Adultery ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012
I lifted my shirt again, and they cheered again. I took the money and made for the bar. The pub was much more crowded now, and there was a great mass of bodies between me and the bar. I'd pushed my way through until I was almost there, enduring any number of gropes to my breasts and bottom as I did so. My old friends were there again, although more drunk this time. Two of them caught me in between them sandwiching me and preventing me from moving forwards or backwards.

"We think you must like it here, love." One of them slurred.
"Please, just let me go to the bar would you."
"Not until we get a feel of your tits. We've seen you flashing them for that lot all night, now we want a quick feel."
Without waiting for a reply, one of them began to tug at the hem of my shirt. "My God!" I thought, "They're going to strip me!"

I struggled to get away, but they each had a firm grip on me. The one at my front had now got his hand inside my T-shirt and was pushing up. His hand closed on my left breast and began to squeeze it painfully. I squirmed and tried to get away, but his friend, who was behind me had now also got a hand inside my T-shirt and was busily groping for my right breast. They were both laughing now, and mauling my sensitive breasts. Just as quickly as they had started, they let go of me.

"Lovely pair of jugs you've got there love, really lovely. Come back later and let us have another feel, yes?"
I rearranged my shirt and went to the bar. Again, as I waited, some drunk started to grab my bottom. I didn't move, or look round, until the hand wound round my waist and began to find its' way between my legs. I turned instinctively to see who it was and came face to face with my earlier torturer, Roger. As I made eye contact with him he smiled and winked at me. I tried to push his hand away, but he was persistent. I tried to move away, turning and trying to evade the invading fingers. Then I felt his hand move up to the button of my jeans and begin to fumble with it. I felt the button pop open, and became desperate to get away. At that moment, the drinks order came, and I had to stay to pay for it. His hand continued to grope around my waist band, clearly feeling for the zip. I felt my heart race with alarm. I tried to push his hand away again, without success. The barman was taking an age to come back with my change, and all the time this stranger's hand was trying to undress me. I turned to him and said "Don't, please.", trying to look appealing to him. He just smiled again and said "It's only a little feel love. Nothing to worry about, is it?"

Finally I saw the barman returning. I held out a hand for the change, whilst trying to fend of the hand at my waist band. I took the change at the same moment I felt the fingers find the tab of my zip. A surge of adrenaline shot through me as the zip began to slowly descend. I grabbed the tray of drinks and turned sharply, causing my assailant to lose his grip. Now all I had to do was get back to the table without some other bastard trying the same trick. I tried to barge my way through, but they were too many for me and so I was reduced to calling "Excuse me please." Some moved to let me through, some recognised me from earlier and stopped me for a quick feel. All the hands went to my breasts, bottom or crotch, and then one with a familiar feel to it reached for my zip. I looked round anxiously, and was alarmed to see Roger again. By now, he looked seriously drunk, but his face was contorted with concentration as he fumbled to open my jeans. "That's it, love. Just a quick feel of your goodies. I know you wont mind" he slurred. A large group was in front of me, blocking my way back to the table, and paying no attention to me at all. Roger had found what he was looking for, and I heard the blood pounding in my ears as I felt the zip begin its' slow descent.

"There we are then. Nice and easy. You just stay there while I have a quick fumble, love. Won't be a minute."
When it was about half way down he let go and began to insert his hands into my jeans. I looked about frantically for an escape, but could see none. I called out to the group in front of me "Will you please excuse me.", but they either didn't hear or didn't care. All the time the invading fingers were pushing into my jeans. My only bit of luck seemed to be that the zip had held instead of lowering further. However, Roger had still got his hand into the position where he was pushing his fingers under the waist band of my knickers. I was desperate.
"Please let me go. Please don't do this. Please."

"It's just a bit of fun, love. Just a quick feel of your bits. I know you like it, come on, let me have a feel."
I tried one last time to lurch forward without success, and then I felt the fingers slip down, over my shaven mound, in one swift movement, and between my legs. I heard him grunt with satisfaction behind me and felt him pushing his body into mine.
"Oh, there we are. Lovely. Shaved it I see. Very nice."
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012 - by sarit11 - 02-07-2020, 08:31 AM

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