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Thread on Brahmacharya / Semen Retention / Nofap / Chi / Sexual Energy / Ojas Sakthi
Relationship between Chakras, Sexual Energy and Sexual Transmutation 

In order to gain all the benefits of chakras, we should let these chakras to open up. Sexual energy is generally connected with the lower two chakras, muladhara and svadisthana, and isolated there. If all the chakras have to be opened up, the energy has to raise from lower parts of the body to the higher parts of the body slowly. 

If we indulge excessively in sexual activities, all the energy remains in lower two chakras and gets used up easily. Thus, energy doesn't move upwards into remaining chakras. The energy has to move up to all the chakras from lower to higher chakras. This process is a huge reason why sex has been included amongst the Tantric techniques – because of the ability to easily create huge amounts of energy in the lower centers which can then be shifted, or planted, into the higher centers of the being. The higher centers, such as the heart chakra, the third eye and the crown, facilitate higher states of consciousness such as unconditional love, spiritual devotion, non-attachment, lucidity and clarity.

Activation of each chakra can be attained by performing various yogic asanas, eating sattvic foods and following a specific lifestyle but the first step in the entire process is to retain the energy and prevent the energy from leaving the body through semen loss. Hence, it is advised to refrained from sexual activities through abstinence and retain semen
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RE: Thread on Brahmacharya / Semen Retention / Nofap / Chi / Sexual Energy / Ojas Sakthi - by pastispresent - 10-03-2019, 10:44 AM

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