07-03-2019, 04:01 PM
This story contains magic but not for one second think that this story is about it.It is about something very stranger than that.
Thousands of accidents happen everyday, hundreds of them are so fatal that the probability of surviving is very rare. And even more rare is the probability of a Bollywood superstar getting caught in such an accident and still surviving that too without even getting a cut. But this happened.Kajol’s whole car was looking like a big steel box crushed by a big crane. She sat in the driver seat, stunned by what just happened. After falling from the hill,the car has come rolling in the middle of the jungle.
All her life Kajol had spent being a torchbearer for the losts,a helper for those who are in need and kind for the innocents. Maybe it was her good deeds that saved her or maybe something else was waiting for her.Something that would test all the goodness she have got.
![[Image: 94192564_images.jpg]](https://img27.pixhost.to/images/315/94192564_images.jpg)
She got out of the car,breathing heavily.Sweatdrops had appeared on her forehead.Phone wasn’t working and she couldn’t even notice anything alive around there that could help her out of there,except one thing.A House.She saw a house located at a little distance from there.
Kajol decided she would go there and see if there is anyone who could help her.Making her way through the bushes,she reached at the door.
Breathing heavily,Kajol knocked at the door.
Nobody answered.
Kajol knocked again.
Again, nothing happened.
She pushed the door and found out that it was open.She was feeling hungry and growing so impatient that she decided to enter the house.
![[Image: 94192584_www-kajol-photos-com.jpg]](https://img27.pixhost.to/images/315/94192584_www-kajol-photos-com.jpg)
‘Maybe nobody lives in here’ she thought after looking at the condition of house and entered the gate.She would have taken only two or three steps in the house when she saw two people coming running towards her.Before,already afraid kajol could do anything,they crossed her.Kajol turned around and what she saw shooked her up.
The door has been closed and the two people, who were boys of around 18-19 age, were holding the door handle, trying to open it with all their power and at the same time weeping like a child who has been lost in a fair.
‘This won’t open’ Cried one of them,leaving the handle as he sat down besides the door with his head between his legs and started crying as high as his neck allowed.
Kajol didn’t understood anything but she was feeling pity for them.She walked up to the boy and sat besides him.She put his hand around his hand ,caressing his hairs aqnd said ‘What happened ,child? Why are you crying like this? Don’t cry ’.The boy picked his head up to look glance at the woman who just spoke to him.As soon as he saw her ,for a very brief moment of time, he a gave this look.Kajol had seen many people getting stunned by seeing her but this look was something else.It wasn’t a look of excitement, It was like just an addition to his knowledge.
The boy standing besides them ,who has processed who she was,started ‘We are trapped in here from past 7 days’ tears came rolling from his eyes as he said this ‘7 days ago we entered this building to find some help ,but once we entered the door got closed and didn’t get open ever since,till you entered just like us’ This time,it was Kajol’s turn to get stunned.
‘What?’ Kajol stood up ‘Are you boys joking with me??’ Kajol said in rage and held the door handle to open it.But it won’t open.
‘It won’t open ma’m ‘ said the standing boy whose name was aakash ‘we are trying from last 7 days’
Kajol looked at his face.The skin below his eyes has gotten dark,his jaw looked like as if it was going to come out.His eyes showed nothing but helplessness .This made her heart wrench.At once she knew that they were telling the truth.
‘We are hungry from past 7 days.I am starving.It feels like death would have been better than this.’ Said the boy who was sitting,crying at the same time.
‘Shhhhh…..Everything will get fine,child.Eyerything will get fine.Don’t cry .It’s OK’ she said as she took his head between her bosoms at the same time caressing his hairs to calm him down. This taught me one thing.that it Tom Dick Harry:
is not the touch of organs that makes us arouse.Its what inside our head,that does it.Its what we think about the other person at that time that makes us arouse.If Kajol had held anyone else’s head between her big bosom ,out of that situation,he would have gotten aroused,but this boy got comforted instead.It calmed him down
You haven’t eaten anything from 7 days?’ said kajol musing over their condition.
‘Not quite nothing.We had to eatsome dead rats’ said akaash ‘If we haven’t eaten them we would have died from hunger’ this made the other boy spit.
Tears started rolling from kajol’s eyes.
‘Don’t worry.Everything will get allright son’ she said as she took both into her arms.
Then she took her purse and started looking for something.She took out two cups of noodles and handed over to the two of them without even thinking for 1 second that what would she eat if she also has to live there for as much time as they have did?
Okay.first tell me your name.’
‘I’m Aakash’
‘Hmmm.And you?’
‘I am sahil’ said sahil,while eating the noodles, breathlessly.
Kajol watched them eating like two year olds and smiled.
‘It gives the kind of satisfaction ,nobody could understand’ mused she.
‘Isn’t there any other exit route?’ asked Kajol,ready for their reply in negative.
‘no,there isn’t .We have checked everywhere here.everyroom’ said sahil
‘Except for one’ said aashish suddenly ‘On the 1st floor there is a room which we tried to open.But that gate also didn’t open.Maybe you would want to see it’
All three got upto the 1st floor.’This is the room’said aakash as he pointed towards the door
‘And it doesn’t open’ said sahil as he tried to turn the door knob.And suddenly it turned and the door hung open.
The jaw of boys hung ajar.
‘What the Fu…..I swear ma’m.it didn’t open last time’ said sahil as tears started to making their way again out of his eyes.
‘Calm down Sahil.I trust you my child’ Kajol said,wondering ‘I don’t know how it’s happening.
It feels so disturbing’
Maybe she could feel what was going to happen
‘Whats that table?’ said aakash as he glanced over a tablein the middle of the rrom.
All of them got around it.
‘Looks like a board game’ Said Sahil.
‘Whats this ‘said aakash as he picked up the piece of paper lying on the table.
‘EXIT ROUTE ‘ It read.
Suddenly,aakash got twinle in his eyes.
‘This reads ‘EXIT ROUTE’’
‘Read it aloud’ said Kajol, still feeling suspicious.
‘Well, now when all three of you are present,.’Started aashish,getting stunned by the first line
‘For getting out of here,you have to play this game’
Everyone looked at the board
‘There are 1 to 100 numbered squares on this board.Some of the squares are cross marked.You have to roll the dice and make progress.if your goti gets on the marked box. A paper would fall on the ground under the table. And you would have to do whatever is written in it. If you fail or deny to do it, you would be disqualified’
They glanced at each other.
‘The person who wins gets to get out.Others remain here forever.For winning the game at least two players should remain in the game until end.If two players get disqualified the third one would get disqualified automatically.’ Read akaash
‘Motherfuckerrrr……..’ blew sahil in anger as he snatched the paper from aakash’s hands and threw it away.’We are not playing this fucking game.What the fuck? If only one gets to out and the other two are left here to rot up and eat dead rats,then might as well we all just rot here.’
‘Calm down sahil’ Kajol.If one of us can get out of here,then he would be able to get help for other two.And we would be able to get out of here’ said Kajol, explaining to sahil.
‘What else it says?’ asked Kajol to aakash who had brought the paper back.
![[Image: 94192583_kajol-sex-photos.jpg]](https://img27.pixhost.to/images/315/94192583_kajol-sex-photos.jpg)
![[Image: 94192569_kajal-new-photos.jpg]](https://img27.pixhost.to/images/315/94192569_kajal-new-photos.jpg)
![[Image: 94192567_actress-kajol-devgan-in-public-...n-face.jpg]](https://img27.pixhost.to/images/315/94192567_actress-kajol-devgan-in-public-with-cum-on-face.jpg)
![[Image: 94192574_photos-of-kajol.jpg]](https://img27.pixhost.to/images/315/94192574_photos-of-kajol.jpg)
‘But..’ aakash started reading again ‘there are some rules you have to follow.
Rule 1 If you have any type of envy ,anger or lust towards each otheryou won’t be able to play this game
Rule 2 If you develop any of such feeling during the game you would be disqualified.
So,the only way any one of you can win this game is together,caring for Tom Dick Harry:
r each other and not developing any attraction towards each other’s body even for one second.Care for each other,help each other and get over it.Take this pledge that you would care for each other and won’t develop any such feeling for each other’
Taking a pledge is like putting all your faith in a single line you are about to say.It is hard for a liar to take it but easier for someone who says truth.It was easier for all of them,you can see that on their faces.
‘I take pledge that ‘ kajol started ‘that I won’t have any feeling of envy,anger or lust towards them.These two are like my own children and I won’t harm them in any way.I would take care of them in every condition like a mother takes care of her child’
‘I also don’t have any such feelings against kajal ma’m and aakash.Kajol ma’m is our elder and we both respect her in every way and aakash is like my brother’ Sahil took his pledge.
‘I won’t develope any such feelings against against sahil and kajol ma’m.I would care for them in everyway possible.I respect kajol ma’m and love aakash as my own brother and know that they too won’t develop any such feelings towards me’
After that all of three sat on the chairs around the table and started the game.All three crossed the crossed square on no 3.But the first person who became victim of the crossed square was Kajol.It came 5 on her dice and her goti reached no 13,the second crossed square.And out of nowhere a paper fell below the table.It felt it so haunting to kajol.
She slowly, picked up the folded paper and opened it.And what was written inside it shattered her soul.
‘Take off your clothesin front of the boys.Let’s see how much they respect you’ Said kajol as she read it.It brought a wave of embarassement in the room.
‘What?No! you don’t do it.They are just playing with us.I don’t want anybody to test my respect .I don’t want anyone’s approval.They are just filthy,ahit minded person who are doing this.They think everyone is like them.’ Shouted Aashish as he threw the table in the corner of the room with all his force remaining in his body.
‘Shhhh…Sh….. listen….listen to me child’ said kajol as she holded aashish from his arms to calm him down ‘You are right.Thay are playing with us and I know you respect me.But think about this,this is the only way we can get out of here .If our heart and mind is pureand we really respect each other and have no wrong feelings for each other,we will gwet away with it.We just have to bear this humiliation,you understand.we have to bear it’ finished she.
Kajol was wearing a dress upto her knees with black and white strips on it.She was feeling very humiliated.Never in her life she had done any act like that.But there was nothing she can do except undress herself.
![[Image: 94192565_img_20190117_162913_272.jpg]](https://img27.pixhost.to/images/315/94192565_img_20190117_162913_272.jpg)
She took out her dusky,round arms from the sleeves and slowly, pulled that dress down, revealing hermassive,round ,firm set of boobs, which jiggled like jelly when kajol had to forcibly pull the dress down as the size of her tits were so big that the dress wasn’t coming down easily.Next thing that was uncovered was her smooth,dusky belly and in center of it the deepest navel I have ever seen,which became even more deeper as she took her breath.Breathing heavily,next thing she uncovered were her hips.Rounder than a dome,jiggling like jelly and bigger than a football, watching her booty , I at once realised that no matter what her mind says, but her body won’t disappoint any human.
Next thing came into view was her ass and those muscular, fleshy, huge thighs in between them where heaven can be found.And then she uncovered her whole sexy legs and put that piece of cloth besides. She was standing nude in all her glory, her pussy shaved ,which she shaved for her husband last night was clearly visible.But those boys were feeling embarrassed and helpless by watching her condition.Inside their head they were praying that nothing such should happen to anyone in this world.
Kajol maintained her calm and still after such an embarassement didn’t broke up.
They started playing again and next turn was of aashish and the task Tom Dick Harry:
was same.Feeling embarrassed ,he undressed himself .His penis haven’t even taken a slightest growth by watching Kajol nude.
Next was sahil and he too undressed himself.
The view wasa that three people were sitting in the room around a table ,nude without a single piece of cloth on body,nobody feeling even slightest sensation of being hornyOne of them was female,43 yrs old ,Bollywood actress and happily married Kajol and the other two were adult children of about 18-19 yrsage.Eyes of all of them were covered with tears seeing each other’s condition.By eating nothing from past 7 days the body of boys had become very thin.
Broken,Embarassed and humiliated,they started playing again.
It came 2 on kajol’s dice and she was again on the crossed square.Her heart sankas she put her goti on the no. 64.A paper fell on the ground,Kajol ,slowly,with praying in heart that this won’t be anything humiliating, picked up the paper and opened it.
It read ‘let’s see that no piece of statement which don’t really make any sense can change your feeling towards each other.Read whatever is written below loud,slowly and with expressions’ Kajol felt like she was in hell after seeing what was written below .She placed her hand on her heart above her tits and started
‘Suck my these firm tits,son.Their milk is better than the best drink you have evr had.Squeeze them .Eat my pussy O motherfucker.Slap on my tight ass .I will sit on your face.Then put your tounge inside my butthole my boys ahhhhhhhhhh…..’ Kajol said,trying hard to give expressions,as water came down from her eyes felling on her tits and she broke up.Along with her the boys broke up too.This was the saddest time in everyone’s lives.
‘I hate that fucking motherfucker whoever is doing this’ Said sahil,sobbing like a child.However ,kajol calmed herself and both the boys down,took them in her arms and said ‘Don’t worry .We will pass through it. God is taking our test and we will get through it.Okay?’
None of the boys realised that while hugging,their lips just touched the most gorgeous pair of tits in the world.
After some time they sat down again
Thousands of accidents happen everyday, hundreds of them are so fatal that the probability of surviving is very rare. And even more rare is the probability of a Bollywood superstar getting caught in such an accident and still surviving that too without even getting a cut. But this happened.Kajol’s whole car was looking like a big steel box crushed by a big crane. She sat in the driver seat, stunned by what just happened. After falling from the hill,the car has come rolling in the middle of the jungle.
All her life Kajol had spent being a torchbearer for the losts,a helper for those who are in need and kind for the innocents. Maybe it was her good deeds that saved her or maybe something else was waiting for her.Something that would test all the goodness she have got.
![[Image: 94192564_images.jpg]](https://img27.pixhost.to/images/315/94192564_images.jpg)
She got out of the car,breathing heavily.Sweatdrops had appeared on her forehead.Phone wasn’t working and she couldn’t even notice anything alive around there that could help her out of there,except one thing.A House.She saw a house located at a little distance from there.
Kajol decided she would go there and see if there is anyone who could help her.Making her way through the bushes,she reached at the door.
Breathing heavily,Kajol knocked at the door.
Nobody answered.
Kajol knocked again.
Again, nothing happened.
She pushed the door and found out that it was open.She was feeling hungry and growing so impatient that she decided to enter the house.
![[Image: 94192584_www-kajol-photos-com.jpg]](https://img27.pixhost.to/images/315/94192584_www-kajol-photos-com.jpg)
‘Maybe nobody lives in here’ she thought after looking at the condition of house and entered the gate.She would have taken only two or three steps in the house when she saw two people coming running towards her.Before,already afraid kajol could do anything,they crossed her.Kajol turned around and what she saw shooked her up.
The door has been closed and the two people, who were boys of around 18-19 age, were holding the door handle, trying to open it with all their power and at the same time weeping like a child who has been lost in a fair.
‘This won’t open’ Cried one of them,leaving the handle as he sat down besides the door with his head between his legs and started crying as high as his neck allowed.
Kajol didn’t understood anything but she was feeling pity for them.She walked up to the boy and sat besides him.She put his hand around his hand ,caressing his hairs aqnd said ‘What happened ,child? Why are you crying like this? Don’t cry ’.The boy picked his head up to look glance at the woman who just spoke to him.As soon as he saw her ,for a very brief moment of time, he a gave this look.Kajol had seen many people getting stunned by seeing her but this look was something else.It wasn’t a look of excitement, It was like just an addition to his knowledge.
The boy standing besides them ,who has processed who she was,started ‘We are trapped in here from past 7 days’ tears came rolling from his eyes as he said this ‘7 days ago we entered this building to find some help ,but once we entered the door got closed and didn’t get open ever since,till you entered just like us’ This time,it was Kajol’s turn to get stunned.
‘What?’ Kajol stood up ‘Are you boys joking with me??’ Kajol said in rage and held the door handle to open it.But it won’t open.
‘It won’t open ma’m ‘ said the standing boy whose name was aakash ‘we are trying from last 7 days’
Kajol looked at his face.The skin below his eyes has gotten dark,his jaw looked like as if it was going to come out.His eyes showed nothing but helplessness .This made her heart wrench.At once she knew that they were telling the truth.
‘We are hungry from past 7 days.I am starving.It feels like death would have been better than this.’ Said the boy who was sitting,crying at the same time.
‘Shhhhh…..Everything will get fine,child.Eyerything will get fine.Don’t cry .It’s OK’ she said as she took his head between her bosoms at the same time caressing his hairs to calm him down. This taught me one thing.that it Tom Dick Harry:
is not the touch of organs that makes us arouse.Its what inside our head,that does it.Its what we think about the other person at that time that makes us arouse.If Kajol had held anyone else’s head between her big bosom ,out of that situation,he would have gotten aroused,but this boy got comforted instead.It calmed him down
You haven’t eaten anything from 7 days?’ said kajol musing over their condition.
‘Not quite nothing.We had to eatsome dead rats’ said akaash ‘If we haven’t eaten them we would have died from hunger’ this made the other boy spit.
Tears started rolling from kajol’s eyes.
‘Don’t worry.Everything will get allright son’ she said as she took both into her arms.
Then she took her purse and started looking for something.She took out two cups of noodles and handed over to the two of them without even thinking for 1 second that what would she eat if she also has to live there for as much time as they have did?
Okay.first tell me your name.’
‘I’m Aakash’
‘Hmmm.And you?’
‘I am sahil’ said sahil,while eating the noodles, breathlessly.
Kajol watched them eating like two year olds and smiled.
‘It gives the kind of satisfaction ,nobody could understand’ mused she.
‘Isn’t there any other exit route?’ asked Kajol,ready for their reply in negative.
‘no,there isn’t .We have checked everywhere here.everyroom’ said sahil
‘Except for one’ said aashish suddenly ‘On the 1st floor there is a room which we tried to open.But that gate also didn’t open.Maybe you would want to see it’
All three got upto the 1st floor.’This is the room’said aakash as he pointed towards the door
‘And it doesn’t open’ said sahil as he tried to turn the door knob.And suddenly it turned and the door hung open.
The jaw of boys hung ajar.
‘What the Fu…..I swear ma’m.it didn’t open last time’ said sahil as tears started to making their way again out of his eyes.
‘Calm down Sahil.I trust you my child’ Kajol said,wondering ‘I don’t know how it’s happening.
It feels so disturbing’
Maybe she could feel what was going to happen
‘Whats that table?’ said aakash as he glanced over a tablein the middle of the rrom.
All of them got around it.
‘Looks like a board game’ Said Sahil.
‘Whats this ‘said aakash as he picked up the piece of paper lying on the table.
‘EXIT ROUTE ‘ It read.
Suddenly,aakash got twinle in his eyes.
‘This reads ‘EXIT ROUTE’’
‘Read it aloud’ said Kajol, still feeling suspicious.
‘Well, now when all three of you are present,.’Started aashish,getting stunned by the first line
‘For getting out of here,you have to play this game’
Everyone looked at the board
‘There are 1 to 100 numbered squares on this board.Some of the squares are cross marked.You have to roll the dice and make progress.if your goti gets on the marked box. A paper would fall on the ground under the table. And you would have to do whatever is written in it. If you fail or deny to do it, you would be disqualified’
They glanced at each other.
‘The person who wins gets to get out.Others remain here forever.For winning the game at least two players should remain in the game until end.If two players get disqualified the third one would get disqualified automatically.’ Read akaash
‘Motherfuckerrrr……..’ blew sahil in anger as he snatched the paper from aakash’s hands and threw it away.’We are not playing this fucking game.What the fuck? If only one gets to out and the other two are left here to rot up and eat dead rats,then might as well we all just rot here.’
‘Calm down sahil’ Kajol.If one of us can get out of here,then he would be able to get help for other two.And we would be able to get out of here’ said Kajol, explaining to sahil.
‘What else it says?’ asked Kajol to aakash who had brought the paper back.
![[Image: 94192583_kajol-sex-photos.jpg]](https://img27.pixhost.to/images/315/94192583_kajol-sex-photos.jpg)
![[Image: 94192569_kajal-new-photos.jpg]](https://img27.pixhost.to/images/315/94192569_kajal-new-photos.jpg)
![[Image: 94192567_actress-kajol-devgan-in-public-...n-face.jpg]](https://img27.pixhost.to/images/315/94192567_actress-kajol-devgan-in-public-with-cum-on-face.jpg)
![[Image: 94192574_photos-of-kajol.jpg]](https://img27.pixhost.to/images/315/94192574_photos-of-kajol.jpg)
‘But..’ aakash started reading again ‘there are some rules you have to follow.
Rule 1 If you have any type of envy ,anger or lust towards each otheryou won’t be able to play this game
Rule 2 If you develop any of such feeling during the game you would be disqualified.
So,the only way any one of you can win this game is together,caring for Tom Dick Harry:
r each other and not developing any attraction towards each other’s body even for one second.Care for each other,help each other and get over it.Take this pledge that you would care for each other and won’t develop any such feeling for each other’
Taking a pledge is like putting all your faith in a single line you are about to say.It is hard for a liar to take it but easier for someone who says truth.It was easier for all of them,you can see that on their faces.
‘I take pledge that ‘ kajol started ‘that I won’t have any feeling of envy,anger or lust towards them.These two are like my own children and I won’t harm them in any way.I would take care of them in every condition like a mother takes care of her child’
‘I also don’t have any such feelings against kajal ma’m and aakash.Kajol ma’m is our elder and we both respect her in every way and aakash is like my brother’ Sahil took his pledge.
‘I won’t develope any such feelings against against sahil and kajol ma’m.I would care for them in everyway possible.I respect kajol ma’m and love aakash as my own brother and know that they too won’t develop any such feelings towards me’
After that all of three sat on the chairs around the table and started the game.All three crossed the crossed square on no 3.But the first person who became victim of the crossed square was Kajol.It came 5 on her dice and her goti reached no 13,the second crossed square.And out of nowhere a paper fell below the table.It felt it so haunting to kajol.
She slowly, picked up the folded paper and opened it.And what was written inside it shattered her soul.
‘Take off your clothesin front of the boys.Let’s see how much they respect you’ Said kajol as she read it.It brought a wave of embarassement in the room.
‘What?No! you don’t do it.They are just playing with us.I don’t want anybody to test my respect .I don’t want anyone’s approval.They are just filthy,ahit minded person who are doing this.They think everyone is like them.’ Shouted Aashish as he threw the table in the corner of the room with all his force remaining in his body.
‘Shhhh…Sh….. listen….listen to me child’ said kajol as she holded aashish from his arms to calm him down ‘You are right.Thay are playing with us and I know you respect me.But think about this,this is the only way we can get out of here .If our heart and mind is pureand we really respect each other and have no wrong feelings for each other,we will gwet away with it.We just have to bear this humiliation,you understand.we have to bear it’ finished she.
Kajol was wearing a dress upto her knees with black and white strips on it.She was feeling very humiliated.Never in her life she had done any act like that.But there was nothing she can do except undress herself.
![[Image: 94192565_img_20190117_162913_272.jpg]](https://img27.pixhost.to/images/315/94192565_img_20190117_162913_272.jpg)
She took out her dusky,round arms from the sleeves and slowly, pulled that dress down, revealing hermassive,round ,firm set of boobs, which jiggled like jelly when kajol had to forcibly pull the dress down as the size of her tits were so big that the dress wasn’t coming down easily.Next thing that was uncovered was her smooth,dusky belly and in center of it the deepest navel I have ever seen,which became even more deeper as she took her breath.Breathing heavily,next thing she uncovered were her hips.Rounder than a dome,jiggling like jelly and bigger than a football, watching her booty , I at once realised that no matter what her mind says, but her body won’t disappoint any human.
Next thing came into view was her ass and those muscular, fleshy, huge thighs in between them where heaven can be found.And then she uncovered her whole sexy legs and put that piece of cloth besides. She was standing nude in all her glory, her pussy shaved ,which she shaved for her husband last night was clearly visible.But those boys were feeling embarrassed and helpless by watching her condition.Inside their head they were praying that nothing such should happen to anyone in this world.
Kajol maintained her calm and still after such an embarassement didn’t broke up.
They started playing again and next turn was of aashish and the task Tom Dick Harry:
was same.Feeling embarrassed ,he undressed himself .His penis haven’t even taken a slightest growth by watching Kajol nude.
Next was sahil and he too undressed himself.
The view wasa that three people were sitting in the room around a table ,nude without a single piece of cloth on body,nobody feeling even slightest sensation of being hornyOne of them was female,43 yrs old ,Bollywood actress and happily married Kajol and the other two were adult children of about 18-19 yrsage.Eyes of all of them were covered with tears seeing each other’s condition.By eating nothing from past 7 days the body of boys had become very thin.
Broken,Embarassed and humiliated,they started playing again.
It came 2 on kajol’s dice and she was again on the crossed square.Her heart sankas she put her goti on the no. 64.A paper fell on the ground,Kajol ,slowly,with praying in heart that this won’t be anything humiliating, picked up the paper and opened it.
It read ‘let’s see that no piece of statement which don’t really make any sense can change your feeling towards each other.Read whatever is written below loud,slowly and with expressions’ Kajol felt like she was in hell after seeing what was written below .She placed her hand on her heart above her tits and started
‘Suck my these firm tits,son.Their milk is better than the best drink you have evr had.Squeeze them .Eat my pussy O motherfucker.Slap on my tight ass .I will sit on your face.Then put your tounge inside my butthole my boys ahhhhhhhhhh…..’ Kajol said,trying hard to give expressions,as water came down from her eyes felling on her tits and she broke up.Along with her the boys broke up too.This was the saddest time in everyone’s lives.
‘I hate that fucking motherfucker whoever is doing this’ Said sahil,sobbing like a child.However ,kajol calmed herself and both the boys down,took them in her arms and said ‘Don’t worry .We will pass through it. God is taking our test and we will get through it.Okay?’
None of the boys realised that while hugging,their lips just touched the most gorgeous pair of tits in the world.
After some time they sat down again