Incest Stories from Baron Sade


by BarondeSade ©

No portion of this story may be reproduced for profit without the express, written permission of the author. . . .

This story is a work of fiction. The characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. . . .

All fictional characters in the story who are involved in sexual situations and incidents are above the age of eighteen. . . .

An erotic fantasy from the demented mind of BarondeSade. . . .

Anne could barely turn the steering wheel as she drove back toward home. It had taken place so fast she still couldn’t believe it had all happened. She had initially gone over to Randy’s apartment to break up with him, but it had all gone terribly wrong from there.

She was such a loser. She always seemed to pick the Mr. Wrong. Why, for once couldn’t she pick Mr. Right? She couldn’t really explain her penchant for younger men, and Randy was just another one in the line of those mistakes. She should have known. Twenty three and already in and out of prison for assault. Assault with a deadly weapon she now knew. And she had become his second victim.

It had all started innocent enough, but when she arrived at his apartment, she could tell he’d been drinking. Drinking a lot, she later discovered. There had been words and she had slapped him for some caustic remark he had made. She hadn’t expected the fist up side her head as he retaliated. It had stunned her, almost knocking her senseless. And then came the gun as he waved it about threateningly. Numb from the blow, she was defenseless against his strength when he grabbed her by the shoulders wrenching them as he flung her on the couch. She couldn’t believe his brutality as he had ripped her panties off and took her as he would have taken any slut right off the street. It had been the most savage, vile fucking she had ever received.

Then, when he was finished with her, he had thrown her out like a piece of trash. She felt so all alone and helpless as she slowly made her way back home. Yes, she was a loser of the highest degree, she sadly thought. All her relationships seemed to end on a sour note.

Sparks of pain shot up her arms as she turned into the driveway and pulled up next to Eddie’s car. Thank goodness, she gladly thought. She was happy he was home. She felt so safe when he was around. Who could blame her with her choice of men/boy friends. Eddie was the one real bright spot in her otherwise murky life. A shining beacon in the night, an oasis in the desert for her. But she would even be losing him soon. Eighteen, he would be leaving for college soon and once again she would be all alone. Loser—Loser—Loser—she railed at herself as she somehow got the car door open and staggered out of the car.

Barely able to get the front door unlocked, Anne stumbled into the house and closed the door behind her. She could hear the television in the living room as she tossed her keys and purse on the table beside the door. Then taking a deep breath, she tried to keep her balance as she went clumping into the living room with the heel missing off one of her high-heeled pumps.
Eddie must have sensed something was wrong when he heard her come in as he was half way across the room heading toward her by the time she made it into the living room.

“Mom! What? What the fuck, uh, what the hell happened to you? You, you look terrible,” Eddie gasped out, stepping up to where she stood looking at him with a wretched look on her tear-stained face.

“Randy. Randy beat me up,” she blubbered.

“That son-of-a-bitch—“ Eddie growled. “Where’s he at? I’m going to go beat the crap out of the S.O.B.”

“No! No!” Anne emphatically declared. “No, he has a gun, and, and he’d probably use it. I can’t risk losing you, too. Just let it go. It’s all over between us so he won’t be in our life anymore.”

“What? What can I do?” Eddie groaned.

“Just hold me,” Anne whimpered, wincing as she lifted her arms and spread them open.

Eddie stepped up and took her in his arms and pulled her to him as she wrapped her arms around him. Standing cheek to cheek, they hugged for several long seconds. Finally, Anne let her arms drop down to her side and stepped back.

“Do we have any pain killers around?” Anne asked him as she stood with her arms helplessly hanging down at her side.

“Uh, yeah, yeah, they gave me some the last time I went to the dentist,” Eddie told her, turning and starting for his room. “I’ll get them.”

“Thank you,” Anne murmured, watching Eddie as he hurried across the room.

Stepping over to the bar, Anne winced again as she poured herself a glass of scotch and threw it down.

Moments later, Eddie came hurrying back carrying a glass of water in one hand and a little vial in his other hand.

“You know this is against the law so don’t go turning me in,” Eddie grinned, trying to lighten the heaviness of the situation.

“I won’t . . .” she mumbled, taking the glass of water and holding out her palm for Eddie to pour out the pill.

“One, or two?” Eddie asked, holding the vial of pills above her upturned hand.

“How strong are they?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t have to take any,” Eddie told her.

“Two then,” Anne told him.

“You’re the boss,” Eddie grinned tipping the vial and letting a couple of the little, white pills spill out into the palm of her hand.

Watching her cringe as she lifted her hand and the glass up to her mouth, Eddie had never seen his mother looking this bad. Her hair, usually perfectly coiffured was disheveled and tousled. Her eyes were puffy from crying and her cheeks had long, dark streaks of mascara streaking down them. And one tear-stained cheek had a bruise already forming on it. Her lips stick was smeared all over her full lips. The top button of her blouse was missing and the second was hanging by a thread. Her short skirt was twisted and askew. Her nylons had lost some of their stretch and had puffy ripples in them at places. One high heeled pump was missing a heel making her stand lopsided as she washed the pills down.

“Thank you, again,” she said, wincing as she handed the glass back to him.

“Mom, you’re a mess,” Eddie declared.

“I know. I need a shower in the worst way,” she whimpered, “but I, I don’t know if I can get undressed.”

“What can I do?” Eddie volunteered, not knowing what he could do to help her.

“Could you help me down to my room?” Anne plaintively asked.

“Uh, yeah, sure,” Eddie said. “But first, why don’t we get rid of your heels, uh, heel,” he grinned, dropping down onto his knees in front of her. As he reached for her shoe, he felt her brace herself with her hand on his shoulder while she lifted one of her feet up so he could slip her shoe off it. Then she lifted her other foot up and Eddie slipped the shoe off it.

“Think you’re going to have to buy another pair of heels,” he told her pushing back up onto his feet.

“Yeah,” she mumbled, looking down at the ruined shoe.

“Well, let’s go,” Eddie told her stepping up to her and wrapping his hand around her tiny waist. Pulling her against him, he held onto her as they went shuffling along hip to hip as they made their way down to her bedroom.

“Over there,” she told him, pointing to the bed, “so I can sit down.”

“Okay,” Eddie told her helping her over to the bed.

Stopping by the bed, Anne turned and leaned back against it.

“Can I get you anything else?” Eddie asked.

“It hurts when I use my arms. Could you, uh, could you help me get me get undressed?” Anne shyly asked, looking at him with her big, sad eyes as she stood with her arms limply hanging down by her sides.

“Huh? Uh, uh, yeah, uh, sure, uh, what do you want me to do?” Eddie asked feeling a strange sense of tension in the air. Undress her? See her in her undies? Or less, Eddie sickly thought. That had been a lifetime goal of his and it had taken her getting a beating for it to happen. He was a disgusting example of a son, he cursed himself.

“Could you, uh, unbutton my blouse for me?” she asked, looking at him with a helpless, defeated look on her smudged face.

“Uh, yeah, uh, sure, but that shouldn’t take long,” he mumbled. “There aren’t that many buttons left on it.”

“I know, Randy was awful,” she fussed as Eddie lifted his trembling fingers up and began to slowly unbutton her blouse.

“I still wish you would let me go and kick his butt,” Eddie complained as he fumbled with the buttons. His fingers felt like they were the size of tree stumps as he tried to push the tiny buttons through their holes.

Finally, after what seemed like hours later to Eddie, his mother’s blouse was unbuttoned. Eddie could see his mother’s frilly, lace-adorned brassiere through the opening in the front of her blouse as it limply hung down from her shoulders.

“Ouch,” Anne flinched as she shrugged her shoulders and let the blouse go fluttering to the floor. “Even that hurts . . .”

“Sorry,” Eddie muttered as he leaned down and picked up her blouse.

“”You don’t have anything to be sorry about,” she told him, slowly turning to face away from him.

“Just wish it hadn’t happened,” Eddie told her, folding her blouse and laying it on the bed.

“Me, too,” Anne grimaced over her shoulder. “I know that I shouldn’t do this,” Anne told him, “but I will never be able to get my brassiere unfastened. I know that you’re a big boy now and have probably seen all kinds of tits, so I’m going to ask you to take my brassiere off for me.”

“Uh, okay, uh, yeah, seen a lot—seen a lot of tits,” Eddie choked out as he tried to swallow the bale of cotton that had mysteriously materialized in his throat.

While his fingers had felt the size of stumps before, now they felt like sequoias as he groped at the two tiny clasps holding the back strap of his mother’s brassiere together.

“Having trouble?” Anne asked him as he continued to struggle with the tiny, bow-covered clasps.

“Uh, yeah, not something I do every day,” he complained.

Finally one of the clasps gave way but that put more pressure on the other one as his mother’s big breasts strained out against the bra.

Anne could feel the pills starting to work as Eddie continued to fumble with her brassiere. Maybe she could do it, she told herself as the pills slightly deadened some of the pain in her shoulders. Moving her arms, she felt two sparks of pain shoot down them. That won’t work she told herself she felt herself growing a little light headed and woozy.

“Ouch—“ she winced as Bobby finally got the catch open and her brassiere strap sprang apart. As it did, the lacy bra went sliding down her limp arms to drop on the floor.

“Sorry,” Eddie muttered, thinking he had somehow caused the pain as he leaned down to retrieve her bra.

Sweeping up the frilly brassiere, eddy stood back up to find himself face to face with a pair of the prettiest, most perfect breasts he had ever seen as his mother had turned to face him.

“Oh, God—“ Eddie gasped unable to keep his eyes off the beautiful, dangling treasures.

“Sorry . . .” Anne mumbled, leaning back and easing down on the bed.

“It’s okay—it’s okay—“ Eddie groaned, gawking at the twin mountains of flawless, pink tit-flesh. “They’re awesome—“

“Thank you,” Anne shyly mumbled as the pills continued to do their magic and deaden not only the pain but a goodly amount of her qualms about having her breasts gawked at by her son.

“You—you’re welcome—“ Eddie mumbled, not knowing what else to say.

“Could you pull my skirt off, too?” she murmured, pushing off with her hands to lift her butt off the bed as she closed her eyes to the pain. “Ouch—“

Eddie leaned down and somehow quickly got the little button undone before he eased his fingers down under the stretchy waistband of her short, black skirt. Pulling gently, he felt the waistband begin to stretch and slide down over the swell of her hips. What was going on, Eddie frantically asked himself? He didn’t see any panties as he eased the skirt lower and lower down her hips.

Unknown to Eddie, Anne’s foggy mind had forgotten about Randy ripping her panties off earlier so there was going to be nothing to hide her womanhood from Eddie once the skirt had cleared the “Y” of her belly.

Eddie felt sweat begin to pop out on his forehead as the little, black skirt slipped down off the curve of her hips and the narrow band of curly, brown hairs above his mother’s pussy came into view.

“Mother!” Eddie gasped his hands unable to move as he stared down the fleshy, pink cleft between his mother’s long, shapely legs.

“What?” Anne groaned, opening her eyes and looking down at her bare, exposed femininity. “Oh—No! I—I forgot—“ she grimaced, dropping her ass back down on the bed. “Ouch—Ouch!” she winced as she shoved her hands down between her legs to cover the oversight on her part.

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