Wife gets the job done
She walked into a large office with a great desk sitting in its middle. A quick glance at the room showed her a bookshelf full of large hardback tomes, two oil paintings of what looked like the Bavarian Alps and a very large window that went from the floor up to the ceiling. After telling herself not to go anywhere near the window, she focused on the two men in the office. Mr. Wagner she had expected. He was sitting behind his desk. Mr. Plaidy was also there, standing frighteningly close to the window as if he had no fear of falling through it like Roma had. Both men wore long-sleeved shirts and slacks.

Plaidy took one look at her and started laughing. "Your husband sent you in here dressed like that?"

Already, Roma felt she was being humbled. "My husband does not know I came. I am negotiating without him."

"There's nothing left to negotiate." Wagner shook his head. "We already told him we didn't like his proposition. You've wasted your time by coming here."

"I want to begin the negotiations from the start, as if this is the first time we are meeting." Roma stubbornly replied.

Wagner glanced over at his partner.

Plaidy shrugged, before stepping over by the desk. He picked up a few magazines that were sitting to one side and tossed them over closer to the end where Roma stood. "Take a look at these. They're magazines for women and they're full of ads for make-up. What is going to separate your company from all of the other companies on these pages?"

Good, Roma thought. The investors were concentrating less on her and her tight clothes, and more on what she was bringing to the negotiation. One close look at the magazine covers told her everything she needed to know, before she turned her attention back to both men. "I have seen many magazines such as these. They are full of pretty young women smiling in revealing American clothes. I took this into account when I first began to market my cosmetics. I can tell you precisely why my strategy caused my cosmetics to become more popular than advertisers that used American advertising agencies."

"Go ahead and take a seat." Wagner said. He looked to be thinking things over. "Go on with what you were saying."

Before she sat down, Roma took the handful of magazines and tossed them over to that man's side of the desk. "You've told me to look through your magazines, but I have done this already. You look through them now to find a model who is thirty years old, or forty or fifty, who is representing a cosmetics company."

"We're not going to find any." Plaidy shook his head. "What's your point?"

"I know about this American obsession with youth." Roma explained. "It seems that only young women live in your country. In India, we also have older women, and women who have children, and women who must work every day. When I marketed my product line, I advertised to specific ranges of women and to specific castes. These are the women your advertising agencies ignore most of all.

"I took many things into consideration. In India, the Upper Caste is located to the north of our country. These people are fair of skin, nearly as light-colored as Europeans just as I am. The women to the middle and south of India are much darker. If you understand how the color of cosmetics will look on lighter skin when compared to darker skin, you may understand this. A woman with fair skin cannot wear cosmetics of a light color, because there is no contrast. This is similar with a darker woman who tries to wear cosmetics of a dark color. I marketed stronger colors to the younger women of the Upper Caste and subtle colors to older wealthy women. My returns were very successful. Next, I marketed brighter colors for the women with darker skin. I also hired women to wear my cosmetics at nightclubs and to give away samples all over India."

"And you think this kind of marketing might work in the United States?" Wagner asked.

"It will not." Roma admitted. "My husband is wrong to think that it will, because he thinks that if you place cosmetics on a store shelf women will right away come in to buy them. There is a great fault in this country, because your country includes women of fair skin and also women of darker complexions. It is a mistake to only advertise to women of the lightest skin color. If I were to advertise in your country, I would market first to the darker women. I would avoid New York because the markets there are saturated with competition. Instead of these regions, I would market to women from the south of your country, from Florida to California. I have a full line of inexpensive cosmetics to offer to women of darker skin. This market would take years to cultivate, but there is a greater market available at this moment with a much greater potential."

"And what market is that?" Wagner asked.

Roma did not want to give this away, because the potential for profits was so great. She would be angry if these investors took her idea and made their own negotiations to exploit this.

"Are you going to tell us or not?" Plaidy persisted.

"China." Roma admitted. "There is a sexual revolution taking place in China at this moment. There are so many men in China trying to capture the attention of only very few women. The men are spending much of their money on these few women."

"So your hope is that the many men will buy your cosmetics for the relatively few women?" Plaidy wondered.

"No." Roma corrected. "I am hoping the prostitution industry will buy my products. Prostitution is one of the fastest growing industries in China. If I can hire prostitutes to use my products and to give out samples, the business will spread on its own. Young and trendy women will see my cosmetics and want to use them. When sales begin to spread outside of my target market, I have another line of cosmetics that is not as bold as the first. The young women will purchase it because they know it originated from the same company as the cosmetics the prostitutes are using. If you intend to invest in my business, I encourage both of you to do this promptly."

"Why is that?" Wagner asked.

"My husband failed in his negotiations with the Chinese. Already, there are Chinese entrepreneurs who have seen my success in India. They are producing inferior products to those I offer, but they are marketing it to the wealthiest women first and hoping it will catch on with the rest. I will be marketing from the other end and hopefully before the Chinese saturate the market with their cheap facsimiles."

"We've worked with Chinese contractors before." Plaidy said.

"I know this." Roma told him. "Your position will be to convince the Chinese to allow my beauty shops into their country. Establishing my shops in your country is less of a concern at this point, although my husband will argue otherwise."

"Regulations and tariffs might be tough to get around." Plaidy scratched his head.

"Not if you can transport goods through a black market." Roma replied. "If even fifty percent of my merchandise can enter China legally, I can fill up the rest of my store illegally. I will set up my first few shops on the border between China and India."

Wagner chuckled. "You want to move goods illegally into China?"

"I am doing this already." Roma said, although this time she refused to give away her connections.

"How much?" Plaidy spoke up. "How much money would you need to get started, if China allowed your shops in their country?"

"My husband knows more of that side of our business than I do. I manage the stores once we are certain we have them. Will you agree to invest with us?"

"We have to talk about this." Wagner said. "We can't give you an answer right away, but we are taking another look at your proposition. Your husband didn't exactly impress us earlier."

Roma should have defended Fenil, and she would have if he'd been more supportive of her. "I will be expecting your phone call. Will you call tomorrow morning with your answer?"

"We can do that." Wagner nodded.

"Thank you for this meeting." Roma stood up. "I will tell my husband that it went much better than the first."

Because she thought their conference was over, Roma strode with purpose toward the door.

"Wait." Plaidy called out. "I want to ask you something. Did your husband put you up to wearing that outfit?"

"Why do you ask?"

"It's, uh, it's very becoming on you." The older man admitted. "It's the kind of thing a woman might wear when she's trying to seduce a man but pretending she isn't."

"That was not my intention." Roma said, before she gave in. "I wanted to dress as an American businesswoman, because I wanted to be seen as an equal to you both. I went to a store and asked the workers to choose an outfit for me, because I didn't know what would be best. This is what they gave me." She looked thoughtful for a moment. "I did tell them that I wanted to impress two men. Perhaps this is why they selected something that is so... vulgar."

"It's not vulgar." Plaidy laughed. "It's sexy, but I guess it isn't sexy in an Indian way. Would you mind if I took a picture of you and me together?"

"You didn't look bad in your tennis outfit, either." Wagner added.

"You want to take a picture of me while I'm wearing this?" Roma wondered.

"If you don't mind. It'll be quick." Plaidy started across the room toward her. "Wagner, will you take the picture for me?"

Roma watched as the taller man came out from behind his desk. Wagner looked perturbed, as if he had better things to do than stand there to take a picture. Still, he produced a phone from his pocket and held it out.

Plaidy walked over to stand directly next to her. His arm went around Roma's waist. The surprised woman couldn't recall the last time a stranger had held her like that. She glanced at Plaidy's face, seeing that he had a great big smile aimed at his partner's phone. Even though it was only one picture, Roma felt as if she were some kind of celebrity.

"Take one more." Plaidy said, before he looked over at Roma. "You weren't smiling in that last one. As a matter of fact, I didn't see you smiling at all while we were playing tennis either."

"My husband angered me."

"And you came out here to negotiate without him? That's interesting. Don't you think so, Wagner?"

"Will you hold still while I take this picture?" Wagner replied.

"See, he's all business all the time." Plaidy explained. "He doesn't know how to relax and smile like I do. You know what I think? I think Wagner's still sore at you because you almost beat him at tennis. He takes competitions very seriously."

"The same as I do." Roma said.

Plaidy smiled at his partner again. Roma managed a grin. Once Wagner lowered his phone, again she thought the meeting was over. Plaidy hadn't removed his hand from her waist, however. He was close enough that her arm was pressed against the man's chest.

"You're the kind of woman that goes after what she wants, aren't you?" Plaidy asked her. "I'm the same way, I go after what I want too." While he'd been speaking, Plaid lowered his hand from Roma's waist to her butt. "You showed a lot of energy, out there on the tennis court."

"Move your hand away." Roma warned the man. "Do not think that because I am here without my husband you have the right to touch me this way. I am here to negotiate and that is all."

Plaidy moved away. "You're right. I shouldn't have touched you like that."

Wagner looked as if he didn't know what was going on.

"I'll tell you what." Plaidy said. "Your husband isn't a very good tennis player, but you are. I think I'm a decent player myself, even if your man did throw the game. Next time we play together, you'll be playing me. You want to set something up for tomorrow?"

"I will be playing to win." Roma told him.

"I wouldn't expect any less from you. You don't have to leave right away, do you? Why don't you have a seat? Tell us more about your business plans? Hey, Wagner, go sit behind your desk, man."

The tall German did what he was told, while Roma stood there dumbfounded. Plaidy had just touched her butt, but she hadn't been repelled by that, just surprised. Now that she'd gotten over it she was wondering what the older man was up to.

"There is something I can ask you, now that your husband isn't around." Plaidy said. "I'm in my fifties, but I can get around the court pretty good. Do you think I'm in decent shape for my age?"

Roma considered this. He had been very athletic while playing tennis.

"Don't answer that if it is a No." Plaidy laughed.

"You played well." She said, finally. "You played much better than my husband who is much younger than you are."

Plaidy took a few steps toward her. He looked over Roma's body, taking his eyes away from hers, moving his gaze down to her legs and back. "I can't decide whether you look better in your tennis outfit or in what you have on now."

Roma couldn't remember the last time a man had been so bold with her. Certainly, her husband could be inattentive to her. If Fenil was under enough pressure he often ignored her for days. Her male servants often lowered their eyes so they wouldn't have to meet Roma's. Even her clients were always respectful to her. Nobody at all from India had the boldness to do what this American was doing to her.

Plaidy reached out to pat her butt. When Roma didn't respond but to look at him, the man set his hand on her again. This time, Roma took a deep breath. Plaidy squeezed her butt once, then let go.

"Are you as active in bed as you are on the tennis court?" Plaidy asked her. "That's something I'd like to find out!"

Roma thought of how nimble the man had been earlier. He was like an old flea, compared to her husband who was more of a dog that strutted about half the day and slept in the shade the other half.

Plaidy touched her backside again. Brazenly, Roma reached out to his slacks, only to discover an erection hiding there. She gasped and took her hand away quickly.

"If my husband were here, you would not put your hands on me this way." Roma said.

"You're probably right about that." Plaidy chuckled.

Sitting at the desk, Wagner only gaped back at them.

"Some women, they like a little adventure every now and then." Plaidy continued to seduce her. "Especially if they spend all day counting boxes or filling out invoices. What kind of woman are you? The kind that leaves a room when things get too hot, or the kind that stays to see just how hot things can get?"

Plaidy's hand rubbed at her butt, yet she couldn't bring herself to reach out and push his arm away. When his other hand reached up to grasp her breast, Roma shuddered and gasped. It was a new kind of excitement that she felt, as very few men had ever touched her breasts that way. She always assumed that she wouldn't want strange hands on her, but now that it was happening to her she knew she'd been wrong. Her excited body was craving to be touched even more than this.

The older man rubbed her breasts, finding and concentrating on her nipples when they become visible. As sensitive as Roma was, she began to squirm against his hands. When Plaidy's hands reached for her butt, she pushed back against them. He was the snake charmer, Roma decided, and she was fast becoming his snake.

More aggressively than before, Roma reached out and found the man's crotch. That hidden erection was as a stiff ridge waiting to be let loose. She rubbed on it, just as Plaidy was rubbing on her. Abruptly, she wanted to bring the man's cock out in the open, so she could grasp it and discover what it truly felt like. She knew what her husband's cock was like because Fenil had been around her for many years now. This cock within her grasp was something exciting and new that she'd never touched before.

Her purpose for being there vanished, her negotiations were forgotten, as Roma tugged on the zipper to Plaidy's slacks. Her hand soon slipped into the opening, where she felt yet another layer of fabric barring her fingers. After prodding about for a few moments, she felt glimpses of firm flesh. That wasn't enough; she had to hold all of it in her hand.

Plaidy obliged her by prying his belt and slacks apart. Roma's hand dove past the man's soft boxers, finding his spongy member and pulling it out. Roma was a woman in heat now. She was so delirious she could barely remember that she was married. Her only thought was to tug and tug at that new cock in her hand until it spurted out for her. This is what she started to do, as Plaidy began to moan thanks to her.

Even this wasn't enough for Roma, not after her husband had shunned her before these two powerful men. She was a powerful woman as well, wasn't she? Who else but her could be trying to make deals with people in China and the United States? Instead of feeling as if this businessman was taking advantage of her, she felt as if she had enough will and authority to do as she pleased. The people in the lower castes jumped from one bed to another and bred like rabbits. Why couldn't Roma, the hard-working woman with the average husband, choose whom her bedding partners would be, just like the commoners did?

Her eyes widened, as she looked into Plaidy's dreamy look. Her fingers were a whirl of motion on the man's cock. He would spit out into her hand, if she kept up what she was doing. Would that be enough for her? Would that satiate this new desire that had suddenly overwhelmed her senses?

No, Roma thought, it would not. As exciting as this was, it would not fulfill her if she brought a man to pleasure while she did not receive an equal amount of pleasure in return. She looked to Wagner, who was so tall and as athletic as Plaidy. Wagner, who simply sat in his chair and did nothing but watch. Because he was such a big man, Roma wondered how big his manhood might be. At the same time, she thought of her husband's size, which was as average as the rest of him.

As feverish as Roma felt, it was easy for her to drop to her knees. She told herself that she was doing this because she felt dizzy, but this was not true. What she really wanted was to get her face closer to Plaidy's cock. Now, it was only inches from her eyes. Her hand continued to stroke it, as Roma considered what she would do next. When she recalled how Fenil had put her into a secondary position earlier, and how he'd yelled at her during the taxi ride and blamed his failure on her, her mind became set.

Roma's mouth slipped around the older man's cock. It was similar to what she was used to at home. Roma had done this so quickly that she'd hardly given herself time to really look at what she'd put in her mouth. She let it go, seeing the purplish head close up, and the rest of it gently curving back to the soft bush of pubic hairs on Plaidy's body. Her frenzy returned, but instead of stroking the cock with her hand she was using her mouth.

Roma did become nervous, when she wondered if the other man in the room might be taking pictures of her. She could just imagine a picture of her servicing Plaidy being posted on Facebook. Anxiously, Roma stopped what she was doing and looked over to the desk. Wagner was still sitting there, staring and openmouthed.

"He cannot take any pictures of this." Roma told Plaidy. "I will not go along with this if he does."

By this time, the older man was breathing raggedly. "You heard the lady, Wagner. No pictures, no matter what."

"Promise it!" Roma ordered.

Wagner held his hands up to show his hands were empty. "Okay, no pictures."

That was enough to calm Roma. She went back to servicing Plaidy. His hands went to her head, coursing through her soft hair. For a time, Plaidy held her head and pulsed his cock into her mouth. No man had ever done that to Roma before. She allowed it to happen because it was so different than what she was used to. She only stopped when the end of Plaidy's cock reached the back of her throat and threatened to gag her.
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Wife gets the job done - by KEWekJON - 26-09-2020, 11:08 PM
RE: Wife gets the job done - by KEWekJON - 26-09-2020, 11:11 PM
RE: Wife gets the job done - by KEWekJON - 26-09-2020, 11:12 PM

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