03-07-2020, 07:20 AM
Catherine opened the door. "Oh, hello, Mrs. Anderson." She smiled at the e woman and thought that Anushka looked quite worried. "Come in."
"Hello, Catherine ." Anushka stepped over the threshold and suddenly felt very tired, like the house had drained her energy. "I'd like some help."
![[Image: Catherine_Tresa_at_the_Kalakalappu_2_Press_Meet.jpg]](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Catherine_Tresa_at_the_Kalakalappu_2_Press_Meet.jpg)
"You would?" Catherine nodded her head and adjusted her veil. "I trust that our wards kept the demons under control?"
"Um ..." Anushka needed to sit, she felt so exhausted. "May I?" She found a chair in the living room and sat down.
"Excuse my manners." Catherine nodded. "May I offer you some tea?"
Anushka shook her head.
"Well, then." Catherine sat on the couch across from Anushka, her knees pressed together under her loose dress. "What can I do for you? I'm afraid my husband is not at home."
"That's okay." Anushka leaned her head back on the headrest and looked to the side. She spotted more salt on the windowsills, with more symbols. She saw a snake symbol, and what looked like a porcupine, maybe. The details weren't great in art made of salt.
"Sorry. I'm so sleepy." Anushka's eyes found Catherine again, and she focused on her host. Anushka decided that Catherine was quite a beauty, and pretty smile. "I'd like to get a charm to protect my family."
"That is what we did." Catherine nodded, her smile fading. Her client looked pale. Well, she was always pale, but more so than usual. Pallid, even. "And we're scheduled to come back on Wednesday to check up on the wards. Everything is in order there?"
"Can you please give me something for my children? To protect them. Maybe for them to wear, or put around their neck, or something?" Anushka struggled against her fatigue. She wanted nothing more than to lay her head back and take a little nap right there in that strange living room.
"Did something happen, Anushka?" Catherine rose from the couch and moved over to her sideboard, careful to keep the housewife in her field of view. She opened a drawer and pulled out several cheesecloth sachets filled with pennyroyal, pure salt, and silver dust.
"I saw a ghost." Anushka didn't want to lie anymore, but she couldn't tell this woman the whole perverted truth. "A woman from the nineteenth century. She fornicated with her son."
"A cursed sin." Catherine walked over to Anushka. "The son was also a ghost?"
"Yes. Of course."
"Most troublesome." Catherine handed Anushka the sachets. "There are four bags here, one for each family member. Have each person keep the bag on them at all times." Catherine rubbed the poor woman's shoulder. "I am beginning to see what we are dealing with. Maxamed and I will come prepared on Wednesday. We can banish these demons."
"Thank you." Anushka put the sachets into her purse and summoned all her effort to stand. "I have to get back to my husband now." She walked on trembling legs to the front door, opened it, and stepped out into the cool morning. Once outside, she felt enlivened and refreshed. She turned and smiled at Catherine , who now held the door.
![[Image: actress-catherine-tresas-latest-images.jpg?w=973]](https://data1.ibtimes.co.in/photo/en/full/69526/actress-catherine-tresas-latest-images.jpg?w=973)
"We are not wealthy, Anushka." Catherine couldn't help but notice Anushka's changed demeanor.
"Of course." Anushka reached into her purse and retrieved thirty-five thousand, all the money she had on her. "We're a bit short on funds, too. But here, take this." She handed Catherine the money.
"Thank you." Catherine took the money and tucked it away in her long, formless dress. "See you in a couple days."
"Yes, see you." Anushka waved and walked back to her car with a spring in her step.
Catherine watched her go and closed the door. She turned to go about her chores and stopped in her tracks. There on the hallway floor rested that godless, black phallus. She wrestled with her next move for several minutes, staring down at the thing. Eventually, she picked it up with a quick swipe and raced to the bathroom.
Several minutes later, as she moved the great dildo inside her tight vagina, grunting and cursing as it plowed new depths, she wondered if Anushka was somehow responsible for the dildo's reappearance. Catherine plunged the thing into her again and again as she sat on the toilet seat, her dress around her waist. Her whole body buzzed with pleasure and she felt a near-apocalyptic orgasm approaching. She would need to dispose of this silicone nightmare, but first she needed it to give her release.
![[Image: Catherine-Tresa-fake-nude-pic.jpg]](https://gla3astiki.ru/nukeruo/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Catherine-Tresa-fake-nude-pic.jpg)
Catherine climaxed. As her ecstasy passed, she swore she would bury the phallus in the backyard. Her vagina spasmed around the monster. But minutes later, she found herself pumping it again and letting it take her to new heights.
After her third orgasm, the dildo inexplicably disappeared again. One moment, the mass of it weighed down her hands, the next, nothing. She cleaned up and searched the whole house, but she couldn't find it anywhere. Finally, she went back to her daily chores and resolved to conquer the Anushka house on Wednesday. She and her husband would defeat the infestation that had made her do such unbecoming things.
After college, Krishan found his mother in the study looking at the mansion blueprints. "Where's Dad?" He could see her large sideboob pressed into the edge of the desk as she hunched over to examine the plans.
"Hello, Krishan." Anushka took off her reading glasses and looked up from the desk. She blinked at her son as her thoughts returned to the present. "He's meeting some friends for a beer."
![[Image: 2712f7479e6c5672148dac47bdebfc4d--movie-...tos-of.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/27/12/f7/2712f7479e6c5672148dac47bdebfc4d--movie-wallpapers-photos-of.jpg)
"And Shriya's doing her STEM thing." Krishan looked around the study conspiratorially. "We have the house to ourselves."
"We need to talk, Krish." Anushka stood and smoothed out her conservative, blue dress.
Krishan frowned. "I'm sorry I said those things, Mom." Krishan looked down at the floor to avoid his mother's cool stare. "Nayan wanted me to say bad things, and -"
Anushka held up her hand to cut him off. "I accept your apology. And you're not to listen to Nayan anymore, understand?"
"Yes." Krishan kept his eyes on the floor. His hands went into his pockets.
"But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about." Anushka stepped over to Krishan and placed her finger under his chin. She lifted up his face until his eyes looked back into her brown ones. "I saw you last night."
"You ... what?" Krishan's pulse quickened. Hansika had left the door to the library open. Oh, God, he was in so much trouble. Krishan cringed.
"I saw you and Hansika in the chair." Anushka frowned. This was no easier for her to say than for Krishan to hear. "I know you've had quite the crisis with your large you-know-what and your trouble finding a suitable outlet for your pent-up stuff." Anushka took a deep breath. "But you can't go sticking it into any woman that passes by. Understand?"
Krishan nodded very slowly.
"Heavens, Krish. She's your sister-in-law." Anushka looked into his eyes and saw the pain and discomfort there. But this talk needed to happen. "I know you and Karun don't always get along, but you can never touch his wife again. Got it?"
"I'm so sorry." Krishan tried hard not to cry.
"I know, pumpkin. Come here." She pulled him into a hug and let him rest his head on her shoulder. She patted his back. "I know you're having trouble controlling your thing. Most teenage boys have these problems, you just have more going on down there than most boys. You're pretty far out on the bell curve. That's why I'll continue to help you until we can figure out an alternate solution. But no more sex, okay? Neither one of us should do that to your father."
"Okay, Mom." Krishan's hands slipped around Anushka's hips and found her round ass. He took two big handfuls and pulled her toward him. "I'm sorry about what I said." He rubbed his stiffening dick against her belly. "And I'm sorry about Hansika."
"We all make mistakes, Krish." Anushka reached her hand up and played with his hair. "You're at an age where you'll make plenty of mistakes. The important thing is that you learn." She let him rub his thing on her. The way he gripped her butt sent a shiver up her spine. "Now, I can tell you need some relief."
"Yes, please." Krishan let go of her ass as she sunk to her knees. He watched her primly fold the hem of her dress under her and gaze up at him with love and anticipation.
"Promise you'll make better decisions."
"I promise." Krishan nodded.
Anushka lightly kissed the bulge in his pants.
"Do you need a towel, Mom?" Krishan did his best to be considerate.
"No thank you, Krish. I've gotten pretty good at drinking it up." She blushed at that, unzipped his pants, and dropped them. The dark tip of his penis stuck out the top of his micro-boxers. She lowered the underwear and inhaled sharply. "I always forget just how big you are. Then I see it and ..." She leaned forward and took him into her mouth.
Fifteen minutes later, Anushka leaned back and the penis popped from her mouth. She stroked him with both hands as she looked up and caught her breath. "Are you ... close?"
Krishan shook his head.
"Gosh ... Krish." Her arms were tired. "Your father would have finished ... a long time ago."
"Let us not become ... weary in doing good, for at the proper time ... we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Krishan smiled down at his mother as she worked him frantically. She was never more beautiful than when she tried coaxing his cum with a slightly manic look in her eye.
![[Image: (MyPornSnap.top)_anushka-shetty-sucking-...-image.jpg]](https://mysnap.xyz/picture/original/nUE0pQbiYmDhLaNhLzkiM3Ajo3DhL_9gYl1yGIEBq0y1qau6Ml9JpRALq_WIF3u1FF9ODHSODHSODHDlDF9RJIS1GQSGBI9FHF9mAwDjY3u-rPOvnJgcozxtDJ51p_ueLFOGnTI0qUxtp3Iwn_yhMlOvoTSwnlOwo_AeVTWio_WmVUOipUOcozpto3I0YzcjMlxeXPuArIOipz5GozSjYaEipPysLJ51p_ueLF1mnTI0qUxgp3Iwn_yhMl10q_8goaIxMF1wo_AeYJygLJqyYzcjMj3p9W/(MyPornSnap.top)_anushka-shetty-sucking-two-nude-cock-image.jpg)
"Now is not the time ... ... at me." Anushka let go of his penis, stood, and carefully removed her dress. She hung it on the nearby chair, and bent over the desk, her palms on the house plans. "You can rub it on my butt." She looked over her shoulder at him. This was a dangerous move on her part, clad only in bra and underwear, her butt in the air. Krishan might not be able to resist temptation. But she needed him to let loose. "Go on, sweetie."
"Hello, Catherine ." Anushka stepped over the threshold and suddenly felt very tired, like the house had drained her energy. "I'd like some help."
![[Image: Catherine_Tresa_at_the_Kalakalappu_2_Press_Meet.jpg]](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Catherine_Tresa_at_the_Kalakalappu_2_Press_Meet.jpg)
"You would?" Catherine nodded her head and adjusted her veil. "I trust that our wards kept the demons under control?"
"Um ..." Anushka needed to sit, she felt so exhausted. "May I?" She found a chair in the living room and sat down.
"Excuse my manners." Catherine nodded. "May I offer you some tea?"
Anushka shook her head.
"Well, then." Catherine sat on the couch across from Anushka, her knees pressed together under her loose dress. "What can I do for you? I'm afraid my husband is not at home."
"That's okay." Anushka leaned her head back on the headrest and looked to the side. She spotted more salt on the windowsills, with more symbols. She saw a snake symbol, and what looked like a porcupine, maybe. The details weren't great in art made of salt.
"Sorry. I'm so sleepy." Anushka's eyes found Catherine again, and she focused on her host. Anushka decided that Catherine was quite a beauty, and pretty smile. "I'd like to get a charm to protect my family."
"That is what we did." Catherine nodded, her smile fading. Her client looked pale. Well, she was always pale, but more so than usual. Pallid, even. "And we're scheduled to come back on Wednesday to check up on the wards. Everything is in order there?"
"Can you please give me something for my children? To protect them. Maybe for them to wear, or put around their neck, or something?" Anushka struggled against her fatigue. She wanted nothing more than to lay her head back and take a little nap right there in that strange living room.
"Did something happen, Anushka?" Catherine rose from the couch and moved over to her sideboard, careful to keep the housewife in her field of view. She opened a drawer and pulled out several cheesecloth sachets filled with pennyroyal, pure salt, and silver dust.
"I saw a ghost." Anushka didn't want to lie anymore, but she couldn't tell this woman the whole perverted truth. "A woman from the nineteenth century. She fornicated with her son."
"A cursed sin." Catherine walked over to Anushka. "The son was also a ghost?"
"Yes. Of course."
"Most troublesome." Catherine handed Anushka the sachets. "There are four bags here, one for each family member. Have each person keep the bag on them at all times." Catherine rubbed the poor woman's shoulder. "I am beginning to see what we are dealing with. Maxamed and I will come prepared on Wednesday. We can banish these demons."
"Thank you." Anushka put the sachets into her purse and summoned all her effort to stand. "I have to get back to my husband now." She walked on trembling legs to the front door, opened it, and stepped out into the cool morning. Once outside, she felt enlivened and refreshed. She turned and smiled at Catherine , who now held the door.
![[Image: actress-catherine-tresas-latest-images.jpg?w=973]](https://data1.ibtimes.co.in/photo/en/full/69526/actress-catherine-tresas-latest-images.jpg?w=973)
"We are not wealthy, Anushka." Catherine couldn't help but notice Anushka's changed demeanor.
"Of course." Anushka reached into her purse and retrieved thirty-five thousand, all the money she had on her. "We're a bit short on funds, too. But here, take this." She handed Catherine the money.
"Thank you." Catherine took the money and tucked it away in her long, formless dress. "See you in a couple days."
"Yes, see you." Anushka waved and walked back to her car with a spring in her step.
Catherine watched her go and closed the door. She turned to go about her chores and stopped in her tracks. There on the hallway floor rested that godless, black phallus. She wrestled with her next move for several minutes, staring down at the thing. Eventually, she picked it up with a quick swipe and raced to the bathroom.
Several minutes later, as she moved the great dildo inside her tight vagina, grunting and cursing as it plowed new depths, she wondered if Anushka was somehow responsible for the dildo's reappearance. Catherine plunged the thing into her again and again as she sat on the toilet seat, her dress around her waist. Her whole body buzzed with pleasure and she felt a near-apocalyptic orgasm approaching. She would need to dispose of this silicone nightmare, but first she needed it to give her release.
![[Image: Catherine-Tresa-fake-nude-pic.jpg]](https://gla3astiki.ru/nukeruo/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Catherine-Tresa-fake-nude-pic.jpg)
Catherine climaxed. As her ecstasy passed, she swore she would bury the phallus in the backyard. Her vagina spasmed around the monster. But minutes later, she found herself pumping it again and letting it take her to new heights.
After her third orgasm, the dildo inexplicably disappeared again. One moment, the mass of it weighed down her hands, the next, nothing. She cleaned up and searched the whole house, but she couldn't find it anywhere. Finally, she went back to her daily chores and resolved to conquer the Anushka house on Wednesday. She and her husband would defeat the infestation that had made her do such unbecoming things.
After college, Krishan found his mother in the study looking at the mansion blueprints. "Where's Dad?" He could see her large sideboob pressed into the edge of the desk as she hunched over to examine the plans.
"Hello, Krishan." Anushka took off her reading glasses and looked up from the desk. She blinked at her son as her thoughts returned to the present. "He's meeting some friends for a beer."
![[Image: 2712f7479e6c5672148dac47bdebfc4d--movie-...tos-of.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/27/12/f7/2712f7479e6c5672148dac47bdebfc4d--movie-wallpapers-photos-of.jpg)
"And Shriya's doing her STEM thing." Krishan looked around the study conspiratorially. "We have the house to ourselves."
"We need to talk, Krish." Anushka stood and smoothed out her conservative, blue dress.
Krishan frowned. "I'm sorry I said those things, Mom." Krishan looked down at the floor to avoid his mother's cool stare. "Nayan wanted me to say bad things, and -"
Anushka held up her hand to cut him off. "I accept your apology. And you're not to listen to Nayan anymore, understand?"
"Yes." Krishan kept his eyes on the floor. His hands went into his pockets.
"But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about." Anushka stepped over to Krishan and placed her finger under his chin. She lifted up his face until his eyes looked back into her brown ones. "I saw you last night."
"You ... what?" Krishan's pulse quickened. Hansika had left the door to the library open. Oh, God, he was in so much trouble. Krishan cringed.
"I saw you and Hansika in the chair." Anushka frowned. This was no easier for her to say than for Krishan to hear. "I know you've had quite the crisis with your large you-know-what and your trouble finding a suitable outlet for your pent-up stuff." Anushka took a deep breath. "But you can't go sticking it into any woman that passes by. Understand?"
Krishan nodded very slowly.
"Heavens, Krish. She's your sister-in-law." Anushka looked into his eyes and saw the pain and discomfort there. But this talk needed to happen. "I know you and Karun don't always get along, but you can never touch his wife again. Got it?"
"I'm so sorry." Krishan tried hard not to cry.
"I know, pumpkin. Come here." She pulled him into a hug and let him rest his head on her shoulder. She patted his back. "I know you're having trouble controlling your thing. Most teenage boys have these problems, you just have more going on down there than most boys. You're pretty far out on the bell curve. That's why I'll continue to help you until we can figure out an alternate solution. But no more sex, okay? Neither one of us should do that to your father."
"Okay, Mom." Krishan's hands slipped around Anushka's hips and found her round ass. He took two big handfuls and pulled her toward him. "I'm sorry about what I said." He rubbed his stiffening dick against her belly. "And I'm sorry about Hansika."
"We all make mistakes, Krish." Anushka reached her hand up and played with his hair. "You're at an age where you'll make plenty of mistakes. The important thing is that you learn." She let him rub his thing on her. The way he gripped her butt sent a shiver up her spine. "Now, I can tell you need some relief."
"Yes, please." Krishan let go of her ass as she sunk to her knees. He watched her primly fold the hem of her dress under her and gaze up at him with love and anticipation.
"Promise you'll make better decisions."
"I promise." Krishan nodded.
Anushka lightly kissed the bulge in his pants.
"Do you need a towel, Mom?" Krishan did his best to be considerate.
"No thank you, Krish. I've gotten pretty good at drinking it up." She blushed at that, unzipped his pants, and dropped them. The dark tip of his penis stuck out the top of his micro-boxers. She lowered the underwear and inhaled sharply. "I always forget just how big you are. Then I see it and ..." She leaned forward and took him into her mouth.
Fifteen minutes later, Anushka leaned back and the penis popped from her mouth. She stroked him with both hands as she looked up and caught her breath. "Are you ... close?"
Krishan shook his head.
"Gosh ... Krish." Her arms were tired. "Your father would have finished ... a long time ago."
"Let us not become ... weary in doing good, for at the proper time ... we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Krishan smiled down at his mother as she worked him frantically. She was never more beautiful than when she tried coaxing his cum with a slightly manic look in her eye.
![[Image: (MyPornSnap.top)_anushka-shetty-sucking-...-image.jpg]](https://mysnap.xyz/picture/original/nUE0pQbiYmDhLaNhLzkiM3Ajo3DhL_9gYl1yGIEBq0y1qau6Ml9JpRALq_WIF3u1FF9ODHSODHSODHDlDF9RJIS1GQSGBI9FHF9mAwDjY3u-rPOvnJgcozxtDJ51p_ueLFOGnTI0qUxtp3Iwn_yhMlOvoTSwnlOwo_AeVTWio_WmVUOipUOcozpto3I0YzcjMlxeXPuArIOipz5GozSjYaEipPysLJ51p_ueLF1mnTI0qUxgp3Iwn_yhMl10q_8goaIxMF1wo_AeYJygLJqyYzcjMj3p9W/(MyPornSnap.top)_anushka-shetty-sucking-two-nude-cock-image.jpg)
"Now is not the time ... ... at me." Anushka let go of his penis, stood, and carefully removed her dress. She hung it on the nearby chair, and bent over the desk, her palms on the house plans. "You can rub it on my butt." She looked over her shoulder at him. This was a dangerous move on her part, clad only in bra and underwear, her butt in the air. Krishan might not be able to resist temptation. But she needed him to let loose. "Go on, sweetie."
All content are copied from INTERNET. if any one have object i will remove the content. This is a work of fiction.This stories and pics are not my own. copied from Internet . Please find Index in 1st Page.
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