to places, literally!!! I had to go to Trivandrum to meet my in-laws hand over few things take their blessing and leave to Chennai the next day and they will travel back to Cochin to my home. 

The journey to Trivandrum was comfortable and good. I reached over to my in-laws house handed over the things and began to get ready for my job. I went for a short shopping with my mother in law to get few dressings. Normally I like wearing saree, but she suggested to get few Churidars to wear in office. So I took few of them and alongwith few inner garments. I got ready in my favorite plain black saree for my evening travel to Chennai, bid farewell to my in-laws and reached bus stand half an hour before the departure of my bus. I went to my seat no 21, the window seat, put in the luguage and came out to get some snacks and water bottle, the seat next to me was vacant. I noticed only a handful of vacant seats, I informed the driver and went out. As I was passing by, noticed few eyes tracing me, I felt uncomfortable and felt my hubby should have been with me now. 

Blaming my 'good' time, I went to the nearby shop to get the things, while the shopkeeper was taking it, I saw my reflection on the big mirror of the sweet shop, well I was probably attracting lot of eyeball with my dress. No, not by the way of dressing, but because the black saree beautifully complemented by fair skin with the gold chain and bangles. It was too good a contrasting colors, black, gold and white fair skin. Now I understood the ogling eyes in the bus and on the way to this shop. I could do nothing now and I decided to ignore those balls, I mean the eye balls. 

I started walking back to my seat with my water bottle on one hand and my hand holding the purse with the bag containing the snacks. On reaching the steps of the bus, I was in trouble straightaway, cos I need to pull my saree little up to get into the bus, but both my hands were holding things and I cannot put it somewhere as well. Then, I heard a sweet voice saying "please hand over the bag and the bottle to me, I will have it, then you can easily get into the bus". I lifted up my face and saw a young cute looking boy of around 15years holding out his hand with a smile.

I handed over the things to him, lifted up the saree little bit up and got inside the bus. I noticed that the boy looking at my white feet lying between my black saree and black sandals with an golden anklet. I quickly dropped my saree and put out my hand to collect my things back and told him "thanks". He replied with a "welcome" and got down the bus. I went to my seat and put the things to comfortably pick up later and sat relaxed in my seat with "TheWeeK" Magazine. The bus was about to start and only five more minutes was remaining, my adjacent seat was still vacant, I prayed it should be vacant so that I can relax and go about my journey. Not finding anyone, I put my handbag with the purse on the seat and continued reading after keeping the AC knob to the maximum level.

The bus started to move slowly and the tension of being alone without my family at Chennai began to haunt me. I was going to lead a life of a bachelorette inspite of being a married women, perhaps for a long time. I didn't know whether to rejoice at the thought of being alone and independent or to drown myself at the thought of being alone and unsecure. I was too much observed in my thoughts and the direction in which my life was moving. I removed my sandals and kept is along the side so that I can relax myself nicely. 

"Excuse me", the same sweet voice was sounded again!!! I quickly came out of my thoughts and find the same guy or rather the boy standing in front of me, "can you pls remove the bag, I want to sit down". I murmured to myself "stupid, won't allow to enjoy the travel, he is going to be my co passenger for the rest of my journey. If it could be a female perhaps, I could not have worried". He said "you said something ma'm, sorry, could not hear you". I said "nothing" and took my bag from the seat. He put his haversack on the top and sat down. He made himself comfortable and took out his earphone to play music from his mobile. I signed a relief and began to drown back into my thoughts looking at the magazine.

Suddenly I felt something rubbing at my feet, I look down and saw the boy's hand was at my feet. Shocked, I asked him "whats are you doing?" He boyishly replied, ma'm my mobile fell down, was taking it back. Can you pls move you feet ma'm so that I can look for it. He was calling me ma'm quite frequently and I felt him to be harmless for the respect he was showing me. I moved my feet to one side and asked him to search and take the mobile out quickly. He sad "yes ma'm" and began searching it. The light was dim and it was difficult to look out the mobile and take it out. So the option left was to feel the mobile and retrieve it. In the process, he again touched over my feet again, he said "Sorry ma'm, but would like to pull up your feet so that I can search it, you saree in drawn on the floor and I am not able to search my mobile". I didn't know what to say and stared at him. May he understood my awkward position of not being able to pull my leg up or pull alone my saree up. He said, "no problem, I will just lift your legs and find it myself, sorry ma'm". As soon as he finished, he didn't wait for my answer, but put both his around my feet smoothly and lifted them up and up them on his things and searched for his mobile underneath. He could not find it due to darkness and said "ma'm, can you pls help me?" I thought to myself, idiot you have already taken my feet in your hands, and now what do you want me to do? I said"what, tell me?" "Can you pls give a missed call to my mobile so that I can find my mobile easily with its light?" That sounded reasonable and without giving a second thought handed over my mobile to him. I wanted to get out from the uncomfortable position of that boy holding my feet on his thighs. He dialed his number from my mobile and sure, his mobile began to ring glowing in the dark. He took his mobile and gave back my mobile, I disconnected his call and put it back to my handbag. But his boy has not still put my feet down, he was still holding it on his thigh. 

He got his mobile and smiled at me saying. "thanks ma'm, I got my mobile". I too smiled back, the only thing that I could think of doing being in that position. I felt a sort of tingy feeling when the boy touched my feet and the warm feeling of his hand on the sides of my feet and below the warmth from his thighs. I began wondering if he would ever put my feet down, I didn't want to raise my voice and make an issue of this. He then held my feet from below and put it down on floor and in the process my saree was held little up. But before that he managed to run his fingers up to my calf and down again. I said "thanks". He said " I owe it to you". He said "Ma'm, your legs are so soft, felt like cotton pillow" I starred at him, thinking what a comparison he has to make after all? But then at his age may be he is not able to pick something more attractive and laughed to myself. "Sorry, but I had to tell you the truth" he added. I like his innocence and said "No probs". I began to think, he might be going down again to my feet again sometime soon.

Later the bus stopped for dinner and everyone began to get out. He too went away and I wanted to relieve myself. So I put on my sandals, went to the toilet and aahhh, it was terrible stinking place. Since I could not hold much longer for a dry place, I went in, finished the job and came out washing my legs. As i was in saree and feet being washed with water, I had to hold my saree little higher so that it does not get wet. I slowly walked toward the empty bench in the corner to sit down and I looked around if someone was watching me. I slowly sat down and began to loosely shake the bottom part of my saree blowing air to my feet and sandals so that it dries up, exposing my feet in the process. 

Suddenly the boy comes to my place and sits besides me holding out a cup of tea to me. I said "sorry, I don't take things from outside" to cut him out and continued with "saree fanning" But he continued "ma'm, you had helped me find my mobile and this is to reciprocate your help". I laughed and replied "so is your mobile's worth a cup of tea?" He smiled at my wit and continued, I would buy anything for you ma'm, tell me what you want". This was something totally unexpected of my situation leading to something else and I did'nt know what to reply. So the best thing was to take his cup of tea from him and said "thanks for the tea." He said ' my pleasure" and asked "what are you doing with your saree" Again, I was stuck with what answer I should give me. My sandals and feet were wet and I had no option but to wash them after going into that rest room, it was so dirty and stinking. Coming back to senses quickly, i responded, "it's wet and I am making it dry" He kept his cup coolly on the bench, got up and took out his hanky. He pulled both my sandals and kept my feet on his thigh. I struggled to pull out my feet, but my sandals were out from my feet and everything would get dirty if I were to jump out from his thighs. I also hesitated again from raising my voice. Calmly I asked "what the hell are you doing, let the things down" He swiftly replied, "ma'm, you have such a wonderful feet and it should be taken care". Saying this, he wiped my feet slowly and smoothly leaving it clean and dry placing them back on his thighs. He then did an unconvincing act, he took the sandals one bye one and wiped each one dry. Even if anyone looked at us, it would appear more of a brother helping his sister, so I didn't bother much about the people sitting over there.

But in the process, my feet had become slave to his silky hands. I allowed my feet to rest on his thighs and not cared to move it or protest. I was there sitting like a princess with a boyish looking person serving, I was thinking to myself "what I am up to?" 

He then did the unthinkable, he placed the sandals beneath my feet, took each feet in his hand and kissed them!!! Swiftly he put them back into the sandals and moved away before I could react to it. I got so angry with his act and wanted to shout at my top of my voice, but surprisingly no sound came from my throat because of his shocking act. His warm hands playing along my feet had marked its effect on me already and with this kiss, I was more thrown into an unbalanced thought process of pleasure, bordering along the unexpected. Suddenly my husband's face flashed, thinking how he would massage me along the feet and calf area to induce me. Wish he was near me at the time to continue with what the boy has started off!!! I prayed to myself "Be in control"!!! I decided to take things in stride, not making an issue of what had happened. I moved towards the bus to take my seat, and if I find that boy sitting there, thought to give him a mouthful of words for his act.

As I entered the bus looking for him, he was not found there. I cursed myself and sat down in my seat. Just as the bus began to move he came in and sat besides me as if nothing happened. He didn't look at me and I too never turned towards him. The bus began to gain speed and time traveled. After sometime, being late in the night, the lights were turned off for the passengers to sleep. There was no light near to my seats and honestly it was pretty dark. 

He turned toward me and said "sorry, I feel really bad for my actions and feel ashamed to see your face. That's why I was waiting for the lights to go off". I was taken aback initially, but the words he spoke,his tone melted away my anger, prompting me to respond the usual "its ok"!!!. Later I began to realize that this was a wrong perception and I should have continued with my anger and blasted him for his actions, which I had to regret later. Then he continued, "hope you are not angry with me?" With my previous statement, I could not say no and said "it's ok, Iam not angry". With his he really turned confident and his face brightened up, "hi, I am Akash Sharma, doing my B.E, Ist year". "I am Anitha Sandeepkumar, working as Assistant Manager", I replied not indicating that I was new to Chennai and that I was going to join for my 1st job. 

He: So you are married? (with a low voice)
Me: Yes, I am (want to cut short with the talking)
He: Nice, so your husband is in Chennai or in Trivandrum and which place are you working?
Me: (I lied), my hus will pick me up at Chennai and I work in Chennai and we have our relatives at Trivandrum. By they way, how are you in the bus from Trivandrum to Chennai?
He: We came for one of our classmate's sister marriage and now returning back, My friends had already left and I am the last one to leave.
Me: Oh, that's fine.

This small talk was easing off the tension between us and we were comfortable talking, I began to feel this is going to be a long night.

Me: where do u belong actually? And are you really doing your B.E or collegeing? You look too young, something like 15years.
He: no ma'm, I am 18 and doing my 1st year engineering.

Saying he took out his ID card and handed it over to me. I could not see his ID card due to dark and turned on the reading light, yes it was his ID card. He continued..

He: I basically belong to Delhi, my father is a businessman and mother is a housewife. I have my brother who is recently married, no kids yet.

Me: Ok, fine.
He: you seem to be tired (which I really was), have your been standing for long?
Me: No, I'm fine. (I remembered my shopping with my in-law and how I had spend lot of time shopping walking from shop to shop. I corrected myself)yes, I had to do little shopping and my legs are paining.
He: You should have avoided this travel, you are going to have a bad day tomorrow. Have your feet massaged, good night!! (saying this he turned away)

I didn't give myself a second thought and began to sleep slowly, turning off the light. I did get a good sleep and turned left and right to make myself comfortable. After sometime, I felt a strange sensation at my feet, slowly I opened my eyes, coming out of my deep sleep. I saw Akash holding my feet with both my hands. I wasn't sure how I got into this position, may be during my deep sleep turning here and there I should have got into this position. But what surprised me was I was sitting in my seat, but my back was towards the window with a pillow (guess he might have put it) and my feet was over him. So I was comfortably sleeping without knowing what was happening or rather happened to me. I quickly began to take my feet off from his and come to normal position. But I found it difficult with him holding my feet and a blanket covering over me nicely, no one would not what happens inside and him holding my feet. 

He: Pls ma'm, don't worry and take tension. I have put blanket and put pillow on your back to make you comfortable, I was massaging your feet and you slept quickly, hope you had a nice sleep.
Me: Oh, but, this is not good. Leave me, leave me. (Now I remember vaguely how nicely I slept)
He: Ma'm continue with your sleep, don't worry.]
Me: No, leave me. (saying, I looked at my watch, it was 1:00AM, another 6hours to reach the destination.)
He: pls sleep ma'm. 

As he finished, he lifted both my feet little bit, soon I was off balance and fell back. on my pillow. Cursing myself, I tried closed my eyes to get some sleep with my feet under control of a stranger. He then slowly began to continue his massage which i had missed out due to my sleep. It really felt nice and too good, I was at that point not feeling to miss it. Silky soft hands drawing a marvelous painting on my canvas of feet, it was astounding to be short. I kept my eyes closed and began to drown myself in the pleasure of massage. I said to myself, I am not going to see this guy once I reach Chennai and there should be no problem with him after this trip, really, God knows!!!

With his massaging using his tender fingers, I was slowly melting away, slowly but surely. Inside my closed eyes, I had my hus, massaging my feet and slowly moving up to the calf, slowly sliding his palm with his fingers drawing imaginary lines. This is what gets me aroused and my hus knows this better. But now, this guy is slowing making me burn, burn with desire without of his knowledge. Is he doing this message purposely or helping me out. Whatever, it was slowly driving me into depths of pleasure. I wanted to open my eyes, staring him to stop. But I knew not why, I could not. I 'enjoyed' my feet massage, guess this guy knew me better it seems. He continued with his massage under the blanket and seeing me not opposing, he was happy and proceeded with his 'massage therapy' with a smile.

The sensation was something to relish and I began my journey into road not taken by me so far. Someone taking me through my feet, least unexpected way!!! Then the pressure of his fingers slowly began to decrease, I guessed he might be falling into sleep, but my sleep was lost. If my hus was near me, this would have been a fantastic night for us. Then, I said to myself, how to expect this from a stranger and being married women, such thoughts are forbidden....really??? I stopped this thinking this way and tried to focus with my sleep.

The massage completely stopped and I believed he was fast asleep. I slowly wanted to take my feet away and slowly began to pull my feet out. But the slight movement was quickly arrested by his hand and I acted fast asleep and having done it during sleep. After a few moments, I had this gut feeling that he was testing me. With half closed eyes, I observed him, he was not sleeping but moving his hand over my feet, oh my god!!! His fingers were not massaging my feet, but drawing sensational lines on my feet. The feeling which my husband would give me, yes its the same one to be missed. His fingers with silky palms was beginning to play havoc on my feet and my body. My feet responded quickly by tightening up and he was smart enough to notice this. He continued with his play not exactly, it was the foreplay and myself unknowingly started to enjoy it, wanting more of this sensation. With time his painting became more of caressing and his hand began to leave the boundary of my feet. A panic alarm shooted right across my brain sending a signal to my mouth to raise a voice, to be legs to retrieve the legs, to my hands to make things stop straightaway. But these signals could not cross the check banks of my mind and were absorbed there. My began reacting or rather responding to this new found caressing and was surrendering itself. His left palm rested on my left leg calf area and promoted itself from caressing to fondling. This promotion approved by my body with quite a resounding majority. His palm perhaps began to appreciated my legs approval and it continued with its job, more eagerly. My body now slowly beginning to immerse in this pleasure began to show to its best of surrender, sweating. I slowly started to sweat and I do remember having put the AC knob at its maximum, instantly I knew myself to be the lone person sweating in this AC multi-axle Volvo bus. This was no surprise to be as I know how my body reacts to pleasure and sensations, I knew I was there for a game. But, should I take it up on this unknown Delhite Akash, whom I will never meet twice again.

With myself not protesting, my feet and body slowing surrendering, his hands began itself on the promoted job. His right hand was working effectively on my right feet's palm and fingers. His left hand, quite busy with my left leg calf, it seemed a competition between his two hands, who is going to win? Which ever hand wins, I knew for sure one thing about the loser- it was me!!!

My body slowly began to twitch under the pleasure from his hands. His hands were working nicely on my bare feet and calf rising my pleasure and my feet began their frantic struggle to remain under control. In the process, my legs began to rub eachother slowly, my legs were on his thighs, so his thighs were also rubbed by my bare feet. He was also slowly getting heated up. Next was the unthinkable, he parted the blanket a part exposing my right leg, I could feel his breath on my leg there. He gave kiss on first foot finger and began to take it inside his mouth. My hus never did this to me, this was something unimaginable and so pleasurable. He began to such my foot finger slowly, nicely and smoothly and I loved it. His left hand on my calf and now my foot finger inside his mouth, I could not control myself longer and the unexpected thing happened...(though I expected would happen). I was getting wet inbetween. His sucking action had brought an abrupt end to my rubbing of feet, my right foot was playing with his mouth and could not move. But my left leg was still free to move controlled only at its calf area, I decided its time for me to play and take charge.......
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