Fantasy Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty
"Tom I need you here now. It's important, it's about Lizzie." Jeff tried to close his eyes and pray for the angel to come help.

No response came, so Jeff went back to the library grabbing his phone from the table. He picked it up dialing Oz's direct line.

"Jeff, I just left there a few hours ago, what can you possibly need already?" Oz growled at him irritated about the interruption.

"Oz, something happened and I don't know what to do." Jeff let the tension release as a sigh and took a seat at the table.

"Son, you sound like you just got punched in the stomach. What the hell happened?"

"I'm not sure what happened, but I think Kerry imprinted on Lizzie. It's bad Oz." Jeff sighed putting his forehead into his hand.

"Shit. How are they?" Oz sat down on his end of the phone too.

"It's bad...real bad. She hasn't said much, but from the looks of her I don't think she exactly enjoyed it. He's, well, I threw him in the shower, but he doesn't remember much." Jeff wasn't sure what else to say.

"Well, look, I...I'm going to get back to this text Gabriel gave us. Let's focus on stopping the last gate and then I'll come over to you guys and we'll figure it all out."

"Okay, thanks Oz."

Jeff hung up, sitting back in the chair. He wasn't sure what to do next.

"What is wrong with Lizzie?" A deep voice roused him and Jeff turned seeing Tom standing before him.

"Tom, where the hell have you been?" Jeff asked

"I have been talking with Gabriel about what else he might know. I did not want to return to Lizzie until we could tell her everything." Tom hung his head.

"Has she called you tonight?" Jeff questioned.

"I think faintly, but I was in a very remote place and it is difficult to hear from charges there. Why what has happened?" Tom was suddenly very concerned. Jeff's expression was one of great turmoil and he knew something had gone terribly wrong.

"Tom, I don't know exactly what happened, but it's bad. I think Kerry imprinted on Lizzie and...and he hurt her. She locked herself in her room, and I am pretty sure she doesn't want to talk to me or Kerry."

"He hurt her how Jeff?"

"I think he might have bangd her Tom, she was so broken. I just wanted to hold her." Jeff teared up thinking about the look on her face when he tried to touch her. Something in her was changed, irrevocably changed. He didn't know if that change was permanent, but he hoped somehow that he could turn back time on what had happened.

"I will go to her now." Tom was gone as soon as his words came out.
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RE: Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty - by Ramesh_Rocky - 26-02-2019, 04:49 PM

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