Adultery ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012
I could feel my cheeks turning red as I blushed. This was the moment. I looked into his face. He was clearly relishing every moment. I shuffled slightly, and then muttered "Punish me Sir."

"I beg your pardon. Speak up girl."
"You should punish me Sir."
"And what form should this punishment take do you think?"
"Any form you think fit Sir. I will accept any punishment from you, only please don't dismiss me from the college."
He looked at me with a look of triumph on his face. "Very well. As punishment, I will spank your bare bottom until I feel you have suffered enough. Do you have a problem with that Alison?"
"No Sir." I muttered. My nervousness was not entirely feigned.
"Right then," he barked, "Skirt up and bend over my desk at once."
I started to lift the hem of my skirt, and then realised that it was too slim a fit to enable me to lift it over my hips.

"I can't Sir", I stammered, "My skirt is too tight. I can't lift it that high."
"Then take it off you silly girl". He really was enjoying himself now.
My fingers were trembling as I started to undo the buttons on my dress. I had not been allowed to wear a bra that day, and as the Head stood and watched me opening my buttons, more of my flesh came under his scrutiny. I knew he would see all I had that day. I knew I would let him do whatever he wanted, and I could feel my pulse quickening. I could also feel my pussy beginning to respond.
I opened the final button on my dress and hesitated. "Come on girl. I haven't got all day!" he barked.
I pulled open the dress revealing my breasts to him and began to push the dress over my hips. I let it fall to the floor and then bent to pick it up. I stood there with it bunched in my hands while he scrutinised me. He was drinking in the view of me standing in the middle of his office dressed only in a pair of white knickers. My head was still bowed as I tried to look as contrite as possible.

I could feel his gaze move from my face to my breasts. He took his time, obviously enjoying himself immensely. Then he told me to put my dress on a chair over by the filing cabinet. This meant I had to turn and walk over to the chair, and then walk back to him, giving him an excellent view of my body as I did so.
He made me stand for a few moments longer before he said "I think I'll put you over my knee for punishment, Alison. I think that would be much more appropriate, don't you?"
"Yes, Sir. Whatever you say Sir.", was all I could manage in reply. My mouth had gone strangely dry in the last few moments. I felt more nervous than I expected.

He positioned a chair in the middle of the room, sat down on it and then called me to him. "Come here and take your punishment Alison." Feigning reluctance, I walked slowly over and stood in front of him. He stared at my breasts, and then his eyes travelled down until they came to rest on my cotton-covered mound.
"I said I was going to spank your bare bottom, Alison, and that's what I shall do." And with that he reached out with both hands and took hold of the waistband of my knickers. He slowly began to ease them lower, staring at my slim mound as he did so. He was clearly expecting to see some pubic hair, instead, as my knickers went lower and lower there was only smooth pink flesh.

Finally, the top of my moist slit came into view and I saw his eyes widen for a moment. Then he puled my knickers down over my hips and let them slip down my legs to my feet. Without being told to, I stepped out of them and stood before him stark naked. I let my arms fall to my sides, giving him an unobstructed view.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012 - by sarit11 - 02-07-2020, 08:13 AM

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