Adultery Across Rooftops by misterwho
Sheila fucked his face for good measure. Her grip on the headboard tightened till her knuckles were white as she rocked on his face. Her thrusting became insistent. The headboard banged against the wall. Sheila thought of the paint finish on the wall taking marks, but that could not be helped.

She thrust down harder and harder, riding the upcoming storm with a ferocity. Sham gripped her sumptuous ass in his hands, trying to hold the target steady. Sheila was thrashing about, her head flinging from side to side. The thumping of the bed against the wall grew more violent. In this unusually quiet house, the sounds were not lost on the maid working the rooms below. She stared up the stairs at the closed door at the end of the landing. It seemed like any other day. Then came the muffled noises.

"Yes, you bastard! You, young beast! Eat me! Eat me! Yah!" Sheila hollered, banging down on the Sham. Sham did his best to keep his focus. He was distracted. His own penis was aching for attention. The breasts above him were flapping and making slapping noises. He wanted to hold those massive mounds. And there was this sluice gate in front of his face. He wanted desperately to get a good score with Sheila Aunty. He wanted her, he wanted all of this. And he wanted more. Most of all, he wanted to own the woman's pleasure. He wanted to love her, tame her and possess her.

His hands grabbed wildly. His mouth lapped at the pussy. Valiantly, and more or less successfully, he kept Sheila going in the direction of release.

"Hnnh!" grunted Sheila loudly, hips thrust forward, breasts captured in his hands and mauled as the first wave slammed into her. Then she pulled her hips back and jabbed forward to take the second wave of pleasure. She pinched her own nipples and screamed, "Sham!" She fucked down vigorously as her body took over. She thrashed, flailed and pounded down on the youth beneath her.

"Now!" she bellowed. "Now do me as you please! Suck! Bite! Eat! Maul" she cried out.

He clawed and slapped her as he sought to bring her to control. His tongue was aching but he did not stop. He closed his mouth on her pussy as best as he could and sucked. A loud slurping noise emerged as his open mouth proved inadequate to cover the chasm between her legs fully. Sheila squirted thick jets of cum on to his surprised face: he didn't know women ejaculated like men.

Sheila made animal sounds of pleasure, grunting, groaning and shouting obscenities.

"Fuck me! Oh, fuck me! Oh, yes! Yah! Take me! Take me! Take meeee!" she wailed as her insides poured out onto the boy. He let it all flow. Not drinking or sucking anything. Just tonguing to ensure she got her fullest release. His chin and neck was soaked in her fluids. He continued his ministrations and the thumping slowed to a standstill. Sheila was now the picture of intense concentration.

She raised her hips a wee bit to put them out of reach of his tongue – she could take no more. But her mind was focused on the tremors still lashing her body, the aftershocks of her first, truly intense cumming in years. At this time, the only thing that mattered was Sheila herself. The young man under her was merely an instrument to deliver this pleasure. His job done he did not exist at this moment. The only thing was she herself, and her pleasure. And she stayed there with that, savoring every little frisson.

There was a prolonged silence, during which the maid concluded that whatever it was had passed without incident.

Satiated Sheila knew she needed to give her young lover what he had earned. A break was needed for her and she took it in her own characteristic style. First she leaned down and kissed the young student on his lips. She tasted herself. She liked the taste. Women tasted beautiful she thought to herself, thinking of times when she had done that, too.

She swiveled around and sank her face down on the cock, unattended and craving attention. Sham found himself looking at Sheila's wide hips and ass and then the pussy sank back on his face. He nuzzled her; she took him in her throat. She allowed her saliva to drench the pillar. Then in a slow bobbing of her head she gave him head. She knew it was new to him. But she knew that soon it would be on his menu card right on the top. No man ever went to bed without her mouthing him, or sucking him, even if only briefly. And often it was not brief.
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Across Rooftops by misterwho - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-02-2019, 01:10 PM
RE: Across Rooftops by misterwho - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-02-2019, 01:30 PM

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