Adultery ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012
I hesitated for a moment. I didn't doubt that between them, they would come up with some mind-blowing stuff for me to 'suffer'. And I knew that I would find the whole thing fantastically enjoyable. I just had one, last, lingering doubt. One small part of me was still fighting against being dominated and used. One last part of the 'old me'.

I weighed up the odds. I knew I could trust them both to keep to their part of the deal. Once I moved away, they would make no attempt to contact me, do nothing that would jeopardise my new life with John. I also knew that their fantasies were not that different from my own, and so I was unlikely to find anything they wanted to do completely unacceptable. And yet….

There was still a possibility that I had misjudged them. I thought I knew Alan pretty well by now. Neil, however, was a different proposition. He enjoyed humiliating me in private as much as Alan did, probably more, but he was also really into the group and public stuff, and he was much more brutal. His spankings really hurt, and he had been the first to torture my nipples. He enjoyed seeing me in physical, as well as mental pain. How far would he go if given carte blanche?
A thrill of fear ran through me. In raising the doubts in my own mind, I had practically talked myself into agreeing with their proposition! I took a deep swallow of wine.
"OK. I'll go along with whatever you say for the next three weeks, just don't go too far ok?" I grinned at them both. They looked like children given free reign in a toy shop!
"So what's been the best thing for you so far then?" Neil asked.
"I don't know."
"Come on, I bet you've got a favourite. What's turned you on the most?"

I thought about this for a moment or two. "I really liked the first time, with Alan, when I undressed for him in my living room. I'd never done anything like that before. Then the next time, in my kitchen, when I had to strip for him again. I really didn't want to, but somehow I couldn't say 'no'. That was really sexy."
"I came in your mouth and on your face that morning didn't I?" Alan remarked. "Did you finger yourself afterwards?"
"Yes. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I was covered in your semen. I lay on my bed and stroked my clit until I came."
"What happened next?" Neil asked.
"Later that day Alan spanked me for the first time because I hadn't shaved my pubes as he had ordered."
"And you enjoyed that, didn't you?" Alan asked.
"Yes. I'd never been spanked before, and I felt so ashamed as you put me over your knee then lifted my skirt. I remember my face burning as you pulled my knickers down and started stroking my bottom. Then you made me count each smack out loud, up to ten. It felt really painful and humiliating."

"I remember." Alan laughed. "I gave her a few light smacks and then slipped my hand between her legs. She was absolutely soaking. She'd loved every minute of it, do you remember me telling you about it?"
"I remember it well." Neil laughed. "Alan came into the pub that night and told us all how he had you stripping and sucking for him at the drop of a hat. Then he told us how Alison, the ultimate stuck up bitch, had a thing for having her knickers pulled down and her bare arse smacked. Jesus!, we laughed and laughed at that."
I had begun to blush at the memories of past abuses, but I had also become very aroused. Now the picture in my mind of Alan telling them all about how easily I had surrendered had me squirming around in my seat. I slipped my hand between my legs and started to rub my pussy through my knickers.
"What about the worst then? What has been the worst thing you've done?"
I thought for a moment, "I really didn't like it when you both held me down and Neil did it to my bottom."
"But I bet you like the idea of that now, don't you?"

I thought about it for a moment, then I had to confess, "Yes, I suppose I do, really. The idea of being used, and abused, is a real turn on. It's like last night, when I had to let all those men grope me in the pub, and then Paul and Richard stripping me and playing with me in the back of the car, making me come in front of all those other men watching outside. And then being made to walk through the streets virtually naked, the old man having a good look at me. God!, by the time I got back to the flat I was about ready to explode! And then you all made me play with myself and tell all that private stuff. A few weeks ago I would never even fantasise about that stuff."
"Did you used to fantasise about being shamed?" Neil asked.

"Some times. I used to fantasise that I was being watched all the time. When I was dressing or undressing. When I was in the bath or the shower. When I was on the toilet. I would imagine that someone, a man, was watching me when I was making love to John, or playing with myself."
"You liked that?"
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012 - by sarit11 - 02-07-2020, 11:35 AM

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