Adultery Pinky seduction goes wrong with servant
He was a meritorious student throughout his life and was very shy around girls, so during his school and college he never had a girlfriend. He was more occupied with his studies to flirt with girls and after graduation he went on to do his Phd and then joined ministry of forestry as a scientist. He thought about his beautiful wife and wondered that if this arranged marriage thing was not there he would never have won such a lovely and lively girl.

Pinky  was everything to him now, she was his friend, lover, caretaker and a whore in bed. Even after eight years of marriage he never felt that their sex life has diminished rather it has improved during last three years. It was a bit low when Anaya  was born but ever since she started to go to school he has found a renewed energy in their sex life.

Pinky  has maintained her figure by regular exercise on one hand and on other she was experimental in bed. Every other night she will have something new to do, she would do a strip tease for him or dress up as a school girl. She will wear sexy lingerie and would make a show taking them off, she will do something or the other to spice up the things in bed and the result is sex, almost five times a week. Atul  was often surprised at her energy and the enthusiasm she shows. He was a bit skeptical initially that he was eleven years older to her but the age difference never proved to be a problem nor did the average cock size that he has, proved to be a problem.

He knew that she was a virgin at the time of marriage as she howled with pain even with the average size cock he had and she learned everything about sex gradually with him. Although he was also a novice but the two explored each other. Atul  always found her an innocent little girl and he had no idea of her fetish, even when he witnessed a salesman having a peek of her creamy boobs.

They were out shopping and happened to be in a shoe store. Pinky  was trying a sandal and Atul  was busy with his daughter who was running around the shop. He was at some distance and saw his wife sitting on the stool bending forward adjusting the sandal and the salesman sitting on the floor in front of her. Suddenly he saw the 'pallu' of her saree fall down and through the deep neck blouse her boobs were visible to great depths. Even though he was at some distance but he can also clearly see the cleavage deep down. He looked at the salesman and found him staring at the site before him in an awe.

'Oh my god' he was rooted to his place and watched Pinky  who oblivious to everything, was busy fiddling with the sandal. It looked like she was presenting her delicious globs on platter to the salesman. Atul  was mesmerized and his first thought was for the salesman 'lucky bastard' then he thought of warning Pinky . But before he could act he saw her straightening and pulling back the saree on her breasts. Atul  looked around to see if anyone else was watching but found none as the only other shopper, a lady and was facing away.

He found that his heartbeat increased and he was feeling aroused. He was distracted when Anaya  pulled her hand and took him to a rack to point out at a shoe she wanted. For some time he was busy with her and when he looked again at Pinky  he found that she was busy with yet another shoe. He was able to see her back from this point and he found that her 'pallu' again slipped from her breasts. From the look of the salesman he was sure that he is getting a delicious view.

Pinky  kept on trying different sandals and shoes and continued to expose her boobs to the ogling eyes of salesman. Atul  wanted to warn Pinky  but he was feeling aroused watching his innocent wife unknowingly expose herself in front of this man. The salesman was happily bringing shoes for her to try and enjoyed the view.

Atul  never mention this to her as he felt ashamed of himself that he knowingly allowed to continue the show. Later in the night he was excited beyond control and mauled her tits, it gives him added pleasure that the salesman could only drool over them while he can have them.

"Saab," his train of thoughts were broken as the peon Hemal Rai entered with his coffee, "your coffee."

"Yeah... keep it on the table."

"Saab I want seven days leave."

"Why where are you going?"

"Going to our village I have found a suitable boy for my daughter, so going to meet his parents to finalize her marriage," he replied.

"Ohh, ok no problem."

"My son Sidharth  would be around he will maintain your garden and if you need he can do other chores for you too."

"That would not be required, gardening would be enough."

Hemal Rai nodded and exited his office.


Pinky  returned from her 'walk' in the woods, it was almost quarter past one in the afternoon and Anaya  was due to be back from school at two O' clock.

"How was your day dear," she enquired as Anaya  got down from the school bus.

Anaya  excitedly started narrating whatever happened at school and continued during the lunch also. After the lunch Pinky  put her to bed for the afternoon nap and she too slept for two hours with her.

Atul  returned around seven and Anaya  immediately jumped in his lap and animatedly started telling about her day. Pinky  was busy in the kitchen preparing the dinner.

"Hey don't bother your daddy let him relax," Pinky  peeped from the kitchen and scolded Anaya .

"No... no... I will play with daddy," she shouted.

"Let her play I am not tired," Atul  replied.

"I don't want you to get tired now," Pinky  spoke meaningfully and Atul  felt a tingling sensation as he understood what she was hinting about.

Later in the night when Atul  came to bedroom after putting Anaya  to bed he found Pinky  was wearing a flimsy nighty which was reaching just below her knees. The material was so thin that he could clearly make out every curve on her body and can also see the bra and panty she was wearing. He looked at her admiringly while Pinky  has a mischievous smile on her face.

"This arrived today," she pointed towards the nighty, "and also what I am wearing inside."

Atul  remembered that they ordered a set of fancy bra and panty few days ago and she must be wearing the same under the nighty. Pinky  pushed him on the bed and stood beside with a naughty smile.

"You want to see," she asked. Atul  nodded eagerly feeling his blood rushing to his crotch. Pinky  stepped back a bit untying her hairs and shook her head seductively letting the shoulder length hairs fall on her back. She put on some light music and turned on the night bulb then sensually started to sway her hips. Atul  watched in dim light the little show she put up and felt his cock getting hard. Pinky  slowly pulled up the nighty to give him a peek at her creamy thighs and the purple panty, then quickly pulled it back. She teased him until she saw a tent building in his pajamas. She pulled the nighty all the way up and out of her head and stood before him in the purple bra and panty.

Atul  rubbed his crotch and saw that the material was so transparent that he could see the tout nipples and the fluffy pussy lips. Pinky  swayed and turned a full round displaying her body.

"You want more," she whispered, "then show me your hard cock."

Atul  quickly peeled his clothes off and rubbed the erect cock.

"Mmmm... lovely," she approached him and planted a kiss on his throbbing penis.

Pinky  continued the teasing by showing glimpses of her body and in between playing with his cock with her tongue until Atul  could take it no more and pulled her onto the bed. Pinky  moaned loudly as he quickly mounted her. The room was filled with the noises of lovemaking.


After sending off her husband and daughter, Pinky  relaxed in the verandah enjoying the weather and a hot cup of coffee. The weather was romantic with clouds in the sky and she was feeling naughty, she thought of going to shopping mall and have some fun with the salesmen. Last time, she remembered the salesman got a deep look at her cleavage, today she thought of wearing a skirt and can let him have some view down her thighs. The thought sent shivers down her spine and she felt the familiar sensation building inside her. Then she thought of her tailor with whom she was so generous that she allowed him to have a feel of her boobs while taking measurement. She remembers that his hands were trembling and a big bulge was visible in his pants. She finished the coffee but was still not able to decide where to go.

Finally, it was late and she decided to have a walk in the forest. Wearing a jean and a top she locked the house. Sidharth  was as usual working in the lawn and she enquired about his family etc., then she walked towards the woods.

The sky was partially filled with clouds and the sun was playing hide and seek in the clouds. Pinky  reached her usual spot and started to slowly undress, the cold breeze make her nipples stood erect. After keeping all her clothes below a tree, she walked naked on the grass slowly playing with her pussy and nipples.

She was lost in her fantasies, eyes closed, legs spread wide and two fingers buried deep in her pussy when she heard rustling sound close to her. She opened her eyes and saw a large snake was coiled between her spread out legs. Her eyes spread out in fear as she saw him brandish his tongue.

"Mummmmy...." She screamed on top of her lunges as her body trembled and she was unable to move. Her eyes were fixated on the creature which appeared to be looking at her cunt believing it to be the opening of his pit.

"Oh God help me... please go away," the creature was so close to her that she feared even to move a muscle.

Suddenly from nowhere a man appeared beside her, he was holding a stick with which he scooped the snake and sent him flying into the bushes.

"Oh God... Oh God," she was still trembling.

"He is gone," he spoke. Pinky  looked at him for the first time and her heart sank as she recognizes Sidharth .

"O my god... O my god," she trembled and tried to cover her boobs and pussy with her hand while he looked on at the naked wife.

"My clothes," she was barely able to say these words.

"I'll bring them," he said and ran towards where she has kept her clothes.

Pinky  was feeling numb and her mind was not working, 'he has been watching me,' was all that he could think.

Sidharth  was quickly back with her clothes, but sitting naked in the woods it felt like eternity for Pinky . She quickly got up and started to dress. In the haste she tripped while putting the panty on and fell face forward. Sidharth  was standing in good position and he didn't let her fall on the ground and held her in his arms.

"Leave me..." she spoke in a wobbly voice as she felt his hands on her naked shoulders and waist. Sidharth  let her balance herself and watched as she quickly dressed and rushed towards home.


Pinky  almost ran to her home. She was looking behind to see if Sidharth  was following her but he was not to be seen. By the time she reached home she was able to regain some of her composure.

"O God... O God," she was shaking as she locked the door, "What was he doing there... of all the people... this Gardner... Sidharth ... how could I ever face him again."

She sat on the couch and tried to catch her breath. The more she thought about it, the more foolish she felt and she cursed herself for being such a stupid ass. Now the whole idea of getting naked in the jungle seems so absurd, she always thought that she would know if someone is approaching and could hide or something, but she never expected what happened today.

Pinky  spent the afternoon locked in the house and thinking about the incident. 'He came forward when she shouted for help, it means he was watching me masturbating all this time,' she helplessly crushed the cushion in her hand. She shivered at the thought that Sidharth  must be boasting about this to his friends and that he has touched her naked body almost hugged her. She was lost in her thoughts and almost forgot to pick up her daughter from bus stop.

Anaya  was chirping as usual as she walked her home, however Pinky  was quiet and was looking around as if everyone around knows her dark secret. Everything was normal and she gained some confidence, 'even if he tells no one will believe him,' she consoled herself.

By evening she was restless again. It was time for Anaya  to go out in the park and play with her friends and Pinky  usually accompany her. While Anaya  played, she uses to chat with other ladies in the park. But today she was not interested in chatting, her eyes were looking for Sidharth . She knew he must be working in some other bungalow. She casually walked on looking into the lawns of other bungalows for any sign of Sidharth .

Then she spotted him cleaning a flower bed. Walking close to the fence she hoped he will look at her so that she can signal him, but he was busy and didn't raise his head.

"Sidharth ," she called him after mustering enough courage.

"Yes Madam," he saw her and quickly came to the edge of the fence.

"I need to have a word with you."

"Sure madam," he looked on.

"Not here," she looked around, "over there," she pointed towards a deserted lane and walked on. After sometime she heard hurried footsteps behind her.

"What were you doing in the forest," she spoke as he came beside her. She cannot look him into eyes and continued to walk.

"I... I... was there," he stammered.

"I know you were there... but why?"

"I use to follow you."

"You mean earlier also you have followed me," she was terrified, "Why?"

"I saw you going into the woods and I was worried because it is not safe, we have often seen Leopards coming to these parts of the jungle... so I followed you... in case..."

'O God,' he has been watching her all the time and she has no idea.

"You mean you would have saved me if Leopard attacked," she giggled nervously.

"Yes sure... I would have," he replied confidently showing a machete hidden in his pants.

Pinky  didn't know what to say, she nervously fidgeted and kept on walking without realizing that they have walked into bamboo bushes which were hidden from the road.

"I never wanted to spy on you... I just followed you to warn you... but... but... when I saw you... I didn't... I don't want to interrupt," he spoke slowly while Pinky  looked at the ground.

"I hope you have not told this to anybody," she spoke.

"No madam... I can never do that," he quickly replied.

Pinky  relaxed feeling the sincerity in his voice and also that he was behaving respectfully as he used to. Not a cheap glance or a sleazy comment, as Pinky  was dreading.

"Thanks a lot... please don't tell anyone," she spoke meekly.

"I would never do that."

"You are so sweet... Madam," he spoke getting closer to her.

Pinky  first time looked at him closely and found him to be just about her height, a bit shorter for a man, but was sturdy built. He had strong arms and legs and the facial feature were of southeast Asian with short eyes and flat nose, looked sweet and innocent to her. His ancestors migrated from Bhutan long time back. The manual work he did showed in his physic and as she glanced down she saw a bulge in his pant.

'Is he having a boner,' she thought and realized that just couple of hours back she was totally nude before him and probably he has never seen another woman naked. The thought made her feel ashamed as well as aroused.

Sidharth  was so close to her that he can smell her scent, he can feel the heat emanating from her body and he was not able to control himself. He moved one hand on her back and pulled her in his strong embrace.

"What... what," she was taken aback.

Sidharth  had one hand on her ass and pulled her sharply into him. Pinky  felt his hard cock on her thigh and before she could react she felt his other hand on the back of her head.

"No... no... what are you doing," she squealed and shook her head left and right as he tried to kiss her lips. Her boobs pressed flat onto his chest.

"What do you think you are doing," Pinky  shouted and pushed him hard.

"Madam... Madam," he was in a frenzy and managed to kiss her cheeks.

"Let me go immediately," she started hitting him on chest.

Sidharth  was startled and his grip on her ass loosened. Pinky  quickly pushed him back and looked fiercely in his eyes.

"How dare you!!!" she shouted.

"Madam..." he tried to speak but she cut him off.

"What do you think!!! If you have seen me naked, you have the right to fuck me?" she was panting in anger while Sidharth  looked on like a scared puppy.

"No madam," he looked down.

"I will kill you if you ever touch me," and she stomped back towards her bungalow.


"Today lot of school children visited FRI and I showed them the museum," Atul  was telling about his day but Pinky 's mind was still occupied by the thoughts of the day's events. She absentmindedly nodded to whatever he was saying.

'He must be thinking that I am some kind of cheap woman who will be willing to take any cock that comes her way or else he would not have dared to touch me,' she thought and continued to cook the dinner.

Pinky  went to bed after finishing dinner while Atul  was with Anaya  telling her some bedtime story. By now her anger was subsided and her mind was working differently, 'he has been watching me doing all those nasty things for so many days, OMG, I have masturbated several times,' she felt ashamed, 'he had a hard on and I was staring at it no wonder he thought I wanted him.'

When Atul  joined her in bed she was imagining Sidharth  watching her hidden in the bushes and was getting excited. When Atul  put a hand on her back she snuggled close to him. He didn't have to ask twice for she was already wet. She put her face on the pillow and went prone asking Atul  to fuck her doggy style. At the peak of copulation, she felt as if Sidharth  has a grip on her ass and when she had orgasm his face was in her mind.

They cuddled together after the satisfying sex when Atul  spoke, "You know my peon Hemal Rai, he will be on leave from tomorrow, he is going to his village to fix his daughter's marriage."


"Then... I have to run the household errands, he was a good help."

"Ohh... Ok."

"Although he offered that his son Sidharth  can do the chores but I don't like this boy so I refused."

"Why? Sidharth  seems to be a nice boy, why you hate him," she spoke cautiously.

"I don't hate him, but I have heard that he is not a nice guy, its only because of his father that I allowed the gardening job so that it will help him financially for the marriage of his daughter," he spoke.

"What have you heard," Pinky  was curious.

"I don't know if it's true or not but some of the staff said that he was involved with the wife of one of the FRI's officer and he even got her pregnant. It seems that the husband was not having good number of sperms to father a child and her getting pregnant made the husband aware of her relationship."

"Ohh... then."

"Then this officer got himself transferred to another place and I don't know what happened, but many neighbors got the whiff of the things before they left."

"Humm," that made Pinky  a bit nervous.

"I am not sure if it is true but people in staff swore... anyway I don't like his overall appearance either, so just want to have as little as possible connection with him."

Pinky  nodded but she lay awake for a long time and finally when she slept she had dreams of Sidharth  impregnating her.


Next three days went uneventful. Sidharth  came for work as usual and stuck to his work only and didn't tried to come near to Pinky  or talk to her. Pinky  was apprehensive initially and was thinking of the ways to handle him if he tried to come onto her, but her fears proved wrong and Sidharth  didn't tried anything. During this period she remained at home and saw him working in the garden.
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