Adultery Sunita's adventures by misterwho
Sunita Spots Simmi with a Youth

It had been a long vacation. Karan had insisted on a long holiday and she and Karan had gone away for a fortnight to Mauritius with their close friends Simran and Rajeev. The holiday in itself had been fun, though these adventures often left Sunita wondering about the contrast between what the movies showed, and how her own married life seemed to be. In the movies, the couple would frisk around and be passionate with each other. Karan was more interested in sporting his dark glasses and looking good and cheesy around the pool and beach. He and Rajeev had spent a fair bit of their time eyeing the beautiful women in evidence.

She didn't mind that. In fact, she encouraged it with the hope that in bed it would make him more of a tiger. She wondered all that fascination for women went when she was in bed with him. He would either spend the night drinking into the wee hours so she was dog tired by the time he came to bed. Or when he did come to bed and make love to her, it was his usual unimaginative man-on-top style.

Sitting there in the setting sun of Mumbai, having returned from the vacation she and Karan were staying at Rajeev's before flying out to Bangalore. Sunita idly remembered the one day Karan had been very drunk and very passionate in moving in on her after one night at the disco in Mauritius.

He had come so quickly because of his own arousal and in his haste to pull out of her had spattered his cum all over her. She rubbed the crotch of her jeans as she relived that moment of intense dissatisfaction when all the build up of caresses and close dancing was spent in one gush of torrid cumming.

And it was when she was idly preoccupied in her thoughts that she heard the distinct whispers of a quiet conversation in one corner of the house.

She looked around and noticed someone on the garden terrace of Rajeev's penthouse on Linking Road. There were two figures moving around in the evening dusk near the lush potted plants. Sunita moved closer and positioned herself behind the curtain to take a secret look at what was happening.

She spotted a youth, perhaps twenty or so years old, standing on the terrace and talking animatedly to someone who was covered by the fronds of palm. Rajeev and Karan had gone out to the nearby club with the kids. She and Simran had cried off and stayed home. Simran had gone to her room to take a nap leaving Sunita alone. And now here was some stranger on the house terrace. Sunita tensed as she thought of all the crime incidents that typically take place in a city like Bombay and wondered if the youngster was with someone else planning a hit.

Then she saw him reach out and hold hands. She could see the other pair of hands, they were feminine hands. The young man was talking to some woman. Sunita smiled. A neighborhood romance she thought to herself. He was a strapping youth and looked sharp and fit one of his age ought to look. She thought of Karan and wondered if he had ever enjoyed the kind of physique this young man sported, even in his younger days.

Then she held her breath as the guy led the lady's to the front of his jeans and rubbed her hand on his crotch. Sunita moved closer to the couple to the next nearer window. This, she had to see.

"See?" he said. She could now also hear him. "See how much I have missed you these two weeks you have been away?" he pleaded.

"Oh baby, yes! But I have only just got back, and we have guests too. Cant you wait till tomorrow morning?" She heard the woman respond. She did sound a lot older than him.... In fact, it sounded like Simran!

"No way," she thought to herself. "Not conservative, not-interested-in-sex Simran!"

But that is exactly who it was. Simran. Rajeev's wife. This woman had sons in their early twenties and in whom she had never seen any significant symbols of sexual activity.

Simran put her arms around the guy and pulled his head to her bosom. The twenty-something moaned as he rubbed his face on her chest. Feeling her breasts and nuzzling and prodding.

"Auntie," he whispered, "I want you."

"I want you too beta," replied Simran as she stroked the back of his head. Then gently she put her hand on his shoulder and pushed him away.

"Not today. I have only just returned and I have house guests. Tomorrow your uncle will leave early for work because he has to catch up. You come then and I will take good care of you as I have for so long now," explained Simran.
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RE: Sunita's adventures by misterwho - by Ramesh_Rocky - 09-03-2019, 12:08 PM

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