Adultery An Unforgetable Journey With a Friend - by luvdeep23
We woke up with a start. Both of us looked at each other. Sanju was first to speak, ‘are we sleeping?’
I answered, ‘I think so. But I heard some noises. Like some voices and laughter.’
He said, ‘I heard also. But what was that and from where it’s coming?’
Then we heard the noises again. It was some ridiculous laughing sound. We again looked at each other. We could not understand from where it was coming. Then we heard some voices. We looked at the direction. It seemed that the sound was coming from the opposite room. The rooms were partitioned with some sort of stripped bamboos.
The noise was coming from the opposite side. We tiptoed to the wall. The partition had numerous holes in it. We put our eyes through the holes and peered through them. What we found made us stunned. We found Trisha and Sweety sitting on the rugs and the women, girls and the boys had surrounded them. All of them wore rugs except our wives. They were laughing and talking in pahari hindi. We could not understand the meaning and neither our wives. They were trying to perceive that but failed to do so.
An elderly woman got up and with a smiling face came to the girls. She tried to convince them of what they were telling but only received the blunt stares from our wives. Then she pointed to the dresses they were wearing. She indicated with gesture.
Now the wives also understood what the woman was saying and shook their heads nervously. But the woman was persisting. We understood from her gesture that she was insisting the girls to remove their dresses. The elderly lady was tugging at their dresses. She was indicating to two rugs hanging from a rope in the room.
Trisha and Sweeety were nervously laughing. They were saying, ‘no, please no. We can’t remove our dresses.’
Trisha tried to resist and asked the woman, ‘why you need us to open our dresses?’
But to her woe nobody seemed to understand what she was saying. Another came forward to help the earlier lady. Now the elder one was trying to pull the top of Trisha by lifting it from the bottom while the other one was doing the same thing with Sweety. Both of our wives pulled down the hem of their dresses and were shaking their heads in protest vigorously.
All others were laughing with their yellow teeth out. We looked for the little bastard who had put these two beautiful wives in such a dilemma. But he was nowhere to be seen. There were many boys and girls from 6 to 15 years. All were thumping their feet in joy as if some big things were going to happen.
The two village ladies were getting restless. They pulled the top of both with force. Now Trisha and Sweety were afraid that their dresses would be torn by such pull.
Trisha stopped the women by saying, ‘okay, okay. We’re removing. Don’t tear our dresses.’
The ladies understood that they were now willing to remove their dresses. They let go of the dresses and stood aside.
Both of them looked helplessly to the outside, which was open. By their glances the women understood what these two pretty ladies were indicating. One middle-aged woman went to pull the curtain closed cutting off the opening from outside.
The room became dark but not so dark to see what was happening as the walls made of bamboos had so many holes that the sunlight filtered through them. Trisha and Sweety stood on their feet and pulled the top from the bottom to the top. Their midriffs got exposed, then the bottom of their bras and finally the bra covered boobs and then they took them off their heads.
The elderly woman took both the tops and kept them on the rope hanging them neatly. There was laughter all around, particularly the boys who were jumping on their feet. The woman to the side of Sweety tugged at the rope of her pant indicating to open it. She and Trisha both exchanged glances to say that there was no other way but to listen to these bitches.
Both of them pulled out the ropes of their pants and let them go. They slide past their waists exposing the top of their panties then revealing their panty-covered pussies. The pants slide down to gather at their feet. We heard the roar of laughter from the crowd. We exchanged glances now guessing the aftermath.
Another battle was won. The lady at Trisha gathered the pants and kept them on top of their tops. We hold our breath to find out what was coming next. The two pathetic looking wives were standing there with their faces down helplessly. They stood there in their designer bras and panties. Their boobs were heaving with the consequences which they never knew. The asses sporting over their supple thighs were the most exciting features of their bodies. Halve of the cheeks of their asses were out of their panty lines as the panties were more or less thong types.
The most striking part of their postures were that the lingerie of both of them were so sheer that their dark brown nipples with the areolas were clearly seen through the materials. From the other side we could trace out the hairy pussy of Trisha and the shaved one of Sweety. The group was enjoying the most satisfying scene of their lives especially the boys group. Pin drop silence prevailed over the room. Everyone in the room was ogling these two beauties.
My god, how sexy they were looking. To our amazement we could feel that our pricks were rock hard. These monsters did not understand the situation in which our beloved wives were. They only knew how to grow hard and jerk.
The girls in the group came forward and started inspecting their boobs. Some one was clasping them some was squeezing them.
One girl took the nipple of the right boob of Trisha over her bra and pulled it. Trisha tried to stop her but could not. She went on plucking it from its position.
We heard the boys. Almost 10 boys were gathered to both the girls. At first they started moving their hands over the length of their legs, feeling the softness of their thighs, tracing the outline of their panties. Some boys took turn to move their hands over the panty cover pussies, feeling their mounds. They traced their asses over the materials, cupping them feeling the fullness of their asses. Both the girls stood there with their faces down.
The boys now started pulling at their panties, poking their fingers in the ass cracks compelled them to buckle. We could see one boy of 6 years pulled down the panty of Trisha from her back revealing her moon shaped ass in front of them. As the ass was opened another boy of age about 10 years pressed his face against the ass crack. Another boy had inserted his fingers inside the panty at the front to have a feel of Trisha’s pussy. She was pressed from both side and she did not have room to avoid them.
Sweety’s condition was no better than Trisha. Her panty was half drawn and was stuck at the middle of her thighs. The boys were all over her pussy and ass. One boy was rubbing his hand over her pussy while the other god knew his age was grinding her ass.
The girls among the group were no longer looking. They also came forward to rampage over those pity girls. The girls first pulled out the panty from Sweety’s legs and threw it at one side. We saw an elder woman stood up to pick up the panty and kept it on top of the cloths. The girls pulled Sweety’s legs apart. She had allowed them to do so to arrest her fall on the ground. Her pussy was open to the gazes of the boys.
The boys were spreading her slit, pulling at her labia, tickled her clit. Some other was pulling apart her ass cheeks to see her asshole. They were letting out peculiar sounds. Some boys were running their tongues over her thighs some one was bitting the flesh their causing her to stir.
This became too much for Sweety. She was so scared that we found she started urinating. The golden shower came out from her pussy lips taking the boy under her pussy aback. We looked at her. She had hid her face with her hands in shame and she was trembling. We felt like invading the room and getting them back in our arms. But that could not be possible. We were in their territory.
The boys stopped for a little bit then rushed under the golden shower to get drenched. One boy aged about 12 years forced the other boys away and came directly under her pussy. He opened his mouth to let the urine fall in his mouth. He was gulping the jet.
Sweety was looking down at the boy; she was really puzzled to see some one was drinking her pee. The boy’s face was drenched completely with the urine.
Another boy of age 8 years only put his hand under her pussy and pressed it to close the jet. But she moved aside to let the urine flow. The flow was slowly reducing. It came drop by drop from the slit.
One boy extended his tongue to get the drop on it and let it sipped inside his mouth. The scene was over. Sweety was breathing heavy. The elderly women were laughing seeing the conditions of the boys and the girls of their groups. They had gone wild. The flock gathered near Trisha and we understood it was her turn.
Trisha’s panty was drawn to her feet and took out from her legs. Her bra was removed. She was totally naked. The hands were everywhere in her body. Every one was touching her. One was squeezing her boobs; other was rubbing his hand over her stomach. Somebody was playing with her ass. But most of the hands were at her hairy pussy. Her pubic hairs were ruffled, pulled, twirled, caught in a handful.
One finger was trying to search her slit in the bush, suddenly disappeared inside to let us know that the finger had found the passage. It stirred inside it. Trisha cried out, ‘ooucch..’
We looked to see one boy had pushed his finger inside her asshole roughly, which caused her winched. The girls were caressing her thighs, her hands, and her armpits. Trisha’s eyes were closed. She could not bear to see the happening.
Sweety was now mostly relaxed as she had now only two boys to attend her. One boy had lifted her leg over his shoulder and he was munching her pussy. Other was on her ass. He had pulled her cheeks as far as possible to rim her. She had also closed her eyes. No body was seeing any body.
A boy had pressed his mouth against Trisha’s pussy moving his head to and fro, rubbing her pubic hairs. He caught a handful of hairs and showed to the others laughing hysterically.
Suddenly he was pushed by another boy of 11 years. He lay down on the floor with his face upward indicating the others something that we could not understand. But the group understood.
The others were pulling her down. We realized that she was made to sit on the boy’s face. She was forcefully pulled downward. She gave away. She slowly bent her knees and lowering herself on the boy not much with her will but with the force of the others.
Her pussy hairs started tickling his face. She lastly sat on the face. Her pussy was opened at the boy’s mouth. He uttered hissing sound. Sanju and me looked at each other without much understanding. The others were also started hissing sounds. Then Trisha as well as we understood that she was asked to urinate on his face. Trisha squeezed her mouth; she knew that she had to do it. She was trying hard to let her go.
Our mouths were dry. We looked at our wives helplessly but our damned pricks did not understand the sorry state of them. Mine was constantly jerking and trying to come out of its confinement. I showed it to Sanju, ‘see the fun. We’re in such a state, but see my little bastard, it’s dancing to go free.’
Sanju adjusted his prick under the pant. He told, ‘mine is also in the same state.’
We heard the roar and looked through the hole. At last Trisha let out her pee. The first drop came out of her pussy slowly and we understood she was doing it against her will. As the group found her peeing, they roared joyfully.
Trisha had let her go, her urine was flowing in full gush as if an obstacle was removed and the jet had no barrier further. The boy had kept his mouth opened, the urine was going inside his mouth, and some of it he gulped but maximum were coming out of his mouth. I looked at Trisha, she had kept her eyes closed, and she did not want to see what she was doing. The gush was flooding the boy’s face. He lifted his head and clamped his opened mouth in her pussy. She tried to push him away but could not as one girl had held her hands. Her pussy hairs were drenched with urine. The rug was getting soaked heavily. The boy’s hairs were getting soaked but he was least bother. He was constantly gulping down the urine.
The flow was reducing. The boy let go of her. The girls pulled her out from top of his mouth and lay her down on the floor. She flopped on the rugs in such a way we assumed that she did not have any power over her limbs. As she lay down, the girls on the both sides of her legs pulled her thighs apart spread-eagling her.
They invited the other eagerly waiting boys. All came to munch her urine soaked pussy. They were taking mouthful of pubic hairs in their mouth and sucked on them, cleaning them from the trace of her urine. One boy opened her slit and lapped the inside to clean whatever residual left in her. Trisha must be feeling excitement as her hips started heaving up pushing the boy with her. Lastly they left her in that condition and went out.
Sweety was also laying on the floor. She had enough of pussy munching by the two boys. Some elderly women left inside the room.
They came forward to see the conditions of both the girls. Someone among them shouted something, which we did not understand. But we saw that one girl came with a bucket of water and a white piece of cloth. One woman dipped the cloth inside the water and squeezed the cloth to get out some water from it. She then wiped Trisha’s pussy and hairs well.
Doing it for three times, she bowed down and smelled her pussy. She nodded her head to the others. We understood that she meant to say that there was no smell of urine. Then the other went to Sweety and did the same thing. She also knelt down to smell her pussy and was satisfied.
The rooms were getting dark. We realized that evening had descended in the area. The women then sprinkled some whitish powder over their bodies and rubbed them. They shook both Trisha and Sweety to come into their senses. They got up and sat on the floor. They looked at their bodies.
Trisha told to Sweety, ‘oh, what a day. Won’t they give us any clothes?’
Sweety answered, ‘really the boys are sex starved. How they were eating my pussy? I wonder how they knew it? The way they were licking my clit and labia I was on the verge of orgasm.’
Trisha said, ‘I was just puzzled when I understood that I had to pee on the boy’s face. Have you seen my face sitting on the boy?’
Sweety told, ‘how could I? I was carried away by the way they were licking my pussy and ass. My eyes were closed.’
Trisha said, ‘but you know Sweety, peeing on the boy’s face had given me immense pleasure. I think it’s called the raw sex. And the way the other boys were cleaning my pussy and hairs with their tongue, I just passed away. My whole body was trembling.’
Suddenly we heard the rustle of the curtain. We came out from the partition and sat on the rug. It was Bablu. He came to us. We were still thinking about our wives. We thought that they were in very pity state but they were enjoying the humiliation.
He said, ‘sirs, have you taken the rest?’
I answered, ‘yes. We’re all right. But where you had been so long? And where are your madams?’
He told us, ‘don’t worry about the madams, sirs. They’re absolutely all right. They’re with our elder women and younger boys and girls. They must be enjoying.’
I tried to realise what did he mean to say by enjoying. I thought yeah they were enjoying. We did not make him understand that we knew the whole episode.
Sanju asked, ‘but you didn’t answer where you’d been?’
Bablu said, ‘we’re preparing the field for the festival. I told you about the festival.’
Sanju again asked, ‘Bablu, can you tell us what sort of festival is this?’
Bablu looked at us and took time to answer the question. He finally said, ‘you can tell this a mating festival.’
I was puzzled. I said, ‘mating festival? What’s that?’
He smiled, ‘pardon me sirs for saying this. The festival means mating of animals, human beings. It generally starts with dancing, beating of drums, drinking, and group dancing. In the middle of the festival you can see the dogs are mating, horse, pony and ass are mating with each other. Finally it ends with the mating of human being.’
Sanju asked, ‘human mating? Does it happen in front of every body?’
Bablu said, ‘yeah. In the center and in front of every one present there. You’ll find the dogs are mating in the center; the horses are mating in the center. The human also mates in the center.’
I quizzed, ‘but it must be dark in the field?’
He said, ‘no sir, although we’ve no electricity in the village. But we arrange the fire in such a way that the field is illuminated and you can see the action very clearly.’
I again asked him, ‘you’re saying human mating. Who’s going to mate whom?’
Bablu answered, ‘we’ve two men in our group whose ….I’m sorry sirs, I can’t tell in front of you.’
Sanju insisted, ‘but you’re describing your festival. If the small boys can see the mating with the others then you can also tell us what you’re going to tell.’
He stammered but managed to say, ‘sirs, we’ve two men here in our group whose pricks are too big and judged to be best. They’ll mate with two females who’re not mated by them. They’ll not spurt inside the female, instead they’ll ejaculate in a pot which will be given to the mating god to get healthy and peaceful life in the village.’
I was curious about the human mating, so I once again asked him, ‘you just told me that those men will mate with female whom they’ve not mated earlier. But I don’t think you’ve such new females here who are not fucked.’
He said, ‘you’re right. We don’t have such females here.’
Sanju said, ‘then how they’ll mate with such females?’
Bablu said as a matter of fact, ‘why, the madams are here. They’re new to them.’
I almost screamed, ‘you mean to say our wives will be their mating partners? It can’t be.’
He said with rigid voice, ‘I’m sorry sirs, but the case is that.’
Sanju said, ‘why didn’t you tell us earlier?’
He said, ‘or else you’d not have come. But this has to be done to please the god and to get the blessing for the village. But sirs, I’m telling you don’t you worry. They’ll be all right.’
Sanju said, ‘but it’s not fair. Our wives will be fucked in front of every body.’
Bablu said, ‘yes sirs. But it’s only a fun. And you’ve nothing to do but to agree as whoever had come here has to face such situation and they didn’t regret it after wards. You’ll also.’
Then he got up and told us, ‘well sirs, I’m going out now. The leader’ll come to take you in the festival. Bye sirs. I’ll be with you there.’
As soon he left the room we ran towards the partition to warn Trisha and Sweety to avoid any sort of trap. But the room was empty. They were not there and we did not know where they had gone.
I slammed my fist on my hand and said, ‘I must report it to Satish. The bastard had played a dangerous game with us.’
Sanju was calm. He said, ‘what do you say to Satish that our beloved wives are fucked by the villagers? Non sense.’
I told him, ‘so what do you say us to do.’
He said, ‘see we’re in their hands. We can’t do anything. We can harm us if we don’t listen to them. I do agree that the bastard had done proper with us. But we have nothing to do only to wait and watch.’
We heard the coughing sound. The leader entered into the room. He told us that the festival was going to start and we should get ready to go. We gestured him to go. But he handed us two rugs which we had to wear. We took out our tops and pants and were going to put on the rugs. But the leader stopped us. He indicated to our briefs and asked us to remove them.
We looked puzzled. We stared at him. He laughed and pushed aside his own rug. He was naked totally down. We found his prick was much bigger than us and we thought he might be one of the men who were going to fuck sorry mate our wives.
We removed our briefs. He laughed as he saw our pricks. I thought he must have been comparing the sizes with his size. ‘Bastard,’ I told him in my mind. We came out of the room. Sanju caught hold of my hand. Our situation was like that we could not believe in moving alone. We came to a field which was illuminated well by the fires all round. The leader motioned us to sit on the field.
We took our seat on the field. The leader sat with us. We found Bablu was coming towards us. I grew angry as I saw him.
I told to Sanju, ‘see, the bastard is coming now. I’ll give him a good thrashing.’
But Sanju was patting my arm to calm down. Bablu was also wearing the rug which he did not have on his body for the day long. He sat in between us. We moved aside to let him in. We thought it was better to have him in us. Otherwise we could not ask or understand if at all we had to ask.
The Drum started beating slowly. We looked around but could not see Trisha and Sweety. Our mind was revolving the question, ‘where are they?’
A male group stood up. They started undulating their bodies with the rhythm of the drum. They had short sticks in their hands which they were rolling in their hands and thumping the sticks on the ground. We were watching the dancing group. A man from the group came out and pulled us up. We first protested but Bablu gestured us to go with him. We joined the group and soon found us dancing with the beats alongwith those male dancers. God we were dancing. The dance getting rapid with the faster beat of the drum. We moved round and round.
In the midst of dance, Sanju whispered, ‘I’m feeling foolish dancing with them.’
I did not say anything but continuing with the dance. Ultimately the dance came to an end and the group dispersed. We came to our place. We were breathing heavily. As we settled in our place the drum again started beating. I got afraid that we had to dance again.
I told Bablu, ‘if they call us again I’m not going.’
Sanju supported me. he said, ‘uh hu, me will be sitting here only. No more dancing.’
But now it was the girls group. And we sighed relieve.
The girls comprising from the lower age to elder one started dancing. All were in the rugs. The rugs were moving around their bodies revealing that they had nothing underneath. We could see their boobs bouncing freely, their asses were undulating and their hairy pussies were sometime getting exposed.
Then I noticed Trisha and Sweety in the group. I nudged at Sanju and said, ‘see, there they’re dancing with the group.’
Sanju looked and found them. The girls were not looking anywhere; they were busy with their dances. All the girls and women including our wives were moving in a circle with the beat of the drums. Sometime they were bowing and moving up and some time shaking their hips.
When they bowed their rugs were displaced from their chests revealing their boobs. When they were shaking their hips the rugs at the bottom getting out of place exposing their asses and hairy pussies.
Trisha and Sweety were no different than the others but they seemed to have noticed that. They were oblivious to the whole thing. The only difference we found in them that Sweety had the only shaved pussy. The groups were moving faster as the drum beat grew faster. The male from the outside were growling as the girls danced.
I was at a loss that me and our staffs had requested Trisha to dance in the get together party but she had never joined. She had always showed her shyness. But here I saw that she was gyrating her body so sensually. Her boobs were jiggling as she danced. Her ass was bouncing as she jumped with the beat.
I looked at Sweety. The she was dancing, it was clear that she was enjoying the dance. She held the hands of the girls at her either side and moving with them in circle. Her boobs were bouncing freely as the rug was lifted with the rhythm.
I elbowed Sanju who was looking at the dance earnestly. I told him, ‘our wives are looking beautiful. They are dancing well also.’
Sanju while looking, murmured, ‘I never know that she can dance. What more we have to see god knows.’
The sensuality increased its highest tempo. The drumbeaters might have gone mad as they were shaking their heads and beating the drums wildly. The girls were moving in circle throwing their legs high in the air. It seemed to us sort of callipso dance. I had not seen it personally but it looked like that. When they were throwing their legs high in the air the bottom of the rugs flew high revealing their pussies in a most erotic sense. Our little bastard became restless. They were growing in size and god we did not have anything underneath except the rugs.
Ultimately the dance came to an end. Some girls caught hold of the hands of our wives and led them away from us but within the group. They settled on the ground. Trisha and Sweety were in the front row.
I found some peculiarity in their behaviour. They were not searching for us which was obvious. Instead their expressions were blank. I shook Sanju and whispered in his ears, ‘did you find something indifferent in them?’
Sanju was also looking at them. he said, ‘I found some thing different. But can’t understand.’
Bablu cleared our doubt. He said, ‘it’s nothing sirs. They were given our special drinks. This drink blocks normal behaviour, but they remain within themselves. Every woman in the group has taken the drink. And it’s a must otherwise it’s an insult to our community.’
I thought myself, ‘to hell with your community.’
We once again looked at them. Yes, all the women were behaving in the same way. They did not know the condition of their dresses. Almost everyone’s boobs were open. They had sat in such a fashion that we could see their pussies. Sweety and Trisha were on the same state. Their boobs were open their pussies were visible. But no body seemed to care for that. Every body was shaking their bodies with the beat of the drum.
The beating of the drum grew faster. Now one man and a woman from either group rose to dance in the tune of the drum. After some minutes of dancing another group took their places. The dancing was going wild.
The leader who was sitting so long at our side without saying any words only watching, looked at me. I also looked at him to understand what he was trying to say. He pushed me. I stared at him questioningly. He indicated the middle of the field where a man and a girl were dancing. Did he mean to say that I could dance. No way. I shook my head but his pressure grew more.
Sanju noted the pushing of the leader and gestured me to follow his instruction. I lifted my ass from the place where I was sitting and moved in the middle. By that time the pair were departed.
A 20 years old girl joined me. We danced. I found the girl was lost in her dance. Her boobs were exposed. They were developed satisfactorily. I could not see her pussy properly but could see the patch of hairs. She shook her naked ass. The girl became so absorbed that she threw her rugs out on the ground and started dancing naked.
I looked at Trisha. She of course was looking at us but I did not think she could notice me. Her face was expressionless. I danced with the girl somehow. I was feeling shame. All the villagers were looking at me and I was in the middle of the field with a naked girl. The girl was shaking her ass in front of me sometime touching my crotch. While dancing she clasped me in her tiny hands and slide her hand inside the rug. My hard prick jumped to attention. She grasped it and shook it smiling at me.
Then another group replaced me. This time a lady about 35 years age joined the male. She from the beginning was naked. She had thrown away her rug before joining the arena. She had massive boobs which were bouncing up and down with the rhythm of her dance. The nipples were big and erect. The male kissed the nipples, put his hand on her hairy pussy, gave a solid rub then he drew her towards him and crushed her in his body. The woman shifted the rug covering the male genital and grasped his prick which was hard and solid. She rubbed it on her hairy pussy while gyrating her ass. The man was also moving his ass with the tune. His heavy balls under his prick was slapping against her pussy.
Sanju replaced this group with a 25 years old girl. She was naked when came in the middle. Sanju was a good dancer. He was matching his steps well with the girl. When he did nothing except for the dancing, the girl pulled his hands and kept them on her boobs. Sanju looked at Sweety who saw nothing, as she could not realise the situation. She was also as expressionless as Trisha.
The girl took her hands under his rug and grabbed his prick. Sanju was a quick learner. If it was I, I could have backed off. But he did nothing; but kept his hands up while dancing. He let the girl hold his prick. The girl gave him a good rub. She fondled his balls and moving her hand up and down over the shaft exposing the knob of his prick. All the time they were dancing. Sanju was squeezing her boobs rubbing the nipples with his palms. As he tried to put his hand on her pussy, the girl backed off as the new pair took their places.
Sanju said while sitting in his place, ‘oh, what a dance!’
Bablu said, ‘are you enjoying sirs?’
What could we say?’ We were really enjoying the festival. Then we saw Sweety was pushed to join the dance. Her rugs were taken off. She was totally naked. The group roared as the female guest had joined the dance alone.
The male partner was solidly built. He took her hand and danced with her. She was able to dance with him. He circled her waist with his hand and lifted her up, swung her across his body then put her on her feet. He kissed firmly on her nipples.
Sanju grabbed my wrist and put pressure to warn me against any wrongdoing. The male dance knelt down and put his hand in between her legs from the back and lifted her up in one hand. We were surprised to see that in the hanging position Sweety was swinging her hands to the tune of the drum. She must be enjoying.
The male scooped her and slide her under his rugs. We could see in the light that her face was brushing against his hard prick. To our surprise she even kissed the prick. Oh god, what was happening with our wives? Their dance came to a stop. The male sent her to her place with a slap on her ass. She told him nothing.
Another group was on the field. Now the male had lost his rugs. He and the girl was dancing nude. His big prick was dangling as he danced. The girl jumped and landed on his lap. We found that his prick vanished inside her bushy cunt. It was beyond our imagination that it could happen. They made it looked so easy. They made some fucking movements and the male tossed her in the air and caught her with both of his hands. He put down the girl on the ground while in the dancing steps. His rigid prick was jerking, her boobs were bouncing, her ass was swinging, a perfect act of sexuality. I looked at Bablu to tell him something. But he was not at our side.
I asked Sanju, ‘do you know where is Bablu?’
He nodded his head and said, ‘no, I don’t know where he has gone. But you see the expertise of those dancers. They really know the balancing act.’
The dance stopped and we saw Trisha was pushed at the dancing ground. She got up from her place her rugs were taken out. She was naked. Her boobs had swelled. Her pubic hairs were seen clearly. Applauded rose from the crowd. We looked for her male partner. Whao, we were surprised to see it was Bablu. The naked Bablu ran inside, he did some somersaults on the ground and placed him near Trisha. He caught hold the hand of her and moved gracefully around the ground.
I murmured, ‘the bastard. He had made it intentionally to pair with her.’
Trisha was not a good dancer; she was matching his steps by any means. But it did not make any difference so long they were dancing. He encircled her back with his arm, touching her boobs, pressing it. He got the chance and who was going to stop him from taking this chance.
He knelt down and lifted one of her legs over his shoulders; he was swaying with the beat. He took his face near her pussy and pressed it against her bush. His prick was hard. He had a good size compared to his age. He inserted his whole body in between her legs, pulled her to sit on top of him and then lifted her up in the air. We did not believe that at his age a boy could lift Trisha so easily.
Trisha showed no expression of fear, but she was swinging her arms over her head. He slowly sat down over the ground and let her touched the ground with her feet. As she stood up he slide out from under and slide his body along the length of her body crushing her boobs in the act. We could see his prick was poking in between her legs. We thought from here that he must have poked her slit with his prick. He bent down his head to take one nipple in his mouth and sucked it hard. Trisha while dancing pressed his head on her boobs. He squeezed the other one and ran his hand over her pussy. From our place we could see that Trisha was totally oblivious of what the boy was doing with her body.
He rubbed her there, then brought his hands behind her and cupped her ass cheeks in both hands and squeezed them. I thought, ‘what the bastard is doing? Is he dancing or feeling her?’ His fingers were hooked in her ass crack, he might be feeling her asshole. I was waiting for the dance to stop and to my relief I found another pair was getting ready. Finally it was over and Bablu take her to her place and made her sit beside Sweety. She was breathing hard. At last the dance session ended with a wild beating of the drum. A total silence prevailed the entire area.
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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testing for prefix - by sarit11 - 05-11-2018, 03:05 PM
RE: An Unforgetable Journey With a Friend - by bigman - 04-12-2018, 06:15 PM

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