Romance Dark Division - Dani by bdbeauty
"Dani, I've wanted to fuck you since the moment I met you. If you're going to offer, then I'll be damned if I won't take my chance." He turned to her placing a hand on her cheek. Vince leaned towards her starting to close the gap to those beautiful lips of hers.

"Good, because I don't think I could do this with any other man."

"Are you sure you want to do this? You don't have to." He leaned a little closer to her, trying to read her impossibly intense eyes as he spoke.

"I'm positive." She whispered it and he leaned the final bit, but connected with her jaw as she leaned to the side. "I would prefer no kissing on the lips if that's okay with you." She looked at him almost pleading.

Vince swallowed hard and thought for a moment before responding. But, he had realized at some point that he loved this woman. I mean he knew how much of an effect she had on him, but on the way here it dawned on him that he was driving two hours to sleep with her and it actually wasn't about sex at all. It was about her turning to him when she needed help and how it made him feel. He had realized that he would do anything for her, even if it meant burying what he really wanted and just giving Dani whatever she needed right now. So, if she needed to do this without one kiss, then he was more than willing.

"I'm not going anywhere." He said the words and Dani stood up moving so she was right in front of him. In the next instant, she toed off her Chuck's tossing them to the side. Then, she crossed her arms in front of her pulling up the hem of her t-shirt slowly. Vince watched, with his heartbeat increasing by the second as the fabric moved to reveal her stomach. Then, over her blue satin bra until it was discarded over her head and onto the floor. Her hair hung long framing her face in soft waves.

His hands moved up to her sides, one thumb tracing the outlines of her scar. The circular white lines were only slightly raised and it did nothing to mar the feel of her skin under his fingers. Dani moved around behind her unhooking her bra. Her breasts fell free and Vince swallowed thickly as he watched the fabric get discarded onto her shirt.

"You're beautiful." He looked up into her face and she smiled softly. "May I?" He asked it as he moved his fingers to the button on her jeans. She pushed hair behind her ears that fell as she looked down.

"Um...sure." He pulled the metal button free from its hold and slid her zipper down revealing matching blue satin panties. He looked up into her face and saw the uncertainty there. It made him hesitate for a second, and he kept his gaze on her face as he slid his hands into the side of her pants pushing them down to the floor forcing his gaze to leave her. Dani lifted her right foot putting a shaky hand on his clothed back and Vince delicately slid the denim from her foot. She switched over to the other foot and her hands remained on him. Her socks followed easily, leaving her in only her panties.

When he sat back up, he looked into her eyes again and returned his hands to her sides, trying to calm his own nerves. Being this close to her barely clothed body was making him crazy already and he didn't want to rush this, not with her. Dani's hands went to the sides of her panties and he saw the shaking in them suddenly, and he slid his own down seizing on them.

"Wait." Vince stood up and pulled her face with him. "'s just me relax. I'm not going to hurt you. I never will. Just tell me is the kissing rule just for your lips? Or is it for everywhere?" He smiled at her cocking an eyebrow.

"Just the lips. And, Vince, thank you." She looked like a weight had been lifted as Vince shifted and started a soft open mouth trail along her jaw and to her earlobe. The soft flesh pulled between his teeth so perfectly and he sucked it in, nibbling a little. Dani exhaled and shifted her neck to the side giving him a clear path as he started another slow trail downward to her pulse point. A soft moan escaped her lips as she grabbed onto his elbows. HIs hands framed her face holding her as he explored her soft flesh all the way to her collarbone.
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RE: Dark Division - Dani by bdbeauty - by Ramesh_Rocky - 07-03-2019, 04:14 PM

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