Mili Sen's sex adventures
"I . . ., I am fine. Kaki, I mean Mili ", he stuttered.

I crossed my thighs and he lost the view. After the meals, he helped me to take the plates inside and to clear the table. Good, he now knew that I was not wearing any underwear; he must have got a stiff stand which was creating problems in his shorts. I suggested that he watch TV in the sitting room and that I would join him after instructing the maid.

Soon after this our maid arrived. She was buxom too, in her mid thirties and I saw Sidharth 's eyes following her. Now I wanted to tease him more. I called out to the maid.

"Bai, by any chance you have see my panty and bra I had kept in the bathroom." I purposely said in a loud voice.

I watched Sidharth  through the corner of my eyes and saw that he was very nervous. He fidgeted whilst watching TV. He was frightened not being sure whether he would be caught and if caught, what would be the repercussions. I was enjoying the scene, hidden away from him.

"No, madam, I did not see it. Maybe you kept it for washing in the machine." The maid replied.

"Must be! I thought when I had my bath in the down bathroom, I had kept it there. But no problem I must have put them with the others." I said, loud enough for Sidharth  to hear. I had decided to keep a fresh set of used panty and a bra to see if he would still use them. It was turning to be a huge turn-on for me to play the cat & mouse play.

I served gulab jamun (small brown round Indian sweet dish served in sugar caramel) as dessert and we watched the TV till late afternoon and then we went to our respective rooms. The evening went peacefully. When Prakash  returned late in the evening, I had my top & knee length skirt on and we all sat in the hall and chit chatted.

"So Sidharth , how was your day? Hope you are refreshed now?" he asked Sidharth .

"Mili  is a great cook and I enjoyed my lunch. I loved the dessert." he said looking straight in my eyes. I blushed, because I knew what he was hinting at.

What added to my blush was Prakash  saying 'that my gulab jamuns were excellent'.

"I agree totally", Sidharth  replied.

God this guy was a hard core tease and was getting back at me was my afternoon remarks to my Bai.

Then Prakash  suggested that I should take Sidharth  out on sightseeing or go for a movie to pass time, as he may not get time to see the place after he starts his project. Though I tried to give excuses, Prakash  forced me to go out.

"Seemu, instead of remaining cooped up in the house, you now have company. So go out and enjoy. There are some good movies in town, which I insist you must see. You know that I cannot take you out often, but now that Sidharth  is here, take advantage." He insisted.

So it was decided that we would go sightseeing in the morning and after lunch we would go for a movie. With that we retired to our rooms. That night, I initiated our sex session and surprised Prakash  by climbing atop him. Before me was the virtual huge pole of Sidharth  ramming into me, but reality was otherwise. I gushed my orgasm onto his prick, which by now was softening having deposited its load into me. We never used any protection as we had decided that nature should take its own course to start a family.

"Seemu, you seem to be in frisky mood today. What happened?" Prakash  queried after seeing my excited role.

"Oh, nothing. I am just myself. Why do you ask?" I asked. I was scared that he should find me unusual in me today?

"I am sure that a young man in the house must be exciting you?" he teased. How true were his words? I could not help but blush.

"Stop saying such things'" I said in mock anger.

"Well you are young and so is he. Don't worry. Its nature at work"; with that he hugged me and kissed me on my boobies and we slept like that without a shred of clothes on us. What was he hinting at? Or was he just joking?

The next day was to be the most ground breaking day in my life. I usually got up much earlier to Prakash  and went down to prepare his breakfast. After preparing breakfast, I would have my bath to freshen up for the day. I did not use our upper bathroom because it was a morning ritual for Prakash  to take the morning newspaper, which I took up for him with his bed tea, and enter the bathroom and exit it after about 45 minutes to an hour after going to the loo, shaving and having his bath.

I would carry my change of clothes down and use the lower bathroom. I would get refreshed feeling the warm water course down my nude body. By the time Prakash  had his bath, I would finish my bath, change and even set the breakfast for him, because it would take him another 30 minutes to change and come down. So I had about an hour and a half to myself.

That day too, after I took the newspapers and the bed tea to Prakash , I took my clothes change and went down to the bathroom. The bathroom was not very spacious but was more rectangular. I pulled the small slide latch of the bathroom door and removed my clothes in preparation of a shower. I saw the clothes hooks and remembered the Sidharth  violating my undies and bra. It turned me on. I released the shower and the warm water coursed down my body. I had left my hair and the water coursed through them. I soaped my hair and washed my boobies. I imagined that it were Sidharth 's hands that were fondling me as I snaked one hand down to my pussy lips.

I again ran the shower to wash off the soap, which ran down my legs and collected near my feet before going down the drain.

On the other hand, Sidharth  hand woken up and he too, having a wish to have a bath was headed to the lower bathroom, with a towel wrapped round his waist and his clothes change in his hands. He must have come and without realizing that someone was inside the bathroom, pushed the door. The latch may not have locked properly and the door opened right onto me. In his hurry, he entered the bathroom to find my back facing him, nude and like a peeled banana. Realizing that someone had entered the bathroom, I swung round to find Sidharth  standing there, shocked and staring at me with wide eyes. I guessed that he must have come by mistake.

"What . . . What are you doing here?" I said in a hushed tone. I tried to cover my boobies and my pussy with my hands hiding them from his eyes. At that precise moment, I slipped on the soap near my feet and would have definitely fallen down, if it was not a lightening reflex of Sidharth  to throw away the clothes he was holding and reached out to grab me from falling down. His one hand held my arm and pulled me to him.

To gain stability, I tried to reach out and hold onto something. Unfortunately or fortunately my hand grabbed at his towel, which came loose. He was not wearing any inner wear and his massive penis was rapidly coming to life, just about a few inches from me. So as to put me on my feet, he wrapped his other arm around my waist and pulled me onto him.

I felt a high voltage current when I was crushed against his rippled chest. Being of almost similar height, my boobies were smashed onto his chest, poking like thick pins on his small nipples. But the most shocking thing was that his penis was wedged between both my legs and was touching my arse cheeks due to its curve. It felt like I was holding a bamboo between my legs. We stood glued to one another trying to understand what happened. Then it dawned on me that we were nude and in the same bathroom.

On one side was the fear that Prakash  would come down and find us in this position, while on the other was sudden shame.

"Wow, Snoopies!!!" his words jerked me out of my reverie. "Oh my god! You have the loveliest set of Snoopies in the world." He said looking at my breasts.

I suddenly realized what was happening and tried to turn round. But his huge penis wedged between my legs stopped me. He realized this and moved back a little. Immediately I turned round.

"I am sorry. I did not know that you were inside." He tried to explain. I was shivering not from fear but sheer lust. Sidharth  was profusely apologizing and at one time held me by my shoulders to make his point. As he tried to move out, this time he slipped a little and he fell on my back pushing me to the wall and again his huge penis slipped between my thighs and now came out from the front. I looked down and saw the red turgid head, curved and looking up at me. It was just yesterday that I had seen this head from far, spewing it's cum.

"No problem, I understand. But please leave before we are caught in this position. People will misunderstand." I pleaded with him. Sub consciously I had held my thighs close, to hide my pussy and as he pulled back, I could feel his monster sliding out rubbing gloriously against the mouth of my vagina. The penis head rubbed at my clitoris and I shuddered. I could feel an orgasm building in me, just thinking about the feeling of this push and rub.

Within a second Sidharth  was out of the bathroom and went to his room. I later realized that he had escaped nude top his room as the towel was still in the bathroom.

What had shocked me was that he had said "Snoopies". How did he know my pet name?

I somehow finished my bath and was leaving, and I realized that I had to make another play. I wore the fresh change of panty and bra, but purposely left the used ones on the clothes hook. I wanted to see if he would still put these to use or hold on to yesterdays ones.

I dried myself and pulling a salwar top over my head, I wrapped a towel at my waist and went to the first floor. Prakash  was still in the bathroom. From top I yelled out to Sidharth  that I was finished and that he could go for his bath. I wanted to let Prakash  know that I was on top and that Sidharth  would be in the bath now. This created a clean alibi.

Later on, Prakash  came out and I dressed up in a salwar and went down. Sidharth  was still in the bath. After some time he too finished his bath and went to his room. I heard him lock it. I was very inquisitive as to the fate of the panty and bra I had left there. I went in the bathroom and was pleasantly surprised. The ones I had left had disappeared, but the earlier ones which had seen action were replaced in its place.

I removed them and found that the bra cup was still wet and a little sticky and the panty which had a fairy design on it, where the mouth of my vagina, had brownish stains. I now knew that he was also a player in the cat & mouse play. Something came to my mind and I decide to put it into effect later.

At about 8.30 am, Prakash  came down ready to leave for his office. Sidharth  too came to the table. There was a pregnant silence and Sidharth  and I could not see eye to eye. We tried to act normal. Prakash  reminded us about going out and the movie. The breakfast being over, Prakash  left for his office after the usual pleasantries were exchanged. I cleared the table and went to change. Sidharth  silently went to his room.

I decided to avoid revealing clothes and to wear a white salwar kameez (Indian dress with top & pajamas) adorned with pretty flowers in red, blue and green hues, with a colorful dupatta (shoulder dbang) when we went out. But I wanted to be adventurous and what I did was I wore the wet bra and the used panty, which Sidharth  had sprayed his cum and left in the shower.

I came down and knocked on Sidharth 's door, which opened immediately. He was dressed in jeans and a white, loose shirt. I told him I was ready and we could leave after closing the house. He helped me to close all windows & doors and we left.

Since the city was close by, we decided to take a 3 wheeler taxi or rickshaw and then walk around. We went to the main garden and walked around. Then we walked in the shopping mall close-by window shopping. By this time it was time for the afternoon movie and we headed there. I saw an elderly lady begging outside the hall and dropped a few coins into her bowl.

She looked at us and said "You make a wonderful couple. May God bless you." I tried to tell her that she got it wrong, when I felt Sidharth 's hand on my shoulder and indicating that we should proceed.

Sidharth  said that it was his treat and bought the tickets. We went in and he went to the refreshment counter and bought a big bucket of sweetened popcorn and only one big cup of aerated soft drink. I didn't ask him. There was a little time for the movie to start and we headed inside the hall before it darkened. We saw that there were just about 10 people in the huge hall and the usher led us to the last row and indicated towards the corner.

I looked at Sidharth  and couldn't control a blush. I got goose pimples thinking about those college days and the action that followed, in such corners of theaters. I walked ahead and Sidharth  followed. I sat on the corner seat and placed my popcorn bucket on my thighs. He placed the soft drink cup between us. It had only one drinking straw.

"Hey, just one straw?" I queried with him.

"Is it a problem? Then I will get another cup," he responded. "I thought we could share one."

"It's OK. We'll share," I said.

Immediately after that the lights dimmed and the advertisement trailers opened up, I started eating the popcorn. There was no one anywhere near us and we were in total privacy. I offered the bucket to Sidharth , who picked up a few. The movie started and I started to concentrate on the story, Sidharth  too was looking ahead. Sometimes he reached for the bucket and picked up popcorn's.

Suddenly, I felt a fingers searching for something, just over my navel over my salwar. I froze and looked sideways. I realized that Sidharth  had his eyes on the screen and had missed the popcorn bucket whilst putting his hand inside. I did nothing to stop his fingers, just over my pussy . When he realized that he had missed the mark and was touching me, he pulled his hand back immediately.

"What happened?" I asked in a hushed voice of mock surprise.

"I am sorry, I was picking up popcorn and missed the bucket," he hushed back in reply.

"Are you sure?" I asked him. He kept quiet.

"I wanted to ask you something. Would you mind if I ask you?" I asked Sidharth .

"Yes. Kaki. What's it?" he asked in a subdued & frightened voice.

"When you walked in the bathroom today morning, did you really not know that I was in there?" I asked trying to sound stern.

"No. Kaki, I swear. I was not aware that you were in the bath. Otherwise I would definitely not come in." he sounded very apologetic.

"Also when you bumped into me, you said 'Snoopy'. Why was that?" I inquired. He did not reply and sifted his eyes between his legs.

"Please tell me why you said that. You said it so spontaneously. Please tell me," I sounded imploring.

"Kaki...." He started and I stopped him.

"Why are you calling me Kaki? You can call me by my name," I told him. "You are making me sound old."

"Sorry, Mili ," he responded. "In fact I am feeling ashamed to tell you the reason."

"See there is no one here. We have complete privacy. Please tell me."

"Mili , I have a fond liking for . . .err, small breasts." He stuttered. I could feel my boobies feeling taut and poking at my bra. "In the morning, when I saw yours snoopies, I was amazed how beautiful they were. I have always loved your type of boobs. But . . ." he stopped.

"You loved my tiny breasts?" I stammered. "You actually loved my boobs?" I couldn't believe it.

"Yes, I am sorry but they are the best I have ever seen. I had many female friends having 34" & 36" breasts, but I never took a liking for them. In fact me and my sister are very close and she too has a 36" bust line and I have seen her change often. I was really turned on when I saw the most beautiful Snoopies in the world . . . and that too getting to feel them."

Was Sidharth  really appreciating my small boobs? Did he plan to fondle them now? Was that the reason he chose the corner seats?

"You saw your sister's breasts? You mean she changed in front of you?" I sounded shocked. But I could not stop blushing and smiling.

"Oh yes! There is nothing wrong with that. We share the same room and were always fooling around. She is elder to me by 2 years and married two years ago." He replied frankly. "Her husband is abroad and comes home every 6-8 months. In fact they are having a problem starting a family and she was looking for a good gynecologist."

"I do know of one or two clinics here. We too wanted to start a family, and had visited them. But we have not succeeded till now after 5 years," I replied. This talk was turning me on and I had to shift my legs feeling the familiar wetness.

"Mili , I am sorry, but did you mind what happened in the morning?" he implored.

"No not at all. If you say that you made a mistake."

"Oh! . ." he expressed sadly and sunk back in his chair. I realized that we had lost track of the movie.

"Did I say something wrong, Sidharth ?"

"No. It's OK." He replied halfheartedly, sounding sad.

"What did you want me to say, that I felt nice that you walked in? That pressing my boobs onto your chest was good?" I now had to be frank too.

He turned and looked at me. There was asking in his eyes.

"See Sidharth ! I am married and I cannot say or do things which may create problems for you and me." I told him matter of fact. "But I must say that you have a huge instrument down there." I giggled.

I reached out for the cold drink and felt that Sidharth  too was reaching out for the glass. Our hands met and subconsciously clasped each other. I did not know what to do and kept silent. None of us made an attempt to release our hands. I realized that slowly Sidharth  was moving my hand towards him and then I felt him putting it on his thighs and leaving it there.

I could have removed it, but I don't know why I let it lie there. Suddenly I was aware of something moving beneath my fingers. I was inquisitive and then I realized that it was the huge baton in his pants coming to life. I did not have courage or the will to remove my hand. I let caution to wind and started feeling his baton by moving my fingers along the length over his pants.

I know that it was wrong, but my inner passion was taking over me. How much I wanted him to touch me, but I did not want to look like a slut. I felt his eyes on me but did not look up to him. What amazed me was that his penis was continuously growing. It was massive in size. I never knew when his arm went over my shoulder and pulled me towards him.

"Sidharth , this is wrong. I don't want to cheat Prakash . Oh my God! What am I doing?" with this I tried to pull back my hand. Sidharth  immediately held my hand and pressed it onto his tool.

"Please Mili . Please don't leave it now. No one shall know. We don't have to tell anyone," he was actually pleading.

"But . . . . nothing more than this; you promise?" I relented not because of his pleas but because of my urgency. I was breathing heavily and my boobs were stiff.

"I promise," he said. "But please don't hold back. I was going mad for you since the time I set my eyes on you. After, today's incident, it was like a sign for me to have you."

As he was praising me, I did not realize what he was doing and then suddenly I felt my hands rested on hot skin. I was shocked when I realized that he had lowered his zip and stuffed my hand into his pants. I was now in direct contact with his monster.

It was hot and sweaty. I grabbed it and started to move my hand over the entire length. The length was fabulous and I was scared what it could do to a small cunt like mine. My tits were very taut and I let my hand reach up to my left boob. If Sidharth  wanted to fondle me, I would have gladly let him. And that is exactly what happened.

I felt his arms across on my shoulder pulling me towards him. I rested my head on his shoulder as his hand slipped into my dress and grabbed my breast. His strong fingers mauled my tubular boobs and tweaked my nipples. I was losing control and I shifted my other hand to release his penis out of his pants. I pumped his prick like I saw him do in the morning. The only difference was that I was doing it with both hands.

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