Adultery An innocent girl manipulated by blacktigereyez
My legs felt weak and my body was still shivering with arousal and I entered the boss’s cabin after putting the “do not disturb sign” and locked the door after entering his cabin as per the boss’s instructions.

I handed over the files to my boss.
Boss: so you have met Mr. Gawde.
I nodded guitlity.
Boss: if you require any assistance in accounting matters you can rely on Mr. Gawde he’s been working with us for a very long time and is very experienced and know how to handle delicate accounts.
I nodded at him. then my boss told me to do some data entry in his laptop from the files I brought from Mr. Gawde’s office and he gave me his chair and laptop and I started entering the data. He sat in the chair opposite mine and kept staring at me, at my hands. In between during my data entry I used to glance at him and each time I found him staring at me and this set my heart racing. I looked up at my wrist watch the time now was 6:00. I wondered if the rest of the staff has already gone home. i wondered where Mr. Gawde would be by now. Would he have gone home. am I alone In the office now with the boss.

I finished my data entry and told my boss to have a look and started to get up but he gestured to me to remain seated and got up from his chair and came across the table standing right behind me staring into the laptop.

As I had pulled the laptop right upto the edge of the table while doing the data entry the mouse pad of the laptop was very close to my bossom and the boss in order to scroll down inserted his hand between the gap created by my hand and breasts and squeezed his hand in between in order to reach the mouse pad. My right hand was on the table and he had inserted his hand from under my shoulder and at the same time while he leant forward the wheels of the chair where I was sitting also came forward and now my chair was glued to the table and the moment he kept his hands on the mouse pad I closed my hand knowing that it will only be a matter of time before I will feel his touch on my breasts.

He seemed engrossed in the data entry I had done and was leaning closer to the screen to read the font I had made the font small so that the full data can fit in and suddenly I felt his warm breath on my neck and it sent a chill wave down my spine. I found his face had come very close to mine almost parallel. I could smell his aftershave. Looks like he was in the mood of teasing me.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by jtiwary - 23-04-2020, 08:12 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by kushagr9 - 24-04-2020, 10:03 PM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 08:50 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 08:51 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 08:54 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 08:56 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 08:58 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 09:02 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated - by sarit11 - 23-06-2020, 09:04 AM
RE: An innocent girl manipulated by blacktigereyez - by sarit11 - 29-06-2020, 07:53 PM

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