Adultery ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012
"I did love it." I confessed. "Right from the moment when I left the flat I was loving it. Just the thought that anyone might see me, how exposed I was. I could feel myself getting randier as I jogged along. Then when I saw the group of them in the park, I felt such a thrill. When they recognised me, when I could see that I knew all of them, I nearly came, right there and then."

"You love being humiliated, don't you? Anything involving a bit of shame, and you're gagging for it, aren't you?"
I nodded, I could feel my face flush red.

"Imagine how it will feel on Monday. Every one of those boys is going to tell all his mates how he saw you jogging along in just a pair of knickers and a T-shirt. He'll tell them how he had a good look at your arse as it hung out of your knickers, how he could see the shape of your tits through your T-shirt, and how they bobbed as you ran along. He'll tell how they followed you all round the park, how you made no attempt to cover up, as if you wanted them to see you. Then he'll tell about watching you do your 'exercises' right there in the street. How he could see the shape of your tits, including your hard little nipples, and how, when you bent right over, he could see the outline of your pussy lips."
I groaned out loud as I imagined all those huddled groups of boys, all listening avidly to descriptions of me running. I imagined how they would hear graphic descriptions of my body; I imagined the language they would use.
"By lunch time every boy in the college will have heard about it. They'll all be imagining how you looked, your tits, your arse, your cunt. Every time they see you, they'll be imagining you stripping down to your knickers just for them. Lots of them will be imagining you naked. Imagine that, seven hundred horny collegeboys, all with a mental picture of you stark bollock naked! They won't take you seriously after this, you'll just be a sex object for them."

"Maybe we should make their dreams come true?" This was Neil's first contribution.
"How do you mean?" Alan asked.
"Make her strip off for them. She'd love it, stark naked for all those cute little boys!"
Alan was still stroking my clit. The thought of being seen as nothing more than a sex object by all the boys in the college was humiliating enough, but Neil's suggestion that I strip for them was too much. I started to climax. My legs gave way and I fell to my knees. Alan's hand slipped from my pussy. I immediately began rubbing my clit furiously, hunched over and moaning loudly as I lost myself in yet another powerful orgasm.
I started to recover from my orgasm, and Alan told me to stand up. My legs were incredibly shaky after my run and the power of my climax and I stood in front of him feeling very unsteady.
"I think it's time to finish your punishment, don't you?"
I nodded, then lowered my head in mock shame.

"I've got a better idea." Neil announced. Alan looked at him quizzically, I waited nervously to hear what this idea was.
"Make her smack her own arse!" Neil laughed.
Alan laughed too, "How do you mean?"
"Like this." Neil said. "Right, tight arse, here's what you're going to do. You're going to march on the spot and smack your arse at the same time. I want to see your arse going nice and red real quick, so you'd better not go too soft on yourself, or I'll take over. Got that?"
I nodded.
"Right, get your kit off first, then get started."

My knickers had already slipped down to my ankles. I kicked them off then pulled my T-shirt over my head and let it fall to the floor. Then I stood there, nervously.
"Come on then. Left, right, left, right." Neil shouted. I began to march in time. Then I started to slap my own bottom. I felt ridiculous smacking my own bum, but it was preferable to Neil doing it for me.
"Harder. Hit it harder. I want to see it go red."
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012 - by sarit11 - 02-07-2020, 12:06 PM

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