Adultery ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012
I knew at once what he wanted me to do. I was to provide a show to the waiting collegeboy audience. With my back to them, I stood with my feet shoulder width apart, then slowly bent over. I kept my legs straight and thrust my bottom up, giving them a perfect view of my bottom and the soft swell of my pussy mound. I held the position for a count of ten, then slowly raised up. I raised my arms over my head and stretched out. After I had done five of these I turned to face them.

Several of the boys were rubbing their crotches, transfixed by my display. I bent over again, then stretched up, pushing my breasts out towards them. My nipples stood out proudly against my T-shirt and the fabric clung to my skin, showing them a perfect outline of my breasts. My knickers were still pulled up into my bottom, and the fabric was also pulled tight into my pussy. I pushed my hips forward and their eyes fell to my crotch, where they could clearly see the outline of my pussy lips. One of the boys groaned and turned away, holding his groin. Others rubbed their crotches frantically. By the time I had completed five more exercises there had been several more gasps and groans. The girls in the group giggled, nervously.
Finally Alan said, "Right, get yourself in here and stop showing off." I quickly went inside and Alan closed the door behind us.
"Did you know they would be in the park?" I demanded.
"I didn't know for sure, but I thought there'd be a group or two of kids around, yes. I thought it would be interesting for you to put on a show. Did you enjoy yourself?" He asked with a laugh.
"Oh Jesus, it was awful. You should have heard some of the things they said about me. You should have heard some of the things they said to me. I've got to face that lot on Monday morning. How am I going to do that?"

"You'll just have to cope." He said with a laugh. "Now get upstairs, your punishment isn't finished yet."
I made my way wearily up stairs. Alan followed close behind me. I knew he was enjoying the view of my bum cheeks as they hung out of my knickers. When I reached the living room of my flat and stood in front of Alan and Neil my breathing had just about returned to normal.
"Tell us about the group in the park, then."
"There were about ten of them.", I explained. "Mostly boys, but two or three girls as well. They're all students at our college. They recognised me immediately. They were all laughing at me at first, one of the girls pointed out that I was out in just my knickers, and I wasn't wearing a bra. I tried to tell them that they were proper running briefs, but they didn't believe me. The boys kept on looking at my bum, my breasts and my pussy. I could hear what they were saying, it was so embarrassing."
"What were they saying?"

"One of them pointed out to the others how my knickers had ridden up my bottom, and how they could see my bum cheeks. They all had a good look. Others said things like 'did you see how her tits bounce as she runs' or 'she's got a nice pair, hasn't she?' Then one of them said 'You can see her twat, look. If you look close you can see the outline of her twat'. Then they all took it in turns to run in front of me and look at my pussy. I kept my head down, not wanting to look at them, but I knew they could see. The girls were the worst though. They kept asking me questions, 'why are you running in your knickers, Miss?', 'why aren't you wearing a proper bra, Miss?', 'aren't you ashamed to be seen in just your knickers by this lot, Miss?' They were right bitches. Oh God!, how am I going to face them at college on Monday? They'll all be laughing at me again."
Alan and Neil were delighted at my shame. Alan in particular seemed to be enjoying himself hugely.
"That's your punishment for disobeying me. You can expect the same sort of thing every time. You love it, don't you?"

"Not that, no. I just felt ashamed."
"Well let's see shall we? Come here."
I walked over to him and stood in front of him. He grabbed hold of my knickers and pulled them down roughly. Then he thrust his hand between my legs. Without being told I opened my legs to give him better access. His finger slipped easily between my pussy lips. He had guessed correctly, I was soaking wet and highly aroused. Stupidly, I tried to deny it.

"That's not me, that's Neil's cum." I protested. Alan responded by running his finger over my clit. It was massively sensitive and I gasped involuntarily. My knees almost gave way.
"So how do you explain this then?" He chuckled. He carried on stroking my clit. I started to sway my hips in time to his strokes. I was in heaven!
"I, I can't." I stammered.
"Say it." He demanded.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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