Adultery The French Connection
"Are you married?" I asked him.

"No...but have girlfriend." He replied before flipping his smart phone. He turned the screen towards me to show me his girlfriend. I saw a picture of a cute blond in her mid twenties, wearing a nice white turtle neck sweater. Standing next to the girl was Jacques and from the way the photo was clicked, it was evident that it was a 'selfie'.

"You must be missing her." I asked him.

"Yes...very much." He replied with a tinge of sadness or perhaps loneliness appearing in his eyes.

"She is very beautiful." I said trying to cheer him up. 

He looked at me, smiled and nodded and said, "You are also very beautiful." I smiled and blushed which surprised me a little. It wasn't that I had been called beautiful the first time. I was surprised that I was blushing like a virgin teenage girl in front of a man over such a simple compliment.

"Thank you." I replied as I brushed aside my thoughts. 

"I don't have friends here. Will you be my friend?" He asked and extended his hand at me.

"Yes Jacques. We are friends." I replied and shook his hand. We smiled at each other and continued talking for a while before he left.


"Hi Rhea, I am sorry... I am...uhh...late." Jacques said as he walked over to me. I was standing near the jogging track of my colony waiting for him to join me for the morning jog. 

It had been three weeks since I started teaching Jacques and we had become good friends. Apart from teaching him conversational English, we talked about a lot of things which not only ended in making us good friends but also improved his command over English.

Apart from English, the common thing about us was our fitness freak nature. I had seen Jacques just once on the jogging track but he told me that he woke up earlier than others to jog since it was calm and peaceful at that hour and that was the only time of the day he could tolerate since it was cooler in the mornings. He invited me to join him for his early morning jogs and I agreed and it had been a few days since we started jogging together.

"It's Okay Jacques. I just came here a couple of minutes ago." I replied as he stood near me. We walked over to the lawn in the middle of the jogging track to do some stretching exercises before we started running.

We were standing a couple of feet away, facing each other. We both started with rotating our arms and out wrists. To warm up my legs for the jog, I bent down to touch my toes and counted to five before standing back up. Till now Jacques was following me with the exercise but when I stood up I saw him staring at me. 

I looked at him but didn't say anything. His behavior was a little strange as if he had stumbled upon something, something mesmerizing; it was only moments later I realized what he had seen. 

I bent down again to touch my toes and this time I looked up at him to see what he was looking at. I saw him staring at me, rather my chest. My round necked T shirt gave way when I bent down revealing my cleavage. From that angle, he could clearly see my cleavage and the black bra which held them in place. Still looking up at him, I cleared my throat, trying to get his attention. 

"Mr. Jacques...come back to earth." I said as I stood up. He was thrown out of his trance when he heard me and stumbled to say something. I was amused at his loss of words and giggled at the awkward moment he was facing. Was it his poor English or his loss of words and face that stopped him from coming up with an explanation but I didn't bother. It wasn't the first time someone had stared at my chest. 

Depending on what kind of a person was looking at me, he would either notice my face or my breasts when he saw me and Jacques was no different. Other times I would stare angrily if I saw someone staring at me and my breasts like that but I didn't take offence at Jacques. I don't know what stopped me from getting upset.

After we were done with stretches, we plugged the headphones to our ears and started the music before we began jogging. We didn't talk much during the jog, rather saving our energy for chats before and after. 

I was done with my fourth round of the track, focusing only on the music in my ears and the track ahead as I usually did. For a fleeting second I looked next to me and I saw Jacques jogging just a couple of paces behind me with his attention not on the track ahead but my butt. I looked at him for a few seconds before he saw me looking at him. This time, he didn't try forging an explanation but rather smiled cheekily.

Again I didn't get offended by his open staring at me and any upsetting feeling was shot down by his boyish smile and his dimpled chin. I smiled at him coyly to which he smiled even more, his smile showing a sense of relief and jubilation. 

I looked forward and continued jogging but at the back of my mind, the first thought that came was that with that coy smile, I had just given him an invitation to check me out. A part of got busy wondering my reaction or the lack of it, another part of me felt a little offended but another part of me was enjoying the attention that a man was showering on me. 

Confused and deep in thought, I didn't realize when I completed my usual 10 rounds of the track. While I was pondering upon the situation, Jacques had stepped up and had run besides me. Perhaps he knew that it wasn't wise of him to take too much liberty of the situation and he ended it.

We got in to the elevator starting our usual small talks but the moment the doors of the elevator closed, both of us kept quite, as if on cue. In the confines of a metal box, we were standing just a foot away from each other. Our eyes met as we faced each other. I smiled awkwardly and he smiled back with the same sense of awkwardness. 

I saw his eyes, slowly gazing down my body from my eyes, slowly down to my chest, my stomach and then to my feet. My heaving chest, my sweat soaked hair must have been some sight to devour.

He was standing there in his white sleeveless T shirt, drops of tears pooled on his forehead and a couple of them were trickling down. A thin layer of layer of sweat covered his fair white skin, adding sheen and a glow to it. Dark green veins popped out of his arm as he squeezed the bottle of water he was holding. His black shorts gave way to hairless but very muscular thighs and a large calf muscles with very visible size and cuts.

The elevator door opened when it stopped at my floor and it brought us back. I said nothing and got off the elevator and walked straight inside my house. Once inside, I plunked myself on the couch, not believing what had just happened. 

I recalled the entire time and with each flashing memory, I was in utter disbelief of my actions. I had let a man other than my husband check me out. I didn't say anything to stop when he stared at my cleavage and later when he openly glued his gaze to my butt. What was even more disturbing was that I liked it and silently gave my approval and the stare game in the elevator made things worse.

I decided to shake everything off my mind and get busy with my chores; perhaps they would distract me from the happenings of the morning. I walked in to my room to change out of my sweat drenched clothes and head into the shower. I stood in front of the mirror and watched myself. The first thought that came to my mind was this was how I looked to him.

Unknowingly, I bent down enough for my round necked shirt to part away enough and I saw the view Jacques enjoyed at the jogging track. I had been stupid enough not to wear a sports bra and co-incidentally Jacques saw me in that state on the day when I hadn't worn one. 

I stood up and turned around slowly. My taut round butt protruded out of my body; the yoga pants clearly accentuating its curvature and also the under butt curves beautifully. No wonder he was staring at it lecherously. 

I walked in to the shower before undressing and getting under the sprinkle of the cool water falling from the shower. I closed my eyes and recalled the morning again and again, each time the memory flashed slowly at those precise moments when he was checking me out.

Jacques in one of our conversations had told me that he was 28 years old and I was 34, a good six years older to him. Why was a handsome young European man interested in an ordinary Indian woman? With those thoughts and the recurring memories, I finished the bath and walked out of the bathroom with a towel tied around my torso.

I walked up to the dressing table and stood combing my hair. The thought was still lingering in my mind as I brushed my hair. I kept the comb on the dressing table before gently untying the towel and letting it fall to the floor. I saw my naked self in the mirror and that gave me the answer.

Standing at five feet seven inches, I am a tall woman by Indian standards. My black colored hair flowed down to the middle of my back. I have oval face with black doe eyes and a sharp, straight nose and full pink lips; a small jaw line and chin gave me the most feminine and graceful look.

I possessed a pair of a generous c cup breasts which had a very beautiful drop like shape. Chocolate pink areola crowned my breasts and nipples. a shape darker which would puff up like a tiny raisin when stimulated by a cold whether or by arousal. My long slender arms with delicate wrists gave way to perfectly manicured hands.

Years of regular work out gave me a strong but lean abdomen with just an ounce of baby fat which made it look cute rather than fat. My curvaceous hips led down to a perky butt. As I turned to my side, I saw its beautiful curvature, protruding out of my body. I turned around and looked back in to the mirror looked with pride the under curves of my butt. My 34 inch trousers would perfectly accentuate my butt. A pair of succulent thighs and slender shins paired with beautiful pedicured feet completed my lower body.

Add to all this, I was fair; fair not by any western standard but by the Indian standards made me a fair maiden. I followed a balanced diet and a carefully planned routine which gave my skin a healthy glow and a soft touch. Regular exercise had kept had given me good posture and my assets to add to it me a hottie. As I admired my body in the mirror, another thought came to my mind; of course Jacques was checking me out, any man would, after all, I am a stunner. 

I gently touched my pussy and felt a damp spot and it alarmed me. I was aroused by thoughts of Jacques!
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The French Connection - by Nightking - 25-02-2019, 07:28 PM
RE: The French Connection - by Nightking - 25-02-2019, 07:32 PM
RE: The French Connection - by Nightking - 25-02-2019, 07:33 PM
RE: The French Connection - by Nightking - 25-02-2019, 07:34 PM
RE: The French Connection - by Nightking - 25-02-2019, 07:35 PM
RE: The French Connection - by Nightking - 25-02-2019, 07:36 PM
RE: The French Connection - by Nightking - 25-02-2019, 07:37 PM
RE: The French Connection - by Nightking - 25-02-2019, 07:38 PM
RE: The French Connection - by Nightking - 25-02-2019, 07:40 PM

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