Adultery ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012
The morning passed in a haze of expectation. Even fifth form English, with the lecherous fifteen-year-old Adam leering at me for a straight hour didn't disturb me. I was ready to get Alan his head of department job, and was busy working out ways to create a situation with the Head in my mind.

Finally the lunch bell rang and the class of fifth years filled out. Now it was time.
I gathered my things and made my way down to the Head's office. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A familiar voice from within called back "Enter". I turned the door handle and pushed the door open.
I was confronted by both the Head and Alan, who stood looking at me like I was the most junior of pupils. "Ah, Alison, do come in my dear", the Head breathed. Alan gave me a knowing look.
"I've told the Head that you're his for the afternoon", he said lightly. "Be sure not to disappoint now, wont you?"

I took the bait immediately, "Oh, I'll do whatever it takes to get this done", I said slightly breathlessly. I then turned my attention to the Head. "I'm sure I can get this all finished today Sir. Where would you like me to start?"
He indicated a large pile of papers on a table by the filing cabinets. "Why don't you make a start on those my dear. I just have a few things to sort out with Mr. Hughes here", and he nodded towards Alan.
I went over to the table, turned my back on them both, and started to sort out the papers. I made sure to bend over at regular intervals, giving them both a good view of my pert little bum encased in the tight fabric of my dress. I could hear the murmur of their conversation, but couldn't make out anything they were saying. I just carried on sorting papers. After a few moments Alan said to me "I'll be off then Alison, I've got work to do."

"OK, fine, I'll see you later then", I said as casually as I could. Alan had his back to the Head as he left, and again gave me a knowing look. The door closed behind him. I was alone with the old bastard. I continued to sort papers. I knew I had to provoke some sort of incident which would give him the opportunity to 'take me in hand'. I had gathered quite a pile of papers on top of a filing cabinet by now, and I 'accidentally' knocked these, causing the whole pile to fall to the floor, scattering them over a wide area of carpet. I shouted out "Oh fuck it!" and immediately bent down and started to gather them up. I let my thighs open so that he could see straight up my skirt from where he was behind his desk, and continued to curse at the now chaotic pile of papers. "Bastard fucking things. Fucking typical. Oh shit, this will take fucking hours to sort out. Bastard, bastard bastard!"
It gave him his opportunity, and he took it at once.

"Alison that is disgraceful.", he bellowed at me. I froze. "Not only have you been careless with my valuable papers, which will now have to be re-sorted, you have made my office look like a waste paper basket. And I don't believe I have ever heard such disgusting language from a member of my staff."
I stood, placed my hands in front of me and hung my head like a naughty collegegirl. "I'm really sorry Sir", I stammered, "I just didn't think. I'll sort out the papers Sir, I'll clean this up, I'm really very sorry Sir."
"That's all well and good young lady, but it does not atone for the quite appalling profanities you have yelled in my office. I am left wondering if you are the right sort of person to have on my staff. Perhaps we should end your contract at once rather than wait for the end of term?"
"Oh no Sir, please don't do that. I don't normally use language like that Sir, I was just annoyed that I had undone all that good work. I wont give you cause for concern again Sir, I promise." I whined like a small child.

"If I heard a pupil use language like that, particularly a young lady, I would punish her severely, possibly even expel her completely. I hold my staff to a higher standard, and you expect me to just ignore that kind of conduct?"
"No, Sir", I stammered. Head still hung.
"Then what do you suggest I do about it, Alison?"
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012 - by sarit11 - 02-07-2020, 08:11 AM

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