Adultery A professor's wife entertains his students by Mir Nasir
(Thanks for the appreciation guys, though honestly speaking, there's not much to appreciate so far. I know its a slow start but if you like it so far, please stick with me. Will contribute another bit tonight - Mir)

In a teacher’s life there are always a few students who get closer to you in personal terms as compared to the rest of the lot. Besides, as an Associate Professor, I’m on the young side, compared to most of the grey haired faculty members, and therefore, students find me more approachable and friendly. Salman and Tariq had been two such students who, right from the time they entered as freshmen, have become very friendly with me. Salman is broad shouldered, a little stocky, into stuff like weight-training etc.

While Tariq is tall and lanky, very fair complexioned, more into reading books, keeping himself updated with current affairs and all. This description, however, shouldn’t imply that both are stereotypes – one all brawn the other all brain! Not at all. Salman is intelligent enough and reasonably well read himself, while Tariq can do a reasonably good job in sports like table tennis, basket ball etc. Both are in their early twenties. Both are intelligent, good-looking boys.

My relationship with them outside the class grew to a point where I even had them over at our house a few times, initially to help them out in studies, but later they used to come over just for the sake of it. Of course, once that started happening, they came on good terms with Rozi as well, and she also seemed to take a liking to the two. Once, when she wanted to replace certain old furniture with new one, they actually came over and helped her out a lot in moving and fixing various stuff. I was at the university the whole day and we (Rozi & I) were quiet grateful to them for their assistance. So Salman and Tariq, to cut it short, became something like family friends to Rozi and me.

The four of us had dinner together, went out and watched movies, and engaged in long, enduring discussions on every topic under the sun. Rozi is herself a highly educated, intelligent woman, and she liked engaging in conversation with two bright kids. The feeling seemed to be mutual on both sides. In fact, I would have to admit at this point that the feelings on both sides were a little more than platonic. More than once I observed Salman and Tariq discreetly checking out Rozi’s figures, particularly her boobs, when they thought I wasn’t noticing; and Rozi clearly enjoyed the attention she was getting from two young men almost half her age. Needless to say, I didn’t mind in the least, but also did not imagine this going any further than harmless flirtation at the most. How wrong I was!
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: A professor's wife entertains his students by Mir Nasir - by sarit11 - 28-06-2020, 11:51 AM

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