Adultery Indian Housewife : I had to do it by xosind (completed)

Absolutely superb update!!! There is so much tension, emotion, erotica, suspense, etc. that I am left totally drained!!

Personally, all the build up over the last few updates, is perhaps more powerful than the actual sex, about to happen in Vivek and Sanjana's bedroom. Of course, our writer will no doubt deliver an excellent bedroom chapter!!!

I am happy to note that Vivek's emotions were like that of a normal, loving husband, watching the inevitable happen to his wife, despairing. Any erotic thoughts in Vivek were generated by Anand's skillful control over what he was making Sanjana fact any man would be aroused.

What must be the worst, though, must be when Sanjana could take it no longer and willingly grabs Anand, wildly kissing him like a tigress released! Anand, masterfully, executing the ultimate humiliation, the wife desperately and willingly throwing herself at him in front of her husband, totally oblivious of the husband.

We also see that behind Vivek's acceptance of the inevitable, his arousal, his emotions, etc. there is a flash of naked anger at the situation, as Sanjana and Anand begin their tryst. Perhaps a catalyst for future action by him?? He knows they have to go through with this but the fact that she was willingly doing it, is the most terrifying bit.

In the cold light of day, after having perhaps the most fantastic night ever, with only the second man to ever fuck her, will she move on to enjoying their predicament on a permanent basis with Anand? Many elements of the story point in that direction. She can enjoy the financial stability, the power of Anand and sexual satisfaction that he provides while still having Vivek around to look after the kids....the best of both worlds (well, at least until Anand moves on to another woman or falls ill...he is 60 years old after all).

Where will that leave Vivek? It is unlikely that he will tolerate this for long, especially with the two kids and having to keep up appearances. He is used to being the bread winner and the man of the house. With a broken heart and total humiliation, he will have to move on. Even if he doesn't get a job that pays to maintain the whole family, a guy of his experience will find something, maybe even move abroad. Wouldn't that be a perfect ending for Sanjana? Anand, a man who can look after her in every way..........

What kind of woman, forgets a 16 year relationship, for a tryst with a man old enough to be her father? How she accepted his demand to become his mistress from an original plan to spend only a weekend with him? Yes, my heart bleeds for Vivek. I know, Sanjana also went through hell to take the decision to go with Anand but now she can only look forward to a fucking great time while Vivek is reduced to ......he doesn't matter any more.

Or will the writer just make him a proper cuckold??
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Indian Housewife : I had to do it by xosind - by sarit11 - 02-12-2018, 07:37 PM

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