Romance Dark Division - Dani by bdbeauty
The next morning, Vince was up early. His dreams of Dani most of the night meant that he didn't sleep much. Now, he decided to head out and get breakfast for them, figuring it wouldn't be long before they were all up. When he left his room, he turned pulling the door closed and came face to face with Dani and Cindy. Cindy was plastered against the hotel door as Dani licked and sucked at her neck. Vince cleared his throat. Cindy giggled pushing Dani back from her.

"Hi. I guess I should go." She kissed Dani sweetly.

"Okay beautiful. I'll probably be here tonight though, so maybe I'll call you." Dani blew her a kiss as she walked to her car.

"I hope so." Cindy giggled again before getting into the car. Dani waved a final goodbye.

"Have fun last night?" Vince asked her, his eyebrow quirked.

"It was alright. I've had better, but I love the loud ones."

"Yea, we heard. She was smokin' hot though, I'll give you that." Vince smiled.

"She was even better without clothes. What are you up to this morning?"

"I was about to catch breakfast. Do you wanna come along?"

"Sure, but let me grab some clothes." Vince followed her into the room. He saw the lamp on the floor by the bed and remembered the thud they heard. He also couldn't help but notice that the sheets were twisted up on the bed and god help him if he didn't see a few wet patches that had his cock stirring.

Dani went to her bag pulling on the yoga pants over her panties and then turning to whip her tank top off over her head. Vince saw her naked back and was mesmerized by the skin. An anti-possession tattoo graced the center over her spine and a few other old scars traced lines here and there. The fresh red streaks on the top had his attention though.

"Are those scratches from the house yesterday? You could let me clean them before we go."

"Nope, they're from Cindy. That girl had some fight in her." She called out over her shoulder before pulling a sports bra on and turning around to put a t-shirt over it. Vince saw her bare stomach then and the circular scar that was indicative of a bullet wound. "It was from when I was younger with my dad. I didn't listen to him and sure enough some idiot in a bar fight shot me. Took me three months to heal up, but I never made that mistake again."

"Your dad sounds like mine." Vince smiled at her. He felt like he was nearly looking in a mirror except this reflection of himself was driving him crazy. I mean scratches from a chick on her back that was his forte.

"Yea, but I still miss him. He died about two years ago from cancer. It just figures he was an agent for his whole damn life and then cancer takes him. Couldn't believe it when he told me it was too far gone to treat."

"Mine's gone too. I miss the old bastard, but I have Nick. He's like a brother now. I do miss having someone yell at me when I came home with a new scar. My old man showed his love by yelling at me for being careless."

"Weird how we've never met huh? Seems like all agents have a familiar story, though. So, breakfast?" Vince nodded and she threw on her shoes so they could head out and return with food for everybody.

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RE: Dark Division - Dani by bdbeauty - by Ramesh_Rocky - 05-03-2019, 12:39 PM

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