Neha’s Compromise To Recover Her Porn Addicted Brother by Varun
I was terribly broken and crying sitting on my bed, meanwhile my brother came back home and calling for me he entered in my bedroom and noticed me sitting on the sofa with his mobile and crying. He got shocked to see me crying and further double shocked that I am holding his mobile unlocked. I immediately sensed shiver with him and he came to me and weakly asked “Akka (sister) what happened? Why are you crying?”

I, with my broken/crying voice “Manoj? How much have I trusted you and presented this mobile to you despite parents warning? You completely breached my trust and doing nasty things and you got ruined to an extent to cheat parents, myself and get money to go for sex/massage with a girl?” I asked him with frustration, anger, and disappointment.

Manoj was immensely tensed, as he was caught red-handed. His voice started broken and he just started looking at the floor and said “I am sorry Akka, please forgive me and I beg you to not tell to parents and uncle (my hubby)”

I harshly replied to him “How can I tell them that you did this? They will beat me with slippers for giving you phone despite their warning.” I answered desperately

My anger and tension have not come down, I started scolding him a lot for few minutes, he was quietly standing his hands folded like school student listening to my scolding bending his heads without the courage to look at my eyes, and tears are rolling on his eyes. I felt pity for him seeing his tears. I convinced myself; “See it is his age problem. I should have been careful in not giving access to mobile. I did that mistake and no point in scolding him now. Moreover, he is grown up adult. There is no point scolding him nonstop. It may hurt him. He needs friendly advice to bring him out of this mess”

I calmed down and softened my voice and said “Manoj, please stop this nonsense. This is not appropriate for this age. If you lose focus now you cannot succeed in your career. If you succeed, you will get a beautiful girl for marriage”.

I advised him a lot and you can fill in the content of advice here that one will give to such person. He listened to them without showing any acknowledgment or agreement to my advice. I asked him to respond to the group saying that he will not come for the massage, as his sister is unwell.

With literal disappointment on his face, he took the phone and responded to the WhatsApp group with the message that I asked to send. I could see more tears in his eyes when he typed the response. I sensed that he is highly disappointed with the flop of his plan. I asked him to give the money back to me. He took the money and gave back to me with a height of disappointment.

One consoling thing over all this discussion is that Manoj has not argued supporting his stand, as usual, some bad kids do when they get caught red-handed.

I felt high pressure on myself that just stopping him at this moment from going to massage-center or prostitute is not sufficient. I need to recover him back to the old state or academically excellent student. The only way to do this is to be friendly with him and with proper guidance and advice to slowly bring him back to the normal track.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Neha’s Compromise To Recover Her Porn Addicted Brother by Varun - by sarit11 - 06-06-2020, 07:56 PM

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