Adultery ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012
Chapter 7.

I woke the next morning, Sunday morning, with a dull hangover and an aching body. I felt as though I had 'flu or something, but I knew that my body was paying me back for last night's excesses.
I slowly got out of bed, and realised that I couldn't remember getting into bed last night. Alan and Neil must have carried me to my bedroom. I looked at myself in the bedroom mirror. No outward signs of the nymphomaniac I had become, except of course for my shaven pussy. I turned around and examined my poor, sore bottom in the mirror. My tight little hole was red and painful to the touch, but there was no obvious damage. "Thank you very much fellas.", I thought as I remembered the battering my 'back door' had taken the previous evening.
I wandered around my flat as I waited for the kettle to boil. In the living room my clothes were where I had left them last night, in a pile on the floor. The cushion, with its' additions, was still in front of the TV. The memory came back to me, of the young girl taking the two men. Of how I had been so fascinated and aroused by the images on the screen.

I felt a slight warmth between my legs and marvelled at my own seemingly insatiable apetite. I had never had so much sex in my life before, nor had I enjoyed it so much. I began to wonder of I really could go back to simply being John's girlfriend. We had always enjoyed a good sex life, but nothing, and I mean nothing, like my activities of the past couple of weeks. Perhaps I had become addicted, or possibly I should get out of this unbelievable game before I did.
I made my way up to Alan's flat. It was empty. He had left no note to tell me where he had gone or when he would be back. Still pondering on the events of the last few days, and wondering what on earth I should do, I went back to my own kitchen and made tea. I quickly found that this simple pleasure was denied to me, as I couldn't sit confortably. My limbs ached, and my bottom was sore. I decide to run myself a nice hot bath.
A few minutes later I was lowering myself gingerly into the warm, soapy water. I felt my aches and pains start to melt away, and even the initial stinging in my bottom soon eased.

I immersed myself and tried to come to a decision. I was still mentally making a list of pros and cons when I heard the front door of the flat opening. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs to my flat, and then Alan was caling my name.
"I'm in the bath." I called back. It was then that I realised that by accident or design, I had left the bathroom door unlocked.
Without knocking, he calmly walked into the bathroom and sat down on the floor next to the bath.
"How are you this morning?", he asked. I noted that he had tried to keep the tone of his voice normal, but couldn't hide the hint of anxiety. It was decision time for me. If I gave him the cold shoulder now our game was over. On the other hand, I could let him know that I was OK with our understanding, and things could continue as before.
"I feel like I have been run down by a train.", I said, a slight smile on my face. "And not only that, but it feels like someone tried to park a car in my bottom!"

He laughed, clearly relieved that I wasn't going to bear a grudge over last night. Now that the tension had been diffused, I needed to make my point. I sat up in the bath. Alan's eyes immediately fell to breasts which were covered in soap bubbles, my nipples just showing through.
"To be serious Alan, I don't like being treated like some kind of toy for the amusement of you and your fat friend, right? If we're going to continue, then this has to be fun for me too, and being held down while some bastard shoves something the size of a baseball bat up my arse is most definitely not!" Alan looked suitably shocked. I had not been so assertive towards him since our first encounter, and I didn't normally swear either, so my words had the desired effect. I lay back in my bath water, and waited for him to respond.
"Fair enough. Like we said last night, if you don't want to do something, I wont make you. But you do want to continue, don't you?", he smiled.
"Yes, I suppose so.", I conceded. "Just no more rough stuff!"

"Fine by me.", he said immediately, and smiled again. He was still sitting on the floor by the bath. Now he moved closer, leaning against the bath and letting his right hand dangle in the soapy water. Without thinking I moved my leg closer to his hand, and his fingers began to gently caress my thigh.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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