Poll: Buratalfight
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urvashi rautela
7 35.00%
Disha patani
13 65.00%
Total 20 vote(s) 100%
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urvashi rautela vs disha patani catfight+sexfight
Disha patani wake up at morning took shower came out look at her self told her I she is hot ass hall she thought about Urvashi rautela then Disha patani start to plan her revenge. Disha first go after Urvashi film career she goes to every Producer said she knows and fuck them hard told all Producers to throw out Urvashi from every film you have signed with her the Producers said yes. then disha patani goes after Urvashi boyfriend went to the house and knock the door karan wahi opens the door he looks surprise to see disha patani he said come in she into the house and kisses karan wahi she took him to the bedroom and fuck him hard told him to call Urvashi and tell her she is ugly and he is with disha patani. Meanwhile Urvashi rautela was shopping she received calls for all Producers telling her she is out of all film one Producer told her disha patani came fuck him and told them to throw out you. Hearing this Urvashi got angry erupted Urvashi rautela want to all Producers fuck them and sign back all film. Then Urvashi rautela want to disha patani house she knock the door the door open Khushboo patani sister of disha patani open the door Urvashi kicked Khushboo then punch her in the face she fall in floor then Urvashi enter the house and grab Khushboo hair pulled her up and asked Ware is disha she is at karan wahi home . Khushboo punch Urvashi in the face and push Urvashi back to the wall Urvashi and Khushboo go at each other in a test of strength Urvashi pushed Khushboo back with her strength Urvashi headbutt Khushboo and she fall in floor Urvashi grabbed Khushboo took her to the bedroom and throw Khushboo to the bed rip Khushboo clothes making her nude Urvashi strip her clothes become nude suddenly Urvashi got a call from karan he said you I am breaking up with you I am with disha patani in response Urvashi rautela said tell disha I'm at her house fucking her sister . Urvashi rautela look at Khushboo she got up from the bed khushboo patani look at urvashi reutela said I not done bitch both urvashi reutela and khushboo patani are in a test of strenght trying to push the other one down. Their breasts punching each other with each push. Soon they both enter into a bear hug, squeezing their bodies tightly together. Both their bodies meet as one, their breasts squeezing and nipples pinching the other. Urvashi pushing her bigger boobs into khushboo boobs in pain khushboo patani screaming urvashi reutela scratching khushboo back then headbutt her khushboo fall back to the floor urvashi grabbed khushboo by the hair and start to punch her face khushboo noise broke then urvashi throw khushboo to the bed khushboo was too weak to fight back urvashi start to finger khushboo ass and pussy khushboo burst in multiple orgasmed urvashi got up and left leaving a note challenge dishe patani to a catfight she will be at karan house tomorrow waiting for her. Disha patani was told by karan that urvashi gone to yours house and khushboo is in danger hearing this disha want to her house and see her sister fuck she read the note she called urvashi said I accept the challenge I will be there tomorrow. Urvashi with too karan who house kock the door karan open the door see urvashi he let her came in urvashi grabbed karan took him to the bedroom and fuck him all night told him tomorrow I will destroy disha patani. at morning urvashi got up and waiting for disha 1 hour later the door bell Ring karan open the door disha patani came inside disha asked Ware is urvashi he said in the bedroom disha want to bedroom and Lock the door urvashi reutela was said I was waiting for you bitch disha patani striped her clothes become nude urvashi reutela was already nude waiting for disha both Urvashi reutela and disha patani stood barely inches apart, their ravishing faces glowing with pure hatred. Without a word or signal, urvashi savagely backhanded disha hard across the face with her left hand, urvashi reutela ring painfully smacking against disha's cheek. Staggering back a step, disha drew back her slender arm and smashed her fist hard into urvashi's face, with a punch that would have come close to knocking out any other woman. Urvashi sailed back, a torrent of blood fountaining out of her mouth as she crashed onto her back.
Disha patani stood over her fists clenched and raised. "Get up and I'll give you some more you slut!!!" she roared at urvashi, her face red with anger. Urvashi grabbed her legs and brought disha down to her and they began wrestling around the floor as they each tore into the other's body. Disha gasped in pain as urvashi raked her sharp nails down the center of disha's breasts, urvashi dragging hard against disha patani's breasts and leaving four scratches that had disha's pretty eyes blazing with fury..."YOU FUCKING BITCH!!! MY TITTTSS!!!" Disha cried out and pushing hard against urvashi's large breasts.
Disha slammed her backward onto the floor and drove her knee into urvashi's unprotected cunt, missing and striking just above it, disha's kneecap ramming just below urvashi's navel, as urvashi reutela' sultry face turned red in pain from the force of the blow. Disha drew her shapely leg back to strike again, but urvashi grabbed a handful of her right breast in both hands and tugged disha patani off her as disha cried out at the abuse of her breast.
In terrible pain, disha cocked back her right hand and smashed her ringed fist hard into urvashi's groin, and this time urvashi reutela's body quivered in pain as disha rocked her with another tremendous pussy punch, disha's knuckles painfully parting urvashi's pussy lips as disha's fist buries itself partly inside. Disha twists her hand around, bringing screams of pain to urvashi reutela lips. Disha got up on her knees, pulled her arm back again, and launched another vicious punch right into urvashi's spread-open pussy. Urvashi's body shuddering underneath disha. Again and again disha threw vicious punches deep into urvashi's defenseless pussy, as urvashi reutela's legs were spread open and vulnerable. Disha pulled herself off of urvashi, but urvashi reutela just lay there holding her pussy, moaning loudly. Disha patani climbed on top on urvashi reutela, and straddling the woman, whispered, "You like my breasts so much, here have a better look at 'em" disha said, dropping her large breasts onto urvashi's face.
But urvashi suddenly grasped disha's dangling breast, ripping it hard to the side as now disha cried out in pain. Urvashi kept her fingers gripped tightly around disha's mouthwatering breast as urvashi started to twist it around hard and brought her leg up and over disha, sliding her other leg under her stomach, and then pulled disha painfully forward by tugging her by the breast, and clamped her strong legs powerfully around disha's slender waist. Disha patani cried out in pain as urvashi locked her ankles and poured the pressure on while she ripped at disha's breast, her tit now starting to show deep and bloody scratches as urvashi tortured it with her nails.
But as urvashi reutela was ravaging disha patani's breast, she didn't notice that disha, her head right in front of urvashi's chest, sinking her teeth into the top of urvashi's tight left breast. Urvashi's loud scream filled the room, as urvashi frantically pulls at her head by the hair, ripping out two handfuls of disha's thick tresses to no avail. Urvashi's face is twisted in agony as she tugs at disha's hair with wild abandon then she shifts her attack again and starts to pummel the outside of each of disha patani's breasts, her fists sinking in deeply as Disha patani's body stiffens in response to each blow, but she refuses to stop her biting attack.
Disha patani has urvashi rautela red-faced with tears forming around her eyes, until urvashi suddenly smashes her fist into Disha patani's left ear as she lets loose a pain-filled cry from Disha's savage breast bite. Disha's teeth open as urvashi sends a second harder blow crashing into her ear that really rocks the beautiful woman. As soon as Disha's teeth come off her foe's now wounded breast, urvashi releases her scissors in a flash and kicks out at Disha, her left foot catching Disha square in the mouth, mashing Disha's lips against her teeth. Urvashi's nails rip across Disha's right breast as it's pulled from her fingers as the actress sails backwards, blood flying from her mouth, till she crashes onto the floor with a thunderous crash and a moan of pain.
Disha shakes her head trying to clear the cobwebs for her head as blood drips from her mouth to the floor, her foe stalking slowly towards her, urvashi rautela's eyes blazing with fury, her left breast showing off a pair of teeth marks with blood oozing out of the places were Disha's teeth broke the titflesh. Urvashi's jaw was black and blue from Disha's opening punch. Urvashi takes no chances and raising her foot she sends it down with all her weight behind it, ramming it onto Disha's stomach and breasts again and again like she's crushing gbangs, as the actress is all but pounded into the floor. Disha is all but defenseless now, and urvashi jumps up and crashes down ass first onto Disha's chest, her shapely round breasts getting crushed painfully under urvashi's well shaped ass cheeks as she cries out. Urvashi bounces up and down a few more times as Disha moans in agony with each bounce. Urvashi sinks her fingers into Disha's pussy and assails her clit with her nails. Disha screws up her face in utter pain as urvashi rautela nails rip her pussy lips, "You liked pussy-punching me, Disha?!?!!! I'm gonna DESTROY your cunt today, BITCH!!!"
Urvashi rautela hair-hauls Disha patani's to her feet, then urvashi winds up and belts Disha in the mouth, driving her backwards against the wall where urvashi sends some punches to her head and belly while she has her stunned and trapped against the wall.
But Disha sends her knee crashing towards urvashi's cunt but instead hits her hard in the thigh, driving urvashi back a few steps as she reaches out and grasps urvashi's breasts, Disha nearly ripping open urvashi's swollen and bruised breasts. Urvashi cries out as Disha's hard fist all but crushes her left breast under it, then Disha begins a flurry of blows, all aimed at urvashi's already battered breasts, bring urvashi to her knees in pain as she struggles to ward off the furious Disha patani's blows. The two rings on Disha patani's right hand painfully carve into urvashi's large breasts, as urvashi rautela screams out in agony. Urvashi said I will fuck you bitch in response Disha said I fuck you boyfriend I will bang you.
Disha drags the tough urvashi to her feet, and taking a tight grip on both of urvashi's breasts, tosses her to the floor by her ravaged breasts, ripping both hands away at the last second. Urvashi moans in pain, as Disha almost ripped off her tits. Urvashi suddenly leg sweeps Disha to the ground next to her, and they become a tangle of limbs as they roll around till they bang hard into the couch. Urvashi gasps in pain as a blow to her left breast connects, Disha's fist burying deep in the raw breast. Disha patani's left hand grips down tightly on urvashi's right breast, as Disha patani starts to jog urvashi rautela' firm breast up and down, shaking the large mound furiously. Disha pulls back her fist and smashes a punch down on urvashi's sensuous mouth, snapping urvashi' head back with the strong punch.
Disha begins to pummel urvashi's breasts again with abandon, as urvashi's arms desperately try to block Disha's painful punches. Urvashi falls back and rolls away fast, coming to her feet just as Disha does and they charge each other fists blazing. Disha again pounds urvashi's breasts like speed bags, till urvashi is completely on the defensive, her eyes glassy from the pain radiating from her swollen breasts as Disha's fist slams her nipple deeply into the soft titflesh of her right breast. In a last ditch effort, urvashi rautela clinches with Disha and sends her knee crashing into Disha patani's undefended cunt, taking her off her feet.
Disha patani's face turns red as she crumples to the ground from the devastating blow, moaning in pain. Now it's urvashi who's on top as she rips open Disha's breasts, squeezing the sweat-slickened mounds in her fingers, and now urvashi's rings cleave into Disha's thick, nipples, as Disha patani's cries echo throughout the room. Urvashi digs her nails into the soft undersides of each breast and rakes them outwards, then crushes each around the nipples and twists them around by them as Disha's voice echo's off the walls. Soon her finger nails have left multiple punctures all over Disha's creamy round breasts.
Disha patani wasn't done for yet though, as she attacked urvashi rautela with savage breast punches, urvashi's breast almost engulfing Disha's fist with each blow. Both women tore into each other and urvashi found herself flat on her sweaty back as Disha patani tried to wrap urvashi rautela up in a waist scissors. Having seen her foe's leg muscles, urvashi was not going let that happen and she ripped into Disha's raw and tender breasts again with a swipe of her nails, and punched her with her other hand right in the left nipple.
That paused Disha for a moment and urvashi rolled out from between her legs, sending a foot thudding into Disha's hard stomach. Disha patani doubled over in pain. Urvashi took advantage by slapping her hand down hard on Disha's back, Disha's back glassy and shiny with sweat. Urvashi ploughed her knee fiercely into Disha's belly, and Disha was still gasping as urvashi rautela caught her in the belly with another hard knee. Urvashi added another very hard knee to urvashi's left breast crushing it beneath her kneecap, blood vessels in Disha's breast busting in pain, as urvashi straightened her up.
Wrapping her arms around Disha patani, urvashi picks Disha up in a tight bearhug urvashi rautela and Disha patani bodies merged together, chest to chest, puss to puss urvashi and Disha both spits blood at each other then, urvashi crushing her in her strong arms as Disha struggled to free herself. Urvashi rautela painfully digs her clenched fists hard into Disha patani's back, and as Disha moans out in pain, urvashi rolls her muscular forearms hard into Disha's lower ribs and back. Disha, desperate for air, starts to breast smother urvashi face and just as urvashi is about to sink her teeth into one of Disha's mounds, Disha gets dumped onto the floor in a heap.
Disha patani yells in rage and pain as she wraps her legs around urvashi's waist as urvashi tears a handful of hair from Disha's head to stop her. Urvashi lets out a small moan as Disha's powerful thighs start to crush her sides and she again rips at Disha patani's hair as she bucks wildly between her foe's scissors. Disha tears into urvashi's breasts from behind and begins trying to twist urvashi's breasts around, tugging on them and trying to rip the breast of urvashi rautela' body completely. Urvashi cries out as Disha patani's strong fingers gouge her breasts, and Disha's fingernails tear at her nipples and twist her titflesh painfully, her sides getting more and more painful as time goes on. Urvashi's face is twisted in pain.
But urvashi twists her hard body around and tears at Disha's sweaty breasts, sinking her fingers into them as now Disha patani moans out loudly in pain. A scream of pain echoes across the room as urvashi rakes her nails across the underside of Disha patani's left breast, repeating the savage rake again as her foe's face turns red."OHHH GOD!!! Urvashi---MY BREASTS!!! OHHHH GOD MY BREASTS....YOU BITCH!!!!" Disha moaned out loudly in pain, as her breasts were ravaged by urvashi rautela.
Disha patani sexy body wracked in pain, abandons her attack on urvashi's swollen and red breasts, urvashi rautela struggling with Disha patani till she manages to tear away urvashi's hands from her breasts and get her legs up higher, wrapping them around urvashi's throat, muffling a cry of rage at not having been able to keep her foe's legs from her vulnerable neck. Disha patani is on her side with urvashi's face between her sweaty thighs, a look of determination on Disha patani's sweaty face as she grinds her sexy gams together and begins suffocating her trapped foe.
Urvashi rautela bucks wildly between her foe's thigh's, trying desperately to latch onto something as Disha continually thwarts her attempts at blindly grabbing some titflesh. Urvashi's face too far from Disha's bush to do any good, and with her head locked in place she couldn't bite her thighs. Urvashi reaches her hand into Disha patani's pussy, tugging a handful of pussy hair from her cunt that brings a cry of pain from Disha patani. As Disha reaches down to grab at urvashi's hand, the hot urvashi rautela latches onto Disha's bruised right breast with her left hand and gives it the hardest squeezing she can.
Alternating between the breast and her foe's pussy hair urvashi rautela soon has Disha patani in trouble, a deep moan coming from her lips as urvashi rautela rakes her nails down the front of her breast, ravaging her nipple with her nails as they tear down it. Dishas blood-engorged nipples feel only seconds away from their bursting point. Making use of Disha patani's pain, urvashi is able to get to her knees, still trapped between urvashi's powerful thighs, her air almost gone as she twists Disha patanis small breasts in front of her for all she is worth. Urvashi suddenly begins to smash Disha's throbbing breasts together, grinding them into each other as she digs her nails into the sides and that's all Disha patani can take as her legs snap open and she kicks out at urvashi in tears, driving her away as she clutches at her swollen and pain filled breasts."YOU GODDAMN WHORE!!!," Urvashi says cattily, as she stands up and motions for urvashi rautela to get up and fight some more. "Look what you did to my fuckin' BREASTS!!!" she screams, cupping her tender orbs.
Disha patani is hurting as she struggles to her knees with her breasts cupped gingerly in her hands, her foe looking ready to pounce on her any second. Urvashi charges forward and slams a knee into Disha's left breast, relishing the cry from her foe as her knee wails into the already swollen flesh, till suddenly her own cry echoes across the room as Disha patani rams her fist into urvashi's undefended pussy, sending her to her knee's with her hands between her legs and a grimacing red face. Disha's forearm smashes urvashi across her breasts, repeating the move as she tugs a handful of light pussy hair from her now pained looking foe. With a scream Disha patani delivers a third forearm smash and sends a teary eyed urvashi rautela flying backwards and Disha dives on her, latching onto both breasts as she straddles Disha wrenching her firm globes around her chest with all her remaining strength as urvashi rautela cries out in utter pain.
Urvashi's breasts are on fire as Disha rips them around, her fingers crushing the soft flesh between them, urvashi's fiery nipples being twisted and pinched between Disha's many rings, as another moan escapes urvashi rautela's lips as Disha patani pushes her fingers down into the titflesh, her nails first, adding her weight behind them. The scream reverberates against the window glass as urvashi's breast's are punctured by her rival's sharp nails, Disha adding to the torture by twisting the swollen breasts around with her hands with her nails still dug in, continuing the titty twisting attack much to the pain of her foe as she yells in her face."OHHHHHH!!! OHHH GOD NOOOO!!! PLEASE Disha!!! NOOOO!!!! YOU BITCH!!! YOU FUCKIN' BITCH!!! My BREASTS!!! MY BREASTS!!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!" Urvashi rautela cries out in total pain.
Urvashi rautela is soon desperate to escape her rival's claws and as soon as Disha patani's right breast hangs close to her mouth she latches onto it with her teeth, sinking them in as Disha patani lets out a scream of her own, and rears back in utter anguish as she whips her hand from urvashi rautela's ravaged breasts and tries to pull her head from her now bleeding breast. Wedging her fingers into urvashi's face, Disha patani manages to get urvashi to release her soggy, bleeding nipple, but urvashi rautela immediately begins clawing and punching the other breast for all she is worth till she drives the extremely pained Disha patani off her stomach.
Blood drips down from both of urvashi's breasts where Disha's nails pierced her skin. As urvashi rises to her feet, she holds each of Disha's burning breasts in a death grip, the now screaming Disha's back being pulled off the floor by her breasts as she grasps at her foe's hands frantically, till suddenly urvashi comes down knee first, driving it between Disha's legs and onto her torn cunt, in a brutal bush-bursting knee drop."How's that little move feel, BITCH!!!", Urvashi purrs cattily into her moaning foe's face as she grinds her knee savagely and Disha patani cries out in utter agony.
Still holding Disha's breasts in her hands she rams them together a few times as her foe begins to sob in utter pain as each time urvashi rautela rams Disha patani's very swollen breasts together. Urvashi drives her nails in like Disha patani did to her earlier.
Disha patani lashed out, clapping her hands onto urvashi's breasts by the nipples and threw her to the floor by them. As she straddled urvashi, Disha began ripping her nails across her left breast, and punching the solid mound of titflesh as hard as she could, blood vessels bursting in urvashi's breasts. Disha was hitting urvashi's breasts with such force that urvashi rautela' swollen left nipple began to split apart painfully. Slamming her hard fist into the left breast, rings-first, Disha had urvashi rautela sobbing in pain. But suddenly Disha patani ripped from her perch by her hair, and thrown to the floor. Urvashi had snaked her hands up Disha's back and grasped her hair. Urvashi cocked her hand back, and her powerful slap to Disha patani's face rocked her head and sent her crashing to the floor holding her cheek. Urvashi again sent slap after slap into Disha bruised and swollen face.
Urvashi rautela grabbed Disha patani by the hair and dragged her to her feet, crying in between slaps, then unleashed a hard blow to her gut, Disha patani's firm stomach seeming to fold over urvashi's hard fist. Urvashi let her drop to the floor, as Disha held her arms over her hurt stomach as she cried out in pain. Urvashi raised her arm to strike Disha's face when the beautiful Disha patani beat her to the punch, smashing her rival right in the nose, breaking it with a sharp crack. Blood gushed out, coating urvashi large breasts with a bright red shellac, as Disha patani dropped back, pleased with her work.
Urvashi was first stunned, then enraged and attacked Disha with both fists, clobbering her to the ground in seconds as urvashi overwhelmed Disha patani with a flurry of hard blows to her face and breasts. Urvashi reached down and latched onto each of Disha's already swollen and bruised breasts, digging her nails into the sides and first pulling them apart as far as they would go then slamming them together as she grounded her nails into the flesh deeply, Disha patani's screams of agony echoing off the walls. Urvashi rautela was hunched over, mauling her Disha's breasts savagely, when Disha clasped her hands together, raising her thumbs, and shot them up hard into urvashi's cunt, Disha's sharp thumbnails disappearing into urvashi's vagina. Disha's pain was momentarily forgotten as urvashi rautela screamed in agony as pain flooded her entire body from her groin.
Disha patani dives into urvashi's side, sending her crashing to the floor. Disha patani screams out in a rage as she tears at urvashi's tits, relishing the look of fear that crosses urvashi's face as her fingers grope at the huge mammaries. Urvashi's moans of pain are like music to Disha's ears as she rips at the nipples of each one, dragging and shaking each breast around by them as urvashi rautela tries desperately to free herself. Urvashi reaches out and grabs each side of Disha's breasts. Now it's Disha whose in trouble as her face turns red with agony, urvashi's sharp nails digging into the sides of her breasts as they lay on their sides inches apart, each trying to savagely out maul the other, Disha puts up a good fight, but her breasts are just too sensitive and soon urvashi rautela is making headway and mauls her way on top of Disha patani, still gouging each breast from the sides with her nails as small trials of blood start flowing slowly down some of the wounds.
Urvashi lets out a yell as Disha desperately starts punching her breasts and face, her hard fists having an immediate effect on urvashi as she pounds on her. Urvashi is forced to release Disha's breasts as she tries to block the flurry of blows that slam into her. A left to her eye blinds her and she does not see the right that explodes on her already swollen lips, mashing the bottom one into her teeth and ripping it open on the inside. Her mouth filling with blood, a stunned urvashi takes a crushing blow to her right breast as Disha's muscular forearm slams into her chest hard. But urvashi brings her fists down, both of them driving into Disha's nipples, as she moans out in utter agony, her nipples disappearing into the soft supple flesh as Disha patani's breasts expands outward from the sides painfully from the force of the blow.Now in control, urvashi taunted her rival."So, you still think you could take me on, huh, you BITCH!!! I'm gonna rip these little breasts of yours right off your body and mount them on the FUCKING WALL!!!"
Urvashi rautela tore at each of Disha patani's breasts with renewed vigour, then sent a nails first slaps across each one adding to the already large amount of bleeding cuts, as the now ravaged Disha patani cried out for mercy. Her hands falling from urvashi's swollen and aching nipples as she sobbed loudly. Urvashi rautela ignored her anguished cries, heaping more punishment on her already totally ravaged and bleeding breasts.
Urvashi is again taken by surprise as now urvashi kicks up her knees and smashes them hard into urvashi's spine, and urvashi screams in pain as falls aside. Disha drags urvashi across the floor, adding some kicks to her sides as she pulls her over to the couch yelling and struggling, as urvashi finally manages to reach back and tries to release her hair from Disha's strong grip as Disha patani smashes her head into the arm of the couch till she is bleeding from an open cut on her forehead.
Seeing urvashi stunned and bleeding, Disha dbangs urvashi rautela's body over the arm of the couch, urvashi's breasts separated by the arm, each hanging down the side. With a savage smile Disha sends her knee crashing into the right breast trapping it between her knee and the side of the couch, her face lighting up as urvashi's and a second later her anguished screams fills the room.
Disha slams her knee in again, sinking it into the flesh and then keeping it there, grinding the bone of her knee into the flesh as the breast was rubbed against the lower part of the couch's side, smiling through her tear soaked face as urvashi's scream's again fill the room, rattling the window's in their panes from their volume. Bringing her long sharp nails to bear Disha starts to scratch at urvashi rautela's well shaped ass cheeks, adding a few scratches to them as well as the back of her well muscled thighs.
Disha drags her loudly moaning and now sobbing arch rival off the couch by her hair, completely unprepared for urvashi's sudden fistic attack. As the tear streaked and crying urvashi's fists pound on Disha's face driving her back a step, urvashi releases her handhold of Disha locks and digs a left hook deeply into Disha's right breast from the side, burying it up in Disha's red and aching titflesh.
Disha smashes a punch into urvashi's throbbing tit, and urvashi rautela clutched her right breast as it comes crashing back down after Disha's hard uppercut sends it flying. Urvashi hooks her ringed fist to Disha's face, then to her stomach, straightening her out with a knee that slams into her breasts and sends Disha soaring backward just as she starts to bend over from the blow to her stomach. Urvashi comes right after her as Disha patani backpeddles away.
Urvashi swings a hard right roundhouse at Disha, intending to end the fight, her fist hitting nothing but air as Disha manages to duck just enough and while urvashi rautela is off balance Disha slams her fist into the bruised part of the right breast were Disha had kneed her, causing her untold agony as she collapses to her knees clutching her throbbing wounded breast, screaming as Disha kicks her in the kidney then sends her fist crashing into urvashi's chin with all the power she had in her s arm. Urvashi rautela' mouth was smashed shut, and her eyes rolled up into her head, as she pitched down hard face-first on the floor, not even putting her hands out to break her fall.
Disha patani collapses to her knees next to urvashi rautela; Disha's swollen breasts are raw and radiating pain outward. Urvashi is slowly coming around, moaning loudly as the pain in her tits and pussy rouses her awake. Both urvashi rautela and Disha patani pull themselves to their feet on opposite sides of the room, breathing heavily."You ready to give it up, you cunt-lick?" asked urvashi breathlessly.
"FUCK You, urvashi rautela, I already knocked your ass out." Disha patani shot back."Do I look like I'm quitting, bitch now?" Urvashi said."All right you BITCH!!" Disha screamed, "No rules, no mercy, winner takes all and I'm gonna kick your fuckin ass but GOOD!!!"
Urvashi charged at Disha in a rage, blocking Disha's punch and smashing Disha patani right in the mouth, then Disha's fist hit her in the belly and urvashi doubled over gagging. The bigger breasted urvashi came right back at her, smashing a haymaker into Disha's face, so hard that her cheek split open, blood flying as urvashi rautela' fist drove her head first onto the floor. Disha patani spits out a mouthful of blood.
As urvashi advanced on her Disha's sexy leg came shooting up and the heel buried itself in the pit of urvashi's stomach, forcefully rearranging urvashi rautela's innards. As urvashi doubled over in agony Disha's hand gripped her head by her hair and pulled it off the ground as she slammed her knee into the small of urvashi's back. She cried out as Disha grabbed her right ass cheek and gouged her nails into it, Disha's fingernails having been cut sharply to allow her nails to painfully rip at urvashi."Not so tough now are you, huh, Bitch?" Disha snarled at her as she released her hair and reached around to grab urvashi's breast, confident in her dominant position as she almost ripped off urvashi's nipple before and sinking her nails into the luscious orb from the side , tugging it upwards.
Urvashi rautela struggled hard and managed to twist around and then brought her elbow crashing into Disha patani right breast, driving into it deeply and sending it flying upwards. Disha nipple disappeared completely into her breast as she cried out in pain. Urvashi grabbed Disha's throbbing tit and pushed, forcing Disha to the floor onto her back with her attack. Urvashi straddled her as she screamed in rage under her, bucking her body off the floor, then ripping at urvashi's left breast with her nails, just as urvashi was able to grab it by the wrist like the other already was.
Disha patani nails leaving trails of blood behind as urvashi's face twisted in agony. She tucked each hand under her legs securely as Disha shrieked in frustration trying to get her arms out. Now free to send some blows into Disha's face,. Urvashi smashed Disha's nose, breaking it painfully. Disha patani moaned out in pain, then screamed in anguish as urvashi rautela grabbed her breasts and smashed them into each other as she gouged her nails in. Urvashi then switched and jabbed her fingernails into the underside of each one, ripping at and mangling the tender flesh with her sharp nails as Disha patani cried out and twisted her head around and spat blood from her lips. Disha patani freed her left hand and managed a punch to urvashi's side, Disha's ringed fist smashing urvashi on her ribs as urvashi clutched her side in pain and fell over, as her ribcage erupted in waves of agony.
Disha was still punch drunk and could not take advantage, and a hurt urvashi all but fell on her and jamming her knee into Disha's cunt with what little strength she had left, stunned Disha patani. Disha's voice rose to a high pain-filled pitch as urvashi smashed her hand hard and deeply into Disha's right breast, flattening it completely against Disha patani's ribcage while Disha sobbed in pain. Blood vessels burst as another harsh punch flattens Disha's breast, and as the blow drives in, again sinking in deeply, Disha's face contorts in agony. Disha backhands her fist across urvashi's lower lip splitting it wide open and snapping her head back as hair and blood flew through the air.
Disha took immediate advantage by driving her fingers deep into urvashi's cunt and ripped her nails into urvashi's tender womanhood. Disha drove urvashi off her as she twisted her clit in her nails and she reached out grabbing a handful of titflesh, and crushing the breast between her fingers and palm, urvashi's screams reached new levels of volume. Disha started to force urvashi onto her back as urvashi' hand had found Disha patani's cunt lips and urvashi tugged at them so hard Disha thought her pussy was about to be ripped out. Disha now cried out in agony.
With Disha's nails still clinging onto her ravaged clit, urvashi desperately rakes her nails savagely into the wounded underside of Disha left breast as she screams out in utter agony abandoning her attack on urvashi's clit to grab at her hand to stop her from further antagonizing the cuts on her breasts. Disha patani yells in rage as she squeeze her nails into urvashi's right breast now and squeezes for all she is worth, Disha's long fingers turning white from the force of driving them into urvashi's tit."I'm going to rip this breast right off your body BITCH" Disha screams.
But suddenly blood is flying from Disha's pretty face as urvashi snaps Disha's head back from a blow to her chin. Disha falls off to the side, tugging on urvashi's throbbing breast till her nails rake down it opening cuts as they go till five bloody scratch marks cover the whole front of her breast. Urvashi clutches the wounded breast in her hand as she moans in pain, then with her eyes blazing she uses her free hand and slams her hand palm first down onto the nipple of Disha's breast, sending the titflesh outwards as her heavy hand rams into it driving the nipple painfully almost into the ribcage. Urvashi rautela slaps at the outside sending it flying into the other one then proceeds to forehand and backhand them over and over with her hard fist till the breasts are covered in black and blues. Grabbing the now tenderized flesh in her hands as Disha patani screaming at the top of her lungs, her once magnificent breasts all bruised up and swollen to twice their normal size. Disha patani is sobbing out loudly in ultimate pain, "NOO!!! NOOO!!! MY BREASTS!!! THEY'RE GOING TO EXPLODE!!!! Urvashi---YOU BITCH!!!! LET GO OF MY TITS!!!!"
Disha patani desperately punches urvashi rautela in her side again striking almost the same exact spot and sending waves of pain shooting through urvashi's side as she grimaces in agony and releases her titty hold, grabbing at Disha's arm. Urvashi screams as Disha's fist again finds her rib this time definitely bruising or cracking itas urvashi falls over onto the floor in agony, trying frantically to get back up before Disha can. Disha's face is a blood-soaked mess, her nose bleeding and broken, her lips mashed into her teeth and also bleeding while they puffed up, her breasts were covered with dark black and blues, scratches and huge bruises around the nipples from being battered by urvashi's hard fists, each breast swollen to almost twice it's normal size.
Urvashi rautela cheek is swollen and bruised, her lower lip swollen and bleeding, her stomach and side have huge black and blues from Disha's hard punches, and the 5 deep scratches running down her right breast are still bleeding as are the cuts on her left breast and both have many bruises and small cuts from Disha's constant assaults on them. Urvashi left eye is nearly swollen shut from the rings on Disha's hands smashing into her.
They each tried to get to their knee's shakily and soon were facing each other when Disha reached down and began to tear at urvashi's cunt with her nails as urvashi followed suit burying her own hand deep into Disha's pussy, ripping her nails around inside as blood started to make it's way down her arm as it dripped from Disha's now ravaged pussy walls. Urvashi was not in much better shape as Disha's nails found her clit and dug deeply and painfully into it , both urvashi rautela and Disha patani crying out loudly, their heads on each other's shoulders as they rocked back and forth in battle.
Urvashi rautela was ripping out all of Disha patani's pubic hair as she grunted with each tug. Disha's punched weakly with her free hand into urvashi's right breast then her left, back and forth as urvashi followed suit and soon both urvashi rautela and Disha patani were screaming at the top of their lungs as each of their once magnificent breasts were pounded into bloody bruised messes, the breast flesh popping out their sides as each stinging blow was driven in with all their remaining strength. Urvashi was in utter agony, barely keeping from passing out, but she knew what would happen if she did, and her breasts throbbed from Disha's constant punches. Disha gave her another fist to her side and urvashi was blinded by the devastating pain, as the pain exploded from her wounded side and in a last ditch effort she switched tactics suddenly, raking Disha patani across the eyes and blinding her. Disha patani frantically rubbed at her eyes with her free arm as urvashi rautela's fist plowed into her face snapping her head back.
Another blow slammed into her damaged right breast, sending it flying upwards as she cried out, then urvashi grabbed a handful of flesh from each one and pushed them upwards so hard she slammed Disha onto her back with her legs trapped under her in a kneeling position. She mashed the mammaries into each other then again used the heel of her hand to try and send the nipple of each right through Disha's ribcage. Disha reached up and wrapped her fingers around urvashi's throat and began to choke the life from her as urvashi smashed her fists into Disha's face and breasts over and over till Disha's hands dropped down at her sides and still the furious urvashi continued to punch her face to a bloody pulp, blood and mucus running down from Disha's broken nose as the blonde sobbed out in pain.
Urvashi rautela dragged a moaning Disha patani to her feet, and urvashi's hand blasted out, ramming it hard into Disha's hard toned belly, exploding the air from her lungs. As Disha bent over, urvashi trip hammered her across the shoulder blades, slamming her locked fists down on Disha patani's lush back, splattering Disha patani face-first onto the floor."There, how do you like THAT you cunt?!!?" Urvashi screamed, reaching down to grab a handful of Disha's pretty hair.
Picking up Disha patani, urvashi hoisted her across her muscular shoulders and spun her in circles, and then dropping her, crotch first, across an upraised thigh. Disha's eyes crossed and she grabbed her pussy, falling to the side. Disha patani's crotch felt like urvashi rautela had just split it open completey. Urvashi picked up Disha by the hair again, standing her up on shaky legs. Disha patani was whimpering, bent over and clutching her groin. Disha never saw urvashi's kick slashing through the air, but she felt it as it blasted deep inside her cunt.
"OHHHHHH GOD!!! NOT THERE!!!!" Disha screamed in agony, falling to her knees, hands instinctively going to her wounded snatch and falling to her side in tears."Oh, no you don't, cunt," urvashi rautela growled, dropping on Disha's head with her knees, bouncing Disha patani's skull off the floor painfully.
Urvashi rautela reached between Disha patani's tight thighs and latched on full, digging her fingers through the pubic hair and mauling the wounded pussy lips, tearing out hanks of light hair as she did. Urvashi howled as she pulled and pulled at the crotch, hair coming out in bloody chunks, urvashi's hand stained bright red. Disha patani cried for mercy; urvashi just made things worse."OOOOoooooohhhhhh....MY CUNT!!!!" Disha patani moaned. Urvashi said "Let's get down to business, you fuckpig," urvashi rautela spat at the begging Disha patani, plunging her hand into Disha's pussy.
Urvashi rautela grabbed a huge handful of beaver and pulled so hard, Disha patani came up off the floor, suspended on urvashi rautela' strong arm by a fistful of cunt fur. But not for long. With an obscene ripping sound, the hair ripped free and Disha crashed to the floor, denuded in the pussy, which was oozing red like it had been cut with a knife."NOOOOOOOOoooooooo..." Disha patani screamed as urvashi now used her fist to punch and pummel the tender twat tissue, her knuckles tearing the flesh of Disha's pussy."You Fucking Bitch... I'm gonna rip you apart..." Urvashi growled, accentuating each word with a violent punch to Disha's twat, the agonised Disha patani crying out loud on each one.
Urvashi lifted the groggy girl to her feet and lifted her over her shoulders again, spinning her around and delivering her this time, crotch down, across the arm of the couch, her pussy splattering out around the rough fabric, scbanging raw what already wasn't bruised, bloodied or battered. Disha's eyes were shut tight against the pain, tears flowing from the corners as urvashi held Disha patani steady and dragged and pushed Disha back and forth across the sofa's arm, dragging her burning pussy along it. By the time urvashi rautela fell off the couch, she was nearly unconscious from the extreme pain."Uh-uh, no you don't, not yet," urvashi hissed, getting Disha patani over on her back, spreading her legs.
With that, urvashi put the heel of her foot squarely on Disha patani's pussy, each of Disha's sexy legs on either side, reached back to grab her feet, and then brutally pulled back as hard as she could. Disha's bloodied cunt ramming into urvashi's foot with agonising force. The pain was so horrific that Disha screamed until she was hoarse. Urvashi pushed her back a bit, only to pull forward hard, kicking her foot out at the same time, bashing her cunt into her heel again. Over and over, urvashi ravaged Disha's raw cunt until it made a squishing sound on contact with her foot. Urvashi laughed evilly and got to her feet, lifting the barely awake Disha up by the hair and hauling her to the corner. Urvashi growled down at Disha patani, who was starting to come around from the new wave of pain sheeting over her.
Disha patani awoke screaming and looked down to see urvashi's foot imbedding itself her destroyed cunt. She tried to fight, but urvashi had her in too much pain to do anything. Urvashi pulled back her foot all the way out and then slammed it in again, a brutal, dead-on kick to the center of cuntland, her foot slicing in farther this time, a spray of blood pumping out the sides from the impact. Again and again, urvashi reeled back her foot and slammed it home, punishing a cunt that would never be the same again. Disha passed out again. Disha twitched against the pain, more so when urvashi ran from across the room and jumped, heels first, down onto Disha's burning pussy."OH GOD NONONONONONONO .. GOD urvashi ... PLEASE STOP PLEASE STOP PLEASE STOP ... MY PUSSY HURTS SOOO MUCH!!!" Disha screamed non-stop now, trying to get urvashi rautela to stop.
But urvashi was possessed as she jumped high and then came crashing down, grinding the heels of her blood-stained feet deep into Disha's battered cunt. She stood on it now, on the pubic area, punching the heels down again and again until she felt the bone splinter beneath, sending shards of bone stabbing deep inside the pussy. Disha patani eyes were swollen shut from crying so much and so hard. Urvashi pulled her foot back and gave her one last slam with her foot. Urvashi rautela then fell to her knees, spread Disha patani's trembling legs, and thrust a fist deep inside Disha patani's ravaged cunt. Disha screamed again, hoarsely, as her throat gave out under the constant assault. Urvashi pushed and grunted, twisting her arm, fisting the cunt deeper and harder, powering it in. Urvashi growled, thickening her fist, anything to make the intrusion into Disha's cunt that much more painful. Disha patani cracked her eyes open and looked between her legs in horror. Urvashi growled, "I said I was gonna destroy your pussy today. You think I was kidding??"
Angry spit sprayed from her clenched lips onto Disha's teary cheeks."Like the way this feels, you cunt. Not even your fucking doctor takes you this deep."With a vengeance now, urvashi violently pulled her fist almost all the way out and then thrust it back in, harder each time, sheets of blood spilling on the floor as she did, a mist of blood seeping out from the sides of urvashi's plunging fist, coating it and drenching Disha's pretty thighs.
For five tortured minutes, urvashi fist-fucked the broken Disha patani, the shattered bones of her pussy area grinding as she did. When Disha passed out this time, urvashi slapped her bloody hand across Disha's face until she came to, moaning in pain, and then urvashi climbed on top of Disha, and brought her head down to Disha's left breast and just about put the whole breast in her mouth, biting down as Disha, her eyes ablaze with pain and torment, turned red faced again and after a few seconds screamed out her surrender, as urvashi's sharp teeth bit clean through Disha's thick nipple. Shaking her head violently around, with Disha patani's severed, bleeding nipple still trapped there, a defeated Disha patani passed out under a victorious but shattered and exhausted urvashi rautela. Urvashi got up and look at her self at mirror she was horrified she told her self that Disha patani is destroyed her revenge is complete urvashi rautela open the door asked karan wahi to come into the room karan entire the room and he was horrified to see both Disha patani and urvashi rautela the room was bloody karan asked urvashi is Disha patani alive she said yes urvashi came close to karan and said throw Disha out of the house karan grabbed Disha patani and throw her out of the house . Then urvashi rautela and karan wahi kiss each other then urvashi rautela celebrity her Victoria.
Urvashi reutela win.
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RE: urvashi rautela vs disha patani catfight+sexfight - by Sakib - 08-06-2020, 03:43 PM

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