Adultery ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012
I did so and turned to face him. "You will come here every morning before college and I will decide if you are to receive any discipline that day. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir." I said, head bowed. I had played the part pretty well this far, and I wasn't going to give the game away now.
"Now you can leave."
I decided to give him one last quick thrill. "Can I put my clothes back on please Sir?" I said, with a nervous tremble in my voice.

"Very well. But be quick about it. I'll see you first thing on Monday morning. Don't be late." He barked.
"No Sir, I mean yes Sir. Thank you Sir." I stammered as I quickly pulled on my knickers, retrieved my dress and pulled it on, fastening the buttons incorrectly as I did so. When I looked up at him he had gone back to his desk and appeared busy reading papers. I made my way out of the office, and headed for the nearest toilet. Once there I looked at my watch. There was nearly an hour left until end of college. I settled myself into one of the cubicles, and waited for the bell to ring. I started to think about what the evening might hold, and was amazed when I started to feel randy again!

I heard the end of college bell ring, and made my way to the staff room to meet Alan. I caught sight of myself in the mirror, and paused momentarily to adjust my clothing. In the staff room Alan gave me a questioning look, "Been busy, have you?"
"Just a bit", I said meaningfully.
We left college straight away, and once in the car I had to relate the entire story, from the moment he had left the office. I felt myself blushing as I retold the story. Alan was delighted. "That job is definitely mine now.", he crowed. "And he wants you back on Monday? The dirty old bastard! I told you he fancied you didn't I? You carry on humouring the old git until the job is definitely mine, got that?"

"Yes Alan", I said. I was now totally hooked. I craved the thrill of being humiliated, of being used and abused. My mind turned to the coming evening. "Are we still going out tonight?" I asked.
"Oh Yes", he said. "Neil, Keith and Lin are meeting at our place, and we'll meet up with the others later. You're in for quite a night tightarse!"
He was as good as his word. Once we got home I just had time for a quick meal, and then headed for the shower. When I came out of the bathroom in my bathrobe Neil was standing there waiting for me.
"All set for tonight then?", he asked. Anyone would have thought that we were talking about an ordinary night on the town, rather than an evening of shame and humiliation for me. I nodded in response.
"Alan tells me you've had quite an afternoon. Are you sure you're up to it then?"
"That depends on what you have in mind" I joked.

"Very good", he laughed. "Open up and let me have a look."
Naturally, I did so without hesitation.
"And the back."
I let the robe drop to the floor and turned round for his inspection.
The doorbell then rang, and I turned to look at Neil.
"Well you're not expecting me to get that are you?", he laughed.
"No. Of course." I said. I hurredly put on my robe and went to the front door. As I expected it was Keith and Lin.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012 - by sarit11 - 02-07-2020, 08:19 AM

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