02-12-2018, 07:24 PM
Oh yesss!! Sanjana breathless, oozing all the time, sweat dripping everywhere....Vivek also breathless, as he shoots off all over the car seat.....And Anand is going to hold off till later!! Imagine all the overheated readers wiping the sweat from their brows....imagine.....
Damn these guys! How come they always have bigger dicks?? Not fair!! Vivek and Sanjana never had a problem with Vivek's size or action in bed (when it happened) for 16 years. And now this Anand guy is just hypnotizing her.....sad.
I'm advised that it isn't the length that matters most (average dick length 5 to six inches, average pussy depth 4 to 5 inches, so no problems for the billions of average folks) but the girth or how fat the dick is. Then we have these freaks or supermen who are God's gift to women and have super long and super fat dicks.
What chance do our women have??? They're worshipping the damn things! What chance does my man Vivek have??? Dammitt!!
Quote:Being the initial encounter with Anand, she is still in two minds, especially with Vivek around. Her natural modesty(only man ever was Vivek) makes her anxious not to do anything in front of Vivek, despite the lust created by Anand's slow and careful plan. So currently I think she is not fully ready for Anand to fuck her.....until Anand, once again, causes her lust to rise uncontrollably and then it won't matter what she does in front of Vivek (to Vivek's utter disbelief, of course, never having seen his wife is such a state). Next time and later will be another story, of course.
However, the way Anand is controlling them both, making her dress and behave lewdly and forcing Vivek to hear and see her like that as though it was just normal business, makes me think he likes to humiliate and torture.
Sanjana may finally get her itch scratched but she never expected it in this blatant and denigrating way. She never expected to agree to become his mistress. I think she expected Anand to be more of a gentleman. Mmmm....in the cold light of day, will she join forces with Vivek and figure a way out??