13-10-2020, 03:04 PM
The Next Day went pretty normal as both Mahesh and Bindu were busy with their professional lives.
On Thursday Bindu called me when I was in Office
Bindu: Hi dear busy
Mahesh: No tell me
Bindu: Acha I am taking an off tomorrow since there is some function in the office in the second half. I was thinking that tomorrow itself I will go to Shaktiji’s office.
Mahesh: Wasn’t It planned for Saturday. Well If you feel like going tomorrow then no problem. I will ask my boss for an off tomorrow.
Bindu: You are coming too
Mahesh: Off course I want to support you in this through out
Mahesh clearly didn’t want to send Bindu alone at that goon’s office
Friday both Bindu and Mahesh were on their way to Mr.Shakti Kumar’s Office.
Bindu was wearing a nice saree with low hip which she wrapped with her pallu so that her sexy curvy navel wont be visible. Mahesh was sad and happy , Sad because his wife wore a saree that too a sexy one exposing her sexy midriff and She normally wears sarees on special occasion.
![[Image: Ck7_xfIVAAA6ILm.jpg]](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ck7_xfIVAAA6ILm.jpg)
![[Image: hqdefault.jpg]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/R9AadQNNeM4/hqdefault.jpg)
Making Mahesh wonder why this is a special occasion for Bindu. Happy that at least she is not careless about her navel being exposed she is atleast wrapping it with her pallu. They both reach the place.
Apparently it was just very close to where they were staying. Hardly two -three buildings apart. Mr. Shakti Kumar’s Office was situated in an underconstruction Mall (It was huge Mall). In fact it was situated at the top floor i.e. the terrace of the huge Mall.
When they reached the venue Mahesh was little tensed since the Mall was under construction and was confused as to where would the office be. The malls name was “Shakti Mall”.
They were greeted by one of Mr.Shakti Kumar’s bodyguard who guided them to the back of the mall where there was lift which would go straight to the top floor. There they saw his SUV parked and one or two vehicles not much. Mahesh thought since this would be a party office he was expecting more number of vehicles and people coming and going. Well it wasn’t looking anything like that.
Both Bindu and Mahesh entered the lift there was only one button mentioned as Top. Mahesh clicked on the top button and lift started ascending towards the top floor. As they reached the top floor the lift door opened. When they both stepped out of the lift they both couldn’t believe their eyes. It was a whole new different world. In this huge terrace at one side there was an infinity pool, a mini golf course, a small open kitchen and to one end there was a two storied bungalow with nice green lawn. It was as if they were transformed to a different foreign location. Who would have though such place in an under construction building.
Bindu: Its awesome, Isnt it wonderful Mahesh. Wow look theres an infinity pool.
Mahesh: Yeah, Rich people what can I say (Rich Goon is what Mahesh wanted to say)
They were greeted by Mr.Shakti Kumars PA
PA: Hi please follow me I will guide you to sir
Mahesh: Ok
Both Mahesh and Bindu followed The PA inside the bungalow that was at one end. While walking Bindu was looking around in awe at the place.
When they entered the bungalow they saw Mr.Shakti sitting in the living room at a big table along with 2-3 people discussing about the coming elections.
When Mr.Shakti saw bindu and Mahesh he got up and greeted both. Shakti’s eyes already started to undress bindu when he saw her in her sexy saree attire.
Shakti: Welcome Welcome Binduji and Mr.Mahesh to my humble abode
Bindu: Thank you for inviting us at such a nice place. I Like how you have converted the entire area Its so beautiful
Shakti: Arey Binduji you are flattering me
Bindu: No its really nice, so You stay here as well
Shakti: No I stay with my family but its quite far so whenever I come here for work I make sure I stay for a longer period.
Its kind of an office but it’s a better place for me to stay as well without any disturbance.
Where are my manners please have a seat you too.
Gentlemen this is Binduji of whom I was talking about. She is the one I was talking about.
The people sitting on the table greeted bindu and her husband.
Shakti: Binduji lets get straight to the point as you know the election are next week so I would request your help in the speeches
Bindu: I am happy that you think so highly of me but all I can say is I can try
Shakti: thank you so much Binduji, here are the speeches that my team prepared for the coming events organised by my party.
Bindu: Can I ask you one thing since you are the only person standing for election then why so many formalities.
Shakti (laughing): who said I am standing alone there are few one or two people along with me but its true my party does seem strong but I want to be sure all the more.
Bindu: OK What I can request you is if you can mail me the details of the speech I can go through the same and revert back with the correction or addition if any
Mahesh was not comfortable by the conversations between his wife and this politician. Especially when Shaktis eyes were roaming around his wife’s Boobs. Mahesh thought his wife might have realised this but there were no signs of protest from her. Infact she was she was all the more jovial and would laugh at certain things even if it was not funny.
Shakti: that’s great. Please share me your number and email Id
He thought his wife will deny the number but might give the email since the work is to be done vi mail.
But to mahesh’s amazement bindu without thinking gave her number and email id to Mr.Shakti
Shakti: thank you I will be in touch I hope this number is in whatsapp too
Mahesh was feeling something weird in his stomach he wanted to stop this right there but he was scared with all the bodyguards standing around. He though he would discuss with his wife once they get back home.
After the discussion was over the people sitting on the big table got back to their usual discussions.
Mahesh thought that its time to go but then bindu started asking shakti about the place that they were what all are there…etc
To which shakti said: “let me show you the place around, I believe you really liked this place, its better to show you around rather than tell you about it”
Bindu Ohh sure, that’s so sweet of you.
Both Mahesh Bindu followed Shakti out of the bungalow and then shakti started to show around his place to them.
Mahesh noticed that while showing shakti and bindu were walking together at one point shakti would stop short and would glance at bindus fine ass. The saree that she was wearing would actually accentuate her booty to another level its very difficult to not look at it. Shakti would do this quite often sometimes even would tell bindu to go ahead and take a good look and even bend a little to which she would oblige and shakti would get a wonderfull view of Bindu fine curvy ass. Mahesh was not liking all this he tried to persuade bindu to leave
Mahesh” Uhh honey it getting dark I think we should leave Mr.Shakti might be busy with his events.
Shakti: Nonsense!! Nothing like that Binduji no need to be in a hurry I will personally give a tour to my humble abode. I have people appointed to look after my chores so need to worry Mr.Mahesh, Let her enjoy.
Mahesh couldn’t say anymore and Bindu become delighted to continuing the so called tour
Shakti: Now this is the swimming pool as you can see I have planned it to make it into infinity pool that it gives me the entire view of the area.
Bindu: wow so nice a view of the entire are. But what if there is another project comes nearby which would be built higher than your Mall.
Shakti Laughed: Let me tell you a secret binduji. I own this entire area so no worries
Both shakti and Bindu started laughing. Mahesh didn’t find it funny at all
Now while turning around Bindu almost was about to trip and fall suddenly Mr.Shakti held her with his hands.
Mahesh: Ohh are you alright dear.
But there was no response from bindu. Its as if they were staring at each other. Mahesh was standing behind shakti and bindu. All he could see was Mr.Shakti holding his wife at the shoulder, he had his hand around the back while his other hand was not visible. Mahesh started walking towards them
Mahesh: honey are you all right why aren’t you saying anything.
Bindu: yeah yeah m ok thanks to shaktiji he saved me
As Mahesh come close he stopped and was shocked at what he saw. He could see the reflection of both Shakti and Bindu’s front side from nearby mirror installed. He saw Shakti’s other hand was right on Bindu’s left Boob. It was not the side or nearby area his hands were exactly on his wife’s boobs and he felt that shakti was squeezing bindus boobs. By the time Mahesh came close to them they both were standing properly but shakti still one hand was on bindu’s shoulder
![[Image: f9422c96628dda6fb68cef20bc05eae0.1.jpg]](https://img-hw.xvideos-cdn.com/videos/thumbs169ll/f9/42/2c/f9422c96628dda6fb68cef20bc05eae0/f9422c96628dda6fb68cef20bc05eae0.1.jpg)
![[Image: oV9Hk-p2jJHrsi7DnerQ1KrMPpAWcPPXJR5hbURG...T8orfPOf0Y]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/oV9Hk-p2jJHrsi7DnerQ1KrMPpAWcPPXJR5hbURGnVyoGvlhitHZfe6tAp3L9-DDa-u81nQnBm4CiT77rAvzU6Yo-w8vraqvS-_loVIplrzQSxaYH6zO28dOWT8orfPOf0Y)
![[Image: 8003beb4278a9be63d0486677499281d.28.jpg]](https://img-l3.xvideos-cdn.com/videos/thumbs169ll/80/03/be/8003beb4278a9be63d0486677499281d/8003beb4278a9be63d0486677499281d.28.jpg)
Shakti: Binduji are you alright m so sorry
Mahesh noticed he had a small smirk on his face
Bindu: No no it nothing in fact thank you shaktiji for catching me at the right time lse I would have fallen. Bindu was smiling and blushing too.
Mahesh could not understand he thought his wife would be angry at shakti but her reaction was something else.
Bindu: you have strong arms Shaktji I believe you work out a lot
Shakti: ahh aha it nothing, yeah I do work out of and on not like before hope I was not too strong and didn’t end hurting you ( again with a smirk on his face)
Bindu: No, you held me right (bindu smiling and blushing at the same time)
![[Image: boo28.jpg]](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-eSj9zWIZ0GQ/T1CU7ypjllI/AAAAAAAAAGc/xDTshPqofeQ/s1600/boo28.jpg)
Bindu: See honey how many times I have told you to work out or find time for gym it makes you fit and healthy. Look at shaktiji he still finds time to work out see how fit and strong he is
Mahesh didn’t like his wife appreciating some guy in fornt of him. He felt humiliated. He couldn’t say anything. He somehow wanted to leave. In his last attempt he tried to reason with bindu
Mahesh: Honey I think we should leave it already getting late
To his surprise bindu agreed
Shakti: take care binduji, you can come some other time and finish the tour
Bindu: sure thank you for inviting us to this wonderful place bye
Soon both Mahesh and Bindu left the place and reached their home. The entire way bindu was complimenting Mr.Shakti how well built he was and his office cum place to stay how awesome it was. Mahesh too wanted ask bindu about the fall and where he touched her but somehow he didn’t have the courage.
In the evening as Mahesh was busy with few of his office work he heard a beeping sound and then after that a lot of such sounds. ON checking he saw his wife’s phone was ringing with the oncoming msgs in whatsapp. Bindu was in the kitchen preparing food while her phone was charging in the living room. She didn’t hear the messages sound. Mahesh quickly paired his laptop to his wife’s whatsapp account ( being an IT expert has its perks).
When He saw the msgs it was mainly all the word docs regarding the party agenda and itenary of the following days till the election day. Mahesh felt little relieved this was specifically professional msgs. He call bindu and told her about the msgs on here whatsapp.
After dinner bindu sat down with her book and pen and paper and got to work and later sent her work back to Mr.shakti.
Later 2-3 more days went like that shakti would send some docs and bindu would revert with her work
Finally election day came and the result wa quite obvious Mr.Shakti Kumar won
Bindu has sent a message congratulating him. There was no revert. Later in the night bindu’s phone started beeping. Both maheash and bindu just got onto the bed. Bindu picked up the phone and then latter went to the balcony
Mahesh was pretending to sleep. But the phone chat was going on for sometime. After sometime bindu came back to sleep. Mahesh still was not sleepy he wanted to check what was the conversation between his wife and Mr.Shakti that too so long.
He got up little early opened his laptop and started checking the messages. Bindu was still sleeping
Shakti: “Thank you so much for your help binduji it wouldn’t have been possible without your expertise”
Bindu: Mr.Shaktiji you are flattering me again
Shakti: No I am telling the truth Why would I lie to a beautiful women like you
Bindu: Blushing emoji.
Shakti: I am inviting you and your husband for a party I have organized this coming Sunday in regards to my win. Please don’t say no you should definitely come
Bindu: ohh sure we will be there
Shakti: I hope your leg is fine now binduji
Bindu: yeah it fine now besides why should I worry when someone strong like you is there to hold me …followed by a wink emoji
Shakti: reverts with smiling emoji…..dont worry binduji I will always be there to hold you. You are in safe arms
This time bindu reverted with laughing emojis
Shakti: by the way your were looking stunning in the saree when you came to my office
Bindu: ohh shaktiji you notice I thought you didn’t like my attire since I specifically wore it to impress you
Shakti: really for me
Bindu: off course you need to be at your best when you are meeting your employer for the first time plus here not only that you are also the local corporator so thought I should be looking best
Shakti: So you decided to work for me ??
Bindu: not yet still give sometime to think about it
Shakti: take all the time you want don’t worry I can guarantee you that you will be in safe hands ……………followed by wink emojis
Bindu reverted with smiling emoji
Bindu: SO is there gonna be a lot of people at this party
Shakti: No not much just my staff
Bindu: Well now I have to think what should I wear for the party might have to go for shopping
Shakti: aha ha don’t take to much stress Binduji M sure you would look stunning and beautiful in a saree.
Bindu: blushing emoji……………..easy for you to say shaktiji but seriously I don’t have much of collection of saree I usually wear them on special occasions only
Shakti: Ohh !! Then lets do one thing let me gift you a saree of my choice promise you will wear that and come.
Bindu: Ohh no no Shaktiji I cant allow it plus I don’t like all the colours you see
Shaktiji: Please don’t say no It’s a request please you will also get to see my choice. My choices are not bad either. Didn’t I recognised your talent and expertise just by listening to your speech
Bindu : yeah but…….. ok but if I don’t like it then I might buy something else
Shakti: done with me. Don’t worry binduji when you see my choice you well be shocked and m sure you will definetly like.
Bindu: But how do you know it would go with my physique
Shakti: Don’t worry your beautiful physique is locked in my brain I know my choice will definetly fit and make you look more gorgeous
Bindu: Ok ji lets c …..blushing emoji…………..ok then m going to sleep good night shakti ji
Shakti: good night dear
Mahesh didn’t like how things were taking it course. He thought that after this election stint he would never have to see Shakti but now his wife and this political goon are openly flirting around. Plus they both have to that place again. Mahesh had a bad feeling about it.
On Thursday Bindu called me when I was in Office
Bindu: Hi dear busy
Mahesh: No tell me
Bindu: Acha I am taking an off tomorrow since there is some function in the office in the second half. I was thinking that tomorrow itself I will go to Shaktiji’s office.
Mahesh: Wasn’t It planned for Saturday. Well If you feel like going tomorrow then no problem. I will ask my boss for an off tomorrow.
Bindu: You are coming too
Mahesh: Off course I want to support you in this through out
Mahesh clearly didn’t want to send Bindu alone at that goon’s office
Friday both Bindu and Mahesh were on their way to Mr.Shakti Kumar’s Office.
Bindu was wearing a nice saree with low hip which she wrapped with her pallu so that her sexy curvy navel wont be visible. Mahesh was sad and happy , Sad because his wife wore a saree that too a sexy one exposing her sexy midriff and She normally wears sarees on special occasion.
![[Image: Ck7_xfIVAAA6ILm.jpg]](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ck7_xfIVAAA6ILm.jpg)
![[Image: hqdefault.jpg]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/R9AadQNNeM4/hqdefault.jpg)
Making Mahesh wonder why this is a special occasion for Bindu. Happy that at least she is not careless about her navel being exposed she is atleast wrapping it with her pallu. They both reach the place.
Apparently it was just very close to where they were staying. Hardly two -three buildings apart. Mr. Shakti Kumar’s Office was situated in an underconstruction Mall (It was huge Mall). In fact it was situated at the top floor i.e. the terrace of the huge Mall.
When they reached the venue Mahesh was little tensed since the Mall was under construction and was confused as to where would the office be. The malls name was “Shakti Mall”.
They were greeted by one of Mr.Shakti Kumar’s bodyguard who guided them to the back of the mall where there was lift which would go straight to the top floor. There they saw his SUV parked and one or two vehicles not much. Mahesh thought since this would be a party office he was expecting more number of vehicles and people coming and going. Well it wasn’t looking anything like that.
Both Bindu and Mahesh entered the lift there was only one button mentioned as Top. Mahesh clicked on the top button and lift started ascending towards the top floor. As they reached the top floor the lift door opened. When they both stepped out of the lift they both couldn’t believe their eyes. It was a whole new different world. In this huge terrace at one side there was an infinity pool, a mini golf course, a small open kitchen and to one end there was a two storied bungalow with nice green lawn. It was as if they were transformed to a different foreign location. Who would have though such place in an under construction building.
Bindu: Its awesome, Isnt it wonderful Mahesh. Wow look theres an infinity pool.
Mahesh: Yeah, Rich people what can I say (Rich Goon is what Mahesh wanted to say)
They were greeted by Mr.Shakti Kumars PA
PA: Hi please follow me I will guide you to sir
Mahesh: Ok
Both Mahesh and Bindu followed The PA inside the bungalow that was at one end. While walking Bindu was looking around in awe at the place.
When they entered the bungalow they saw Mr.Shakti sitting in the living room at a big table along with 2-3 people discussing about the coming elections.
When Mr.Shakti saw bindu and Mahesh he got up and greeted both. Shakti’s eyes already started to undress bindu when he saw her in her sexy saree attire.
Shakti: Welcome Welcome Binduji and Mr.Mahesh to my humble abode
Bindu: Thank you for inviting us at such a nice place. I Like how you have converted the entire area Its so beautiful
Shakti: Arey Binduji you are flattering me
Bindu: No its really nice, so You stay here as well
Shakti: No I stay with my family but its quite far so whenever I come here for work I make sure I stay for a longer period.
Its kind of an office but it’s a better place for me to stay as well without any disturbance.
Where are my manners please have a seat you too.
Gentlemen this is Binduji of whom I was talking about. She is the one I was talking about.
The people sitting on the table greeted bindu and her husband.
Shakti: Binduji lets get straight to the point as you know the election are next week so I would request your help in the speeches
Bindu: I am happy that you think so highly of me but all I can say is I can try
Shakti: thank you so much Binduji, here are the speeches that my team prepared for the coming events organised by my party.
Bindu: Can I ask you one thing since you are the only person standing for election then why so many formalities.
Shakti (laughing): who said I am standing alone there are few one or two people along with me but its true my party does seem strong but I want to be sure all the more.
Bindu: OK What I can request you is if you can mail me the details of the speech I can go through the same and revert back with the correction or addition if any
Mahesh was not comfortable by the conversations between his wife and this politician. Especially when Shaktis eyes were roaming around his wife’s Boobs. Mahesh thought his wife might have realised this but there were no signs of protest from her. Infact she was she was all the more jovial and would laugh at certain things even if it was not funny.
Shakti: that’s great. Please share me your number and email Id
He thought his wife will deny the number but might give the email since the work is to be done vi mail.
But to mahesh’s amazement bindu without thinking gave her number and email id to Mr.Shakti
Shakti: thank you I will be in touch I hope this number is in whatsapp too
Mahesh was feeling something weird in his stomach he wanted to stop this right there but he was scared with all the bodyguards standing around. He though he would discuss with his wife once they get back home.
After the discussion was over the people sitting on the big table got back to their usual discussions.
Mahesh thought that its time to go but then bindu started asking shakti about the place that they were what all are there…etc
To which shakti said: “let me show you the place around, I believe you really liked this place, its better to show you around rather than tell you about it”
Bindu Ohh sure, that’s so sweet of you.
Both Mahesh Bindu followed Shakti out of the bungalow and then shakti started to show around his place to them.
Mahesh noticed that while showing shakti and bindu were walking together at one point shakti would stop short and would glance at bindus fine ass. The saree that she was wearing would actually accentuate her booty to another level its very difficult to not look at it. Shakti would do this quite often sometimes even would tell bindu to go ahead and take a good look and even bend a little to which she would oblige and shakti would get a wonderfull view of Bindu fine curvy ass. Mahesh was not liking all this he tried to persuade bindu to leave
Mahesh” Uhh honey it getting dark I think we should leave Mr.Shakti might be busy with his events.
Shakti: Nonsense!! Nothing like that Binduji no need to be in a hurry I will personally give a tour to my humble abode. I have people appointed to look after my chores so need to worry Mr.Mahesh, Let her enjoy.
Mahesh couldn’t say anymore and Bindu become delighted to continuing the so called tour
Shakti: Now this is the swimming pool as you can see I have planned it to make it into infinity pool that it gives me the entire view of the area.
Bindu: wow so nice a view of the entire are. But what if there is another project comes nearby which would be built higher than your Mall.
Shakti Laughed: Let me tell you a secret binduji. I own this entire area so no worries
Both shakti and Bindu started laughing. Mahesh didn’t find it funny at all
Now while turning around Bindu almost was about to trip and fall suddenly Mr.Shakti held her with his hands.
Mahesh: Ohh are you alright dear.
But there was no response from bindu. Its as if they were staring at each other. Mahesh was standing behind shakti and bindu. All he could see was Mr.Shakti holding his wife at the shoulder, he had his hand around the back while his other hand was not visible. Mahesh started walking towards them
Mahesh: honey are you all right why aren’t you saying anything.
Bindu: yeah yeah m ok thanks to shaktiji he saved me
As Mahesh come close he stopped and was shocked at what he saw. He could see the reflection of both Shakti and Bindu’s front side from nearby mirror installed. He saw Shakti’s other hand was right on Bindu’s left Boob. It was not the side or nearby area his hands were exactly on his wife’s boobs and he felt that shakti was squeezing bindus boobs. By the time Mahesh came close to them they both were standing properly but shakti still one hand was on bindu’s shoulder
![[Image: f9422c96628dda6fb68cef20bc05eae0.1.jpg]](https://img-hw.xvideos-cdn.com/videos/thumbs169ll/f9/42/2c/f9422c96628dda6fb68cef20bc05eae0/f9422c96628dda6fb68cef20bc05eae0.1.jpg)
![[Image: 8003beb4278a9be63d0486677499281d.28.jpg]](https://img-l3.xvideos-cdn.com/videos/thumbs169ll/80/03/be/8003beb4278a9be63d0486677499281d/8003beb4278a9be63d0486677499281d.28.jpg)
Shakti: Binduji are you alright m so sorry
Mahesh noticed he had a small smirk on his face
Bindu: No no it nothing in fact thank you shaktiji for catching me at the right time lse I would have fallen. Bindu was smiling and blushing too.
Mahesh could not understand he thought his wife would be angry at shakti but her reaction was something else.
Bindu: you have strong arms Shaktji I believe you work out a lot
Shakti: ahh aha it nothing, yeah I do work out of and on not like before hope I was not too strong and didn’t end hurting you ( again with a smirk on his face)
Bindu: No, you held me right (bindu smiling and blushing at the same time)
![[Image: boo28.jpg]](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-eSj9zWIZ0GQ/T1CU7ypjllI/AAAAAAAAAGc/xDTshPqofeQ/s1600/boo28.jpg)
Bindu: See honey how many times I have told you to work out or find time for gym it makes you fit and healthy. Look at shaktiji he still finds time to work out see how fit and strong he is
Mahesh didn’t like his wife appreciating some guy in fornt of him. He felt humiliated. He couldn’t say anything. He somehow wanted to leave. In his last attempt he tried to reason with bindu
Mahesh: Honey I think we should leave it already getting late
To his surprise bindu agreed
Shakti: take care binduji, you can come some other time and finish the tour
Bindu: sure thank you for inviting us to this wonderful place bye
Soon both Mahesh and Bindu left the place and reached their home. The entire way bindu was complimenting Mr.Shakti how well built he was and his office cum place to stay how awesome it was. Mahesh too wanted ask bindu about the fall and where he touched her but somehow he didn’t have the courage.
In the evening as Mahesh was busy with few of his office work he heard a beeping sound and then after that a lot of such sounds. ON checking he saw his wife’s phone was ringing with the oncoming msgs in whatsapp. Bindu was in the kitchen preparing food while her phone was charging in the living room. She didn’t hear the messages sound. Mahesh quickly paired his laptop to his wife’s whatsapp account ( being an IT expert has its perks).
When He saw the msgs it was mainly all the word docs regarding the party agenda and itenary of the following days till the election day. Mahesh felt little relieved this was specifically professional msgs. He call bindu and told her about the msgs on here whatsapp.
After dinner bindu sat down with her book and pen and paper and got to work and later sent her work back to Mr.shakti.
Later 2-3 more days went like that shakti would send some docs and bindu would revert with her work
Finally election day came and the result wa quite obvious Mr.Shakti Kumar won
Bindu has sent a message congratulating him. There was no revert. Later in the night bindu’s phone started beeping. Both maheash and bindu just got onto the bed. Bindu picked up the phone and then latter went to the balcony
Mahesh was pretending to sleep. But the phone chat was going on for sometime. After sometime bindu came back to sleep. Mahesh still was not sleepy he wanted to check what was the conversation between his wife and Mr.Shakti that too so long.
He got up little early opened his laptop and started checking the messages. Bindu was still sleeping
Shakti: “Thank you so much for your help binduji it wouldn’t have been possible without your expertise”
Bindu: Mr.Shaktiji you are flattering me again
Shakti: No I am telling the truth Why would I lie to a beautiful women like you
Bindu: Blushing emoji.
Shakti: I am inviting you and your husband for a party I have organized this coming Sunday in regards to my win. Please don’t say no you should definitely come
Bindu: ohh sure we will be there
Shakti: I hope your leg is fine now binduji
Bindu: yeah it fine now besides why should I worry when someone strong like you is there to hold me …followed by a wink emoji
Shakti: reverts with smiling emoji…..dont worry binduji I will always be there to hold you. You are in safe arms
This time bindu reverted with laughing emojis
Shakti: by the way your were looking stunning in the saree when you came to my office
Bindu: ohh shaktiji you notice I thought you didn’t like my attire since I specifically wore it to impress you
Shakti: really for me
Bindu: off course you need to be at your best when you are meeting your employer for the first time plus here not only that you are also the local corporator so thought I should be looking best
Shakti: So you decided to work for me ??
Bindu: not yet still give sometime to think about it
Shakti: take all the time you want don’t worry I can guarantee you that you will be in safe hands ……………followed by wink emojis
Bindu reverted with smiling emoji
Bindu: SO is there gonna be a lot of people at this party
Shakti: No not much just my staff
Bindu: Well now I have to think what should I wear for the party might have to go for shopping
Shakti: aha ha don’t take to much stress Binduji M sure you would look stunning and beautiful in a saree.
Bindu: blushing emoji……………..easy for you to say shaktiji but seriously I don’t have much of collection of saree I usually wear them on special occasions only
Shakti: Ohh !! Then lets do one thing let me gift you a saree of my choice promise you will wear that and come.
Bindu: Ohh no no Shaktiji I cant allow it plus I don’t like all the colours you see
Shaktiji: Please don’t say no It’s a request please you will also get to see my choice. My choices are not bad either. Didn’t I recognised your talent and expertise just by listening to your speech
Bindu : yeah but…….. ok but if I don’t like it then I might buy something else
Shakti: done with me. Don’t worry binduji when you see my choice you well be shocked and m sure you will definetly like.
Bindu: But how do you know it would go with my physique
Shakti: Don’t worry your beautiful physique is locked in my brain I know my choice will definetly fit and make you look more gorgeous
Bindu: Ok ji lets c …..blushing emoji…………..ok then m going to sleep good night shakti ji
Shakti: good night dear
Mahesh didn’t like how things were taking it course. He thought that after this election stint he would never have to see Shakti but now his wife and this political goon are openly flirting around. Plus they both have to that place again. Mahesh had a bad feeling about it.