Adultery ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012
I resigned myself to the inevitable. Getting out of the car into the pouring rain I tugged at the hem of my T-shirt, pulling it down so that it just about covered my bum and my bald little pussy.

Andy had parked his car about 200 yards from the flat, and I was now going to have to walk that distance bare foot, and in a now totally transparent T-shirt. A thrill of excitement shot through me, no doubt heightened by the alcohol in my system which had eroded what few reservations I had left!
I waited for them to set off, intending to follow along behind them, but this wasn't allowed. Andy made me turn around and quickly lifted the back of my T-shirt so that my bare bottom was on display. Then they made me walk about twenty feet in front of them. As they walked behind me, I could hear them making jokes, laughing and commenting on my nakedness. I had to admit to myself that I was loving this. I could feel my heart beating, my pulse racing. I could feel the cold wetness of the pavement, and this was in stark contrast to the heat in my loins.

I was holding my hands together in front of my pussy, trying to hide it from view. On an impulse, I dropped them to my side. Now my entire body could be seen by anyone who happened to walk along the street. I felt utterly depraved as I padded along the wet street. And then my heart did a somersault. A figure had turned into the street and was walking towards me. I stopped and looked around for somewhere to hide.
"No you don't. Keep going." Came the command from behind me. I drew a deep breath and continued to walk towards the figure, which was huddled against the rain. The figure was about 50 yards from me when I recognised it as an elderly man. He was wearing a light overcoat, which had dark patches on it where the rain had struck. As he started to get nearer he looked up, saw me and stopped dead in his tracks.
I continued to walk towards him, and I could see his eyes taking in the scene. He looked me up and down, clearly enjoying the view. I lowered my head as I drew even nearer, thinking 'please God, don't let him know me'.

We were no more than twenty feet apart. I knew that my T-shirt was completely see-through. He could see everything. My breasts, my nipples, my slit. He had stopped under a street light, and now I was perfectly illuminated for his viewing pleasure.
As I drew level with him he muttered "Very nice. Very nice indeed!" As I passed him he turned his head and felt his eyes burning into my naked bum. The three of them behind me were laughing hysterically now. I heard the old man say something to them, but couldn't make out what it was. Then Paul called out "Come back here a minute, and say hello to the gentleman."
I stopped. I could hear the blood rushing in my ears. I slowly turned around and made my way back towards them. Paul, Andy, Richard and their new friend. They were about fifteen feet away from me.
I slowly walked back to them, keeping my head lowered all the time. It seemed to take an age to reach them, but eventually, I stood in front of them and waited.

"Say hello then."
"Hello." I muttered.
"Well hello to you!" Laughed the old man. The others laughed too. Then the old man reached out, took hold of my chin and raised my face so that he could look at me.
"Don't I know you?"
I shook my head.
"Wait a minute, yes I do, you live just up the street from here. You buy your papers from my shop. Don't you recognise me?"

And then with horror, I did. The lecherous old man from the paper shop. The one who was always trying to make conversation, whilst trying to look down my blouse, or looking at me like he was mentally undressing me. I felt sick. I avoided going into the shop whenever I possibly could because this old bastard made me feel so uncomfortable. Now I was practically naked for him to enjoy.
"Well isn't this a turn up for the books. I always thought you were a bit of a stuck up type."
"Oh, she used to be." Paul chuckled. "But she's much more friendly now, aren't you Alison?"
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012 - by sarit11 - 02-07-2020, 08:38 AM

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