Adultery ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012
I hoovered in every room, then made myself a cup of tea and sat down to think things through. Despite myself, I had quite enjoyed sorting through the flat, and I was pleased at the improvement. I still had several hours to go, and my thoughts turned to what lay in store for me when the old man finally did get home.

A thrill of revulsion ran through me. He’d already demonstrated that he could thoroughly humiliate me to the point of orgasm in the space of an hour or two, now he would have me for the whole evening and all of the night. The possibilities were endless. I slipped a finger into my knickers and felt for my slit. Sure enough, I was wet! Marvelling yet again at my seemingly insatiable sex drive I decided to play along with the old man.

I decided to play a little game of my own while I was waiting for ‘granddad’. I opened several buttons on my blouse and slipped my knickers off. Then I set about cleaning the flat as thoroughly as I could, but all the time imagining him there watching me. I imagined how he would be able to see down my blouse if I bent just so…., how he might get a glimpse of my bare pussy if I allowed my wrap-around skirt to open too far. Whilst I was cleaning the bathroom and toilet I got down on my hands and knees, imagining him looking up my skirt and enjoying the view of my bare arse as I toiled away submissively.

I cleaned and washed determinedly all afternoon, then set about ironing his clothes and putting them away lovingly. All the time imagining how I would be showing myself off to him. I imagined him telling me to do certain tasks, knowing that when I did I would expose myself to him, then smiling slyly to himself. I was blushing with embarrassment, but becoming increasingly aroused at the same time.
I changed the bed linen, the existing sheets were disgusting, God knew when they had last been changed. As I was putting clean ones on I imagined him watching me. I rolled onto my back and spread my legs wide causing my skirt to open and expose my shaven slit. I slipped my hand between my legs and began to stroke my sopping pussy. My clit was already hard and fantastically sensitive. I began to stroke my hard nipples. I writhed around on the old bed, listening to the springs as they creaked and groaned under my weight, imagining the sound they would make as he took me later on. I pushed first one, then two fingers into my hot tunnel, finger fucking myself towards orgasm. As I climaxed I heard myself sigh “Oh granddad”.

I recovered my composure, then set about more tasks around the flat. I looked at the clock; six o’clock. Half an hour and he would be back. I thrill of adrenaline shot through me. I hurried to the kitchen and began to prepare the meal. Al the ingredients were there and I busied myself enthusiastically. When the food was cooking nicely, I went to the bathroom and took off my skirt. I gently washed my sensitive pussy, savouring the coolness of the water.

Then I dried myself and, with a slight pang of regret, pulled my knickers back on. I fastened my skirt back into place, checked my make-up and hair in the mirror, fastened the buttons on my blouse, then went back to the kitchen to wait for Granddad.
He was right on time. At six-thirty precisely I heard the door open at the bottom of the stairs. I ran to the top of the stairs to greet him. He stood looking up at me. “Did you do as you were told?” He said, gruffly.
“Yes, Granddad.” I said in a little girl voice. “I’ve done all the cleaning and the washing and lots of ironing, and I’ve cooked you a really nice meal Granddad.”
He grinned openly. “You better have done it properly, my girl. I don’t want any crap jobs.”
“I have done it properly, honest Granddad. Come and see.” I skipped down the stairs to him, took hold of his hand and lead him up the stairs. As I did so I knew he could see right up my skirt to my small, white knickers. I felt a tingle between my legs.

I took him into each room in turn, the living room, then the kitchen, then the bathroom, and finally the bedroom. I stood in the middle of his bedroom as he looked around approvingly. Then I showed him the shirts I had neatly ironed for him and the drawers full of clean underwear, socks and handkerchiefs. He smiled again as he stood next to me, then slowly reached out and patted my bottom.
“Good girl. You have done well. I hope you can cook as well as you clean?”
“I’ve tried my best Granddad.”
“Well then let’s find out, shall we?”
He sat down at the kitchen table and I waited on him. I served his food, then hurried off to get him a bottle of beer. I stood and watched him like a serving girl as he sampled the food.
“Not bad at all. You can have some too, if you like.”

“Oh, thanks Granddad.” I served myself a plate of the food and sat down to eat.
“I’m glad to see you know your place.” He said after he had finished eating. “I can’t stand stuck up bitches who think they’re something special. You’re not like that, are you?”
“No Granddad, I know my place.”
“And where is that, then?”
“Where you tell me to be Granddad.”
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012 - by sarit11 - 02-07-2020, 12:17 PM

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