Adultery A professor's wife entertains his students by Mir Nasir
I don’t clearly remember when, but in one of many such discussions, the conversation veered towards sex. As every one opened up after an initial inhibition, Salman went on to discuss his sexual escapades with many of his girlfriends, some of which were funny, and made us all laugh. Tariq, true to his personality, was more of a lover than a “many flings” kind of a guy and had fallen desperately for a girl who, sadly, was going steady with someone else.

In subsequent meetings, sex – matters related to it, seemed to become our favorite topic. We became open to the extent of discussing even our own (meaning Rozi’s and mine) sexual life with the two boys. Salman, daring as usual, even asked, “so, what’s the favorite position of you guys?” to which he got a playful but sharp slap on the shoulder from Rozi. But then, to my surprise, she did answer, “usually we go for the ‘missionary position’, but sometimes….., well,…. sometimes, we try out new stuff.”
“New stuff?” said Salman, in mock reflection, “how’s that? What kind of new stuff?”
“Well….,” Rozi shrugged her shoulders, “Y’know, as in new positions.”

“Ahan” Salman was clearly interested now, his eyes shining, “what new positions?”
Rozi was becoming uncomfortable now and she looked at me to get her out of this spot. I was in no mood to do so; for one, SHE had encouraged the two boys to bring the conversation to this point, second, I was enjoying the whole idea of my wife discussing her sexual life with my students and was actually feeling the start of a hardening bulge in my crotch.
Of course, she could have ended the conversation at this point, saying ‘enough’s enough’ or something like that, but when all she got was an indulgent smile from me, she carried on:
“Well, sometimes I get on top” she said, and paused, hoping that would be enough. Salman wasn’t about to let her go so easily and asked:

“Uh huh! And……., do you guys ever try the doggie style?” He was crossing the limits now and he knew it, but then, nobody was stopping him.
“Don’t call it that!” Rozi responded, feigning annoyance, “that expression makes me feel like a…….” she had to stop short when she realized the implications of the word that would have completed the sentence.
For a second, there was silence, and then all three men present in the room, burst out laughing. We couldn’t help it. Rozi struggled for a few seconds, deciding whether she should be angry or not, and then joined in our laughter.

[At this point, let me also explain that the dialogue I’m reproducing here (to the best of my recollection), actually did take place, to a good percentage, in English – the medium of communication between teachers and students in top-of-the-line business colleges in Pakistan. So Salman and Tariq, like many of my students, were already used to conversing in English with me, and of course, Rozi had no trouble joining in. Honestly, I’m sure as many of you would agree, potentially explosive topics like sex seem a little blunted and more acceptable when you discuss them in English. So most of the time, I’m not struggling (luckily) with the difficult art of transtranslation]
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: A professor's wife entertains his students by Mir Nasir - by sarit11 - 28-06-2020, 11:52 AM

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