Adultery Sadist*** Completed
Anger and disappointment reflects in Davis face and Praveen got worried. Even after Praveen tried to open up the mouth, Davis didn’t pay much attention to Praveen. Praveen couldn’t enjoy the food. He knows that Davis is hiding his anger. Praveen was worried about the expecting mess on his deal. So far he was confident that he can reduce the amount of Davis share and earn for him but now he was worried whether Davis will ask more for the deal. Praveen has so far not finalized the amount with Davis. He gave some approximate figure to Davis and didn’t hear any response from him. If he is asking more money, client will gets pissed off and can search for alternative channel. Client was clear with his statement during the meeting with him. Praveen knows that entire aspects is not only about the money but will affect his reputation. Praveen was planning to initiate the discussion with Davis during his happy mood after meeting the girl.
Praveen had finished dinner. He didn’t enjoy the dinner. His heart started beating hard.
Praveen: Davis, Ben is not allowing me to call another girl.  Please give the order to him.
Davis: Getting a girl in Mumbai is not a big deal but they can’t compare with your girl. I can’t choose an unknown girl.  
Praveen: You will have a good time with Pavithra in Bangalore. I guarantee that. Mumbai is not my city, I have limitations.
Davis: I have tight schedules in India. I am not sure about my visit to Bangalore during this trip. Let us see.
Praveen understands that Davis not interested in talking about future days. If he wants do something he has to do it now.
Praveen: Excuse me Davis. I will come back in a minutes.
He didn’t care to listen to Praveen. He went outside.
Ben: Praveen stay with him. Why you are coming out?
Praveen: I just need to call agent and gets connected to the girl. It is urgent.
Ben: I can’t let you to do so. Mobile is in my person hand and will hand over after Davis left from here. Kindly bear with us.
Suddenly a person came and stands few metres away from Praveen and Ben. Ben excused Praveen and spoke with him. He gave a paper and Ben dialled his phone. Ben spoke to someone and came near to Praveen.
Ben: Praveen. I guess you are not travelling with us. Davis is planning to meet his friend. He is calling me to bathroom to discuss about that. I got the details of him and location. I have to send my team to ensure the place is secure. I can’t take you with us. I guess Davis is finding solutions for tonight arrangement. I guess he don’t know how to masturbate or lazy to do. He always needs someone to do for him. (Ben laughed but Praveen couldn’t enjoy his joke) You can speak to agent after we left from here. I have to go. You come after 1 minute.
Ben went inside the restaurant and Praveen follows him. Praveen saw Davis going to washroom after Ben enters. Davis and Ben started speaking in bathroom by pretending of washing hands.
Ben: I spoke with him. The area is crowed and security will be little risky but manageable.
Davis: Person is trustable. Praveen is telling some other options of girls but got rejected from your side?
Ben: That is a Russian girl from same agent. We can’t believe that agent anymore.
Davis: OK. Avoid Praveen with us.
Ben: Done already.
Ben started thinking.
Davis: Tell me what is in your mind?
Ben: Sorry, if I am wrong. Whether Praveen spoke about any other girl?
Davis: No. Why you asked?
Ben: There is a girl with Praveen yesterday. We were expecting that girl for tonight but when Praveen gave the details of new girl, we doubt the information is genuine but when we check the information is correct. I asked him about the girl and he replied that she is from Bangalore. She is married. Why married girl is travel with Praveen to Mumbai and stay in same hotel room? Assume that she is his girlfriend, then why she is hiding from you? As far as I know from you most of the girls he supplied are married women. Why not this time?
Davis: Where she is Pavithra? Do you have any photo graph?
Ben: Yes. We took it but it is in our computer. I didn’t copy to mobile.
Davis: How is she?
Ben: Don’t ask. She is gem. I believe that either he is serious about the relationship or she is reserved for someone special for him.
Davis: Mother fucker. If he is playing with me, I will trash him. If he is serious about her, let him marry but after giving my share on her. (Laughed)
Ben: I guess she is expecting to take her with Praveen tonight. His mobile was with our team member. He told that Praveen is in meeting.
Davis: Call and tell her to come to restaurant. If possible, send our car.
Ben: Sending the car is not a good idea. There can be a doubt comes in her mind. We will inform her that Praveen told to come to restaurant by taking concierge service of hotel or some other taxi.
Davis: Done.
Davis returns to Praveen. Praveen find him more relaxed than before. Davis started telling his plans and proposed income for Praveen. The plan has very good business prospects for Praveen. Praveen can’t imagine of getting such deals.
Davis:  I want you to be with me all the time. We will be meeting peoples related to this project.
Praveen got stunned by hearing the word.
Praveen: You mean the whole trip?
Davis: Yes. Any issues? Sorry for not informing you in advance. I could not able to tell this over phone. Do you have any plans?
Praveen: Have some plans but this is more important.
A person came and delivers the phone to Praveen. He informed him that his girl friend called he informed about your location. Praveen looked at Davis face.
Davis: Oh!! New development. You didn’t inform me.
Praveen: It was just a week. (He didn’t want tell him about his meeting in bus and get a wrong impression)
Davis: In week, she travelled with you. I think you make her ready in a week. .
Praveen: She has some personal meetings.
Davis: Is she got ready?
Praveen got confused to answer. He searches for answer. Davis will not give any consideration even if Praveen tells him that she is his actual lover he knows that.
Praveen: No Davis. I want her to by life partner.
Davis: Oh!! No Praveen. Don’t Joke.  Whether she is serious?
Praveen: yes.
Davis: Then no issue. Make her ready for me man. Today. I am thinking too much about our friendship. I believe you to value me as same as I did.
Praveen: Yes Davis but
Davis: No but…. Forget about everything. Just tell me who you want? Me or her?
Praveen: I need both. I have made all arrangements for you. I failed for today but will make sure that from tomorrow onwards will be better.
Davis: Tomorrow is only after today. Tell me about today.
Praveen saw Davis eyes are staring at someone. Praveen turns his head and found Linda. Linda waived her hands and came to Praveen.
Linda: Your mobile was switched off. I keep on trying on ever half an hour. Person whom you gave the phone gave this address.
Praveen: Linda. Meet Mr Davis.
Linda: Hai sir.
They shake hand each other.
Davis: Come and join with us.
Linda sat next to Praveen. Praveen wants to stop her from telling any unnecessary dialogues in front of Davis. Suddenly he got the instruction from the person sitting next table to go outside. Praveen didn’t move.
Davis: I think Ben is calling. You go and meet him.
Praveen got up by excusing Linda and went outside.
Davis: Praveen was telling about you.
Linda smiled. She was not bothered to answer due to a foreign national
She observed Davis. He is aged and having more than 100 kilo weight but his body is fit. He look like a don.
Linda: Oh!! Yes.
Linda can see him staring at her but she ignores due to facing similar experience everyday from someone.
Davis: Tell me how you meet? How long? Praveen never told about you. We share everything.
Linda: Let Praveen come back. You can hear from both.
Davis understood that she is clever.
Davis: You have bags?
Linda: Means?
Davis: Praveen will be going to be with me. If you want to join with us, you need dress.
Linda: I didn’t know about that. I thought it is just a day.
Davis: We will find the solution tomorrow. Today it is already late. We have to move quickly. Come. Praveen will be outside.
Linda got up and walked behind him. Praveen was already shocked when he heard from Ben that they are going to move. Praveen has no idea how to handle Davis? He thought that he will convince him for tonight. Praveen knows that if he objects, Davis will not take him along with him.  

Praveen saw Davis coming out. He didn’t see Linda with him and Praveen got a relief. Suddenly he saw Linda coming in his back. Three cars came and stopped. All cars are full of his men.
Ben: Praveen. You have to enter in any of this escort cars. I sorry you have sat in middle of back seat.
Linda and Davis came near to Praveen.
Davis: Linda. We are sorry. If he have informed about you, we could have bring the van. Ben Linda will be in my car. Please accommodate Praveen in the car behind us.  
Ben: Praveen. Quickly.
Praveen went and entered in the car behind the Davis car,
Ben opened the door for Linda and Davis. They entered the car. Linda turns her head and checked the car of Praveen. She can see the car is right behind them. The car drives towards Pune direction. Linda kept her eyes on outside view. Davis was looking at her boobs and beauty through the street lights coming inside the car.
Ben: You have to switch off your mobile while instructing. You can divert your calls to a number. I will give it before switch off the mobile.
Linda: But..
Ben: oh!! . Don’t worry. I can connect Praveen though my teammate phone.
Ben started speaking with Davis in their language.
Ben: Davis. She is married. He is hiding something from you.
Davis. He was telling me about true love. Bull shit. I want to thank you for bringing her to me. Everything happens for good reason.
Ben: I just did my duty.
Davis: I don’t know how I am controlling.
Ben: Sir. Please wait until we turn to our pocket road.  What about Praveen?
Davis: I have these many men protection. Even Praveen doesn’t know my real name. Agencies are behind this deal. We both know. Once we done in this country, we will leave. Praveen chapter is end. He will be with us until I left. We will leave this country without his knowledge. As per our plan, your boys will execute him after we left.
Ben: The girl?
Davis: If we can take her any chance we will take her.
Ben: I will check whether then can take her to Thailand and bring to us.
Davis: Looking at her. I don’t have the mind to kill her.
Car has passed the high way.  Ben turns to Davis and gave green signal.
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Sadist*** Completed - by ktmguy2019 - 07-08-2020, 04:10 AM
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RE: Sadist*** - by Penetration - 07-08-2020, 05:20 PM
RE: Sadist*** - by ktmguy2019 - 10-08-2020, 08:16 PM
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RE: Sadist*** - by ktmguy2019 - 15-08-2020, 06:13 AM
RE: Sadist*** - by Johnnn63 - 15-08-2020, 07:38 AM
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RE: Sadist*** - by ktmguy2019 - 15-08-2020, 10:04 PM
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RE: Sadist*** - by Dhundari - 22-08-2020, 05:59 AM
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RE: Sadist*** - by ktmguy2019 - 29-08-2020, 11:32 PM
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RE: Sadist*** - by ktmguy2019 - 01-09-2020, 04:42 AM
RE: Sadist*** Completed - by Dhundari - 01-09-2020, 07:24 AM
RE: Sadist*** Completed - by ktmguy2019 - 01-09-2020, 08:50 PM
RE: Sadist*** Completed - by bobby - 01-09-2020, 08:45 AM
RE: Sadist*** Completed - by ktmguy2019 - 01-09-2020, 08:51 PM
RE: Sadist*** Completed - by incestlover123 - 02-09-2020, 09:45 AM
RE: Sadist*** Completed - by Dhundari - 03-09-2020, 08:21 AM
RE: Sadist*** Completed - by Rajarani1973 - 03-09-2020, 11:37 PM
RE: Sadist*** Completed - by Rajarani1973 - 05-09-2020, 02:57 AM

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