Incest Stories from Baron Sade
"So, what is your nickname, David?" she laughed softly. "Speedy Gonzales? I've seen some fast moves in my time, but yours is about the fastest I've ever seen."

"Well?" he smiled, giving her hand a soft squeeze.

"Well," she laughed back. "I suppose. I don't have any plans for tonight and sharing a dinner with a good-looking young man like you would probably enhance my marketability around town quite a bit."

"Done then...a deal," he said, rising up from the chair as she picked the folders and stood up, too.

"You know that the two houses you want to see are both over six-thousand square feet. Whatever would a single young man do with all that space?" she grinned, stepping out from behind her desk.

"Uh...well...I've got to spend my money on something," he laughed, stepping across the room in front of her and opening the door for her. "An investment."

"You're that well off?" she asked, stepping through the doorway.

"A friend and I started a software company," he said, pulling the door closed behind them and watching her electrifying butt wiggle provocatively as she stepped down the sidewalk. "We sold it last month for sixty mill each... So now I'm trying to find some new investments. Some things that I can invest in that I didn't have before..."

"Sixty million?" she gasped, stopping and turning to face him. "You said sixty million?"

"Yeah," he grinned, leaning down and opening her door for her.

"I've never known anybody with that much money," she muttered, sliding into her car and unknowingly giving him a lovely shot of her long, shapely leg.

"Well, now you do," he laughed, closing her door and walking around to the passenger side.

Getting into the car, he glanced over and saw that her skirt had ridden halfway up her thigh revealing a large expanse of smooth, flawless flesh, as she started the car.

As he looked, he saw her glance over at him, then down to her exposed thigh. He saw a smile flicker across her lips, as she reached down and made a pretense to push her skirt down...but only moved it down a couple of inches in the process.

"So, you and all this money," she said, pulling away from the curb, "what are you doing in Pleasanton?"

"Oh...I came back to look up an old acquaintance," he said, looking over and watching her skirt ride higher and higher up her creamy thigh, every time she shifted.

"So, did you find this old acquaintance of yours?"

"Yes...yes I did," he smiled at her...

"And?" she insinuated, pulling up in front of one of the houses on the list...

"And what?" he asked, pushing his door open and stepping out of the car.

"And you and this acquaintance? What now? Was it a personal thing? Or just curiosity?

"Curiosity, at first, but now...I don't know," he said as they walked up the sidewalk to the house, "yet!"

Perplexed by his thoughts of his mother, he watched her move around the house, pointing out this feature and that...but sickly, most of his attention was focused on her body.

Still, the strange feeling that she wasn't really his mother, permeated his mind. A part of him thought of her as an attractive, older woman whose panties he would like to get into, but another part of him knew that what he was thinking was despicable. Even if she was a stranger to him, to fuck your mother would be a gross perversion, no matter how you diced it up. No matter that she had given him up...given him up to fend for himself and make what he could out of his life without her. On his own. The more he thought about it, the more convinced he became. She had left it up to him to make a life for himself, and he wanted her to be a part of it again. But in such a sick and twisted way! That was part of the deal—she had given him up as her son, so since she didn't think of him as a son, he would not think of her as his mother.

"Well, what do you think?" she asked him as they finished the tour.

"I think you're very pretty," he grinned.

"No, Silly, about the house," she smiled.

"Let's look at the other one, then I'll decide," he told her, opening the door for her.

"Okay," she laughed, stepping through the door and walking down the sidewalk toward her car.

Listening to the sexy clop of her high heels on the sidewalk, he closed the door behind them. Turning to follow her, he watched her beautiful butt swishing from side to side, as she stepped away.

"But this house definitely has a fine view," he said, watching her turn and see that he had been looking at her ass.

"Silly," she laughed, opening her door and sliding in under the steering wheel, giving him another shot of her long, shapely legs.

"Are you just going to stand there gawking," she said, closing her door, "or are going to come along?"

I'd love to come, he giddily thought. Come a long time in your hot pussy...

As he stepped up to the car, he saw his mother's eyes stray down to the bulge of his cock. Then, he saw a slight blush color her cheeks as he slid into the passenger seat and she looked away...

They continued to flirt and tease while they toured the second home. And the sexual interaction between them became more and more pronounced, David thought, as he kept pouring on the charm. Her touches seemed to linger longer and longer as she pointed out the houses' finer points until finally, she intimately rested her hand on his arm while they walked.

Finally, finished with the inspection, they stood by the front door. She gave him an inquisitive look. When she did, David couldn't resist attempting to find out just how she really felt about him.

Stepping up to her, he gently wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him. Bending down, he pressed his lips to hers and gave her a long, probing kiss. A look of stunned shock filled her flared eyes for a moment, then her eyes fluttered shut as she slowly encircled him with her arms and pulled him to her. Then she returned his kiss, thrusting her big breasts against him as she probed his mouth with her hot tongue. Then he felt a gentle pressure against his stiff cock as she gently pressed herself against him. David had never felt anything so exhilarating in his whole life as they kissed. Then, he dropped his hands down onto her tight, hard butt and delicately cupped it, pulling her up against his swollen cock.

They continued to kiss for what seemed like an eternity before David finally felt her step back and draw away from him.

"Oh, my," she gasped, reaching down and straightening her rumpled skirt as she tried to catch her breath.

"I'm sorry," David panted, breathing hard. "I couldn't stop myself..."

"Well...well, uh, did you like it?" she stammered, nervously running her hand over her jutting breasts.

"I loved it," he told her, running his tongue over his lips and tasting her spit.

"No...the house? I meant the house," she said, blushing again.

"Let's discuss it over dinner," he smiled. "I'm famished..."

"Uh, oh...okay..." she muttered, opening the door and stepping out into the dusk.

Then, she quickly started down the sidewalk as David closed the door behind them.

"This one has a nice view, too," he laughed, admiring the sway of her butt as it swished from side to side, seemingly with more emphasis than before.

"You certainly are insistent," she smirked, not even bothering to look back at him this time!

They spent two hours over dinner, sipping wine, intimately touching and fondly looking into each other's eyes.

Finally, Christine told him that she was going to the little girl's room. David's eyes followed her as she strode across the restaurant...her tight skirt rustling over the perfect roundness of her ass with each step she took.

When she disappeared into the restroom, David quickly called the waitress over to pay the bill. He had just finishing signing the receipt, when he saw Christine come striding toward him. This time, the objects of his attention were her big, bobbling breasts as she strolled toward him with a mischievous smile on her pretty lips.

"And what do you find so fascinating," she smiled, stepping up and taking his hand in hers as they started for the door.

"Your breasts," he whispered into her ear. "They're fantastic...every man in the room is admiring them..."

"Oh, shush, you silly boy," she mumbled, blushing and giving his hand a gentle squeeze...

David continued to admire her smooth, creamy thigh as she drove along. But, this time she seemed not to mind in the least as they returned to the realty office.

Then, to his surprise, she turned into the driveway of the house next to the office.

"You live here," he asked, studying the trim cottage.

"Yes," she smiled, turning the car off. "When it came on the market, I swooped it up. I find it convenient to live so close to my work."

"Cool," he laughed.

"Want to see inside?" she asked.

"Sure," he said.

Once inside, she gave him a quick tour of the house and returned to the living room.

"So, why don't you make us a drink, while I slip into something more comfortable," she smiled.

"Sure. What'll it be?" he asked, stepping over to the bar as she took a couple of steps toward her bedroom.

"Scotch on the rocks," she said, reaching down and slipping off her high heels.

"Scotch on the rocks, it is," he said, loosening his tie.

After making the drinks, David pulled his sport coat off and stripped off his tie. Dbanging them over the bar, he walked around the room, studying her pictures and sipping on his drink.

"Aren't they pretty?" he heard Christine ask him as he stood peering at a picture.

Turning to face her, he saw that she had traded her blouse, skirt, and heels for a short gown. The opaque gown blurred the outline of her body underneath, but it was obvious there was little, if anything under it other than her silhouetted body. And it was especially obvious that there was nothing restraining her big breasts under the gown, the way were freely bobbling.

"I think they're gorgeous," he smiled, openly looking down at her bobbing breasts.

"Not them, you silly boy," she laughed softly. "The pictures..."

"They're pretty, but, I think I still prefer those..." he said, stepping over to the bar and picking up her drink.

"I think they're too saggy," she complained, taking the drink from him.

"How can you say such a despicable thing about them," he said, appreciatively watching them bob and jiggle. "I'll bet you they're fantastic..."

"Flattery just might get you..." she smiled, batting her eyes at him.

"Get me what?" he asked, following her over to the couch where she sat down and pulled her long, shapely legs up under her.

"You never know," she said, taking a sip of the drink. "Ah, just the way I like it. Like I like my men. Nice and strong..."

"Good," he said, sitting down beside her.

"So what does a handsome young man like you a doddering old broad like me, anyway?" she asked, looking into his eyes.

"I like women like I like my wine! Aged to perfection," he said, reaching over and running his fingers down her bare arm. "I don't like wine that hasn't had a chance to age..."

"It's been a long time," she murmured softly, reaching down and running a short, manicured fingernail down his thigh.

"A beautiful woman like you?" David said softly.

What would she do if she knew I was her son, he excitedly wondered, letting his finger brush over the soft material of her gown? What would she do if she knew that it was her own son trying to seduce her?

"My husband, Terrance, left me for a younger woman," she frowned, "three years ago and I just never got around to getting back to the dating game. So all this is a little scary, but at the same time, it's strangely exciting to be pursued by a boy young enough...young enough to be my son!"

Did she know? No, she couldn't or she would have stopped it. Wouldn't she? She knew that he was out to seduce her. Why else would she be sitting on the couch running her finger up and down his thigh?

"Terrance must have been an old fool," David frowned, easing his finger a little way inside the armhole of her gown. "An old fool to leave you for a child..."

"She was an attractive young woman," Christine said, looking over at her hand.
"Can I see," he whispered. "Can I see what he turned down for another woman?"

"Oh, I don't...I don't know," she whispered back. "This...this is all happening so, so fast. I don't know what has gotten into me. I'm not usually forward. Why, why you must think I'm a shameless reprobate."

"Please," David said, setting his drink down, as he slowly got to his feet and turned to face her with his hands extended down to her.

Looking up into his eyes, she slowly reached out and set her glass on the coffee table. Then, she slipped her hands into his and let him gently pull her to her feet. Wanting to calm her doubts, David wrapped his arms around her and tenderly hugged her to him. His lips touched down onto hers...soflty like a butterfly landing. Then they kissed, tenderly, lovingly as their bodies slowly melted together. The kiss grew more insistent as David eased his hand down to the middle of her back, just above her buttocks and pressed her against his rock-hard penis. He felt a little moan bubble into his mouth as he explored the secrecy of her mouth with his tongue. She leaned into him, thrusting her big, soft tits into his chest as they passionately kissed. This was his mother...his mother kissing him more intimately than he had ever been kissed in his life. David was in a euphoric fog as the kiss went on and on and on.

At last, their lips breathlessly broke as they stood gasping for air and staring into each other's eyes...

Not wanting to break the spell, David took the tiniest of steps backward. Still staring into her eyes, he reached down and delicately grasped the hem of her gown in his numb fingers. He saw her eyes drop down as he ever so slowly raised the gown up. Up over the flawless smoothness of her thighs, the curl-shrouded secrecy that lay between her legs, up over the rounded softness of her belly, climbing higher toward the mountainous peaks above, then up over them, revealing their exquisite beauty to his gaping eyes.

Then, she lifted her arms over her head as David stared down at the precious treasures before him. Pulling the gown up, he lifted it over her graceful neck and pretty face, then up over and off her arms.

Letting the silky gown slip from his unfeeling fingers, he gazed down at her in reverent wonder.

"God, you're so beautiful, M..." he groaned, only able to stop himself from calling her mother at the last second.

The gold necklace and ring she wore were the only detractors from her unblemished beauty as she innocently stared back into his eyes. He could see that she was blushing as he ran his eyes over her body.

"So beautiful," he murmured.

"Now stop that," she blushed brighter, reaching out and plucking the top button of his shirt open. "You're embarrassing me!"

"Can't help it," he whispered as she popped another button open. "You're so beautiful..."

Then, as her fingers crawled down his shirt, he reached out and gently cupped the dangling treasures. Squeezing them ever so gently, he lifted their heaviness with his hands.

He lovingly fondled her heavy, sagging breasts until she unbuttoned the last button on his shirt. Then she pushed his shirt back over his shoulders and tossed it down on the couch.

As her fingers found his belt buckle, his hands searched out her drooping tits once again. Toying with the big, puffy nipples, he felt her fingers make quick work of his pants, as they suddenly went skittering down his legs. Still looking into his eyes, she brushed his hands aside and slid her thumbs down under the waistband of his jockey shorts.

Then, she looked down and thrust his shorts down his legs, freeing his big, hard penis as it jutted up from his groin.

"'s...oh, what a divine creature," she gushed, adoringly running her fingers over blue-veined shaft of his cock as it twitched and bobbed.

"And it needs a home," he muttered. Slipping out of his loafers and quickly toeing his socks off, he quickly stepped out of his pants and underwear.

"Yes...yes..." she hissed softly, "but dear...slowly, so I can savor the touch...the feel...the taste of your body..."

He was about to fuck his mother, David feverishly thought! But first she wanted to do other things to him...and...taste him. Could that mean? It could mean only one thing...

"," she said, taking his hand in hers. "Let's go exploring."

Slipping his arm around her slightly age-thickened waist, he pulled her to him as they walked to her bedroom. Strangely, now was the first time he had noticed the exotic fragrance of her erotic perfume.

Who was this woman that was his mother? What was she really like? What was she really like in bed? What were her likes and dislikes? Maybe he would actually take the time to find out. But was about to find out what the mysterious woman was like in bed!

As they walked arm in arm, He saw his mother watching his cock slash back and forth in from of him.

"It looks like a divining rod," she laughed softly. "A big, hard divining rod."

Dropping his hand down onto her jiggling butt, David gave it a soft grope as they strolled up to the bed.

Moving her arm from around his waist, Christine raised a knee up to the bed and quickly crawled up onto it.

Standing by the bed, David waited to see what she had in mind before he committed himself.

As he watched, she stood on her knees, smiling up at him.

"Come, lie down beside me," she said, patting the bed.

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