Romance Dark Division - Dani by bdbeauty
The bathroom door opened, and Dani emerged. She had on the same clothes from before, but her hair was now wet and dangling around her face in long strands. She made her way over to her bag and grabbed a hairbrush. Vince watched her every movement as she brushed the wet locks along her tank top. The water making it wet as she went. It was right across one of her nipples and he just paused, a blank expression on his face, as she shifted flinging it backwards and allowing him a complete view of her front.

"Well, if you don't mind, I am exhausted. I'm crashing out." Dani did the unthinkable then and dropped her pants to the floor. She had on black boy shorts underneath and she climbed under the covers next to Stan, who still sat on his computer. She settled herself in on her side.

Vince was speechless and couldn't look away. What he just saw was going to be material for his alone time for years to come. Those boy shorts didn't cover much and the moment her hands had gone to drop her pants his dick stiffened completely. He was still staring long past when she had laid down and gotten comfortable.

"You need anything before I crash out too Vince?" Stan asked him not missing the way he was staring in Dani's direction.

"Um, no. Oh there's Nick, I'm just gonna hit the shower quickly and crash too." Vince scurried up grabbing his duffle bag and holding it in front of his crotch trying to hide the tent in his jeans from watching what he just had.

"Everybody crashing out?" Nick asked.

"Yep, goodnight man." Stan got up putting his computer down and dropping his sweatpants. He was still wearing boxers and a t-shirt, which was normal for him even when Dani and he crashed together.

Vince was in the shower by then stroking his cock with his eyes closed. He was just picturing Dani coming over to where he slept and sliding in. She would whisper into his ear that she had wanted him since they met. How his hand on her thigh earlier made her want to tease him.

His hand got faster at the thought of rolling her on her back and peeling up her tank top to reveal those perfect tits for him to bury his face in. He wanted nothing more than to devour her nipples before sliding her panties down. His own precum was a pitiful substitution on his fingers for how wet he imagined she would be by the time he was able to run his fingers through her soft pussy.

He barely even reached the thought of plunging himself into her depths before he was biting his lip and cumming on the shower wall in front of him. His body shuddered, and all he could do was think of how to approach her and how they could find themselves alone.


He snuck out to the room, seeing Nick already curled on the pull out sofa, he turned off the last lamp by the open bed and slid in under the covers. Once there, he waited a while to fall asleep listening intently for any sign that Dani would wake up and come over. After half an hour of hoping, he finally succumbed to sleep. His dreams playing out his fantasies all night had him rock hard in the morning. He woke to hear Nick and Stan talking quietly.

"Hey Vince, we're going to the diner. Want to come, or wait and we'll bring back breakfast in like an hour or so? Dani said she wanted to crash longer." Nick half-whispered his words.

"I'll stay here too." Vince said and then crashed his head back into the pillow. He had opted to only sleep in his boxers the night before and now he laid there staring at Dani's back curled up in the other bed.


"Your partner has it bad for her already huh?" Stan asked Nick smiling.

"Yea, well, anything pretty on two legs and he thinks with little Vince. I mean Dani is hot, though."

"I know. You kind of get over it after a while. At the end of the day, she's just another guy to me. I mean she acts like one a lot more than me sometimes."

"Really? Cause last night, I mean no bra?" Nick questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Oh you're lucky. The first time I crashed with her she stripped down to her boy shorts and hopped into bed. It took me some convincing to explain that while it was more comfortable without, I thought we should both sleep with shirts on."

"That's crazy. So, then you worked her up to pants?"

"Never. She took those off before she crashed out last night. Vince's jaw almost hit the floor. You have to realize, Dani was on her own for a long time. She doesn't even notice some of those things. If she's with another woman, it's only for sex, and not for long. She was raised by her dad, and he treated her like one of the boys. So, social grace isn't high on her priority list."

"I'm glad she has you now, it's not good to be on your own in this line of work." Nick looked at him suddenly feeling for the gorgeous woman back in the room. "Vince must be going crazy by now trying to figure out why she's not interested."

"I don't blame him, lord knows I tried. We even kissed once because I asked her, but there was nothing there. I will say Dani is a great wingman. The hot chicks just flock to her."

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RE: Dark Division - Dani by bdbeauty - by Ramesh_Rocky - 04-03-2019, 12:03 PM

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