Who was the King - Copied
Cheryl Thomson heard the buzz of her alarm clock at 6:00 am. She rolled gently over to click the button to turn it off. Her body ached all over from the brutal fucking she had received in her mouth and throat, as well as her pussy. After turning off the alarm, she lay in bed, gathering her thoughts and feelings about the events that had occurred, as well as taking an inventory of her body to see if there was any real damage. Cheryl thought the only somewhat "positive" event of the night is that the terrible boy had pulled out of her pussy in order to have his orgasm so she didn't think she was pregnant. 

She looked to the other side of the bed and could see that it had not been slept in, so Rob never made it back from his trip. While having him there to have a shoulder to cry on would have been nice, she would have to lie about why she was crying on his shoulder, so it was probably best he had not returned. She looked over at her phone and saw there was a message. 

<BEEP> Hi honey, I hope everything is alright. I've been really busy on this trip and it seems they love me out here so I am gained new clients left and right. I may be here a few more days. Hopefully we... <BEEP><End of Message> 

"Hmmm... hopefully we? What was he going to say?"thought Cheryl, and then she struggled out of bed weakly and shuffled over to the shower as her body felt as if she had been in a prize fight and lost badly. She turned on the water and stepped in to try and wake up and refresh herself. Cheryl knew she wasn't dirty now as she spent almost an hour last night scrubbing her body inside and out to try and get rid of the filth from the brutal fucking she's received. 

Stepping out of the shower after she was finished, Cheryl did feel a little bit better. She didn't know how much better she could feel. She didn't even know how much cum she had ingested over the past few days. Between the coffees, the "pipes" for the ceremony, and now, the sex she had the night before. First of all, she couldn't believe the size of that boy's penis at eighteen-years-old. Besides the fact that he was such a short boy in height, his penis was immense. 

Cheryl got dressed, confused about how she would handle the work day at college today. "Did she really want to continue teaching at this college?" thought Cheryl. "But she had pressured Rob to leave the big city and leave everything to come with her, and he seems so happy," debating with herself in her mind about her upcoming day as she now was driving to college. She drove to college early to try and get a parking spot as far away from Claude Johnston's area as she could, but, to her dismay, the parking lot was full except for a spot next to a BMW 7-series sedan in front of his office. Cheryl was a bit surprised to see a car costing more than $100,000 in what she thought was Claude's parking spot. 

Cheryl did not know how she would confront Claude regarding her new suspicions about the "cream" in her coffee, but knew she had to meet this head on based on her training and education. If only she didn't feel as if this was somehow her fault. Maybe she should just try to avoid Claude today, and not accept any coffee. 

Cheryl stepped out of her car and cringed a bit when she heard Claude's voice call out to her, "Good morning Mrs. Thomson! I hope you had a pleasant evening last night." Cheryl turned in the direction of the voice and winced seeing Claude Thompson approaching her, again holding two cups of coffee. Even though she was a teacher and was higher on the position rung than a janitor, she felt nervous and helpless around Claude. 

"Thank you Claude. I didn't sleep so well," said Cheryl curtly and she turned quickly towards the college door. 

"That's fine, Mrs. Thomson, I will keep it warm for you for later," answered Claude smoothly and calmly back into his office. 

"I did it!" thought Cheryl, "I refused the coffee mixed with his cum! I took the first step to fixing this whole mess!" Cheryl walked proudly to the front door of Sherman High college and reached her hand for the handle when another familiar voice rang out to her, "Mrs. Thomson, Mrs. Thomson???" to which Cheryl turned and saw Jamaya walking quickly towards her. Cheryl wanted to run and hide, but knew she couldn't and wondered why she feared this small thin black girl. It must be her eyes that were so fierce the last time Cheryl saw her. To Cheryl's amazement, Jamaya had a sweet smile on her face and a bright look in her eyes which calmed Cheryl a lot. 

"Could I ask you a question Mrs. Thomson?" asked Jamaya quite innocently, "In private?" 

Cheryl didn't feel comfortable going to a private setting with Jamaya, especially after everything that occurred the prior night, so she politely responded, trying to maintain professionalism, "Jamaya, anything that needs to be said to me can be said in the open. Let's discuss this here." 

Jamaya's face instantly got a little more stern and much more threatening which shocked Cheryl, but not as much as when she responded, "Are you sure we want to discuss your whoring ways in the middle of the college entrance where anyone can hear?"  

Cheryl's confident demeanor was instantly replaced by a pale, ashamed, fearful face and she nodded to Jamaya who led her to a more secluded spot behind the college. Jamaya walked strongly and dominantly ahead while Cheryl walked fearfully behind her, a few steps back, unsure of what was going to happen. 

Finally, Jamaya stopped and quickly turned and rushed Cheryl and punched her firmly in the solar plexus, causing Cheryl to both double over and gasp for air. She then slapped the doubled over woman from the left side of the face followed by the right side of the face and demanded firmly while still holding a hand up ready to strike again, "BITCH! Where's my money???" 

Cheryl, doubled over from the punch to her solar plexus and stunned from the slaps to her face, looked dazed and confused at Jamaya, who raised her hand again to strike Cheryl, who cried out, "Don't hit me!! Don't hit me!! Money? What do you mean, money?" cried Cheryl helplessly. 

"Listen whore," explained Jamaya and again firmly implanting the word 'whore' in Cheryl's mind, "every 'income-producing' opportunity we send you on, you owe us $300. Most good whores get well above that, and you can keep anything you make more than that." Jamaya liked how she put a positive spin of "income-producing opportunity" on whoring out the white wife and mother. 

Cheryl was flabbergasted and began stuttering, "But... but... I'm not a whore..." 

Almost instantly Cheryl felt a stinging [SLAP] across the right side of Cheryl's face and Jamaya's other hand rose to slap the other side when Cheryl cried out, "PLEASE, stop hitting me!! I don't have $300! I only got $40 for last night!" 

Jamaya knew she only got $40 which was part of the plan. "$40?!?!? Forty fucking dollars?!?!?!? Well, your bill is $300, so what are we going to do about that?" asked Jamaya. 

Cheryl was in a bind. Cheryl had new student loan debt since she just finished a program. Both Rob and she had drained their savings to pack up and move to Potoxy and she was still on probational period for her job so no paycheck for another two weeks. She knew she didn't have the money, and she didn't want to ask Rob. 

"You could go on another date...," suggested Jamaya, "in order to make up the difference." 

"No, no, I can't..." stammered Cheryl, and then the college bell rang for classes to start, "Jamaya, I need to get to class..." and she tried to walk away. 

Jamaya bull-rushed Cheryl against the wall, and threatened, "Listen bitch, I don't know how things are done where you come from," she started, "but here you don't leave while you still owe!" Jamaya paused so her words could have the proper effect. "I have only slapped you, and punched you in areas which aren't visible through clothing. DO YOU WANT ME TO BREAK YOUR NOSE?!?!?!? RIGHT NOW?!?!?" 

"Jamaya please!!" pleaded Cheryl, "This is new to me, I will get you the money, I will think about another date. I have to get to class," and Cheryl rushed away in the direction of her classroom. 

After Cheryl left, Jamaya looked in the direction behind where Cheryl and she spoke, and asked, "How was that?" 

The deep baritone voice of Claude Johnston answered, "We shall see my girl, we shall see, but it does look promising. 


Cheryl pulled her compact from her purse to check her face for any markings. Luckily, as Jamaya had mentioned, the red mark from the slap on her face was already beginning to fade. She thought to herself, "But how will I explain a broken nose? How do I come up with this money?" She then opened the door to her classroom and her the noise of the students through her focus on her thoughts about the money issues. She also saw a cup of coffee waiting for her on her desk. 

Cheryl rushed in angrily to inspect the coffee. Sure enough, there was a thick layer of cream on the top. While a part of Cheryl was attracted to the aroma of the coffee and cum mixture on her desk but, at least still for the moment, Cheryl's self-respect and ego caused a sense of anger and resentment over Claude pushing his coffee on her. "Damn it!" thought Cheryl, "I already refused this disgusting old man. I had better put a stop to this!!" and Cheryl told her class to excuse her a moment and she took the coffee and walked heatedly to Claude Johnston's office. 

As she approached the door to Claude's office, it was open and she saw Claude with multiple large stacks of money on his desk and another pile of cash in his hand which he was counting out... "$20, $40, $60, $80, ok that makes $3,400. $20, $40, $60, $80, now $3,500." 

Cheryl paused for a moment and recollected her thoughts. "It may not be good to antagonize this man," she thought opportunistically, "maybe he could give me a short-term loan." So, as quickly and effectively as she could, Cheryl changed her angry demeanor to that of one sweet and playful in an attempt to perhaps get a loan and she walked in on Claude. 

"Ummmm... Mr. Johnston, could I..." started Cheryl. 

Claude looked up from his counting, raised a finger in a signal to quiet Cheryl, and stated angrily, "Hush woman, you'll make me lose my count," which silenced Cheryl who then watched Claude count the multiple stacks of cash on his desk and say, "$23,500" and he took a pencil and wrote something down in front of him. He then looked at Cheryl with an annoyed look on his face, "What is it?" he asked. 

"I'm sorry to interrupt," said Cheryl apologetically as she glanced at the large stacks of cash stacked neatly on Claude's desk along with a bag of cash Claude appeared as if he were still counting, "but you know, my husband Rob and I just moved to Potoxy," her voice trailed off. 

"And?" replied Claude annoyed and expectantly that a favor was going to be asked of him. 

"Ummm...," stammered Cheryl, "I don't know how to ask this," continued Cheryl nervously. 

"Just ask it Mrs. Thomson," said Claude more politely this time, "as I have some counting left to do. I don't trust banks or the market after the last crash, so once a month, I count my life savings." Claude was lying so Cheryl would assume that money was very dear to Claude when in fact, he was counting the prior night's take in from his various businesses. 

"Claude," began Cheryl in as nice a voice as she could muster, "as I said, Rob and I just moved here, and spent our life savings to get here, and neither of us will have our first paychecks for a few weeks. Do you know anywhere we could get a short-term loan?" 

"Well first Mrs. Thomson," said Claude with a smile, "I'm insulted your coffee cup is still full. Did I do something wrong with the coffee?" he hinted for Cheryl. 

Cheryl, looking at the coffee nervously, but also not wanting to upset the man she was requesting a loan from, took a small sip from the top of the coffee, knowing full well that the cream at the top of the coffee along with the strange taste and texture she was feeling in her mouth was Claude's cum. 

"In a small town like Potoxy," explained Claude, "we take care of each other," Claude continued, "Now, I have to be careful with money as I was careless and why I need to still be working," rambled Claude to again make Cheryl embarrassed about asking Claude to part with his hard-earned money. 

"If you lent it to me," began Cheryl, "I could pay you interest..." she said hoping Claude would just loan without interest but she wanted to make the offer. Cheryl also began feeling her nipples very sensitive after her drink. She glanced down and noticed them extending prominently even through the shape of her bra. 

"How much do you need Mrs. Thomson?" asked Claude. 

"Would $350 be ok Claude?" asked Cheryl hesitatingly. 

"Three-hundred and fifty dollars is a lot of money Mrs. Thomson," exclaimed Claude who continued, "I remember when only $100 was my paycheck for whole month. As far as interest, what do you think is fair?" he asked. 

Embarrassed, Cheryl looked at what she thought was Claude's life savings and felt terrible asking it from him, so she wanted to give him a lot, "How is $35 interest sound to you Claude?" suggested Cheryl. 

"Here," said Claude leaning forward, "let me freshen up the cream in your coffee" said Claude, pouring more "cream" at the top of Cheryl's coffee. 

Cheryl held the cup, looking in the top, hesitating again before drinking, "Drink up," requested Claude, and Cheryl more obediently this time lifted the cup to her lips and took a small sip, but for some reason, she couldn't take the cup away from her lips, and before she knew it, she drank the whole cup. She felt very nervous as her nipples were now throbbing, and a wetness was dripping down her thigh. 

Claude commented, "Cheryl," and he paused a second, "can I call you Cheryl?" to which he waited on Cheryl's nod, "I'm very nervous about money, and $35 on $350 I think is a fair rate on a daily basis, could you sign this contract?" and he handed Cheryl a paper. 

Cheryl's mind was spinning from all of Claude's potent cum so her eyes were spinning as she read the "contract" she was handed. She did see a few terms she didn't understand, but she trusted Claude and signed the papers. And Claude handed her $350. 

"Thank you, Claude," said Chery appreciatively. 

"I think until you pay back the loan Cheryl," began Claude, "you should refer to me as Master Thompson. Didn't you read the contract?" he asked a bit menacingly. 

Cheryl, very nervously, and now remembering something about master contract, said meekly, "Thank you Master Thompson," and she started back to her classroom. On the way back to her classroom, she quickly found Jamaya and paid her the $300 owed, and she appreciated Mr. Johnston's, then she quickly thought, "Master Johnston's" generosity. 

Cheryl's day teaching was much easier than the day before, even with the two servings of cream. In fact, the nervousness she had prior to drinking the cream seemed to have gone away after having the cream. She knew it was semen, but something about it seemed right. 

Late in the day, when Cheryl was in her class alone grading papers, Claude knocked on her classroom door. Cheryl waved for him to come in, and stuttered, "Um... hello, um..., Master Johnston," she mumbled meekly and gently. 

Claude smiled, but no longer gently, and said while handing Cheryl a piece of paper, "Here is the payment schedule for your records along with a copy of your signed agreement to the terms." 

Cheryl looked at the paper expecting to see $385 as the total, and gasped when the total was over $1,200. "But Claude, I mean Mister, I mean Master Johnston, I can't afford this, I thought you were only charging me $35 interest," she pleaded. 

Claude quickly corrected Cheryl, "I said daily rate of $35 on $350, which on day 2 is $38.50 on $385, and so on. You signed a legal contract, I'm sure we can come up with a payment and/or work schedule that works for you." Claude smiled and added, "Maybe we can get you in on a milking schedule as well to pay down your loan." Claude looked down at his crotch and at Cheryl, smiled, then turned and left the room. 

Soon after Claude's exit, Jamaya and Lateesha entered the room, frightening Cheryl, and began to say, "Mrs. Thomson, it seems you have a problem." 


Rob Thomson didn't know how he ended up in this situation. At one moment, he was schmoozing with a potential client at a fancy restaurant in a small town in Alabama discussing business, and now, as he seemed to be awakening from being passed out, he was naked in a hotel room with a young black girl with her lips wrapped around his dick. He thought of his wife Cheryl, and wanted to be faithful, but this girl with amazing tits and ass, and ultra-sexy look on her face as she looked up at him, was just too exciting to stop. He pumped his hips so his four-inch penis went in and out of her mouth. 

Niema, the girl sucking Rob's cock, was very disappointed in the size of Rob's dick, but it made her job easier to suck the whole thing and lick his balls to potentially make him cum fast. Rob began thrusting his tiny dick into Niema's mouth faster to which she pulled away. 

"But... but... I'm close," begged Rob, "please!!" 

A deep voice spoke from a dark corner of the room, startling Rob, saying, "Rob, Rob, Rob," in a condescending tone, "legally, I couldn't have you sign the contract last night, but we discussed it so you can make a lot of money, even more than what you've already made. If you sign now, I will instruct Niema to finish," said the voice coming from the dark shadowy corner of the room. 

Rob looked on the dresser and saw papers and a pen. He quickly scanned the contract and saw in big letters how much money he would make, not bothering to read all the fine print, and he signed, and begged, "Please let her finish!!" 

The form from the shadows rose and walked towards the dresser, and Rob saw a very fit but thin black man in an expensive suit pick up the contract and say, "It has been nice doing business with you Mr. Thomson." and he looked at Niema and said, "We're finished here Niema," to which Niema quickly backed off the bed, and began getting dressed, much to Rob's dismay. 

"But, but...," pleaded Rob. 

"Rob," explained the well-dressed black man in the suit, "it has been nice doing business with you. And, if you don't want a video of this encounter going to your wife, I expect your absolute compliance with the contract of which I've left you a copy." 

Rob's face fell further, unsure of what he had just signed in a moment of passion. He picked up the contract and began reading and the depression deepened. 


Cheryl, upon seeing Lateesha and Jamaya, quickly rushed to Jamaya and said, "I can pay you the $300 now Jamaya." 

Jamaya held her hand out firmly to accept the money and added, "'Bout time bitch," as Cheryl put the cash into Jamaya's hand. 

Cheryl turned and was about to head back to her class when Latisha suggested, "Mrs. Thomson, I want to apologize for the way Jamaya informed you of your debt. It wasn't fair to you." 

Cheryl wanted to get back to grading papers, but she had to express her shame, it was eating away at her soul, so she turned to Lateesha and replied, "Lateesha, you told me it was only going to be platonic. This is outrageous! My moral structure, my beliefs, I'm just aghast and totally..." and she threw her hands up in a frustrated motion and was about to continue when Lateesha quickly interjected. 
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Who was the King - Copied - by hirarandi - 27-09-2020, 07:58 PM
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RE: Who was the King - Copied - by hirarandi - 27-09-2020, 08:43 PM
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