Adultery A professor's wife entertains his students by Mir Nasir
Quote:(Sorry guys: I know this is a long gap, but I'm really caught up in work. Hope you understand - Mir)

Over the tea, Rozi asked Salman why he (Salman) hadn’t dressed up, to which he replied that he was just trying to make her and Tariq feel easy.
“How gentlemanly of you!” Rozi remarked, raising her eyebrows. But I could tell that, now, it was all mock-anger on her part; more of putting on a show of being affronted. She actually seemed quite comfortable with her own and the boys’ semi-nakedness. In fact, I was to one who started feeling uncomfortable, being the only fully dressed member of the party, and I said so. Salman, laughingly, invited me to take of my clothes as well, but I didn’t – partly because I was getting a hard-on again.

Salman then started making fun of Tariq, his passion for wearing women’s undergarments, and most of all, his erection, all too visible to everyone (though I couldn’t help noticing that Salman seemed to have a semi hard-on himself). Tariq responded by saying that he (Salman) was just jealous of him because he (Tariq) had a bigger `tool’ than him! It was at this point that I became almost sure they were in it together and had planned it out while Rozi and I were in our bedroom, deciding what she should wear.

“No way!” Salman cried. “Liar.”
“Wanna bet?” Tariq asked him.
“Sure, whenever you’re ready. Want to do it right now?” Salman challenged him back.
Tariq looked at Rozi, as if to tell him that it wouldn’t be proper in her presence. Salman picked up the cue, so to say, and asked her:
“Would you mind?”
Rozi was clearly taken aback at this line of conversation, but enjoying it nevertheless. “Umm, I don’t know” once again she looked at me (`why me?’ I thought)
“Well…,” I stammered, “I don’t know…, its not as if you haven’t seen a penis before” that was all the encouragement she needed.
“What’s the bet.” She asked, smiling.

“One who has a shorter co…., tool, gets spanked in the ass” Tariq said, without hesitation.
“Sounds good” Rozi said, still smiling, then frowned and told Tariq, “and you don’t have to be shy of using the word cock in my presence. Let’s get rid of these pretensions, shall we.”
`Great’ I thought, `she’s actually getting into this and enjoying herself, but later on, she would still blame me for whatever happens from now on.’
“Who administers the spanking?” She asked.
“You do.” Salman replied at once, and it was decided. Perhaps, she also saw in this an opportunity to pay Salman back for beating her in the cards game.

All that remained to be done was to find a measuring tape, which was duly fetched by Rozi and we were all set.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: A professor's wife entertains his students by Mir Nasir - by sarit11 - 28-06-2020, 12:49 PM

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