Adultery ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012
I pulled my knickers and T-shirt on, then found my trainers and put them on also. Then I looked at Alan enquiringly.

"Come with me."
I followed dutifully. We went to the front door of the flat. He opened the door and went outside. Feeling very self-conscious in just a T-shirt and knickers, I followed. It was a mild early summer evening. There were a few people on the street; most of them dressed for a Saturday night out. A couple of them looked at me quizzically as I stood and received my instructions from Alan.
"Right then. You need something to cool your blood. You're too hot, and that's why you can't control yourself. So, you're going to burn off some of that excess energy. You're going to run from here to the park, then do two circuits of the park and come back here. I'll be waiting. When you get you're going to have your arse smacked, is that clear?"

"Alan, the park has got to be a mile away. It will take me ages to do what you say, and I can't go jogging dressed like this. Can't I at least put a bra and a pair of shorts on?"
"No chance. You go as you are. And if you see anyone, make sure they get a good look at your tits swinging about. No covering them up with your arms, got that?"
"Yes Alan."
"Get on with it then. Just one last thing before you start." He reached behind me and grabbed hold of my knickers, yanking them up between my bum cheeks. I yelped in shock and alarm, and instinctively went up on to tip-toe, trying to relieve the pressure.
"Shut up." He ordered. "Keep them like that, understand?"
I could feel the cool evening air on my bum cheeks, and looked down to see that the fabric had also ridden up between my pussy lips. Anyone paying close enough attention would be able to see the clear outline of my pussy.
"Right then, off you go." And he gave me a smart smack on my bare bottom as my cue to start jogging.
I started to jog, hearing Alan and Neil chuckling to themselves behind me. As I made my way to the park I looked around me nervously. I felt terribly exposed dressed as I was, and I hoped that no one would see me, or if they did, they wouldn't pay any attention to me.

The first part went well. I reached the park gates without attracting much attention. Just a couple of men stopped and looked at me as I jogged past them. So far, so good. I entered the park and started my first circuit. There was no way I was going to cheat. I didn't trust Alan not to be watching me somehow, so I carried on jogging.
I was about half way round the park when I saw the group of youths ahead of me. There was about ten of them, mostly boys, with a few girls. They looked to be in their early teens.
I put my head down and tried to ignore them. As I drew closer I heard their conversation stop, and then there were a few giggles. Then a girl's voice said, "Hey, look, it's Miss Richards!"
My heart raced. I looked up sharply to see a crowd of familiar faces. They were all students at my college. Most of them were in one or other of my English groups. I was now acutely aware of my lack of proper dress, I felt my face colour.
"Didn't know you went jogging Miss." More giggles. I smiled back at them, but didn't speak.
As I passed them a one of the girls said, loud enough for me to hear, "Why is she out running in her knickers? And she's not wearing a bra!"

They all laughed out loud, and then started to follow me. They began to jog along behind me, giggling and laughing. One of the more adventurous boys, Darren Walker, drew alongside me and said, "Is that right, Miss? Are you really out running in your knickers?"
"No Darren, they're proper running briefs." I lied.
"No they're not." The female voice insisted, "They're plain white knickers. Aren't you ashamed Miss, being seen out in just your knickers? I'd hate it if this lot were to see me in just my knickers and a T-shirt. And why are you running without a bra? Miss Kelly told us that it was important that we wear proper sports bras, didn't she girls?"
There was a general murmuring of agreement from the girls in the group. I felt my face colour with embarrassment. I wanted to raise my arm to protect my breasts from their gaze, but I remembered Alan's instructions. I had become incredibly obedient. Instead, I tried to regain some sort of control of the situation.
"Yes, well you've all had your fun. Now leave me to get on with my run please."

"Nothing you can do about it. This isn't college, it's a public park. We've got every right to be here." A boy's voice this time. "You can't order us around here. We're not doing anything wrong. I think we'll just carry on running with you." The others laughed. I put my head down and tried to pretend they weren't there.
The boys soon began to get bolder. They ran along beside me, looking at my breasts as they bobbed up and down as I ran, or they jogged close behind me. I could imagine what kind of view they were getting, and then one boy said to another "Look at that, her knickers have gone up her crack. You can see her arse." There was more laughter. I wanted so much to reach behind me and restore some modesty. Instead I carried on jogging.

I felt like I was in a nightmare as I trudged around the park, pursued by this group from college, who were clearly enjoying themselves enormously, particularly the boys. I kept my head down, unwilling to make eye contact, but that didn't stop me from hearing their comments. Comments about my bottom and my breasts. They were growing in bravado, their remarks becoming louder and more explicit as we went along. On several occasions boys would run in front of me, then turn so that they were jogging backwards. Their eyes raked over my breasts and my crotch. I knew that they were enjoying seeing their teacher in her state of undress, and I couldn't help but notice the bulges in their trousers. I was desperate to finish this ordeal. I wanted nothing more than to get back to my flat, even though Alan was waiting there to punish my poor bottom once again. Anything was better than being on display to a bunch of teenage boys I would have to face on Monday.

I finally finished my second circuit of the park and started on my way back to my flat. To my dismay, they kept up with me. Now I started to attract attention. A young woman, dressed only in a T-shirt and Knickers, jogging along the streets on a Saturday evening, followed by a group of adolescents making remarks about her body, I was bound to draw stares.
I passed a group of four men as they walked along the road. They started to cheer and whistle as I passed them. One of them called out to the group following me, "Hey kid, what's going on?"
"She's one of our teachers at college, but tonight she's out jogging, so we thought we'd follow her for a laugh."
" And she's only wearing ordinary knickers, and no bra." The same girl's voice as before.
"Nice tits." One of the men called.
"Nice arse." Another shouted.

I finally made it back to my front door, only to find it locked. I rang the door bell. The group stood a short way off, giggling amongst themselves. I was exhausted and breathing heavily. Several of the boys in the group stood watching my breasts as they rose and fell rapidly. I looked down at them. The chill of the evening air had caused my nipples to harden. Their outline was clearly visible beneath the thin fabric of my top. "Oh, what the hell" I thought.
After what seemed an eternity, the front door opened. Alan stood surveying the scene. I tried to push past him into the flat, but he barred my way. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked, a smirk on his face.
"No, what?" I asked, confused.
"You need to 'warm down', you know that. You can't just stop exercising, you'll injure yourself. Do your warm down exercises, then you can come in."

"I have no idea what you are talking about. What kind of 'warm down' exercises am I supposed to be doing?"
"Oh, just do some stretches." He said, casually. "Bend over and touch your toes, then reach up high. Do about ten of those, then you're done."
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012 - by sarit11 - 02-07-2020, 12:04 PM

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