Adultery ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012
I reached under my skirt, grabbed the gusset of my knickers and pulled them down over my knees. We were pulling into the staff car park now, and my pulse was racing. What was he going to make me do next? I took my knickers off and handed them to him. He put them to his nose and inhalled deeply. "Mmm!, essence of Alison, my favourite fragrance." I had smoothed my skirt into place, and was looking round nervously, anxious in case anyone had seen anything. He calmly put my knickers into his inside pocket and then turned to me. "You're going to go all day without underwear today. I know how hot this will make you feel, but you're not allowed to sneak off to the ladies for a quick diddle, right. If you behave, I'll give you a reward later. Got that?"

I nodded. My pussy was throbbing still, and my nipples were super sensitive. As we got out of the car a cool morning breeze caused the silk of my blouse to mould itself to my breasts. My nipples were obvious to anyone with eyes to see. The breeze also found its' way past my stocking tops to the lips of my shaven and sensitive pussy lips. I could have come on the spot. With my pulse still racing, and my mind buzzing, I made my way into college and tried to act naturally.

I collected my timetable from the main office and headed to the staff room for a quick cup of coffee before lessons began. I was feeling very exposed and vulnerable in my state of near undress. One of the male teachers, David Evans, who taught games and sports, seemed to be paying particular attention to me. He had always been a lecherous sod!, now he looked at me with barely supressed lust in his eyes. How could he possibly have known about my lack of underwear? Possibly his practised eye could spot my state, or perhaps I was unwittingly giving off signals. Whatever the reason I felt most uncomfortable and left the staff room as quickly as I could.
I got to my class room and checked my timetable. Fouth year remedial English first, followed by fifth year after morning break. The two most difficult groups back to back! It was warm in the classroom, and without thinking I took off my jacket and left it on a chair at the back of the class. I began to write instructions for the class on the blackboard, and immediately noticed how my bra-less breasts brushed against the silk of my blouse. I intended to finish my writing on the board and then retrieve my jacket before the first class arrived. I had misjudged the time however, and before I knew it thirty noisy fourteen year olds were crowding into the classroom.

I knew this group all too well. About twenty boys, the rest girls. All of them barely able to read or write, not one interested in learning how to do so. The challenge for any teacher was simply to occupy them for the duration of the lesson. They settled themselves into their seats and reluctantly opened their work books. I explained the instructions on the black board, pointing at each instruction as I did so. Something was different. The boys were apparently fascinated by everything I had to say, whilst the girls were giggling between themselves. Then I realised what the difference was. The boys were totaly focused on my chest. I glanced down and saw that my nipples had become hard again, and were clearly visible through the fabric of my blouse. I looked around for my jacket, and then realised that it was still at the back of the class where I had left it. With all their eyes on me I walked as quickly as I could to the back of the class. This caused my breasts to sway and bob. A few of the boys actually reached down to rub their groins, the rest continued to stare intently. The few moments it took me to get to my jacket seemed like an eternity. Finally I reached it and hurredly slipped it on. I looked around at the class. I had never felt so intimidated in front of a class. I could feel myself blushing, I felt hot and embarrassed, and was tempted to leave the room. But then the questions started. Could I repeat the instructions please? What was the second one again? What is that word on the fourth line down, I can't read your writing. And on and on.

I found myself at the front of the class again, explaining what they had to do, pointing to each line and explaining. I tried not to make my embarrassment look too obvious, and so I didn't fasten my jacket. Consequently, every time I pointed at the board the jacket opened, and they would get a glimpse of my breasts. They were having a fine time at my expense, and I felt as though they were playing with me. Finally they settled down to some work, and I sank gratefully into my chair behind my desk. The lesson passed without further incident, but as they all filed past me on their way out the boys had lecherous grins on their faces, whilst the girls looked at me like I was little more than dirt.
News had obviously travelled fast, and as the next class filed in the boys all took the front seats. I began the lesson feeling nervous. It was still warm in the classroom and I began to perspire. One of the boys, Adam, raised his hand to get my attention. He was an unpleasant, surly sort of boy. He always gave me the impression that he had been up to something that hadn't been discovered yet, and he tended to speak to staff members in a way which just stopped short of being disrespectful.

I nodded to him, "Yes Adam."
"Miss, it's really warm in here, can we take our jackets off please?" There were sniggers from various sections of the class before he followed up with "You look hot too Miss, why don't you take your jacket off as well?" I felt the colour begin to rise in my face again, and began to feel very hot and uncomfortable.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012 - by sarit11 - 02-07-2020, 07:31 AM

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