Adultery An innocent girl manipulated by blacktigereyez
I joined Mr. kochar and told him firmly but politely that he had enough to drink and its time for him to go to bed now. Surprisingly Mr. Kochar agreed and told me that hes not in a position to walk so i will have to support him.

Me: “why did you drink so much?, come lets go”. I said offering him my shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and held me by my shoulder. His body weight started leaning towards me and his entire right side was glued to my left side. My left breast was totally glued to his body and he was walking unsteadily hence I had to bear the entire weight of his body. We started walking towards the bunglaw slowly. He told me “we will go from the back. My room is in the back” and saying that he told me to circle around the bunglaw from behind. This part of the garden was totally in dark. Quite similar to one which Sameer had chosen on the other side. I was still feeling angry about what I had seen. I was feeling betrayed. Sameer had brought me to this party just to show me to his parents and then had completed dumped me as if I was invisible to him. I was only supposed to make an apprearance look presentable to his parents and other guests so that he can remain a bachelor and his parents can relax for some time while he carries on with his activities with other girls in the bushes. He should atleast had the courtesy not to do it while I was still around.

While all these thoughts were running in my mind Suddently I felt Mr. kochars hands gripping my shoulder. His grip was slowly changing. Earlier he was holding me for support but now his grip was slowly changing into a lover like grip as if we two had embraced each other. With each step we were taking my bra less breasts were constantly brushing against his sides filling me with warmth. I was feeling so hurt and left alone that I wanted a shoulder to cry on, some one who can sympathize with me, console me. involuntarily without thinking I tightened my grip on mr. kochar as I was feeling safe and secure in his arms. There was some warmth flowing between our bodies despite of the cool night breeze. Due to the constant brushing of my breasts against his chest I was getting a nice cozy feeling from him. one part me was hating Sameer for his betrayal and another part of me wanted to get even with him some how. I badly wanted to go to him and tell him that I am better than the one he chose.

As if sensing the mental turmoil that I was going through mr. kochar circled his arm around me and was slowly feeling up my naked shoulder. I tried to look at his face from the corner of my eyes but he appeared totally un aware of what he was doing. (was he really drunk?) I wondered. With the continuous pressing of my breast against his body I was also feeling some changes in my body. A slow current was passing between our bodies. Mr. kochar was abt about 55 years of age but he was very tall and well built. He must have been going to gym regularly as he had kept himself in good shape. He had moustaches on his face and had shaved his beard. I could smell the faint musk of his after shave mixed with jasmine flowers in the night. His hand felt warm and loving on my shoulder.

At this point I could not tell whether this was fatherly hug or a hug from a man to a woman. But either way it was very comforting and I cherished it. I snuggled close to him due to which my breasts got brushed more to his chest. i was quite sure that Sameer and nikita must be having sex either in the open or in the bedroom.
Suddenly Mr. Kochar told me that he wants to pee urgently and he gestured towards the bush in the corner. I withrew from him and took off my arm from his waist and stepped back. Mr. Kochar walked unsteadily towards the bush and stumbled forward. He was about to fall down and I rushed forward to support him again. this time while I was trying to prevent him from falling I had to hold him from the front and he leaned on me for support and wrapped both his arms around me. this was a full frontal hug and he crushed my boobs on his chest. his face was leaning over my shoulder and we stood in this pose for 2/3 minutes. I allowed him to settle down and stood in the same manner supporting him. I realized that he was not in a position to walk on his own.
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RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by jtiwary - 23-04-2020, 08:12 AM
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RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 08:51 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 08:54 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 08:56 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 08:58 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 09:02 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 09:04 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated by blacktigereyez - by sarit11 - 30-06-2020, 08:32 AM

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