Adultery The French Connection
I simply grabbed a towel and tied it around my chest and walked out to the living room. Jacques was standing at the door, about to leave.

"Now we are even Rhea." He said before laughing out loudly. All I could do was cringe in embarrassment. He opened the door and walked out.


"Have you taken the keys to the house?" I asked Varun, my husband as I stood outside out apartment.

"Yeah I have and also the keys to the car." He replied as he closed the door and locked it. We were going out for dinner and then a movie. 

Whenever my husband came home after a tour, we would go out often, since that was the only time we could enjoy as a married couple. The evenings would be to go out for a movie, club or dinner and the rest of the day would be spent lazing around and having sex.

Varun still had 2 days out of the week's vacation left and he would leave day after on his ship and wouldn't return for months. I had been 5 days since the fateful evening when Jacques and I made out in my living room. 

Even though, my husband's timely phone call had prevented us from going any further, I still cringed in embarrassment at the thought of him staring at my naked breasts but a part of me would smile recalling it.

Varun and I were about to get in to the car when we saw Jacques. He was walking into the building. He first smiled at me and nodded his head before stopping in front of us.

"Hello Jacques." I said and smiled.

"Hello Rhea." He replied.

"Varun, this is Jacques, our new neighbor I was telling you about the other day." I introduced Jacques to my husband.

"Hi I am Varun, her husband. It is nice to meet you." Varun said and smiled and extended his hand at Jacques.

"Nice to meet you too" Jacques replied and they both shook hands.

"My wife tells me she is teaching you to speak English; she is good teacher. But don't forget to pay your fees. Haha..." Varun said and started laughing. Jacques and I joined the laughter. 

"No I won't." Jacques replied.

"Hey Jacques, since I am here for just a couple of nights more, why don't you join us for dinner tomorrow night. We'll have your company and you'd enjoy some Indian hospitality. How does that sound?" Varun said.

'What the hell??' Was my first thought when I heard my husband say what he said. He was inviting a man with whom I had a brief intimate liaison just a couple of days ago. 

I couldn't blame him since I had not told him about it; I had only told him what he needed to know. But still the idea of having Jacques for dinner made me uncomfortable. 

The idea that my husband and the other man would be having a cozy dinner that too in my company gave me a chill. Since both were men, a couple of beers would be obvious. What if Jacques spoke up or worse, what if he tried to do something after downing a couple of drinks. Not only would that end up in a violent altercation but spell doom for my marriage. 

Just as I occupied thinking about ways to thwart the plan Jacques said, "Sounds good to me.", smiling at me and Varun.

'Shit.' I thought. How could I end this non sense? Jacques seemed more than elated at the invitation but tried curtailing his enthusiasm and my husband unaware of the past stood clueless. 

"Ok then; how about eight tomorrow night?" Varun asked to which Jacques nodded before they shook hands again. The men were finalizing the plan without even asking me; Men! 

"Thank you and Rhea you look nice today. The sari is nice." Jacques complimented me. I was wearing a blue chiffon saree with a black blouse. My hairs were tied loose and were flowing over my shoulders right down to the middle of my back. Varun liked when I let my hairs free and I would oblige him.

"Thank you Jacques." I said with a smile. What else could I say at that moment? It would be obviously rude to cancel the plan and giving the reason behind it would be even more difficult. I just smiled and kept my mouth shut as I felt my heart thump faster in my chest. 

" haven't said anything about my suit." Varun said and they both started laughing. I just gave out a fake laugh trying to blend in without showing any discomfort. We bid goodbye to Jacques and headed out.


"Good evening! C'mon in." I heard my husband from the kitchen. I looked up at the clock and it was five past 8 and I realized Jacques was here. I was busy cooking and didn't go out to meet Jacques.

I had been preparing for dinner since early evening. I was aware that Europeans have very less tolerance to spice and hence Indian food so I decided to tone down the true Indian delicacies that I had prepared for tonight.

After a while, I walked out to the living room to see my husband pouring a couple of drinks for him and Jacques. I smiled at Jacques and he reciprocated with a smile and a gentle nod. 

He was seated on the sofa chair with his hands resting on the arm rests. Varun had put on some soccer match. I wasn't sure which teams were playing and I didn't care but the men seemed enthusiastic.

I excused myself back inside the kitchen. Since the drinks were being served, I was going to serve the appetizers. I poured some peanuts in to a bowl and some chicken tikka that I had prepared in a plate and walked back to the living room.

Varun was seated on sofa chair opposite to Jacques and both of them were looking sideways at the TV which was a few feet away. I placed the appetizers of the table before picking up the plate of tikkas and walking over to Jacques.

I bent down holding the plate in front of him, offering him the delicacy. Jacques looked up at me before lowering his gaze at my cleavage. He picked up a tikki with a toothpick but continued to stare at my tits.

"Those are really nice." He said and winked at me. I looked at him with wide eyes, knowing fully well what he was referring to. My husband who was sitting just a couple of feet behind me and this man was complimenting me about my boobs. 

Outrageous! I was standing in front of Jacques with my back facing Varun and it prevented Varun from seeing what Jacques was looking at and what he was complimenting. I didn't hear anything from Varun so I realized he was just watching the match.

Shock gave way to embarrassment as I blushed and looked at Jacques who was now looking at me with a knowing smile, chewing on the meat. I turned around and went to Varun to serve him some tikkis, all the time worried that he might notice might flushed red cheeks but thank god he didn't.The men continued watching the game and I went back to the kitchen to look after the main course. 

A few minutes later I heard footsteps entering the kitchen. I thought Varun had walked in and I turned around and was about to say something when I realized that it was Jacques. I was alarmed as he walked towards me; had my silence and blush encouraged him to do something more? I simply turned back to the kitchen counter and continued cooking. He stood at my side with his butt touching the kitchen counter and sipped on the drink.

"I just wanted to compliment you on this chicken you've made so I requested your husband if I could do it in person and he said okay." He said justifying his presence near me.

"Thank you." I replied as I looked at him with a feeble smile and then looked down at the counter.

He walked behind me and before I could look back at him, I felt his hand gently brushing away my hair over my ear. I gasped and stood still, scared to shit at what he was doing. He was touching me in a way he wasn't supposed to when my husband was just a few feet away from us.

I felt his breath on my neck and realized that how close he was to me. He brought his mouth to my cheek and gently placed a kiss on it before withdrawing. 

I stood still; I could feel my heart beating faster and my pulse race as I realized what had just happened. Even though it was a peck on the cheek, it was highly inappropriate of him to do it to me. 

He walked out of the kitchen and I stood still holding on to the edge of the kitchen counter, still trying to come to terms what had just happened.

A minute later I got back to cooking. I had to behave normal as if nothing happened because I didn't want my husband to suspect anything. Once the dinner was cooked I walked back to the living room and sat on the arm rests of the chair Varun was seated on and silently watched the match. 

My mind was still recalling the incident in the kitchen and the football match was the least of my concerns. I could hear the men cheering occasionally at the proceedings of the match but I kept recalling the kitchen incident and also the incident that happened previously.

The match was over soon and Varun asked me to serve the dinner. I brought the vessels out to the dinning room and Varun got the plates and the cutlery. We all sat at the dinning table for dinner. 

I had prepared Chicken Biryani which was Varun's favorite and I also knew Jacques would be aware of it since it was one of the most famous Indian dishes in the world.

We had a large dinning table with a capacity to accommodate 8 people. One chair each along the breadth of the table and 4 chairs along its length on both sides. We had opted for a sun mica coated wooden top instead of the glass one from the fear of the shattering glass. 

Varun was seated on the chair along the breadth and I and Jacques were seated on chairs along the length, facing each other.

We all started eating and both men complimented me for the cooking. Jacques seemed to be enjoying the biryani and I was relieved since he didn't find it too spicy for his palette. 

We all were talking to each other about random stuff; mostly it was Varun asking Jacques about his job and other stuff.

As we were enjoying the biryani, I felt a foot touch my leg. I instinctively pulled back my leg and continued eating thinking that it was accidental. 

A moment later I felt it again, this time brushing against my foot. I thought it was Varun who was doing it and looked at him and smiled knowingly. 

He smiled back and continued eating and I felt strange. His smile was normal like he didn't know anything. He was smiling because I smiled at him. Perhaps this was his way to keep Jacques unaware of the footie he was playing with me. 

I decided to play along, knowing fully well that my husband had a habit of doing such things in public to tease me and make me uncomfortable. He knew it kind of embarrassed me and turned me on. 

I felt the foot again, this time it slowly brushed against my foot, moving up to my ankle. My breath quickened as I felt it moving slowly on my ankle, gently tickling me. I looked at Varun who was silently eating the biryani. 

I looked at him puzzled by his reaction. Usually when he did something like this he would smile at me slyly, enjoying the effect he was having on me but right now that sly smile was no where to be seen.

I also realized that the foot movement was funny. Varun was sitting to my left and his foot was brushing against my right foot which was facing away from him. From that distance, the angle of approach should have been different and that's when I realized it!

I looked at Jacques who had a sly smile on his face as he ate his meal. His head was down but he was looking up at me with a smirk. The angle of the foot was just right and I knew it was him. I looked at him, feigning sternness hoping it would stop him. 

A while ago he kissed me but then my husband wasn't around but this time, Varun was sitting right next to us and I didn't want a scene.

That wasn't enough for Jacques as he moved his foot upwards, brushing aside my salwaar and brushing his foot against my shin bone. My breath had quickened and I hoped Varun didn't notice it and continued eating, trying to stay composed and normal. 

I felt his foot on my thigh and I startled me and I started to cough. Varun was taken aback at my sudden coughing and immediately offered me a glass of water, thinking it was the food. Little did he know it was the food down my wind pipe but Jacques foot on my thigh that had made me cough.

When I started coughing, Jacques immediately withdrew his foot and acted surprised and worried. 'Little bastard' I thought as he smiled at me when I stopped coughing. For the next few nothing happened and I thought Jacques was done with his funny business tonight but I was wrong. 

I again felt his foot on my thigh and this time I didn't react. He slowly moved his foot between my thighs and I unknowingly parted to allow his foot more access.

I felt his foot creeping up inch by inch towards my pussy and it was getting harder and harder to control myself. Jacques was smirking at me knowing fully well that I was aroused yet, I couldn't do anything about it. I on the other hand was fighting a two fronted war, to control my arousal and keep my husband from realizing what the foreigner was doing to me.

I gasped a little when Jacques hit the bulls eye. Varun looked up at me and I lied and told him that I chewed on some chilies in the biryani. He simply nodded and continued eating. I felt Jacques toe rubbing along the length of my pussy. 

Even though there were 2 layers of clothing separating his toe and my skin, it still sent a chill up my spin.

The most amusing and scary part of this if I dare say was that we were all talking to each other normally as if nothing unusual was happening. I felt goose bumps on my arms as Jacques toe found my clit and started wriggling on it.

It was getting difficult to put up this farce. I was barely eating, I was shivering occasionally and I was controlling a moan from erupting off my mouth. 

I could feel the wetness in my panties and I knew I was close to cumming. I was afraid that if Jacques didn't relent, I would end up moaning from the orgasm right in front of my husband.

Jacques started rubbing deeper and I with each swipe of his toe along my pussy, the orgasm drew close. I curled my toes as jolt after jolt of orgasmic pleasure surged up my body. 

Just as was about to give in, Varun stood up with his plate. Jacques stopped and we both looked at him. Had he realized what was happening? I was shit scared and when I looked at Jacques I realized he was too but his foot was still resting against my pussy.

"I am done. The biryani was great Rhea." Varun said and walked inside the kitchen to keep the plate.

"What is wrong with you? Are you crazy?" I scowled at Jacques, pushing his foot away from me. He giggled and put his tongue out of his mouth tauntingly.

"Stop it." I said to Jacques and he simply nodded. I got up and walked inside the kitchen and got busy with the cleaning.

Varun & Jacques sat in the living room watching TV and chatting for a while and I decided not to go out lest Jacques tries something again. This was enough for tonight.

"Rhea...Jacques is leaving. Could you come out please?" Varun called me.

I walked back into the living room and saw Jacques standing near the door which had been opened.

"Thank you for the tasty biryani." Jacques said in his usual thick accent.

"The pleasure was all ours." Varun said as he and Jacques shook hands.

"Yes...but there was some pleasure for me as well." Jacques said looking at me. Only he and I knew what that statement meant. 

"Good night." Jacques said before stepping out.


"Ummpfff...Ummm" I moaned as I took in more of Varun's cock inside my mouth. After Jacques was gone, I went back to cleaning but Varun had other plans. Since he was leaving day after, he rushed in the kitchen, picked me up in his arms and walked to our bed to make the most of the little time he had with his wife.

It wasn't long before we were naked on our bed. I was lying on the bed to my side. My upper body raised by the support of my left forearm. My right hand was on Varun's butt, caressing it and occasionally scratching and digging its nails into his hard flesh. His right arm was caressing my head and his left was fondling my boobs.

I lowered my head, slowly licking along his shaft before licking his balls. He groaned as I sucked on each of his marble. With my head tilted to its side, I looked at him from the corner of my eye. 

He was watching me, his wife of 8 years making love to him, pleasing him like she always did, with all her heart. I knew he missed me when he was on the ship and I missed him too and such nights were rewards to the patience we had shown over months of separation.

He brought his left hand over to my crotch and started caressing my pussy. My free flowing juices coated his finger in no time making it slick and smooth for penetration. I gasped when he inserted his finger into my hole and rubbed its walls.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the jolts of pleasure surging through my body and as I felt his finger completely go inside me, a memory from the evening flashed in front of me. 

I recalled how his Jacques' thick toe rubbed against my pussy under the dinning table. How he had gently brushed aside my hair and how he had gently kissed me. 

I recalled the fragrance of his cologne as his body came close to mine. I also recalled how on the very dinning table we were eating tonight; I and Jacques had almost broken all the boundaries just a few days ago.

I sucked on Varun's cock harder and deeper, bobbing my head up and down his shaft vigorously, letting my saliva flow over it freely accompanied by loud slurping noises.

He started moaning as I started going into overdrive; his fingers to started matching the rhythmic movements and the pace of my head. 

My mind kept flashing every little incident between me and Jacques over the course of days like a slideshow and with each passing memory, my sucking became more frantic. 

I was completely immersed in his thoughts, completely forgetting the fact that I was sucking on Varun's cock and not his but that very thought made me cum. I quivered and a then moment later, my pussy started convulsing from the orgasm. Seeing me writhe around in ecstasy, Varun immediately pulled out of my mouth.

"Wooww...Rhea...that was amazing." Varun said as he moved in between my legs. I just kept looking at me without a reaction or a comment. 

I spread my legs letting him come between them. He raised my legs in his hands and guided his cock to the opening of my cunt. The wet, slick, freshly orgasmed pussy welcomed his cock and it went in completely in one stroke.

He let go off my legs and I locked them behind his back. He lowered himself over me, grabbing my shoulders from under my arms and started stroking. 

In just a few strokes, he started thrusting harder and faster. I started moaning again as another orgasm started getting close and as I closed my eyes in pleasure, my mind started playing its games again.

I visualized Jacques in place of my husband; even though I tried banishing these thoughts, trying to focus on my husband, I simply couldn't. I could vividly smell the fragrance of his cologne which my mind had registered in the evening. 

The thoughts started having their effects as I started cumming again. I bit into Varun's shoulder as I shuddered from the orgasm. My tightened pussy, my orgasmic screams and the hard bite on his shoulder was enough to push Varun off the edge and he came in thick spurts in my pussy.

As we both recovered from our orgasms, we looked at each other and finally, Jacques' thoughts were out of my mind. I could now clearly see and feel my husband. 

I grabbed his face and pulled him for a kiss and he too enthusiastically responded. He spent the next several minutes in each others' arms, kissing and occasionally he would lower his head to suck on my breasts.

His flaccid cock had slipped out of my pussy after the orgasm but now was showing signs of revival. As it got erect, Varun adjusted himself and started rubbing it against my pussy. I raised my legs and put my feet firmly on his butt as we started another round of our love making.
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The French Connection - by Nightking - 25-02-2019, 07:28 PM
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