Fucking Teacher - Copied
Kendra, why do you think you should have a higher grade?" I asked as she stood in front of my desk, holding her books against her under her chest so they pushed her tits up. It was the first indication I had that she was going to try to get a higher grade without any additional academic work. I was the fucking teacher, so I had to see where this would lead.

"Well, Ms. B.," she replied as she shifted her weight to one foot and leaned slightly forward. "I did add some freehand drawings to the assignment and even though Sara helped me, I did most of the work by myself. That should count for something. And I've handed in most of the homework. Besides, Jaime got a higher grade than I did and I looked at her work and it's not even as good as mine."

"True," I thought about my episode with Jaime as Kendra kept rambling on with various bogus reasons of why her grade should be higher.

"Kendra," I interrupted. "Do you think you qualify for extra credit work?"

"Oh, Ms. B.! That would be wonderful!" she replied, ignoring my question.

I responded with some bad news. "However, I'm afraid that this late in the term no more extra credit assignments are available."

"Oh, that's O.K., Ms. B. I'm sure we can work something out between the two of us." She shifted her weight to the other foot and turned slightly so I could see the partial profile of her chest. Nice, I thought. Almost as nice a chest as mine and she's only eighteen.

She smiled a sly smile and continued. "Jaime told me what happened, Ms. B. She said it was almost like extra credit in that it helped her grade. And you know what, Ms. B.?"

"No. What, Kendra?" I was a little annoyed that news of my encounter with Jaime had gotten around, but probably not surprised. Word of mouth was often the best advertisement.

She put her books down on the corner of my desk and leaned over it with both hands on the desk. I glanced at her cleavage noticing that she had three buttons undone and I could see down past her bra. She noticed my quick glance and moved her arms together slightly to push her tits together and forward.

"I'd like to do what Jaime did for extra credit."

I was wearing my white lab coat as I usually do while I'm teaching. Only this time I had nothing on under it. Every few days when I first get to college I will go back into the supply room and take my clothes off before putting my lab coat on. Then through all my classes, lunch in the lounge, walking the halls, teacher meetings, one-on-one's with students or administrators, the excitement of being almost naked keeps me wet all day. At least once during the day, and sometimes more often, I will sneak back into the supply room, unbutton my lab coat, sit on the stool that's back there, and rub my tits and pussy until I come. It's usually provoked by something I've seen in class - one of the girls rubbing her chest up against another student or a big bulge in one of the boy's pants - and it doesn't take long for me to get off. Then I button up and return to class more relaxed as if nothing happened. I was sure Kendra didn't know how I was dressed. But if things played out, she was about to find out.

"And what did Jaime do, Kendra?" If this was going to happen, I wanted her to say it out loud.

"You know, Ms. B."

"No, I don't know, Kendra. What did Jaime do?"

"Ms. B., you know," she said coyly. "She did to you what she does to some of us girls. And she said you liked it just like we like it when she does it to us."

Looking at this girl leaning on my desk, displaying her ample chest to me, and talking about Jaime eating me out without actually saying it, made me squirm in my seat.

She noticed my slight movement, stood up, walked around my desk, and sat on the edge of it right by me. She reached down and pulled up her already short skirt.

Then in a soft, sultry voice she said "We all like it when Jaime does us." Then she reached forward, took my hand, and put it between her legs.


"Holy shit!" my husband said as I told him this. He stopped kissing my neck and mauling my tits through my clothes and was busy taking my skirt off so he could get to my panties. This is one way we have sex play. He knows I have a ravenous sexual need and is comfortable with me satisfying my need when the opportunity presents itself. We always end up furiously fucking as I tell him what happened during the day at college. We were on the sofa after we both had gotten home from work. He knew by the look I had that something had happened that day and was as anxious to hear about it as I was to tell him.

He found my zipper and began to take my clothes off.

"This slutty student was brazen enough to put her teacher's hand between her legs! Tell me more."

"Her leg was so silky smooth on my fingers. She slowly began pulling my hand up her skirt."

"Oh, my god... Here, lift up." He was on the floor pulling my skirt past my butt and off my legs. It dropped to the floor.

"I can smell your sex and I haven't even taken your panties off!"

"Well, you know me..." I answered.

"You're damn right, I know you. Your pussy is so wet and needy, it's probably begging me to suck it and fuck it."

"Oh, god, honey! I'm so hot! Take my panties off... Hurry!" He grabbed my panties by the waistband, ripped them off, and threw them onto the floor. I was sitting on the sofa and he was kneeling in front of me. My legs were spread apart enough for him to see my pussy, wet and pulsing. He looked at my cunt; I looked at him. I was breathing hard.

""What are you going to do?" I managed to ask with a ragged, hoarse voice. I could hardly keep my hips from thrusting toward him.

He looked at me with his dead pan smile and said "I'm going to suck your pussy. Keep telling me about that slut student. What happened next?" With that he pushed my knees apart, pulled me to the edge of the sofa, and began to slurp my pussy lips. I moaned and pulled his head in closer.

"Oh, god! I can't think... Where was I? Oh, yeah. I remember now."


She was pulling my hand up under her skirt. She wasn't wearing panties and she pulled it right into her pussy. It was hot and squishy and she moved my fingers back and forth on it.

"Oooooo... That feels good, Ms. B. Do you like it?"

My mind was racing a mile a minute. She still hadn't told me what she wanted to do to me and the way things were going, it looked as if I had lost any control I thought I had and she wasn't going to say it out loud. I tried to say something, but couldn't get any words out. I just nodded my head.

"O.K., Ms. B. I'm going to do you for extra credit." She pulled my hand out of her pussy, finished unbuttoning her shirt, and pulled her bra up over her amazing, teenage tits. She squeezed them as she knelt down in front of my chair. I just watched as she reached down and began to unbutton my lab coat from the bottom. When she had three buttons undone, she pulled the front of my lab coat apart.

"Oh, Ms. B.!" she exclaimed as she stroked my legs. "You don't have any clothes on! You're a naughty teacher! Were you expecting me to do some extra credit work? Well, never mind..."

She moved her head down between my legs and I moved to the edge of the chair. She kissed my now wet cunt and began to lick on each side, sucking my lips into her mouth and running her tongue over them. She lapped my juices from the bottom to the top, barely touching my clit each time. She obviously knew what she was doing. As she kept eating me, she got noisier, moaning and cooing and slurping. Every once in a while she would move her hands to her tits, squeeze them, and groan right into my pussy. I gushed each time she did it.

She was in the well of the desk as I moved the chair forward, trying to push into her mouth when I heard a noise. I looked up and someone was rolling a maintenance cart into the room.

I stopped him with a loud "What are you doing here?" and at the same time grabbed Kendra's head with both my hands trying to stop her from moving on me. I scooted under my desk a little more.

"Oh. Hi, Ms. B. It's Johnny. I'm just helping Rodney with the cleaning. He told me to do this end of the building." He looked at me from across the room.

"Well, you're going to have to come back later. We're... Oh..." I jerked as Kendra licked my clit. "We're busy here and you need to come back later." I tried to sound convincing.

Johnny looked at me kind of funny and said "I only see you here Ms. B. Are you waiting for someone else?"

"I mean... I'm busy and you're going to have to come back later." Even though I was trying to hold her head tightly, Kendra was moving her face back and forth between my legs. "Right now, Johnny. Go. Go."

He smiled a knowing smile and said "O.K. Ms. B. I'll come back later... After you're not so busy."

He turned, pushed his cart out into the hall, and closed the door. I released Kendra's head and she increased her pace on my cunt.

She kept flattening her tongue at the bottom of my cunt and torturing me by slowly dragging her tongue up until it reached my clit. After a few more minutes of this, she sucked my clit hard between her tongue and her upper teeth. I instantly went over the edge, grunting, jerking, and pulling her face harder into me. After I came back down and was able to breathe again, I let her head loose. She looked up at me from between my legs.

"Gosh, Ms. B. That was close. You really came hard. Were you as excited as I was that Johnny almost discovered us?"

I was spent. All I could say was "Uh, huh."

"So, do I get some extra credit points, Ms. B.? It seemed like you liked it. It should be worth some extra points."


My husband stopped licking me long enough to say "I can't stand it anymore. Get down here on the floor!" I slid off the sofa to the floor and waited for him. He stood up, took his pants and boxers off, and jumped between my legs. I was ready; he thrust forward and slammed in all the way.

"Oh, my god! Oh, yes! Yes!" I almost hollered in his ear. He just grunted with each shove.

Here we were on our floor fucking like rabbits with all our work clothes on except from our waists down. It was great! We quickly found our rhythm with him pushing me along the floor with his cock. I loved it!

"O.K." he said between thrusts. "What... Did... You... Do...?"

"I gave her ten more points. Oh, god, harder! Harder!"

He fucked me harder. I raised my butt off the floor and rubbed my clit. We both shouted and came at the same time.
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Fucking Teacher - Copied - by hirarandi - 08-10-2020, 09:14 PM
RE: Fucking Teacher - Copied - by hirarandi - 08-10-2020, 09:14 PM
RE: Fucking Teacher - Copied - by hirarandi - 08-10-2020, 09:16 PM
RE: Fucking Teacher - Copied - by hirarandi - 08-10-2020, 09:17 PM
RE: Fucking Teacher - Copied - by hirarandi - 08-10-2020, 09:20 PM
RE: Fucking Teacher - Copied - by Kalyan143 - 14-02-2021, 04:31 PM

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