Adultery ALISON A TEACHER'S STORY by exbiidelhi2012
Chapter 5

After I finished dressing I left Alan's flat without speaking to him. I returned to my own flat, and showered. I wasn't expecting Alan to come in, but I left the door of the bathroom unlocked anyway. I was now totally immersed in the 'game'. I was eagerly looking forward to the next installment.
When I cam out of the bathroom, it was just in time to hear the front door close. Thinking Alan had gone out, I was surprised to meet Sally as she made her way upstairs.
"You're back from work early, is everything ok?", I asked.
"No, not really. I had a phone call at work from my mum. She's had a really bad fall, injured her back, and she's in traction. I'm going to have to stay with her for a while, until she's able to look after herself".
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that Sal. Where does she live?"
"Edinburgh." she said flatly.

"Christ Sally, that's three or four hundred miles away! What are you going to do about work and everything?"
"My boss has been really good, she's given me a four week unpaid leave of absence, and we'll see how things are then."
"Right, so when do you leave?"
"Right away, basically. I just need to pack some clothes, and then I'll be off. Alan is not going to be pleased at the thought of me being away for that length of time, but what else can I do? Will you do me a favour, while I'm away?"
"Anything Sal, what is it?"
"Look after Alan for me, he's hopeless on his own!"
I tried to keep my face straight, and my voice as normal as possible, but it had dawned on me that Alan and I would be alone together for the next four weeks at least. My mind immediately began to race through the possibilities.
"Are you ok Alison?". Sally was looking at me with a concerned look on her face. "When I asked you to look after Alan, I only meant keep him company you know, I wasn't asking you to do his dirty washing or anything !"
I laughed. "Well that's all right then."

Sally made her way upstairs, and I heard them both talking. Some time later, I was in my bedroom when I heard the familiar sound of lovemaking from upstairs. "One for the road Sally?" I thought to myself.
About an hour later, Sally and Alan came down stairs. She had packed three bags, and I offered to help carry them to her car and see her off. "Thanks Ali" she said.
We loaded the car, and I gave her a hug. Then Alan gave her a romantic kiss, and came and stood by me as she got in and started the engine. As she drove away, I felt Alan's hand gently stoking my bottom. I jumped! This was in broad daylight, in the street, and before Sally was even out of sight. Even so, I didn't move away. As Sally's car turned a corner and disappeared from view Alan said "Go to your room, take your clothes off and wait there for me, I'll be there soon." I hesitated for a second, and was rewarded with a crisp smack to my bottom. The sound was so loud that people passing on the other side of the street turned to see what the noise was. I quickly ran to my room, undressed, and waited. I could hear him on the phone upstairs, but couldn't make out anything he said. A few minutes later the door opened.

"Right then, I want to see the entire contents of your underwear drawer, tight arse. I want to be sure that there are no more horrible knickers like the ones you had on the other day. Come on, get on with it."
I opened the top drawer of my dresser, and stood back to allow him to see. "That's no good, get them all out, and put them on the bed."
Feeling deliciously exposed, I did as he had ordered. Soon, all my 'smalls' were arranged on my bed for his inspection. There were about four or five pairs of knickers which he didn't like, most of them had prints like the earlier ones. "You have got some really ugly knickers here, haven't you?" he said. He had thrown several pairs on the floor. Now he pointed to them. "I want that lot in the bin, now. The rest you can put back. Go out and buy some more this afternoon. I want you in plain white ones. No pictures, no prints, no pretty flowers, got it?" I nodded. "And get yourself some plain white bras while you're at it. No wonderbras or shit like that, simple plain white, ok? Let me know when you've got them". And with that, he walked out. "My god, now I really am under his control" I thought. "I strip when he says, and now I'm taking orders on what kind of underwear to have". But even as I though this I was busy dressing, in a hurry to get to the shops as soon as possible.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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