Adultery An innocent girl manipulated by blacktigereyez
He offered me the popcorns and I picked up a handful fm the box started munching them. Mr. sharmas legs were now touching mine. My legs were totally naked but his legs were covered with pyjama. As I finished the pop corns which I had picked frm the box mr. sharma offerece me some pop corns again and this time while offering the popcorn he touched my breast with the back of his hand and as I was inserting my had ninside the box he was increasing the pressure on my breasts. Even after I removed my hand he kept the box in my lap but he continued to hold the box in his hand in a such a way that though he was not touching my breasts but he could touch them when ever he wanted to because his hands were extremely closed to my breasts and I could feel the warmness of his hands even when they were not on my breasts. Now it was impossible for me to concentrate on the movie as all my attention was on his hands which were just inches away from my breasts and the closeness of his hands made my heart beats fast.

As the scene in the movie was getting hotel I saw mr. sharma again holding his dick with his right hand and he was slowly fondling his dick with his hands but he was not making any attempt to hide what he was doing. He againe offered me popcorn by lifting the box of popcorn and again the back of his hand was resting on my breasts. The heroine in the movie had just become topless by now. mr. sharmas hands were now resting on my breast and at the same time he was stroking his lund shamelessly. I could see from the corner of my eyes that his lund has just become like a rod and since the cloth of his pyjama was so thin the exact shape of his lund could be seen very clearly and his hand over it like on a motorcycle accelerator.

Mr. sharma whispered in my ears: owww great breasts isn’t it?. I wasn’t sure whose breasts was he referring to now as his hand was still resting my breasts. And then while increasing the pressure on y breasts he whispered in a very husky tone “the best ones ever”. The tention was building up between the both of us. I could feel sharma increasing the pressure on my legs by pressing his legs more on to my legs. I moved my legs slightly away from him.
This time he touched my bare feet with his bare feet and slowly kept his feet on mine. This is the most arousing touch for me or for that matter for any other woman. His bare feet were totally resting on my feet and his feet felt very very warm and I could feel the warmth from his feet flowing in my body.

The movie was also a very hot movie as the scene had now totally got converted into a love making scene. Sharma was holidng his cock in his hand very shamelessly over his pyjamas and was stroking it. He started exploring my feet with his feet and was slowly moving his feet upwards trying to feel my legs. The back of his hands were now slightly brushing my nipples. It was not fully touching my breasts but his hands were just like coming and going. More like a tease. Each time his hand touched my breast and moved away and my half concentration remained on the movie and the other half on his hand trying to anticipate the next touch. I did not want to give him too many oppurtunities so I took the box of pop corn from his hands so that he had no reason to keep his hands close to my breasts.

Sharma obliged by taking his hands away from the box but this time he kept his hand on the back of the sofa. With his right hand he was stoking his lund in between. His feet were now climbing on my legs and he was quite open about it now. his left hand was now slightly touching my left shoulder and my back as he had kept the hand on the top of the sofa behind my back. Mr sharma got up and refilled our wine glasses and came over me and handed me over my glass.
Me: no thanks I think ive had quite enough.
Sharma: drink dipti ji I will serve food after this. 2 glasses of wine is just nothing. I reluctantly took the glass from his hand. I was started to feel the effects of wine by now.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by jtiwary - 23-04-2020, 08:12 AM
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RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 08:50 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 08:51 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 08:54 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 08:56 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 08:58 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 09:02 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 09:04 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated by blacktigereyez - by sarit11 - 29-06-2020, 08:30 PM

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