Adultery Old man Karim
      EPISODE 2 

    Next day early morning Karim woke up. He offered ,,., and went outside for the work. His work was to make lunch and dinner. His main work was to help Fatima. Fatima was alone during meal preparation.  Meanwhile Sana prepares dinner. The alternate work. Karim was ready in the kitchen. He made breakfast. In early morning, all family members had breakfast. After breakfast, Abu went to the garden and Qasim followed him.

"Abba jaan are you alight ?"

"Yes Qasim. Tell me what happened ?"

"Abbu today i am going to the village Raza."

"Hmmmmm son take care of yourself."

"Abba i am leaing Anwar here."

"Why ?"

"There is a deal in Mumbai related to the transportation."

"Ahhh no. You take Anwar, I will carry on the deal in Mumbai."

"No0 abba. I can take care of myself."

"My son i am taking 30 guards with you. Bring those bastards who were involved in killing your brother."

"Abbga it will take some days because might possible they have run away. I need to find out some clues. It's my promise i will not come at home until i bring them here."

 Abu Stood up and kissed forehead of Qasim and said "Take care of yourself son. Khuda Hafiz."

"Khuda Hafiz abba."

      Qasim went away for his work. Abu was not feeling well. His mind was constantly getting depressed. After some minutes, he went inside the house and met Sana.

"Abba what happened to you ? Why you are so upset ? Please try to forget this incident. Ayesha is here atleast you should be strong for her."

"I know Sana you are right but i am a father. It will take sometime."

"I understand abba."

"Sana i am here to tell you that i am going to mosque for making my mind relax."

"Yes abbu."

"See Sana. It will take time. I will stay in mosque and then i will meet some people of the village."

"Okay abba take your time. The outside atmosphere can help you to heel from your pain."

"Okay beta. Khuda hafeez."

"Khuda hafeez abbu."

     With his car Abu went to mosque. He reached in the mosque and offered ,,.,. He met to Maulvi Zafar. A 55 years old. White beard without mushtache. White skull cap and black Pathani kurta. 

"Salam Alaikum  Abu."

"Walaikum salam Maulvi sahab."

"How are you ?"

"I am fine."

"Abu. I want to have some conversation with you."

"Related to what Maulvi sahab ?"

"Dubai packaga."

     After hearing this, Abu's expression got dried. He looked left and right. With a low voice he spoke "Can we talk later ? Right now i am not feeling good."

"Abbu bhaijaan. Don't delay on answer. Our boss need your answer. We need to deploy the drugs from here. Millions of rupees are waiting for us."

"I will do the work but right now i need some break."

"You are not listening to me. The deal is about 10 crore and if you do this then you will get 40% commission."

"Yes i will do it."

"Then hurry up. You have lot of time to plane and execute it. But you need to answer our boss fast. If it is yes then take your time to execute your plan."

"Okay then tell your boss that i am ready."

           Abu left the place. In kitchen Karim was cutting the vegetables for lunch. Fatima came and said "what is your name ?"

"My name is Karim and Abu sahab has allow me to work."

"I know that. See Karim there is a juicer machine. Please make juice and send it to Ayesha's room."

"Ji Malkin." 

     Fatima began her work in kitchen. Karim made juice and went to Ayesha's room. Room was locked. Karim knocked the door. Ayesha opened the door and saw Karim. 

"I don't need any juice. Get out." Ayesha said in angry expression. 

"Fatima memsaab told me to give you."

"But i am telling no. I don't want any juice. Get out."

"Is this a way talk with senior age people."

"Excuse me who the hell are you to teach me about respect and courtesy. You are just a servant. Better be on that position. My mood is upset don't tryto make it even more."

     Karim got angry. He made a face of aggression but didn't say anything and went away. With the face of anger, Karim entered to the kitchen. Fatima saw Karim and asked "why you didn't give juice to Ayesha."

"She got angry on me. I don't know what i have did. I just went to give her juice. Why she used abusive words on me."

"Oh please don't feel bad because right hlnow she is depressed about her younger brother's death."

"But then also am i so bad that she told me ill mannered and rascal."

"Please don't feel bad Karim. I am saying you sorry in behalf of her."

"It's okay."

     Karim went back to his work. Meanwhile Ayesha didn't like Karim's face. A black and tummy man with white beard. She thinks Karim as a drop of mud. At afternoon when Abu returned to home, he felt something good inside. Might possible the week of insode stay made him depressed. Abu and his family seton the dining table. Today Karim made biryani for Abu.

 What's this ? Why biryani ? Fatima did you made ?"

"No abba. Karim made this."

      Abu stared  at Karim for few seconds. He tasted biryani in which he felt something different. The first spoon of biryani felt Abu tasty.

"Hmmmm Karim. If i had a knowledge about you cooking talent, then i would hired you in this job before. 

"Thank you sir."

Abu took volet from his pocket and indicate Karim to come near. Abu took Rs 500 note and handed to Karim.

"I am sorry sir. I can't. This was my duty."

"Hmmmm Karim accept this. This is the best biryani i have tasted yet. Take it Karim. Consider this as a compliment."

"Sir but......."

"Take it Karim you deserve this. Abu never gave this compliment to anyone except bhabhijaan and Fatima." Anwar said with smile.

"Thank you sir." Karim accept 500 rupees from Abu and went back to the kitchen.

"Fatima where is Ayesha ? Why she didn't join with us in lunch ? Is everything alright ?"

"Yes abba. She is little depressed about the death of Yasim." Fatima replied.

"Even everyone are depressed. But abba we should try to help Ayesha, so that she can overcome from this mental pain."

"I think you are right.  But by how ?"

"By talking with her and spending some more time with her." Sana advised to Abu.

"I think bhabhijaan is right. I am leaving for Mumbai today. You bhabhi and Fatima should take care of her. Abba my advice is that you should take some break from the office. You take care of her and our secretary will handle the office."


"Yes abba."

"But Anwar when are you leaving for Mumbai and how much day will you take ?"

"It's just for 3 days. I will be back."

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Old man Karim - by valkiss - 28-07-2020, 07:13 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by valkiss - 28-07-2020, 07:35 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by Mr Strange - 28-07-2020, 10:07 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by valkiss - 28-07-2020, 11:47 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by veenabhat - 28-07-2020, 11:00 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by valkiss - 28-07-2020, 11:29 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by Kishores200 - 28-07-2020, 11:48 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by valkiss - 28-07-2020, 11:58 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by Arjun owen MAK - 28-07-2020, 11:51 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by valkiss - 28-07-2020, 11:54 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by bobby - 31-07-2020, 12:05 AM
RE: Old man Karim - by valkiss - 31-07-2020, 12:18 AM
RE: Old man Karim - by Mr Strange - 31-07-2020, 05:46 AM
RE: Old man Karim - by veenabhat - 31-07-2020, 01:28 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by valkiss - 31-07-2020, 04:21 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by valkiss - 31-07-2020, 04:43 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by bobby - 31-07-2020, 05:25 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by veenabhat - 31-07-2020, 06:27 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by Mr Strange - 31-07-2020, 10:15 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by Kishores200 - 31-07-2020, 11:18 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by Delhidevil2021 - 02-08-2020, 05:22 AM
RE: Old man Karim - by veenabhat - 03-08-2020, 04:57 PM
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RE: Old man Karim - by oscarpistorious - 27-09-2020, 11:12 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by oscarpistorious - 30-09-2020, 04:21 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by oscarpistorious - 30-09-2020, 07:28 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by Shankar shaggy - 02-10-2020, 04:04 AM
RE: Old man Karim - by valkiss - 03-10-2020, 02:57 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by valkiss - 03-10-2020, 02:58 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by oscarpistorious - 23-10-2020, 10:03 AM
RE: Old man Karim - by Mr Strange - 03-10-2020, 05:37 PM
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RE: Old man Karim - by oscarpistorious - 21-10-2020, 12:25 AM
RE: Old man Karim - by oscarpistorious - 28-10-2020, 11:56 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by oscarpistorious - 19-11-2020, 11:45 PM
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RE: Old man Karim - by Herbiee - 04-12-2020, 01:45 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by Arjun owen MAK - 04-12-2020, 07:01 PM
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RE: Old man Karim - by Kalyan143 - 28-05-2021, 03:20 PM
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RE: Old man Karim - by Synthetic_Niya - 27-10-2021, 04:59 AM
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RE: Old man Karim - by doctor101 - 25-11-2021, 01:50 AM
RE: Old man Karim - by koolme98 - 03-12-2021, 01:32 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by oscarpistorious - 06-06-2022, 04:51 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by abcturbine - 06-06-2022, 05:15 PM
RE: Old man Karim - by Herbiee - 27-05-2023, 07:45 PM

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